
773 lines
31 KiB

| TODO for next release |
- jasons sc.e crashes with textview.e -> needed recompiled sctext.e,
put in distr.
- ignore EXPORT if were not in a MODULE
- problems:
> OBJECT foo
> bar
> PROC main()
> DEF x:foo
> WriteF('\d\n',
- Facos() / Fsinh() crashes?
Bugs I haven't been able to reproduce:
* compilation problems on 060
* broken Lock in combination with MCX
Bugs still not fixed:
* dereferencing an untyped OBJECT member is not properly interpreted
as "PTR TO CHAR". Easy workaround: Give the member a type.
* debug hunks don't contain directory information for projects
split up over sub directories.
* error reports can sometimes be off by several lines.
* error reports for inline assembly often doesn't work.
* unreferenced check too conservative in some cases.
* doesn't detect two library functions with the same names.
* constant folding optimizer often misbehaves, disallowing
you to do things like `1+SIZEOF o' in constant expressions
or 1+a as list-elements.
* internal linker problem doesn't allow for private methods.
* strings in lists cannot be joined by "+" (optimizer problem).
* StrCopy/MidStr don't fill dest with empty-string if len=0
* methods and procs in one module cannot have the same name
(other than by inheritance).
* Exists() evaluates all regardless.
* SUPER doesn't check wether the superclass actually has such
a method.
* recompiling a module that is being used at the same time
by another invocation of EC can give problems.
Future Todo's
* fix above bugs :)
* extend CONST expressions with floats etc.
* find a way to split up executables in more hunks
* add symbols for methods
* lots of extensions to the optimizer
* proper 020+ support
* improve error reporting
* class variables
* short-circuit AND / OR
Wild Ideas (aka Big Todo's)
* plug a general back-end onto EC (to allow for code
generation to other cpus (e.g. PPC) or even languages
(e.g. C) or better optimizers etc.)
* extend the language with lambda's / higher order
functions / lazyness etc.
* concurrency system based on Linda
* better debugging / analysis / type inference tools
* full visual language on top of E
| TODO for maybe some future release ? |
[unconfirmed bugs / could not reproduce / does it make sense?]
- doesn't compile large sources on 060
- lock still doesn't work in some circumstances (v2.1b does work ok, does work
with snoopdos, doesn't with mcx: register trashing?) [tried with mcx no prob]
- bug: object x; x; x; ENDOBJECT no all detected
-> tested all combinations with modules and inheritance, no prob
- LIBB_DELEXP is meant to be used on lib_flags, not sb_flags, though
sample.library does it this way and it seems to function ok?
- the GTMENUITEM_USERDATA(x) macro doesn't work [jolyon]? not true.
- flushcache flushes all
- unsigned comparison????: no practical example sofar
- [2,4,826,0,$1C8E],[2,4,27,0,$2A7E],[9,4,207,0,$802E] on a 030 no hits: which EC?
- DEF a[; missing "]" found only in next proc!
- myfunc(a,b,[blah1,BLAH,[foo,[bar,NIL,a]) <error here>
- in v3.1a: EC INTERNAL ERROR [2,0,-1,1,$0] (please report!) (Started this while an other EC was compiling...)
- not in exec.m: private functions. (no prob?)
- supposedly tools/pt.m would not produce a sound on 030, but does on 020 same
config [tried on my 030 which works]
- a membor 'bla' and a method 'bla()' on the same OBJECT collide.
- bug: doing obj.f[1] where f is untyped interpreted f as "PTR TO
SIZEOF obj" instead of "PTR TO CHAR", because type for next deref
isn't properly set. Fixing it however causess
imsg.iaddress::gadget.gadgetid to break
- sourcecode name in debug hunks misses path if compiled in a
different directory, e.g. '*tools/bla'
- large mui window def, comma fails in the middle, error at first line.
- MULU.W A0,D0 (error) gives ERRBYTE of 0
- library bases are shown as unreferenced if only calls (opened in other module)
- bug: proc (or libsfuns) with same names from libs aren't detected!
