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4 Commits
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cc62362ac7 | |
d72aa01ee6 | |
9d6e81bf0b | |
c5f30c6915 |
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title: Programs
Various programs I've written over the years.
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title: Chessa
This page documents Chessa's commands. Her source can be found on [the Adélie Linux GitLab](
## Dicebot
All dicebot commands support four special features not available to other commands:
* `.help` gives usage information and a description of the command.
* `.<command>-as <nick>` processes the command as though `nick` had used it.
* `.<command>-to <nick>` sends the output of the command to you and `nick` as a private message.
* `.<command> ; <comment>` appends the comment to the end of the command's output.
The following commands are associated:
* `.attrib` generates D&D dice-rolled attributes.
* `.silcore` rolls dice for Silhouette Core.
* `.exalted` rolls dice for Exalted 2e; `.exalted <dice> 6` may be used for old World of Darkness.
* `.hellcats` rolls dice for Hellcats & Hockeysticks.
* `.fudge` rolls dice for Fudge and Fate, and supports the Fate ladder.
* `.lonewolf` rolls a die for the Lone Wolf gamebooks and tabletop game.
* `.dryh` rolls dice for Don't Rest Your Head.
* `.dw` rolls dice for Dungeon World and variants.
* `.swrpg` (and aliases `.eote`, `.aor`, and `.fad`) rolls dice for the Star Wars RPG tabletop game.
* `.pfbuy` reports the point cost of the given Pathfinder array.
* `.explode` rolls exploding dice.
* `.cortex` rolls the requested dice per Cortex Prime rules.
* `.imperialassault` (and `.ia` alias) rolls coloured dice per the Imperial Assault board game.
* `.blade` rolls the requested number of d6's per Forged in the Dark rules.
* `.roll` and `.math` are more generic; the former allows for multiple formulas to be calculated at once, whereas the latter allows spaces to be used to make formulas more legible.
The `.roll` and `.math` commands support the following:
* PEMDAS (exponents use `**` rather than `^`)
* Bitwise operators (`&|^~`)
* d operator (as in `1d6`), rolls a number of X-sided dice, up to 100d100
* functions
* `int` (truncates, converts hexadecimal, octal, and binary integers to decimal integers)
* `hex` (converts decimal, octal, and binary integers to hexadecimal)
* `oct` (converts decimal, hexadecimal, and binary integers to octal)
* `bin` (converts hexadecimal, decimal, and octal integers to binary)
* `atan2` (two-argument arc-tangents)
* `cos` (cosine)
* `exp` (e to the nth power)
* `log` (logarithm of n)
* `logn` (logarithm of n (base x))
* `log10` (logarithm of n (base 10))
* `sin` (sine)
* `asin` (arcsine)
* `sqrt` (Square root)
* `c2f` (convert Celsius to Fahrenheit)
* `f2c` (convert Fahrenheit to Celsius)
* `floor` (round float downward)
* `ceil` (round float upward)
* `min` (smallest of given arguments)
* `max` (largest of given arguments)
* variables
* pi
* e
* pie (pi * e)
## Weather
The weather command set consists of `.weather`, `.f`/`.f1`/`.f3`, `.alerts`, and `.location`. All commands take a query string and, optionally, a semicolon (`;`) followed by a country designator. This designator will constrain the query to the given country, in cases where an ambiguous query may return an unexpected result (e.g. `.weather hell` might return the weather for Hellin, Spain, whereas `.weather hell;no` will return the weather for Hell, Norway).
`.f` returns today's forecast, `.f1` returns tomorrow's forecast, and `.f3` returns (via PM) the forecast for the three days following today. Note that the forecast will change over at 00:00 local time.
`.location` stores the provided location for the user, so as to allow future inquiries to omit a query string.
## Issue tracker
Chessa integrates with Adélie's GitLab and with Github. Supported syntax: `source:project/repo?n`, where
* `source:` is either `adelie:`, or `github:` or `gh:`,
* `project` is the organization or user where the repo can be found,
* `repo` is the repository in question,
* `?` is one of the sigils in `$#@!`,
* and `n` is a number (for `$#!`) or commit (for `@`).
Sigils have their GitLab meaning:
* `$` is a snippet
* `@` is a commit
* `#` is an issue
* `!` is a merge request
Portions of the syntax may be dropped, e.g. at the moment she is configured to default to `adelie/packages`.
**Note**: This module is a work in progress.
## Other Commands
* `.choose` returns a randomly-chosen entry from a list, delimited by a comma followed by a space.
