# Copyright 2018 Kiyoshi Aman # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY # SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR # IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. import sys import json import os.path as op from math import ceil from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap, QPainter, QGuiApplication def pack(bits=2, bytes=()): min = 0 max = 2**bits - 1 base = 0 shift = 0 ret = bytearray() for byte in bytes: if byte > max: raise ValueError('{} exceeds bit cap'.format(bin(byte))) base = base + ((byte & max) << shift) shift += bits while base > 0: byte = base & 0xFF ret.append(byte) base -= 256 ret.reverse() return ret def export(image, filename, bits=2): if bits == 2: write = 4 elif bits == 3: write = 8 elif bits == 4: write = 2 else: raise ValueError('too many bits per pixel') if image.colorCount() > 2**bits: raise ValueError('too many colors') with open(filename, mode='wb') as f: qwidth = int(image.width() / write) for y in range(image.height()): for qx in range(qwidth): if write == 4: packing = ( image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 0, y), image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 1, y), image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 2, y), image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 3, y) ) elif write == 2: packing = ( image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 0, y), image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 1, y) ) elif write == 6: packing = ( image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 0, y), image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 1, y), image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 2, y), image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 3, y), image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 4, y), image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 5, y), image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 6, y), image.pixelIndex(qx * write + 7, y), ) f.write(pack(bits, packing)) class Font(QPixmap): """A simple class for basic bitmap fonts.""" def __init__(self, filename, width=8, height=8): super().__init__(filename) self._width = width self._height = height self._tpr = int(self.width() / self._width) def index(self, tile): row = int(tile / self._tpr) column = tile % self._tpr x = column * self._width y = row * self._height if (x > self.width()) or (y > self.height()): raise KeyError('index') return self.copy(x, y, self._width, self._height) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print( """Usage: smeargle.py font.json script font.json is the metadata file associated with the font. script is the text to be typeset. The PNG and raw binary outputs will be exported using the script filename as a base. (ex: test.txt -> test.png & test.bin) """ ) sys.exit(1) app = QGuiApplication(sys.argv) (font, script) = sys.argv[1:3] font_info = None script_base, ext = op.splitext(script) output = script_base + '.png' output_raw = script_base + '.bin' print('Loading font information...') with open(font, mode='rb') as f: font_info = json.load(f) print('Loading font data...') font_data = Font(font_info['filename'], font_info['width'], font_info['height']) print('Loading text...') with open(script, mode='r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: text = f.read() images = [] fmap = font_info['map'] width = font_info['width'] height = font_info['height'] line = 0 lines = text.split('\n') painter = QPainter() filler = font_data.index(fmap[' ']['index']).toImage().pixel(0, 0) print('Rendering text...') scriptmap = {} while len(images) < text.count('\n'): position = 0 temp = QImage(width * len(lines[line]), height, QImage.Format_RGB32) temp.fill(filler) painter.begin(temp) for char in lines[line]: if char in fmap.keys(): glyph = font_data.index(fmap[char]['index'] - 1) painter.drawImage(position, 0, glyph.toImage()) painter.save() position += fmap[char]['width'] else: print('WARNING: unknown glyph "{}"'.format(char)) painter.end() temp = temp.copy(0, 0, ceil(position / width) * width, height) images.append(temp) scriptmap[lines[line]] = temp line += 1 print('Text rendered. Generating tilemap...') tilemap = {} tilemap_index = {} counter_unique = 0 counter_total = 0 for line, image in scriptmap.items(): iwidth = image.width() tiles = int(iwidth / width) column = 0 text_tiles = [] while tiles > 0: tile = image.copy(column, 0, width, height).convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Indexed8) data = bytearray() for y in range(tile.height()): for x in range(tile.width()): data.append(tile.pixelIndex(x, y)) data = bytes(data) if data not in tilemap.keys(): tilemap[data] = tile tilemap_index[data] = str(counter_unique) counter_unique += 1 text_tiles.append(tilemap_index[data]) counter_total += 1 column += width tiles -= 1 scriptmap[line] = text_tiles print('Tilemap generated, with {} tiles mapped ({} unique). Rendering tilemap...'.format(counter_total, counter_unique)) image = QImage(width * 16, ceil(len(tilemap.keys()) / 16) * height, QImage.Format_RGB32) image.fill(filler) painter.begin(image) (row, column) = (0, 0) for data, tile in tilemap.items(): painter.drawImage(column, row, tile) if column < (width * 16 - width): column += width else: column = 0 row += height painter.end() print('Writing line <-> tilemap indexing...') with open(script_base + '_index.txt', mode='w') as f: for line, index in scriptmap.items(): f.write('{} -> {}\n'.format(line, ', '.join(index))) print('Saving rendered tilemap...') file = QPixmap.fromImage(image) file.save(output, 'PNG') print('Exporting as 2bpp...') export(image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Indexed8), output_raw, font_info['bits_per_pixel']) if __name__ == '__main__': main()