- bug: RealVal('\0...') = 0
- since CONST idents aren't resolved until the end of the line in lex,
RAISE IF gives 'immediate value expected' instead of 'unknown keyword/const'.
- INCBIN doesn't work in ASM mode !
- OBJECT testobject;ENDPROC;PROC main();ENDPROC -> gives label expected at "main"
- StrCopy returns NIL on empty string. check retvals other stringfuns as well.
- ERRBYTE = 0 als MODULE 'x' \n 'y' (no comma)
- module by o2m with empty section causes [3,0,-1,1,$0]
- EOR.W #xx,Dx not automatically translated to EORI
- (in main:) if in an object in a module there is a "PTR TO x", and the
module defining x is not included, attempting to dereference to a
member in x gives "illegal use of/reference to object", whereas
"x undeclared" would be more helpful. (while loading EC converts
"PTR TO x" to "LONG" if "x" can't be found).
-> have a typed object member in a module remember type even if obj is not available.
- a local in a proc in a mod is not shown as unreferenced
- unknown function only shown after (...) ?
- obj::class.method() ignores ::class part!
- 1*SIZEOF LONG werkt niet want ASM_GRABVALUE kent geen SIZEOF LONG
- macro prep kan #define DEBUG -> etc niet, want comment stopt bij 0?
- 2x zelfde label naam -> geen error! (x: na x: of x())
- een module met alleen labels en inline asm geeft scope errors
- private classes in een module worden NIET geexporteerd,
dus krijgen ook geen geinit delegate obeject in main!!
temp solution: compiler forces export
- I can declare instance var "x" even if already in super
(and access both via different pointers!)
- strings in list cannot have "+"
- MOVEQ doesn't accept -128
- StrCopy/MidStr don't fill dest with empty-string if len=0
- tools/vector.m saved geen regs
- can't have methods with the same name without inheritance.
methods and procs in one module cannot have same name.
- flushing: what if .m's get flushed currently used by EC?
- SUPER doesn't check if super has a method there
-> could pass a maxoffset to expcallmethod
- Exists() evaluates all regardless
- "-D" like switch for defines
- floats in CONSTs etc?
- see etext/truelambda.txt!
- one hunk
- lowercase sourcename
- () in constexp (and maybe other things)
- %bin for binary nums
- a read_e_module(): jason/gregor/vincenzo and others
- "LINE" debug of modules -> "L" thus unusable with enforcer!
- some space in library node for magic values?
GoldED (V3) syntax-parser 'magicid' ("SCAN") at offset $24 in libbase(a6) ($22=exec base size, +word pad)
-> could easily preserve $22 to $32 or so for own data... how to give A6 to
main() so that magic can be poked there?
- symbols for methods?
- \num for strings?
- "::" on anything? -> on typedecls as short for ":PTR TO "
- for libs: stack alloc [] or somesuch. warning for [] in opt library
maybe a NEW equivalent for existing mem (and stackmem?)
- linenum by var used as function warning?
- put some forbids in modulecache access.
- faq: more interesting questions (how to start on own compilers etc.)
- OPTI: lea 4..8(A7),A7 --> ADDQ
- OPTI: CMP.L #1,D0 --> MOVEQ #1,D1; CMP.L D1,D0
- OPTI: recognise a:=a+<exp>
- OPTI: ELSEIF doesn't optimize EXTs away
- OPYI: LISTs should make use of EXPEA
- OPTI: get rid of LINK iff no args + only REG locals
- OPTI: optimize NEW [1,2,3] code with EXPEA
- 680x0 code gen.
- jsr --> bsr.l (no relochunks needed!)
- array/record access etc. with ([base,a5],d2*4,1) etc. (FAAST!!)
- EXTL etc. + see how other 020 modi can be applied
- 020/881 asm
- [..] allows for private CHAR fields to be cleared,
NEW [..] allows all private fields.
prob = CHAR is equal to align byte
- arrange for double declarations in idents from module etc.
- check more number of args etc. where main->b->c, c is
changed and recompiled, but b is just linked.
- OPTIBUG: OPTIIF makes too many assumptions about code
- we might need a token-look-back-stack or similar for lex
- o2m: maybe do something with C in .library-link mode.