* `.unicode` returns information on the given Unicode sequence. Supports combining characters.
* `.uniname` returns information on the given Unicode named sequence.
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title: Exdeath
Exdeath is a program for patching Final Fantasy V Advance. Its source may be found [on the Treehouse Gitea]( You will need a ROM image of the US version of the game, which you can find through your favourite search engine.
## Main
The real meat of the program: the patches.
* **Base**:
* None -- the base game.
* Waddle rebalance -- A remixed version of the game which aims to pump up underwhelming Jobs without altering overall balance too much.
* [Balance]( -- A remixed version by wormsofcan which adds the Hero Job and changes a bunch of other things.
* [Custom Classes]( -- A heavily remixed version by ludmeister.
* **Unlocked Jobs**: Unlocks all jobs directly out of the gate. Half of [wormsofcan's Fiesta patch](
* **FFT-style Portraits**: As the name implies, this option replaces the portraits with edited Final Fantasy Tactics portraits. (missing attribution, sorry.)
* **Sound Restoration**: The [Sound Restoration]( hack modifies the soundfont and corrects some slow-down issues. It can cause artifacting, however. Older versions of VisualBoyAdvance will require the GBA BIOS file in order to run normally with this option.
* **Save Config**: Saves your current configuration, including the ROM location. This configuration will be automatically loaded on next run.
## Randomization
Randomizable components.
* **Seed**: A number used to set the random number generator to a known state. The range accepted is 0 through 2**31-1, inclusive. Default value is the current time in seconds since 1 January 1970 00:00 UTC, divided by 3600.
* **Neo ExDeath**: Pick graphics for the final boss.
* **Abilities**: Shuffles abilities such that all Jobs learn five abilities and have a randomized command.
## Innate abilities
Each checkbox applies the listed innate ability to all Jobs.
## Multipliers
Multiply experience, ability point, or gil awards from battle. Experience and gil are hard-capped at 65,535 and ability points are hard-capped at 255, regardless of multiplier.
## Notes
The 'Unlocked Jobs' mode includes a patch that allows **!Combine** ammo to drop prior to unlocking the sealed weapons. This alters the drop tables for the following enemies:
* **Buckshot**:
* Black Flame
* Birostris
* Elm Gigas
* **Blastshot**:
* Blood Slime
* Executor
* **Blitzshot**:
* Mummy
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title: Smeargle
Smeargle is a program for rendering text as graphics using a bitmap font. It presently comes in two flavors:
* [Python]( -- the original implementation, built on top of PyQt5
* [C#](
Both flavours provide similar functionality; however, the Python version uses JSON for configuration and the C# version uses TOML for configuration.
## Features
- deduplication (optional)
- configurable tilemap output (compatible with Thingy32 and Atlas/Cartographer)
- support for monospace/fixed-width and variable-width bitmap fonts
- PNG inputs and outputs
- output limits (minimum width, maximum width)
- Unicode-based glyph mapping
- palette specification (Python-specific, required by PyQt if you want a fixed palette order)
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: Chicken korma
description: A mild coconut curry chicken dish by way of India.
- main dish
- dairy
- chicken
- trayf
- 1 whole chicken cut into legs, thighs, and breasts
- 1 can coconut cream
- 1 red onion, finely diced
- 1 cup chicken stock
- 1 cup full fat yogourt
- 1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
- 2 tbsp canola oil
- 1 tbsp tomato paste
- 1 tbsp crushed garlic
- 1 tbsp crushed ginger
- 1 tbsp Garam masala
- 1 tbsp kashmiri chili powder
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 1 tsp ground coriander
- 1 tsp ground clove
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp kosher salt
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
*Garnish ingredients*:
- 1/4 cup heavy cream
- 1 lime, cut into wedges
1. Marinade the chicken in yogourt, garlic and ginger in the fridge covered for 8 to 24 hours
2. In a large saute pan, saute onions until translucent, adding the tomato paste and cooking until fragrant
3. Add your chicken to the pan and thoroughly brown, adding your spices, coconut, coconut cream and chicken stock and bringing to simmer.
