
487 lines
14 KiB

//! An implementation an encoder using [DEFLATE](
//! compression algorithm in pure Rust.
//! This library provides functions to compress data using the DEFLATE algorithm,
//! optionally wrapped using the [zlib]( or
//! [gzip]( formats.
//! The current implementation is still a bit lacking speed-wise compared to C-libraries
//! like zlib and miniz.
//! The deflate algorithm is an older compression algorithm that is still widely used today,
//! by e.g html headers, the `.png` image format, the Unix `gzip` program and commonly in `.zip`
//! files. The `zlib` and `gzip` formats are wrappers around DEFLATE-compressed data, containing
//! some extra metadata and a checksum to validate the integrity of the raw data.
//! The deflate algorithm does not perform as well as newer algorithms used in file formats such as
//! `.7z`, `.rar`, `.xz` and `.bz2`, and is thus not the ideal choice for applications where
//! the `DEFLATE` format (with or without wrappers) is not required.
//! Support for the gzip wrapper (the wrapper that is used in `.gz` files) is disabled by default
//! but can be enabled with the `gzip` feature.
//! As this library is still in development, the compression output may change slightly
//! between versions.
//! # Examples:
//! ## Simple compression function:
//! ``` rust
//! use deflate::deflate_bytes;
//! let data = b"Some data";
//! let compressed = deflate_bytes(data);
//! # let _ = compressed;
//! ```
//! ## Using a writer:
//! ``` rust
//! use std::io::Write;
//! use deflate::Compression;
//! use deflate::write::ZlibEncoder;
//! let data = b"This is some test data";
//! let mut encoder = ZlibEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::Default);
//! encoder.write_all(data).expect("Write error!");
//! let compressed_data = encoder.finish().expect("Failed to finish compression!");
//! # let _ = compressed_data;
//! ```
#![cfg_attr(all(feature = "benchmarks", test), feature(test))]
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "benchmarks"))]
extern crate test as test_std;
extern crate miniz_oxide;
extern crate adler32;
#[cfg(feature = "gzip")]
extern crate gzip_header;
mod bit_reverse;
mod bitstream;
mod chained_hash_table;
mod checksum;
mod compress;
mod compression_options;
mod deflate_state;
mod encoder_state;
mod huffman_lengths;
mod huffman_table;
mod input_buffer;
mod length_encode;
mod lz77;
mod lzvalue;
mod matching;
mod output_writer;
mod rle;
mod stored_block;
mod test_utils;
mod writer;
mod zlib;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
#[cfg(feature = "gzip")]
use gzip_header::Crc;
#[cfg(feature = "gzip")]
use gzip_header::GzBuilder;
use crate::checksum::RollingChecksum;
use crate::deflate_state::DeflateState;
use crate::compress::Flush;
pub use compression_options::{Compression, CompressionOptions, SpecialOptions};
pub use lz77::MatchingType;
use crate::writer::compress_until_done;
/// Encoders implementing a `Write` interface.
pub mod write {
#[cfg(feature = "gzip")]
pub use crate::writer::gzip::GzEncoder;
pub use crate::writer::{DeflateEncoder, ZlibEncoder};
fn compress_data_dynamic<RC: RollingChecksum, W: Write>(
input: &[u8],
writer: &mut W,
mut checksum: RC,
compression_options: CompressionOptions,
) -> io::Result<()> {
// We use a box here to avoid putting the buffers on the stack
// It's done here rather than in the structs themselves for now to
// keep the data close in memory.
let mut deflate_state = Box::new(DeflateState::new(compression_options, writer));
compress_until_done(input, &mut deflate_state, Flush::Finish)
/// Compress the given slice of bytes with DEFLATE compression.
/// Returns a `Vec<u8>` of the compressed data.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use deflate::{deflate_bytes_conf, Compression};
/// let data = b"This is some test data";
/// let compressed_data = deflate_bytes_conf(data, Compression::Best);
/// # let _ = compressed_data;
/// ```
pub fn deflate_bytes_conf<O: Into<CompressionOptions>>(input: &[u8], options: O) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut writer = Vec::with_capacity(input.len() / 3);
&mut writer,
.expect("Write error!");
/// Compress the given slice of bytes with DEFLATE compression using the default compression
/// level.
