# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ## 2.2.0 * Add support for deriving traits on `repr(packed)` types ([#84]). * Fix bug with `Debug` bounds ([#83]). * Migrate documentation to `mdbook` and fix issues found in examples ([#83]). ## 2.1.3 * Fix Clippy warning ([#81]). ## 2.1.2 * Fix bug when used in combination with other attributes ([#79]). ## 2.1.1 * Improve error reporting. ([#70]) * Fix a Clippy warning in generated code. ([#71]). ## 2.1.0 * `feature_allow_slow_enum` is not required anymore on `enum` with `PartialEq`. ([#64]) * `PartialEq` generates more efficient code for C-like `enum`. ([#65]) * Fix issue with deriving `Hash` on generic `enums` #68. ([#68]) ## 2.0.2 * Fix a bug with `format_with` on `Debug` derives with generic types with trait bounds. ## 2.0.1 * Fix a hygiene bug with `Debug`. ([#60]) ## 2.0.0 This release should be compatible with version 1.*, but now requires rustc version 1.34 or later. * Update `syn`, `quote`, and `proc-macro2` dependencies. ([#59]) ## 1.0.4 This is the last version to support rustc versions 1.15 to 1.33. * Implement `PartialOrd` and `Ord` deriving. ## 1.0.3 * Do not require `syn`'s `full` feature anymore. ([#38], [#45]) * Fix an issue with using `#[derivative(Debug(format_with = "…"))]` on non-generic types. ([#40]) * Fix some warnings in the library with recent versions of `rustc`. * Fix some `clippy::pedantic` warnings in generated code. ([#46]) ## 1.0.2 * Add `use_core` feature to make `Derivative` usable in `core` crates. ## 1.0.1 * Updated `syn` to `0.15`. ([#25]) * Updated `quote` to `0.6`. ([#25]) ## 1.0.0 * Make stable. ## 0.3.1 * Fix a warning in `derivative(Debug)`. * Remove all `feature`s, this makes the crate usable on `beta`. [#25]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/issues/25 [#38]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/38 [#40]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/40 [#45]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/45 [#46]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/46 [#59]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/59 [#60]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/60 [#61]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/61 [#64]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/64 [#65]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/65 [#68]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/68 [#70]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/70 [#71]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/71 [#79]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/79 [#81]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/81 [#83]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/83 [#84]: https://github.com/mcarton/rust-derivative/pull/84