- o2m: "Raise" en "dosbase" als XREF
- checksums on modules
- selected multiple errormessages for most occuring errors
(lex, for starters) with per-case specific recovery code (+ switch)
- catch errors in writemod: otherwise readlock
Locks on modules when error from moduleload
- calc Levenstein distance for idents? unknown=Writef, suggest: WriteF
- problems with error-reconstruction:
- assembly not properly supported
- stat;stat wrong spot error
- problems if "->ENDPROC" last line
- bla,bla <no_comma> ->comment <lf> <err_spot> bla,bla
- "....:REG",10,"<here>whatever"
- meer foutmeldingen, syntax error opsplitsen
- foutmeldingen in andere talen (frans/duits/italiaans)
- resident check?
- SHOWBUF option also lines/minute etc.
- raise-tab linked maken
- enlarge hash tables from 211 to near 1024
- change all sorts IF-THEN situations into jump-tables
- OPTI: hash bij first search members tijdens lex?
- OPTI: E-system functions ge-hashed
- OPTI: intui/exec/dos/gfx functions ge-hashed
- chip/data hunk stuff? INCBIN x TO CHIP/DATA -> how to put in var?
more code hunks?
- Jan Schulz zn SELECT idee
- better implementation of [1-x] etc.
- lists have to be able to get longer then a few hundred entries!
prob: runtime stack (just a little).
better code gen altogether?
- LANGUAGE TEST SUITE for code-gen testing
- write disassembler for E exe's to some interim language.
- asm instr + LONG use of reloc possibilties
- MOVE.L .member:obj(A0),D0
- if >37 then conout AUTO/WAIT/CLOSE
- method hiding
- x <=> self.x ??
- constructor without need for pointer
allow NEW [..]:x.constr(), since '..' inits only public fields
- SHARED (class variables) as "Side Effect Functions"
- private methods
- PROBLEM: auto-destructors <=> exceptions
for now: ONLY DYNAMIC objects from classes.
sol: linked list on the stack, upon raise etc. call destructors
below return stackpoint. data=(next,objptr),depth=stackptr,
destructor at fixed offset.
[END (do it yourself),normal ENDPROC,Raise(),CleanUp()]
[language features]
- E component project doen? (weinig werk voor mij)
- tagged args doenbaar? (helpt niet erg voor easygui) tagged objects+defaults dan mischien?
- FastString() etc., -> table in docs
- more constexps (enum/select_of)
- richer constexps (and/shl/mod)
- let "::" work on anything, so you can do gfxbase::gfxbase.defaultfont
:: on any exp (only lhs) func()::y.x
- macros should allow for macro()
-> module format has nargs=0 as macro, not macro()
- case insensitive OstrCmp() (how localisation?)
-> better: convert all stuff to one case anyway, or use utility.library
- +:= for self.x:=self.x+1 cases
- _vector_ calc on lists?: MAP x,y,z IN x:=fun(y)+z+a*10
- Linda tuples + persistance (combined with Linda / as a class to
inherit from / special language feature ??)
- RENAME statement? could work with almost all types of idents.
- LOOP as short form
- IF a AND THEN b ..., IF a OR ELSE b ...
BUT AND/OR <=> major probs OPTIIF
x BUT OR y = IF x THEN x ELSE y = r:=x; IF r=0 THEN r:=y
x BUT AND y = IF x THEN y ELSE x = r:=x; IF r THEN r:=y
- strings: _pattern_matching_ REGEXPs, and string binding
- ranges and comparisons: a <=> [1 TO 10,<5] (watch <5 with CONS)
- UNIFY more than one exp with list of patterns (a la SELECT)
- ENDSELECT <var> (beter als ListItem hack)
- NOT unary operator (mischien ook "-")
- more useful quoted expression functions
- [<constexp>]:ARRAY
- const exps pre-calc uitbreiden met ">" "AND" etc.
- extend the FAQ! be even clearer about pointers? -> hints & pitfalls for beginners
- an INDEX!
- [chapter on optimizing, more on (data)types
- design_of_e, good_programming_style, debugging etc.
