<p>Exdeath is a patch compactor, a tool that applies multiple patches to a single target file. You will need the US version of the Gameboy Advance release, which you can find through your favourite search engine. This version provides the following features:</p>
<li><ahref="https://www.dropbox.com/s/g52xshu0juaa2c7/ffvamod-doc.txt?dl=0">Balance</a>— A remixed version which adds the Hero Job and changes things up.</li>
<li><ahref="http://jeffludwig.com/ff5a/download.php">Custom Classes</a>— A different remixed version by ludmeister.</li>
<li>FFT-style Portraits: As the name implies, this option replaces the portraits with edited Final Fantasy Tactics portraits.</li>
<li><ahref="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kQeTEu55-Pt_0-fLSYIeUW50LxW6CcLN/view?usp=sharing">Double AP</a>: This option doubles the ABP gains, making it faster to master Jobs (most relevant for !Dualcast).</li>
<li><ahref="http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/563/">Sound Restoration</a>: This option modifies the soundfont and corrects some slow-down issues. It can cause artifacting, however. Older versions of VisualBoyAdvance will require the GBA BIOS file in order to run normally with this option.</li>