--- layout: page title: Chessa --- This page documents Chessa's commands. h1. Dicebot All dicebot commands support four special features not available to other commands: * @.help@ gives usage information and a description of the command. * @.-as @ processes the command as though @nick@ had used it. * @.-to @ sends the output of the command to you and @nick@ as a private message. * @. ; @ appends the comment to the end of the command's output. The following commands are associated: * @.attrib@ generates D&D dice-rolled attributes. * @.silcore@ rolls dice for Silhouette Core. * @.exalted@ rolls dice for Exalted 2e; @.exalted 6@ may be used for old World of Darkness. * @.hellcats@ rolls dice for Hellcats & Hockeysticks. * @.fudge@ rolls dice for Fudge and Fate, and supports the Fate ladder. * @.lonewolf@ rolls a die for the Lone Wolf gamebooks and tabletop game. * @.dryh@ rolls dice for Don't Rest Your Head. * @.dw@ rolls dice for Dungeon World and variants. * @.swrpg@ (and aliases @.eote@, @.aor@, and @.fad@) rolls dice for the Star Wars RPG tabletop game. * @.roll@ and @.math@ are more generic; the former allows for multiple formulas to be calculated at once, whereas the latter allows spaces to be used to make formulas more legible. The @.roll@ and @.math@ commands support the following:
**ExponentsintTruncation1pi4 * atan2(1, 1)
*MultiplicationhexHexadecimal (integer-only)1eexp(1)
/DivisionoctOctal (integer-only)1tau8 * atan2(1, 1)
%ModulusbinBinary (integer-only)1piepi * e
dDie rollatan2Two-argument arc-tangents2
^Bitwise XORcosCosine1
&Bitwise ANDexpe to the nth power1
|Bitwise ORlogLogarithm of n1
+AdditionlognLogarithm of n (base x)2
log10Logarithm of n (base 10)10
~1's complementsinSine1
+Absolute value (unary)asinArcsine1
sqrtSquare root1
c2fConvert Celsius to Fahrenheit1
f2cConvert Fahrenheit to Celsius1
floorRound downward1
ceilRound upward1
minLowest of given arguments
maxHighest of given arguments
h1. Database Commands Chessa has a pluggable database interface, which provides a common interface for database-related functionality. Currently, the following plugins exist: * Pronouns: Simple database mapping users to their pronouns. Presets are available for male, female, and neutral. * Time: Timezone and current time for users. Plugins are accessible via @.@, with the following subcommands: * @find@ looks up the requested user. * @set@ allows the user to set data for the particular plugin. * @help@ provides documentation for the plugin. If no subcommand is provided, @find@ is assumed. For example, @.time US/Eastern@ gives the time in that timezone. h1. Weather The weather command set consists of @.weather@, @.f@/@.f1@/@.f3@, @.alerts@, and @.location@. All commands take a query string and, optionally, a semicolon (@;@) followed by a country designator. This designator will constrain the query to the given country, in cases where an ambiguous query may return an unexpected result (e.g. @.weather hell@ might return the weather for Hellin, Spain, whereas @.weather hell;no@ will return the weather for Hell, Norway). @.f@ returns today's forecast, @.f1@ returns tomorrow's forecast, and @.f3@ returns (via PM) the forecast for the three days following today. Note that the forecast will change over at 00:00 local time. @.location@ stores the provided location for the user, so as to allow future inquiries to omit a query string. h1. Other Commands * @.choose@ returns a randomly-chosen entry from a list, delimited by a comma followed by a space. * @.unicode@ returns information on the given Unicode sequence. Supports combining characters. * @.uniname@ returns information on the given Unicode named sequence.