import pytest from xbc import loads_xbc ''' The tests in this file are samples drawn from ''' def test_01(): i = ''' = 1 = 2''' d = { 'feature.option': False, 'feature': False, '': '1', '': '2' } assert loads_xbc(i) == d def test_02(): i = '''feature.option { foo = 1 bar = 2 }''' d = { 'feature.option': False, 'feature': False, '': '1', '': '2' } assert loads_xbc(i) == d def test_03(): i = 'feature.options = "foo", "bar"' d = { 'feature': False, 'feature.options': ['foo', 'bar'] } assert loads_xbc(i) == d def test_10(): i = 'feature.option{foo=1;bar=2}' d = { 'feature.option': False, 'feature': False, '': '1', '': '2' } assert loads_xbc(i) == d def test_11(): i = '''ftrace.event { task.task_newtask { filter = "pid < 128" enable } kprobes.vfs_read { probes = "vfs_read $arg1 $arg2" filter = "common_pid < 200" enable } synthetic.initcall_latency { fields = "unsigned long func", "u64 lat" actions = "hist:keys=func.sym,lat:vals=lat:sort=lat" } initcall.initcall_start { actions = "hist:keys=func:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs" } initcall.initcall_finish { actions = "hist:keys=func:lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:onmatch(initcall.initcall_start).initcall_latency(func,$lat)" } }''' d = { 'ftrace': False, 'ftrace.event': False, 'ftrace.event.task': False, 'ftrace.event.task.task_newtask': False, 'ftrace.event.task.task_newtask.filter': "pid < 128", 'ftrace.event.task.task_newtask.enable': True, 'ftrace.event.kprobes': False, 'ftrace.event.kprobes.vfs_read': False, 'ftrace.event.kprobes.vfs_read.probes': "vfs_read $arg1 $arg2", 'ftrace.event.kprobes.vfs_read.filter': "common_pid < 200", 'ftrace.event.kprobes.vfs_read.enable': True, 'ftrace.event.synthetic': False, 'ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency': False, 'ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency.fields': ["unsigned long func", "u64 lat"], 'ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency.actions': "hist:keys=func.sym,lat:vals=lat:sort=lat", 'ftrace.event.initcall': False, 'ftrace.event.initcall.initcall_start': False, 'ftrace.event.initcall.initcall_start.actions': "hist:keys=func:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs", 'ftrace.event.initcall.initcall_finish': False, 'ftrace.event.initcall.initcall_finish.actions': "hist:keys=func:lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:onmatch(initcall.initcall_start).initcall_latency(func,$lat)" } assert loads_xbc(i) == d def test_12(): i = '''ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency { fields = "unsigned long func", "u64 lat" hist { from { event = initcall.initcall_start key = func assigns = "ts0=common_timestamp.usecs" } to { event = initcall.initcall_finish key = func assigns = "lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0" onmatch = func, $lat } keys = func.sym, lat vals = lat sort = lat } }''' d = { 'ftrace': False, 'ftrace.event': False, 'ftrace.event.synthetic': False, 'ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency': False, 'ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency.fields': ["unsigned long func", "u64 lat"], 'ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency.hist': False, 'ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency.hist.from': False, 'ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency.hist.from.event': 'initcall.initcall_start', 'ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency.hist.from.key': 'func', 'ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency.hist.from.assigns': "ts0=common_timestamp.usecs", '': False, '': 'initcall.initcall_finish', '': 'func', '': "lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0", '': ['func', '$lat'], 'ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency.hist.keys': ['func.sym', 'lat'], 'ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency.hist.vals': 'lat', 'ftrace.event.synthetic.initcall_latency.hist.sort': 'lat' } assert loads_xbc(i) == d