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Smeargle 0.3.0 readme
Usage: font.json script.txt
font.json is a JSON document which describes the font and provides a mapping
of characters to font indexes and font widths.
script.txt is a plaintext document without formatting which is rendered as an
image in both PNG and raw binary formats.
Script output
The following files are emitted when Smeargle is run:
* script.png contains the rendered script with deduplication, formatted
compactly. This is provided so that you can use your favourite viewer to
inspect the output.
* script.bin is almost identical to the above; the difference is that it has
been converted to your font's bitdepth directly.
* script_index.txt provides an index mapping which tells you how to index
into the rendered tilemap to reproduce the text.
font.json format
The following format MUST be observed, or you will not get the output you want.
Remove '//' and everything following it in each line if you plan to copy/paste
this example for your own use. Do not leave a trailing comma on the final entry
in the map.
"font_name": "Example", // Human-readable, not currently used
"filename": "example.png", // Filename of the font (PNG)
"bits_per_pixel": 2, // Depth in bits; 2**n is color count
"width": 8, // Width of a given tile
"height": 8, // Height of a given tile
"map": { // character -> index & width
" ": {"index": 115, "width": 4}, // Must be a blank tile somewher
Usage: image format
This script converts the image into the target format. Run without
arguments to see what formats are available.
* Added script. Linear 1 & 2 and planar 2 bits-per-pixel formats
are supported.
* Removed binary output. It wasn't emitting anything actually useful to anyone.
* Emit index map as hex.