- UTIL: fd2module
- Lex equivalent for E
- large set of utils in E, a la diff/grep
- p2m en Iconvert update with options:
- examples: keep_prefixes egs_window etc.
- serial.device!!
- also very simple things, like classes for intuition etc. -> as many HQ mods as possible!
- SEE: container classes
- task object ofzo
functions for tasks. (see E source) +other amiga.lib
geta4() routine etc.
- common Lex() routine.
- play samples, allocating channels, playsample() audiodevice support
- garbage collecting string-lib
- String matching (regexps) Parse() en Match() routines
- bignums.m: lijst [] of LONGs makes up an integer of any size
use ADDX. how opti for short ints?
- bobs, sprites
- fast mem-copy + string shifting [b], fastinsert/delete
- all sorts of Rexx string parsing stuff
- OohNo! module
- 24bit module
- harwarebang module :-)
- structure:
emodules:tools/ -> general tools supplied with E
emodules:class/ -> same, but now as class
emodules:other/ -> tools not standard with E, 3rd party stuff
^^^nobody listens to that...
| DONE !!!! |
[see other texts for pre-v3.0a stuff]
[sofar EC627 (=3.0a)]
+ odd-size created with NEWM macro -> internal errors on 68000
+ ODEL field not properly set in all cases of NEWMETHODS
caused delegates not to be constructed -> method probs!
++ keep track of PTR TO object idents from modules, and find
objects after lex. (not found = no action)
+ modules: 4 bytes of code [mathexit generated RTS]
+ defargs of method not installed correctly after moduleload
+ double-decl test on method tests for bit that wasn't set yet
thus: not possible to redefine method for subclass!
[EC631;v3.0b, released as such (patch)]
+++ debugger! DEBUG/S option also switches on LINEDEBUG/S
+ adds NOPs and EVAR hunks.
++ SUPER method calls possible! notes: [calls from there
not super, super-calc is static]
+ enforcer hit in linker fixed (strcmp)
in initcode didn't work with modules-total >32k!!!!!!!!!
+ code-buf estimate bigger ivm modules in small main
now starts at 100k ivp 50k, and ReadArgs allows ADDBUFs
1..1000 (each *100k add, i.e. max 100meg exes)
+ method_arg_stacklea bug: code for SUPER trashed reg
+ bug: String() would trash D3
+ bug: error report within OBJECT always on 1st line
+ modules with only constdefs etc. would still save debughunk
+ compiler would accept things like PROC pippo(a,b,)
+ method def of object in other module!!! now illegal.
+ BUG: privateness would continue in next object decl
+ AND.L Dx,regvar (and similar constructions, such as with ADD)
assembles as AND.L Dn,ea instead of AND.L ea,Dn -> ILLEGAL!!!
+ CMP.B A3,D0 (and other An <=> .B) -> ILLEGAL!
+ temp export force on accessed classes.
[v3.0e released as patch]
++++ newer EDBG!
+++ Macro preprocessor and conditional compilation!
+++ enhanced EasyGUI
++ a FAQ!!!!
+ doc
* .guide niet duidelijk genoeg
* error doc: too size exp also strings
* Organise, optimise... It's organize and optimize!
* ERROR: illegal use of/reference to object LINE 66: NEW raum[MAX_RAEUME]
* prob: bij module main->a->b, add method in b without recomp a: crash.
* In the E.doc it still says "use <another_function>".
* syntax errors in <|> syntax!!
* no mention of *2 *4 /2 /4 getting optimized
* in 4K: automatically at the end of the program, or by hand with ___Dispose(p)___
* Fexp(y) gives e^y, not y^e, Fpow(y,z) gives z^y, instead of y^z
* explain SUPER
* docs: better con-destructor explanation
* remarks in letter Martin F. Combs
* how to report bugs
* no language suggestions please
* reg. sites
* refs naar ML,EPD etc. -> in FAQ
* anti-serge hamm. message
- dist: fonts, nieuwe aprof
- fix errors in stack
- BUG: method with equivalent name inobject wouldn't work (left,name...)