4. Simmer on medium low until the chicken is spoon tender, about an hour.
5. Garnish finished korma with a dash of cream and a side of lime and serve with basmati rice and naan.
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title: Lufia II
translation: true
draft: true
## Items
### Weapons
| ラックレイピア | rakkurepia | Luck Rapier |
| ラックブレード | rakkuburēdo | Luck Blade |
| キラーソード | kirāsōdo | Killer Sword |
| フライパン | furaipan | Frying Pan |
| ほうちょう | hōchō | Kitchen Knife |
| ナイフ | naifu | Knife |
| レイピア | repia | Rapier |
| バトルナイフ | batorunaifu | Combat Knife |
| ブラッドソード | buraddosōdo | Blood Sword |
| インセクトキラー | insekutokirā | Insect Killer |
| ダガー | dagā | Dagger |
| ひかりのナイフ | hikarinonaifu | Light Knife |
| ロングナイフ | rongunaifu | Long Knife |
| いかりのナイフ | ikarinonaifu | Wrath Knife |
| ショートソード | shōtosōdo | Shortsword |
| ファイアーダガー | faiādagā | Fire Dagger |
| サーカスタム11 | sākasutamu11 | Sarkastam 11 |
| クックリ | kukkuri | Kukri |
| グラディウス | guradiusu | Gladius |
| コールドレイピア | kōrudorepia | Cold Rapier |
| マルチソード | maruchisōdo | Multi-Sword |
| シミター | shimitā | Scimitar |
| ブロンズソード | buronzusōdo | Bronze Sword |
| バトルレイピア | batorurepia | Combat Rapier |
| ロングソード | rongusōdo | Longsword |
| ロックブレイカー | rokkubureikā | Rockbreaker |
| バーニングソード | bāningusōdo | Burning Sword |
| ブロードソード | burōdosōdo | Broadsword |
| デッカーソード | dekkāsōdo | Dekar Sword |
| エストック | esutokku | Estoc |
| バーサクブレード | bāsakuburēdo | Berserk Blade |
| ガデスのつるぎ | gadesnotsurugi | Gades's Sword |
| シルバーレイピア | shirubārepia | Silver Rapier |
| フライスレイヤー | furaisureiyā | Flyslayer |
| アクアソード | akuasōdo | Aqua Sword |
| マッドエッジ | maddoejji | Mad Edge |
| レッドサーベル | reddosāberu | Red Saber |
| ミストレイピア | misutorepia | Mist Rapier |
| フリーズソード | furīzusōdo | Freeze Sword |
| サンダーソード | sandāsōdo | Thunder Sword |
| シルバーソード | shirubāsōdo | Silver Sword |
| めがみのつるぎ | megaminotsurugi | Goddess's Sword |
| バスターソード | basutāsōdo | Buster Sword |
| ドラグスレイヤー | doragusureiyā | Dragonslayer |
| ルーンレイピア | rūnrepia | Runed Rapier |
| ゆきおんなのけん | yukionnanoken | Ice Maiden Sword |
| ジルコンソード | jirukonsōdo | Zirconium Sword |
| たいこのつるぎ | taikonotsurugi | Competition Sword |
| れっかのつるぎ | rekkanotsurugi | Flaming Sword |
| こうりんのつるぎ | kōrinnotsurugi | Halo Sword |
| らいじゅうのけん | raijūnoken | Thunderbeast Sword |
| ガイアスソード | gaiasusōdo | Gaius's Sword |
| デュアルブレード | duaruburēdo | Dual Blade |
| こだいのつるぎ | kodainotsurugi | Ancient Sword |
| ドラゴンブレード | doragonburēdo | Dragon Blade |
| バニーのけん | banīnoken | Bunny Blade |
| たまごのけん | tamagonoken | Egg Sword |
| フランシスカ | furanshisuka | Francisca |
| サンダーアックス | sandāakkusu | Thunder Axe |
| ハンドアックス | handoakkusu | Hand Axe |
| ブロンズアックス | buronzuakkusu | Bronze Axe |
| フライアックス | furaiakkusu | Fly Axe |
| レイニーアックス | renīakkusu | Rainy Axe |
| グレートアックス | gurētoakkusu | Great Axe |
| ジルコンアックス | jirukonakkusu | Zirconium Axe |
| こんごうのおの | kongōnoono | Vajra Axe |
| ブラッドロッド | buraddoroddo | Blood Rod |
| メイス | meisu | Mace |
| ロッド | roddo | Rod |
