AoC 2023 day 7

Síle Ekaterin Liszka 2023-12-06 23:52:50 -08:00
parent cd0c3ff083
commit 99c2fa0086
Signed by: VulpineAmethyst
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:VcHwQ6SUfi/p0Csfxe3SabX/TImWER0PhoJqkt+GlmE
2 changed files with 165 additions and 0 deletions

7/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import Counter
from enum import IntEnum, auto
order = '23456789TJQKA'
class Hand(IntEnum):
HighCard = auto()
OnePair = auto()
TwoPair = auto()
ThreeKind = auto()
FullHouse = auto()
FourKind = auto()
FiveKind = auto()
def rank_card(card):
return order.find(card)
def evaluate(cards):
co = Counter(cards)
common = co.most_common()
ret = None
if common[0][1] == 5:
ret = Hand.FiveKind
elif common[0][1] == 4:
ret = Hand.FourKind
elif common[0][1] == 3 and common[1][1] == 2:
ret = Hand.FullHouse
elif common[0][1] == 3:
ret = Hand.ThreeKind
elif common[0][1] == 2 and common[1][1] == 2:
ret = Hand.TwoPair
elif common[0][1] == 2:
ret = Hand.OnePair
ret = Hand.HighCard
ret = [int(ret)]
ret.extend([rank_card(card) for card in cards])
return tuple(ret)
def rank_hand(hand):
return evaluate(hand)
hands = {}
bids = {}
value = {}
with open('input.txt', mode='r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
line = line[:-1]
hand, bid = line.split(' ', maxsplit=1)
bid = int(bid)
hands[hand] = hand
bids[hand] = bid
value[rank_hand(hand)] = hand
ranks = list(value.keys())
ranking = {k: ranks.index(k) + 1 for k in value.keys()}
winnings = {k: bids[k] * ranking[v] for v, k in value.items()}
for i in range(len(ranks)):
hand = value[ranks[i]]
print('hand', hand, 'is rank', i + 1, '=', ranks[i], f'bidding {bids[hand]}, and wins', winnings[hand])

7/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import Counter
from enum import IntEnum, auto
order = 'J23456789TQKA'
class Hand(IntEnum):
HighCard = auto()
OnePair = auto()
TwoPair = auto()
ThreeKind = auto()
FullHouse = auto()
FourKind = auto()
FiveKind = auto()
def rank_card(card):
return order.find(card)
def evaluate(cards):
co = Counter(cards)
common = co.most_common()
ret = None
if len(common) == 5:
if 'J' not in cards:
ret = Hand.HighCard # A2345
ret = Hand.OnePair # JA234
elif len(common) == 4:
if 'J' not in cards:
ret = Hand.OnePair # AA234
ret = Hand.ThreeKind # JAA23 or JJA23
elif len(common) == 3:
if 'J' not in cards:
if common[0][1] == 3:
if common[1][1] == 2:
ret = Hand.FullHouse # AAA22
ret = Hand.ThreeKind # AAA23
elif common[0][1] == common[1][1]:
ret = Hand.TwoPair # AA223
if common[0][1] == 3: # JJJ23 or 222J3
ret = Hand.FourKind
elif common[1][1] == 2 and common[2][0] != 'J':
ret = Hand.FourKind # JJ223 or 22JJ3
else: # 2233J
ret = Hand.FullHouse
elif len(common) == 2:
if 'J' not in cards:
if common[0][1] == 4:
ret = Hand.FourKind
ret = Hand.FullHouse
else: # JJJ22 or JJJJ2
ret = Hand.FiveKind
ret = Hand.FiveKind
ret = [int(ret)]
ret.extend([rank_card(card) for card in cards])
return tuple(ret)
def rank_hand(hand):
return evaluate(hand)
hands = {}
bids = {}
value = {}
with open('input.txt', mode='r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
line = line[:-1]
hand, bid = line.split(' ', maxsplit=1)
bid = int(bid)
hands[hand] = hand
bids[hand] = bid
value[rank_hand(hand)] = hand
ranks = list(value.keys())
ranking = {k: ranks.index(k) + 1 for k in value.keys()}
winnings = {k: bids[k] * ranking[v] for v, k in value.items()}
for i in range(len(ranks)):
hand = value[ranks[i]]
print('hand', hand, 'is rank', i + 1, '=', ranks[i], f'bidding {bids[hand]}, and wins', winnings[hand])