Smeargle Readme --------------- Smeargle is a utility for prerendering text using image-based fonts. As of this release, it is written in C# rather than Python, making it easier than ever to use. In order to use this program, you will need four things: * A TOML file describing the game, fonts, and scripts used. * A TOML file describing the individual fonts. * A PNG or BMP file with the font in a gridded layout. * A script in plaintext UTF-8 format, with no control codes. TOML is a simple, but powerful, configuration file format; for more information on the format, see . Game TOML --------- ``` ; This key is required, but exists for your reference. name="Example Game" ; The following section is a mapping of font names to their TOML ; documents. It is required. [font] "Melissa 8"="melissa8.toml" ; One [script] section is required per script. The portion after the ; period is configurable. For example, it could be [script.test]. [script.example] filename="example.txt" ; The value for this key must be a name specified in the [font] ; section. font="Melissa 8" ; Number of tiles a line *must* have; a message is printed for lines ; shorter than this. Zero (0) means no minimum. min_tiles_per_line=0 ; Maximum number of tiles permitted in a line; a warning is printed and ; the line is truncated if this limit is exceeded. Zero (0) means no ; maximum. max_tiles_per_line=0 ; Tilemap format. This means a mapping is produced for use with Atlas ; or Thingy, or the default format if this key is omitted. Values are, ; naturally, "atlas" or "thingy". tilemap_format="thingy" ; Whether each tile should be padded to 16-bit references or sized ; dynamically based on the number of unique tiles. 'False' here means ; dynamically sizing. leading_zeroes=false ; This is a number added to the mapping so that the references start at ; a certain point. tile_offset=0 ; Whether 16-bit references in the tilemap should be in little-endian ; format or not. little_endian=false ; The following are optional; if omitted, a directory will be created ; based on the script filename and the files will be placed there. raw_filename="example_raw.png" dedupe_filename="example_ded.png" tilemap_filename="example.tbl" ``` Font TOML --------- ``` ; Required, but only for your reference. name="Melissa 8" filename="melissa8.png" ; Currently unenforced and unused, but required for your reference. bits_per_pixel=2 ; Width of each cell in the font grid width=8 ; Height of each cell in the font grid height=8 ; Required section. [map] ; Glyph, then a tuple of the index into the font and the width of the ; glyph in pixels. Note that this is 1-indexed. Note that a space (" ") ; reference must exist in order for Smeargle to backfill the output ; correctly. " "=[115, 4] ```