| スタッフ | sutaffu | Staff |
| スリープロッド | surīpuroddo | Sleep Rod |
| ロングスタッフ | rongusutaffu | Long Staff |
| モーニングスター | mōningusutā | Morning Star |
| ホーリースタッフ | hōrīsutaffu | Holy Staff |
| ハンマーロッド | hanmāroddo | Hammer Rod |
| クリスタルワンド | kurisutaruwando | Crystal Wand |
| シルバーロッド | shirubāroddo | Silver Rod |
| ふしちょうのつえ | fushichōnotsue | Phoenix Staff |
| ジルコンロッド | jirukonroddo | Zirconium Rod |
| ジルコンフレイル | jirukonfureiru | Zirconium Flail |
| ウイップ | uippu | Whip |
| バトルワイヤー | batoruwaiyā | Combat Wire |
| チェーン | chēn | Chain |
| アクアウィップ | akuauippu | Aqua Whip |
| カッターウイップ | kattāuippu | Cutting Whip |
| クイーンウイップ | kuīnuippu | Queen's Whip |
| こうふくのむち | kōfukunomuchi | Yielding Whip |
| ホーリーウィップ | hōrīuippu | Holy Whip |
| ジルコンウイップ | jirukonuippu | Zirconium Whip |
| てんくうのむち | tenkūnomuchi | Visionary Whip |
| デスピック | desupikku | Death Pick |
| スピア | supia | Spear |
| トライデント | toraidento | Trident |
| ハルバート | harubāto | Halberd |
| ヘビーランス | hebīransu | Heavy Lance |
| すいりゅうのやり | suiryūnoyari | Water Dragon Spear |
| すいこのやり | suikonoyari | Easy Spear |
| バイスプライヤー | baisupuraiyā | Vice Pliers |
| スレイスピーカー | sureisupīkā | Slayspeaker |
| プラスドライバー | purasudoraibā | Plas Driver |
| フィグオルゴール | figuorugōru | Figorgoal |
| スタンガン | sutangan | Stungun |
| バトルドライバー | batorudoraibā | Combat Driver |
| のろわれたゆみ | norowaretayumi | Cursed Bow |
| アローランチャー | arōranchā | Arrow-Launcher |
| フリーズボウ | furīzubō | Freeze Bow |
| アーティのゆみ | ātinoyumi | Arty's Bow |
### Armor
| シースルーケープ | shīsurūkēpu | Sheer Cape |
| シースルーシルク | shīsurūshiruku | Sheer Silk |
| エプロン | epuron | Apron |
| ワンピース | wanpīsu | One-Piece |
| クロス | kurosu | Cloth |
| はくい | hakui | White Robe |
| レザーアーマー | rezāāmā | Leather Armor |
| ドレス | doresu | Dress |
| ローブ | rōbu | Robe |
| コート | kōto | Coat |
| クロスアーマー | kurosuāmā | Cloth Armor |
| ハードレザー | hādorezā | Hard Leather |
| バニーのふく | banīnofuku | Bunny Outfit |
| ライトドレス | raitodoresu | Light Dress |
| ライトアーマー | raitoāmā | Light Armor |
| ペプロス | pepurosu | Peplos |
| カミュのよろい | kamyunoyoroi | Camu's Armor |
| タイトドレス | taitodoresu | Tight Dress |
| てんしのはごろも | tenshinohagoromo | Angel's Raiment |
| チェインメイル | cheinmeiru | Chainmail |
| アイアンメイル | aianmeiru | Iron Mail |
| トーガ | tōga | Toga |
| チェインクロス | cheinkurosu | Chain Cloth |
| ヘビークロス | hebīkurosu | Heavy Cloth |
| ロックブレスト | rokkuburesuto | Rock Breastplate |
| コトアルディ | kotoarudi | Cotoaldi |
| プレートクロス | purētokurosu | Cloth Plate |
| プレートブレスト | purētoburesuto | Breastplate |
| キラーアーマー | kīrāāmā | Killer Armor |
| マジカルビキニ | majikarubikini | Magical Bikini |
| シルクトーガ | shirukutōga | Silk Toga |
| シルバーアーマー | shirubāāmā | Silver Armor |
| メタルメイル | metarumeiru | Metal Mail |
| ライトジャケット | raitojaketto | Light Jacket |
| メタルコート | metarukōto | Metal Coat |
| シルバーメイル | shirubāmeiru | Silver Mail |
| ハードジャケット | hādojaketto | Hard Jacket |
| メタルアーマー | metaruāmā | Metal Armor |
| キルテッドシルク | kiruteddoshiruku | Kilted Silk |
| ハードケープ | hādokēpu | Hard Cape |
| シルバーローブ | shirubārōbu | Silver Robe |