/// Returns a `Vec<u8>` of the compressed data.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use deflate::deflate_bytes;
/// let data = b"This is some test data";
/// let compressed_data = deflate_bytes(data);
/// # let _ = compressed_data;
/// ```
pub fn deflate_bytes(input: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
deflate_bytes_conf(input, Compression::Default)
/// Compress the given slice of bytes with DEFLATE compression, including a zlib header and trailer.
/// Returns a `Vec<u8>` of the compressed data.
/// Zlib dictionaries are not yet suppored.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use deflate::{deflate_bytes_zlib_conf, Compression};
/// let data = b"This is some test data";
/// let compressed_data = deflate_bytes_zlib_conf(data, Compression::Best);
/// # let _ = compressed_data;
/// ```
pub fn deflate_bytes_zlib_conf<O: Into<CompressionOptions>>(input: &[u8], options: O) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut writer = Vec::with_capacity(input.len() / 3);
// Write header
zlib::write_zlib_header(&mut writer, zlib::CompressionLevel::Default)
.expect("Write error when writing zlib header!");
let mut checksum = checksum::Adler32Checksum::new();
compress_data_dynamic(input, &mut writer, &mut checksum, options.into())
.expect("Write error when writing compressed data!");
let hash = checksum.current_hash();
.expect("Write error when writing checksum!");
/// Compress the given slice of bytes with DEFLATE compression, including a zlib header and trailer,
/// using the default compression level.
/// Returns a Vec<u8> of the compressed data.
/// Zlib dictionaries are not yet suppored.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use deflate::deflate_bytes_zlib;
/// let data = b"This is some test data";
/// let compressed_data = deflate_bytes_zlib(data);
/// # let _ = compressed_data;
/// ```
pub fn deflate_bytes_zlib(input: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
deflate_bytes_zlib_conf(input, Compression::Default)
/// Compress the given slice of bytes with DEFLATE compression, including a gzip header and trailer
/// using the given gzip header and compression options.
/// Returns a `Vec<u8>` of the compressed data.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// extern crate gzip_header;
/// extern crate deflate;
/// # fn main() {
/// use deflate::{deflate_bytes_gzip_conf, Compression};
/// use gzip_header::GzBuilder;
/// let data = b"This is some test data";
/// let compressed_data = deflate_bytes_gzip_conf(data, Compression::Best, GzBuilder::new());
/// # let _ = compressed_data;
/// # }
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "gzip")]
pub fn deflate_bytes_gzip_conf<O: Into<CompressionOptions>>(
input: &[u8],
options: O,
gzip_header: GzBuilder,
) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut writer = Vec::with_capacity(input.len() / 3);
// Write header
.expect("Write error when writing header!");
let mut checksum = checksum::NoChecksum::new();
compress_data_dynamic(input, &mut writer, &mut checksum, options.into())
.expect("Write error when writing compressed data!");
let mut crc = Crc::new();
.expect("Write error when writing checksum!");
.expect("Write error when writing amt!");
/// Compress the given slice of bytes with DEFLATE compression, including a gzip header and trailer,
/// using the default compression level, and a gzip header with default values.
/// Returns a `Vec<u8>` of the compressed data.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use deflate::deflate_bytes_gzip;
/// let data = b"This is some test data";
/// let compressed_data = deflate_bytes_gzip(data);
/// # let _ = compressed_data;
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "gzip")]
pub fn deflate_bytes_gzip(input: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
deflate_bytes_gzip_conf(input, Compression::Default, GzBuilder::new())
mod test {
use super::*;
use std::io::Write;
#[cfg(feature = "gzip")]
use test_utils::decompress_gzip;
use test_utils::{decompress_to_end, decompress_zlib, get_test_data};
type CO = CompressionOptions;
/// Write data to the writer in chunks of chunk_size.