- BUG: nested method calls disturb self at call site
- closing brackets would continue until decl of next proc with stange error,
now "missing )" at endproc
- demoversion limit to 8k
- finished macroprep + save macros. tested with BGUI/MUI
- lets fix it on "FastDisposeList()" + LONG align opti for NEW [1,2,3]
- unification bug in LISP-lists <>
- RealF(s,-3.14159,0) produces '-', RealVal() returns bagger as readlen?? (68000?)
RealF(s,12345.67,4) produces '1234.6699'??
more than one complaint about RealF on 68000
FIXED: all non-regsave 68881 vs. emulation
- flushcache flushes everything
- E-build executes actions in reverse order! :-) -> jasons version in dist
- docs: linedebug buiten procs
- docs: EXPORT gebruik met methods? currently not poss., EXPORT voor nonsense
- smod uses proper commandline arg (for completion)
- dist: nieuwe modules, sources etc.
- devices/serial.m termarray member were 0,1
- In inputevent fehlen ie_x, ie_y und ie_addr. Warum? -> in C it's a union
- BUG: SUPER doesn't work as exp
- list consts will accept no negative floating point
- SMOD doet foute arg-idents met nummers + defargs
- PROC ...IS obj.unknown; PROC <HERE> ...
Without following pro: internal [3,3,-1,0,$750E]
.unknown had a continue_on_next_line because of .method()
- docs: explain all new features
- docs: nieuwe errors
- finish easygui -> in DIST!
- finish EDBG
* weird bugs: doesn't find vars in allx.e
-> in DIST!
[EC666, v3.1a, released as such]
[EC667, v3.1b]
- BUG: .L in some instructions needs to be rejected, f.e. MULU.L #3,D1 = bagger
(done for mulu/muls/divu/divs)
- BUG: labels not in symhunk
- BUG: ASR.B #1,(A0) word toegestaan (alleen ASR.W geldig hier)
- BUG: Bounds(-1,0,255) -> 255
- BUG: macros of other module are saved AGAIN in current module
- BUG: 1/0 causes internal error
- stringf/textf made use of task-stack, now e-allocated-stack (like writef does)
- various emodules with problems, but fixed in v40 (datatypes/datatypesclass.m)
- v40 std modules in EC
- BUG: voegde linedebug toe voor elk statement, maar alloc alleen voor elke
sourceregel (nu alleen linedebug voor stats zonder ";" ervoor)
- forth.e closes console twice (still!)
- HUGEBUG: exp*globvar in module not compiled ok: not offset-2
now also operand_size in modules >= v10 (makes incompat!)
- bug: .B etc. at end of stat didn't work
- globals in modules used in inline asm were not exported/offsets adjusted
- incbin does any size no prob!?
- a-- where a:PTR TO o where SIZEOF o>8 translated into ADDI ipv SUBI
- ignorecache werkt niet: trashes own cookie. by load module.
- macros don't allow for ";"
-> disabled altogether ivm problems in eol-processing otherwise
- show expanded text within macros -> only for lex-phase
[EC676, v3.1b, to_jason]
[EC677, v3.1c]
- fixed bug in easygui: used gl instead of glist
- another bug in easygui: listv put userdata in all parts
++ NILCHECK/S, build in NIL checker for deref! raises "NIL" for "." and "[]"
- bigbug: (found in niklas' sources): when adding methods to an object that
inherits from a method-less object, delegates would start at 0 (not 4),
thereby trashing the object_dynamic_length and causing END trouble.
- self.s <=> <x|y> gives syntax error
- LEA -99(A2,D0.W),A2 becomes LEA -$0063(A2,A7.L),A2 ??? -xx(Ax,Dx.w)
- NEW en END moeten ook op subobjs werken.
- edbg: show current line one too high in t/test2.e -> file
[EC685, v3.1c, to_jason?,pnolan]
- EasyGUI: fixed newlook menus
- EasyGUI: activates first stringgad
- EDBG: doesn't work with SYM hunks
- EDBG: cursor keys: down = step over, right = step in
- EDBG: output to debugger window?
- EDBG: source menu option improved
- EDBG: menus in strange colour
- EDBG: scroller prob
- EDBG: doesn't jump to correct spot if outta sight.
