/***** TABLE OF CONTENTS *****/ /* TODO: Reformat entire CSS file as below. /* 1. Font /* 2. Colours /* 2.1. Dark theme color variables /* 2.2. Light theme color variables /* 2.3. Dark theme implementation /* 2.4. Light theme implementation /* 3. General UI /* 3.1. Title Bar /* 4. Markdown (editor / preview) /* 4.1. Headings /* 4.1.1. Fix font weights /* 4.2. Links /* 4.2.1. Nifty arrow before internal links (also applies to embeds) /* 4.3. Embeds /* 4.4. Tables /* 4.5. Popovers /* 4.6. Task Lists /* 4.7. Blockquotes /* 4.8. Code /* 4.9. Bulleted lists /* 4.10. Misc Fixes /* 5. Graph view colours /* 6. Notion Colour Blocks /* 7. In-document header (scrolls with the document) [remove for compatibility with Andy's mode] /* 7.1. Adjustments for non-in-document headers (graphs, etc)\ /* 7.2. Active pane border /* 7.3. Misc fixes /* 8. Tags /* 8.1. Tag custom colours /***** *****/ /* 1. Font */ body { /* font stacks taken directly from Notion */ --font-monospace: "Hack Nerd Font", "Source Code Pro", monospace; -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; } /* 2. Colours */ :root { /* 2.1 Dark theme color variables */ --bg0-dark: #22282c; --bg1-dark: #272f34; --bg-dark: #2f383e; --bg2-dark: #374247; --bg3-dark: #404c51; --bg4-dark: #4a555b; --bg5-dark: #525c62; --bg_visual: #503946; --bg_red: #4e3e43; --bg_green: #404d44; --bg_blue: #394f5a; --bg_yellow: #4a4940; --shadow: #00000070; --fg-dark: #d3c6aa; --grey0-dark: #7f897d; --grey1-dark: #859289; --grey2-dark: #9aa79d; --faded-red: #e67e80; --faded-orange: #e69875; --faded-yellow: #dbbc7f; --faded-green: #a7c080; --faded-aqua: #83c092; --faded-blue: #7fbbb3; --faded-purple: #d699b6; --dim-red: #da6362; --dim-orange: #d77f48; --dim-yellow: #bf983d; --dim-green: #899c40; --dim-aqua: #569d79; --dim-blue: #5a93a2; --dim-purple: #b87b9d; /* 2.2 Light theme color variables */ --bg0-light: #f0edd8; --bg1-light: #f6f1dd; --bg-light: #fdf6e3; --bg2-light: #f3efda; --bg3-light: #edead5; --bg4-light: #e4e1cd; --bg5-light: #dfdbc8; --grey0-light: #a4ad9e; --grey1-light: #939f91; --grey2-light: #879686; --shadow-light: #3c474d20; --bg_visual_light: #eaedc8; --bg_red_light: #fbe3da; --bg_green_light: #f0f1d2; --bg_blue_light: #e9f0e9; --bg_yellow_light: #faedcd; --fg-light: #5c6a72; --light-red: #f85552; --light-orange: #f57d26; --light-yellow: #bf983d; --light-green: #899c40; --light-aqua: #569d79; --light-blue: #5a93a2; --light-purple: #b87b9d; --light-dim-red: #f1706f; --light-dim-orange: #f39459; --light-dim-yellow: #e4b649; --light-dim-green: #a4bb4a; --light-dim-aqua: #6ec398; --light-dim-blue: #6cb3c6; --light-dim-purple: #e092be; } /* 2.3 Dark theme implementation */ .theme-dark { --background-primary: var(--bg-dark); --background-primary-alt: var(--bg-dark); --background-secondary: var(--bg-dark); --background-secondary-alt: var(--bg-dark); --text-normal: var(--fg-dark); --text-faint: var(--grey1-dark); --text-title-h1: var(--dim-red); --text-title-h2: var(--dim-orange); --text-title-h3: var(--dim-yellow); --text-title-h4: var(--dim-green); --text-title-h5: var(--dim-aqua); --text-title-h6: var(--dim-purple); --text-link: var(--faded-blue); --text-a: var(--dim-aqua); --text-a-hover: var(--faded-aqua); --text-mark: rgba(215, 153, 33, 0.4); /* light-yellow */ --pre-code: var(--bg1-dark); --text-highlight-bg: var(--bg_green); --interactive-accent: var(--dim-aqua); --interactive-before: var(--bg5-dark); --background-modifier-border: var(--bg5-dark); --text-accent: var(--dim-blue); --interactive-accent-rgb: var(--dim-blue); --inline-code: var(--dim-blue); --code-block: var(--fg-dark); --vim-cursor: var(--faded-blue); --text-selection: var(--bg5-dark); } /* 2.4 Light theme implementation */ .theme-light { --background-primary: var(--bg-light); --background-primary-alt: var(--bg-light); --background-secondary: var(--bg-light); --background-secondary-alt: var(--bg-light); --text-normal: var(--fg-light); --text-faint: var(--grey1-light); --text-title-h1: var(--light-red); --text-title-h2: var(--light-orange); --text-title-h3: var(--light-yellow); --text-title-h4: var(--light-green); --text-title-h5: var(--light-aqua); --text-title-h6: var(--light-purple); --text-link: var(--light-blue); --text-a: var(--light-dim-blue); --text-a-hover: var(--light-blue); --text-mark: rgba(215, 153, 33, 0.4); /* light-yellow */ --pre-code: var(--bg1-light); --text-highlight-bg: var(--light-dim-green); --interactive-accent: var(--bg5-light); --interactive-before: var(--bg5-light); --background-modifier-border: var(--bg5-light); --text-accent: var(--bg5-light); --interactive-accent-rgb: var(--light-dim-green); --inline-code: var(--light-blue); --code-block: var(--fg-light); --vim-cursor: var(--light-blue); --text-selection: rgba(189, 174, 147, 0.5); /* light3 */ } .theme-dark code[class*="language-"], .theme-dark pre[class*="language-"], .theme-light code[class*="language-"], .theme-light pre[class*="language-"] { text-shadow: none ; background-color: var(--pre-code) ; } /* 3. 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