
820 lines
31 KiB

use alloc::vec::Vec;
use std::mem;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use rawpointer::PointerExt;
use crate::imp_prelude::*;
use crate::dimension;
use crate::error::{ErrorKind, ShapeError};
use crate::iterators::Baseiter;
use crate::low_level_util::AbortIfPanic;
use crate::OwnedRepr;
use crate::Zip;
/// Methods specific to `Array0`.
/// ***See also all methods for [`ArrayBase`]***
impl<A> Array<A, Ix0> {
/// Returns the single element in the array without cloning it.
/// ```
/// use ndarray::{arr0, Array0};
/// // `Foo` doesn't implement `Clone`.
/// #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
/// struct Foo;
/// let array: Array0<Foo> = arr0(Foo);
/// let scalar: Foo = array.into_scalar();
/// assert_eq!(scalar, Foo);
/// ```
pub fn into_scalar(self) -> A {
let size = mem::size_of::<A>();
if size == 0 {
// Any index in the `Vec` is fine since all elements are identical.
} else {
// Find the index in the `Vec` corresponding to `self.ptr`.
// (This is necessary because the element in the array might not be
// the first element in the `Vec`, such as if the array was created
// by `array![1, 2, 3, 4].slice_move(s![2])`.)
let first = self.ptr.as_ptr() as usize;
let base = as usize;
let index = (first - base) / size;
debug_assert_eq!((first - base) % size, 0);
// Remove the element at the index and return it.
/// Methods specific to `Array`.
/// ***See also all methods for [`ArrayBase`]***
impl<A, D> Array<A, D>
D: Dimension,
/// Return a vector of the elements in the array, in the way they are
/// stored internally.
/// If the array is in standard memory layout, the logical element order
/// of the array (`.iter()` order) and of the returned vector will be the same.
pub fn into_raw_vec(self) -> Vec<A> {
/// Methods specific to `Array2`.
/// ***See also all methods for [`ArrayBase`]***
impl<A> Array<A, Ix2> {
/// Append a row to an array
/// The elements from `row` are cloned and added as a new row in the array.
/// ***Errors*** with a shape error if the length of the row does not match the length of the
/// rows in the array.
/// The memory layout of the `self` array matters for ensuring that the append is efficient.
/// Appending automatically changes memory layout of the array so that it is appended to
/// along the "growing axis". However, if the memory layout needs adjusting, the array must
/// reallocate and move memory.
/// The operation leaves the existing data in place and is most efficent if one of these is
/// true:
/// - The axis being appended to is the longest stride axis, i.e the array is in row major
/// ("C") layout.
/// - The array has 0 or 1 rows (It is converted to row major)
/// Ensure appending is efficient by, for example, appending to an empty array and then always
/// pushing/appending along the same axis. For pushing rows, ndarray's default layout (C order)
/// is efficient.
/// When repeatedly appending to a single axis, the amortized average complexity of each
/// append is O(m), where *m* is the length of the row.
/// ```rust
/// use ndarray::{Array, ArrayView, array};
/// // create an empty array and append
/// let mut a = Array::zeros((0, 4));
/// a.push_row(ArrayView::from(&[ 1., 2., 3., 4.])).unwrap();
/// a.push_row(ArrayView::from(&[-1., -2., -3., -4.])).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(
/// a,
/// array![[ 1., 2., 3., 4.],
/// [-1., -2., -3., -4.]]);
/// ```
pub fn push_row(&mut self, row: ArrayView<A, Ix1>) -> Result<(), ShapeError>
A: Clone,
self.append(Axis(0), row.insert_axis(Axis(0)))
/// Append a column to an array
/// The elements from `column` are cloned and added as a new column in the array.
/// ***Errors*** with a shape error if the length of the column does not match the length of
/// the columns in the array.
/// The memory layout of the `self` array matters for ensuring that the append is efficient.
/// Appending automatically changes memory layout of the array so that it is appended to
/// along the "growing axis". However, if the memory layout needs adjusting, the array must
/// reallocate and move memory.