fn chunked_write<W: Write>(mut writer: W, data: &[u8], chunk_size: usize) {
for chunk in data.chunks(chunk_size) {
fn dynamic_string_mem() {
let test_data = String::from(" GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE").into_bytes();
let compressed = deflate_bytes(&test_data);
assert!(compressed.len() < test_data.len());
let result = decompress_to_end(&compressed);
assert_eq!(test_data, result);
fn dynamic_string_file() {
let input = get_test_data();
let compressed = deflate_bytes(&input);
let result = decompress_to_end(&compressed);
for (n, (&a, &b)) in input.iter().zip(result.iter()).enumerate() {
if a != b {
println!("First difference at {}, input: {}, output: {}", n, a, b);
"input: {:?}, output: {:?}",
&input[n - 3..n + 3],
&result[n - 3..n + 3]
// Not using assert_eq here deliberately to avoid massive amounts of output spam
assert!(input == result);
// Check that we actually managed to compress the input
assert!(compressed.len() < input.len());
fn file_rle() {
let input = get_test_data();
let compressed = deflate_bytes_conf(&input, CO::rle());
let result = decompress_to_end(&compressed);
assert!(input == result);
fn file_zlib() {
let test_data = get_test_data();
let compressed = deflate_bytes_zlib(&test_data);
// {
// use std::fs::File;
// use std::io::Write;
// let mut f = File::create("out.zlib").unwrap();
// f.write_all(&compressed).unwrap();
// }
println!("file_zlib compressed(default) length: {}", compressed.len());
let result = decompress_zlib(&compressed);
assert!(&test_data == &result);
assert!(compressed.len() < test_data.len());
fn zlib_short() {
let test_data = [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 55];
roundtrip_zlib(&test_data, CO::default());
fn zlib_last_block() {
let mut test_data = vec![22; 32768];
test_data.extend(&[5, 2, 55, 11, 12]);
roundtrip_zlib(&test_data, CO::default());
fn deflate_short() {
let test_data = [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 55];
let compressed = deflate_bytes(&test_data);
let result = decompress_to_end(&compressed);
assert_eq!(&test_data, result.as_slice());
// If block type and compression is selected correctly, this should only take 5 bytes.
assert_eq!(compressed.len(), 5);
#[cfg(feature = "gzip")]
fn gzip() {
let data = get_test_data();
let comment = b"Test";
let compressed = deflate_bytes_gzip_conf(
let (dec, decompressed) = decompress_gzip(&compressed);
assert_eq!(dec.comment().unwrap(), comment);
assert!(data == decompressed);
fn chunk_test(chunk_size: usize, level: CompressionOptions) {
let mut compressed = Vec::with_capacity(32000);
let data = get_test_data();
let mut compressor = write::ZlibEncoder::new(&mut compressed, level);
chunked_write(&mut compressor, &data, chunk_size);
let compressed2 = deflate_bytes_zlib_conf(&data, level);
let res = decompress_zlib(&compressed);
assert!(res == data);
assert_eq!(compressed.len(), compressed2.len());
assert!(compressed == compressed2);
fn writer_chunks_level(level: CompressionOptions) {
use input_buffer::BUFFER_SIZE;
let ct = |n| chunk_test(n, level);
ct((32768 * 2) + 258);
/// Test the writer by inputing data in one chunk at the time.
fn zlib_writer_chunks() {
/// Check that the frequency values don't overflow.
fn frequency_overflow() {
let _ = deflate_bytes_conf(
&vec![5; 100000],
fn roundtrip_zlib(data: &[u8], level: CompressionOptions) {
let compressed = deflate_bytes_zlib_conf(data, level);
let res = decompress_zlib(&compressed);
if data.len() <= 32 {
assert_eq!(res, data, "Failed with level: {:?}", level);
} else {
assert!(res == data, "Failed with level: {:?}", level);
fn check_zero(level: CompressionOptions) {
roundtrip_zlib(&[], level);
/// Compress with an empty slice.
fn empty_input() {
fn one_and_two_values() {
let one = &[1][..];
roundtrip_zlib(one, CO::rle());
roundtrip_zlib(one, CO::fast());
roundtrip_zlib(one, CO::default());
let two = &[5, 6, 7, 8][..];
roundtrip_zlib(two, CO::rle());
roundtrip_zlib(two, CO::fast());
roundtrip_zlib(two, CO::default());