Unless otherwise specified, payment is Pay What You Want with a minimum of 10$ US.
### Personal Flags
I produce a custom flag to your specifications. All flags are created in SVG format and rendered in PNG via [resvg](https://github.com/RazrFalcon/resvg).
### Colour/Shade
I colour or shade (or both) artwork supplied to me to your specifications. If I don't have the base you're looking for me to use, it is appreciated if you cover the cost of buying the base as well.
I have the following bases already:
* [Babyfur paci icon base](https://ko-fi.com/s/a7795bdf80), by tk
* [Blep collection](https://twitter.com/ariverofstars/status/1454203169949560837), by ariverofstars
* [Chibi + Babyfur Ref Sheet Base](https://ko-fi.com/s/7704529f4f), by tk
* [Mix'n'Match Base Pack](https://payhip.com/b/mf2O), by CovePalms