- EDBG: doesn't display tabs: tempfix: convert to space
- EDBG: better graphics for toolbar & about
- EDBG: breakpoints on sourcelines
- EDBG: breakpoints on memory/vars
- EDBG: run upto breakpoint
- EDBG: E expression parser for all value/addr inputs
- EDBG: Raise()
- EDBG: shows vars own proc + globals only (scoped!)
- EDBG: watched variables window
[v3.1d, to various persons]
- .library output
- integrated jasons newest modules, etc.
- new easygui integrated
- new EE
- easygui leaves 160 bytes if exception from callback: missed a ReplyMsg()
- forbid when changing task-a4 table!
- #else mentioned in some error messy
- sc.m etc.
- BUG: /2 added 1 also for >0
- unknown ident of functionname still at the end.
- doc:
+ clear about where globals need to be defined
+ too many use flushcache
+ SELECT_OF takes n-1 as max, not n (DEFAULT)
+ labels ook exportable->doc
+ (wrong!): ' ARRAYs are declared by specifying their lenght (in bytes) '
+ explain that error message can point as much as 2 tokens beyond real cause of error.
+ FastDipose#? accepts NIL
+ macros don't do ;
+ libdoc: eg, and what happens to stdout etc.
+ FAQ uitbreiden
[v3.2a, EC707, released as such]
- hung or gave wrong error on procident.member [jaco]
- prepbug: rkrmsrc/intuition/windows/lines.e. internal [2,3,232,0,$698] on 68000
- It has problems using control characters or extended character set characters in #defines
- extra safeties for preprocessor (i.e. tries to expand interim buf after each
macro expansion).
- 'W\0Save Statistics...' exists in the compiled binary as 'W' (under 3.1)
[v3.2b,EC712,released to almathera]
- eg: fixed an enforcer hit
v3.2a all.e with EC DEBUG byte reads (-1,0) on amosaic & font, from rom(-1) too. 569A(0) (= StrLen)
EDBG v3.2a byte-reads from addr. 0 hunk offset E6FE (often when an easygui opens/closes?) (= StrLen)
- eg: cleangui() -> $DEADBEEF mem already freed: used window after closing!
- eg: added settext() and setnum()
- eg: fixed NUM gadget
- eg: advice not to give to high values for proportional values because of high fonts (fheight*val)
- eg: topaz function
- eg: easygui renderen soms in bottom border: check wborbot! check with sysihack
- eg: PLUGINs!!!
- eg: there might still be some string-fields causing hits at -1 in an OS call?
- edbg: about & toolbar do not respect bigger borders
- edbg: console (+tool+about?) don't work on PUBSCREEN
- edbg: sourcenaam in title
- edbg: check doubles in var view
- edbg: save & loads prefs + window sizes + watched vars
- edbg: arexx-port & script launching
- bug: problem with Lock() in EC: 2 instead of -2 as mode
- bug: $FFFF as default arg becomes $FFFF0000
- bug: macro errors printed incorrectly: fixed with a kludge
- bug: /* */ in macros didn't work (e:t/macc.e)
- bug: OBJECT x OF x not detected and causes major guru in exe
- bug: doesn't accept a:REG in 0(A3,a) or 0(A3,a.L) or lab(PC,a) etc.
- bug: AND.L D0, tst where tst:REG screws up (changes dest-src, also for OR/EOR etc.)
[v3.2e, EC716, released as small update]
- faq: these features will not be implemented (so don't ask for them):
* assembly source output by the compiler
* .o
* inits for global vars in modules
* unaligned objectmembers
* bitfields
* not opening intuition.library etc, in startup-code
* automatically include _all_ modules used by a module
* `member' ipv `self.member'
* DEFs halfway PROCs
* disassembly mixed mode for EDBG
* sourcecode include
* unsigned INT/LONG or signed CHAR
* ";" in macros
* multiple error messages
* x.y in assignment expression, {}
* inline code for Shl() etc.
- doc changes:
* mark all obsolete features in the docs as such (CleanUp() etc.)