| チャイナドレス | chainadoresu | China Dress |
| プレートアーマー | purētoāmā | Plate Armor |
| リカバーアーマー | rikabāāmā | Recovery Armor |
| シルクローブ | shirukurōbu | Silk Robe |
| プラチナプレート | purachinapurēto | Platinum Plate |
| ダイヤのはくい | daiyanoyoroi | Diamond Armor |
| クリスタルローブ | kursutarurōbu | Crystal Robe |
| クリスタルメイル | kurisutarumeiru | Crystal Mail |
| ふっかつのよろい | fukkatsunoyoroi | Rebirth Armor |
| マジックスケイル | majikkusukeiru | Magic Scale |
| たましいのころも | tamashīnokoromo | Soul Garb |
| メタルジャケット | metarujaketto | Metal Jacket |
| エリナイトドレス | erinaitodoresu | Erinite Dress |
| ちからのローブ | chikaranorōbu | Power Robe |
| ひかりのよろい | hikarinoyoroi | Shimmering Armor |
| たいこのよろい | taikonoyoroi | Competition Armor |
| ミラクルプレート | mirakurupurēto | Miracle Plate |
| プリンセスドレス | purinsesudoresu | Princess Dress |
| ゴッドローブ | goddorōbu | Godly Robe |
| フルメタルメイル | furumetarumeiru | Fullmetal Mail |
| ルサイナアーマー | rusainaāmā | Russaina Armor |
| しんじゅのよろい | shinjunoyoroi | Pearl Armor |
| ジルコンブレスト | jirkonburesuto | Zirconium Breastplate |
| ジルコンアーマー | jirukonāmā | Zirconium Armor |
### Shields
| まないた | manaite | Cutting Board |
| スモールシールド | sumōrushīrudo | Small Shield |
| レザーシールド | rezāshīrudo | Leather Shield |
| バックラー | bakkurā | Buckler |
| バニーのおぼん | banīnoobon | Bunny Tray |
| プチシールド | puchishīrudo | Petit Shield |
| せいれいのうでわ | seireinoudewa | Spirit Bangle |
| ブレスレット | buresuretto | Bracelet |
| ウッドシールド | uddoshīrudo | Wood Shield |
| しんじゅのうでわ | shinjunoudewa | Pearl Bangle |
| ハードグローブ | hādogurōbu | Hard Glove |
| カイトシールド | kaitoshīrudo | Kite Shield |
| まもりのたて | mamorinotate | Guardian Shield |
| ブロンズシールド | buronzushīrudo | Bronze Shield |
| いかりのうでわ | ikarinoudewa | Anger Bangle |
| テクトグローブ | tekutogurōbu | Protective Glove |
| ラウンドシールド | raundoshīrudo | Round Shield |
| ラージシールド | rājishīrudo | Large Shield |
| フェザーシールド | fezāshīrudo | Feather Shield |
| タワーシールド | tawāshīrudo | Tower Shield |
| シルバーシールド | shirubāshīrudo | Silver Shield |
| スパイクシールド | supaikushīrudo | Spiked Shield |
| カッターシールド | kattāshīrudo | Cutter Shield |
| ハードバックラー | hādobakkurā | Hard Buckler |
| メイジシールド | meijishīrudo | Mage Shield |
| テクトバックラー | tekutobakkurā | Protective Buckler |
| ゴールドグローブ | gōrudogurōbu | Golden Glove |
| ゴールドシールド | gōrudoshīrudo | Golden Shield |
| プラチナグローブ | purachinagurōbu | Platinum Glove |
| プラチナシールド | purachinashīrudo | Platinum Shield |
| ガントレット | gantoretto | Gauntlet |
| みずのこて | mizunotate | Water Shield |
| ルーングローブ | rūngurōbu | Rune Glove |
| ホーリーシールド | hōrīshīrudo | Holy Shield |
| ジルコングローブ | jirukongurōbu | Zirconium Glove |
| たいこのたて | taikonotate | Competition Shield |
| ほのおのたて | honoonotate | Flame Shield |
| すいしょうのたて | suishōnotate | Crystal Shield |
| ボルトシールド | borutoshīrudo | Bolt Shield |
| アポロンシールド | aporonshīrudo | Apollon's Shield |
| やみのかがみ | yaminokagami | Dark Mirror |
| ジルコンシールド | jirukonshīrudo | Zirconium Shield |
| こんごうのたて | kondōnotate | Vajra Shield |
| しんじゅのたて | shinjunotate | Pearl Shield |
Reference in New Issue