* :: works only on object types, <>cast
* New and NEW behaviour in libraries
* you can't have zero argument macros
* update registration sites (sweden + germany)
* Link() doesn't work on NEW [...] etc.
* if you want to use vars from other modules, you have to EXPORT DEF them too
* make EXTREMELY clear the error-indication is always after the error!
* be more specific about module-loading behaviour (type set to LONG if
object is not defined _before_ this object).
* warning for POLAND
* E_bonk.e: make clearer that p.i++ works on p, not i
* chequepoint stuff
* tell crackers about double protection
* .end() is not called automatically
* In de docs staat het eerste deel van 12A aan het einde van 11C.
* backslashes dubbel doen in guide
* ^ is NOT equivalent to []
* OO alleen met NEW duidelijK?
* make clear librarybases are provided by the modules
* no lectures on asm, opti in compiler is hard
* modules circularity?
* OO objs with NEW only
* edbg: raise exceptions for current handler only 1 after DEF
- tell regs for libraries! myfun(A0), but slower than movem.
- in methods with a handler and register allocation on, "self" could
be allocated to a register where it shouldn't, and cause trashed
variables elsewhere
- "EXPORT PROC array( w, h, m=$10000) OF array" with OBJECT array
-> dirty backwards parsing, now made more specific
- compiles no errors, crashes on run: PROC main();DEF x;WriteF('\d\n',x.4);ENDPROC
-> two bugs: floatval would sometimes not lex as float (reg-prob), and
not check for preceding operator in expression.
- p2m maakt bagger van tweede char als libname bv `E_..' is.
- pp: #define X Unknown; X results in LINE 22: X ;WITH: Unknown;MACRO: nknown
- twice the same label: doesn't give error
- FOR x:=0 TO 3 DO FOR y:=0 TO 3; ...; ENDFOR
- in the compile part, methods could be called before the corresponding
OBJECT was processed (by calling it from an instance variable in a method
of an object defined higherup), which caused an intern102, now it is
an error71.
- double declaration objecthead geen probleem
- double declaration objectmember geen probleem
also solves nokielski's bug (cd2:src/betas/todebug/pack.lha)
- doc: both /* */ and -> are included in macros, -> gives problems
- bigbug: cache problem clear: what if compiled module (that needs to
be flushed) was accessed from a less deep dir...
paths in cache need to be ABSOLUTE
NameFromFH/NameFromLock/MatchFirst: all 2.04, all need file access
-> solved: flushcache() compares without path.
- IEEEbug
* patch is for 040/fpu only?
* internal errors on 060?!??
* make workaround for 3.1 floatproblem!!! [2,11,36,0,$0]
* 030/no881/3.1/mmu
PROC main()
* compiling with Blizzard 060 -> "internal Errors": Apollo 1240:
[2,11,38,0,$0] DEF x=0.0, exp=0.0, pos, pos2,
* doc: FAQ: probs with floats in 3.1:
PatchMathSB10.lha util/boot 4K 7+Patch MathIEEESingBas/SPDiv,SPMul
-> EC warns + messys in docs.
- in Iconvert for PhxAss:
1) in makeasmfile(), just before the WriteF(' INCLUDE...), I added this line:
WriteF(' TTL ""\n')
(this line ensure that the chunk won't get any name, like A68K does).
2) The new command line for invokea68k() is:
IF Execute('SmallPhxAss I INCLUDES: FROM ram:iconvert.s noexe opt 0',NIL,stdout)=FALSE THEN error(ER_INVOKE)
-> added option "-p" for phxass
[v3.2g, EC724, to jason]
[v3.2h, EC725]
- device with library feature: not possible without different startup-code, or
atleast various registers made available to main() and close() -> doc
- doc:
* E source should contain atleast one function
* e reg is personal
* #define CharIsX(x) (x="x") substitutes the "x" too.
handy, i.e.: #define debug(x) (WriteF('now evaluating: x\n') BUT x)
* main() in lib works under Forbid() of OpenLibrary()
* homepage!
* FAQ: more on resources (available translations)
- eg: extra arg to plugin methods for font
- sw: PGA_TOTAL wasn't updated (refresh_scrollbars() (to allow max to change))
-> needed in EDBG for varwin
- edbg: var view scroller altijd 100%
- edbg: a search (for large sources)
- edbg: zwarte balk in onderste regel, dan window met een regel kleiner maken: rendering in border
- doc
* shr is ASR
* writef/printf string limit.
* address
- edbg: fixed enforcer hit in deletetoolbar
- fixed obj/member double decl test enfhit
- new tools, e.g. Iconvert, p2m, doc2guide? etc.
- explorer?
- include jasons rkrm2
[v3.2i, EC725, for Amy Resource]
- [easygui: over to jason]
[unreproduced bugs]
* eg: PALETTE: If the relx Argument is smaller than 3 it has got problems (Recoverble alert, hang-up)
* eg: double menu-selections do not trigger actions multiple times
* eg: maybe supply a host of handy plugins as standard (for images / image gadgets / boopsi gadgets etc.)
* eg: support GTLV_SHOWSELECTED (what were the problems?): really wanted
* eg: allow cut of window: smaller than minimum and solves small screens too?! panes? pages?
* eg: Other IDCMPs and messages (i.e. rawkey!)
* eg: the MX gadget does not use the "abovetext" field
* eg: maybe builtin topaz fallback??
* eg: block input on other easygui's
prob: - intuition/blockinput.e doesn't stop resize and has ugly waitptr
- IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY not appropriate for long periods
better: if >1 window, process them all!
* eg: size num voor slider berekenen.
* eg: text in screenmode can't compute max, same for sqrt in raymond
* eg: bug: midsize align is mixed when one gadget has text on the left and other
on the right
- [edbg->to->jason]
* allow input hunkoffset->source in EDBG (cooperation with enforcer)
* allow obj editing with explorer
* double clicking on scroller gives breakpoint
* (see uncommented stuff (=new) in begl2) es wird nur kein SELECT <zahl> OF <variable> weiter verfolgt
* with many modules, source window tiling gets too small
* allow to break program while running? (non trivial)
* no builtin global variables
* show changed registers (and vars?)
* really describe all features in doc
[edbg, less urgent]
* skip statement/jump?
* object browser!
* repeat step in/over "exp" times (so in a for-loop of 3 lines, step over a-1*3)
* record step as rexx script
* do something about debug-interactivity or rexx-scripts
* more gadgets in toolbar
* enable more windows to hang around instead of requester-like
* add all builtin vars. what about other librarybases? -> redefine
* make memory and other stuff modifiable
* optimize refresh of some windows
[EC726, v3.2k]
- bug: doing obj.f[1] where f is untyped interpreted f as "PTR TO
SIZEOF obj" instead of "PTR TO CHAR", because type for next deref
wasn't properly set.
- bug: module-flush flushed only first module that matches. now guaranteed if
you compile x.m from anywhere, all modules called x.m (any path) will be flushed.
(also when you create a .m with LIBRARY)
- enum now works with negative numbers (ENUM AA=-1,BB,CC)
- if the source for a LIBRARY contains a proc close(), it will be
called when the user of the library calls CloseLibrary() (i.e. it is
the counterpart to main()). [close still mentioned as unref]
- OPT RTD flawed in the context of hooks, call backs etc -> disabled
- include other float ops ArcSin, ArcCos and ArcTan etc.
- "self" now has own (code 5) entry in debughunk for EDBG -> jason?
- bug fix of obj.f[1] undone :( now part of known bugs
- dist: include ieee patch? -> setpatch v43.6
- dist: texturemapper (v7)
- dist: nieuwe sw
- docs:
* validness of other registration sites
* fabio's new ML
* better email warning
* add to version history
* new float functions
* new features etc.
* make a known bugs list and a todo list (without any promises!)
- dist:
* fabio's objects
* gregors OOstuff, new build
* edbg: do more tests: doesn't find vars correctly. test self
* jason's EasyGUI, EDBG etc.
[-> out as beta to jason/gregor/fabio]
- incorporated some final tiny changes
- ebug.e: battclockbase not real base so needs EXPORT DEF
- EDBG sources
- demo ec + patches for 30 31 32
[EC733, v3.3a final release version]