/// The operation leaves the existing data in place and is most efficent if one of these is
/// true:
/// - The axis being appended to is the longest stride axis, i.e the array is in column major
/// ("F") layout.
/// - The array has 0 or 1 columns (It is converted to column major)
/// Ensure appending is efficient by, for example, appending to an empty array and then always
/// pushing/appending along the same axis. For pushing columns, column major layout (F order)
/// is efficient.
/// When repeatedly appending to a single axis, the amortized average complexity of each append
/// is O(m), where *m* is the length of the column.
/// ```rust
/// use ndarray::{Array, ArrayView, array};
/// // create an empty array and append
/// let mut a = Array::zeros((2, 0));
/// a.push_column(ArrayView::from(&[1., 2.])).unwrap();
/// a.push_column(ArrayView::from(&[-1., -2.])).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(
/// a,
/// array![[1., -1.],
/// [2., -2.]]);
/// ```
pub fn push_column(&mut self, column: ArrayView<A, Ix1>) -> Result<(), ShapeError>
A: Clone,
self.append(Axis(1), column.insert_axis(Axis(1)))
impl<A, D> Array<A, D>
where D: Dimension
/// Move all elements from self into `new_array`, which must be of the same shape but
/// can have a different memory layout. The destination is overwritten completely.
/// The destination should be a mut reference to an array or an `ArrayViewMut` with
/// `A` elements.
/// ***Panics*** if the shapes don't agree.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// use ndarray::Array;
/// // Usage example of move_into in safe code
/// let mut a = Array::default((10, 10));
/// let b = Array::from_shape_fn((10, 10), |(i, j)| (i + j).to_string());
/// b.move_into(&mut a);
/// ```
pub fn move_into<'a, AM>(self, new_array: AM)
AM: Into<ArrayViewMut<'a, A, D>>,
A: 'a,
// Remove generic parameter P and call the implementation
let new_array = new_array.into();
if mem::needs_drop::<A>() {
} else {
// If `A` doesn't need drop, we can overwrite the destination.
// Safe because: move_into_uninit only writes initialized values
unsafe {
fn move_into_needs_drop(mut self, new_array: ArrayViewMut<A, D>) {
// Simple case where `A` has a destructor: just swap values between self and new_array.
// Afterwards, `self` drops full of initialized values and dropping works as usual.
// This avoids moving out of owned values in `self` while at the same time managing
// the dropping if the values being overwritten in `new_array`.
Zip::from(&mut self).and(new_array)
.for_each(|src, dst| mem::swap(src, dst));
/// Move all elements from self into `new_array`, which must be of the same shape but
/// can have a different memory layout. The destination is overwritten completely.
/// The destination should be a mut reference to an array or an `ArrayViewMut` with
/// `MaybeUninit<A>` elements (which are overwritten without dropping any existing value).
/// Minor implementation note: Owned arrays like `self` may be sliced in place and own elements
/// that are not part of their active view; these are dropped at the end of this function,
/// after all elements in the "active view" are moved into `new_array`. If there is a panic in
/// drop of any such element, other elements may be leaked.
/// ***Panics*** if the shapes don't agree.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// use ndarray::Array;
/// let a = Array::from_iter(0..100).into_shape((10, 10)).unwrap();
/// let mut b = Array::uninit((10, 10));
/// a.move_into_uninit(&mut b);
/// unsafe {
/// // we can now promise we have fully initialized `b`.
/// let b = b.assume_init();
/// }
/// ```
pub fn move_into_uninit<'a, AM>(self, new_array: AM)
AM: Into<ArrayViewMut<'a, MaybeUninit<A>, D>>,
A: 'a,
// Remove generic parameter AM and call the implementation
fn move_into_impl(mut self, new_array: ArrayViewMut<MaybeUninit<A>, D>) {
unsafe {
// Safety: copy_to_nonoverlapping cannot panic
let guard = AbortIfPanic(&"move_into: moving out of owned value");
// Move all reachable elements; we move elements out of `self`.
// and thus must not panic for the whole section until we call ``.
.for_each(|src, dst| {
src.copy_to_nonoverlapping(dst.as_mut_ptr(), 1);
// Drop all unreachable elements
/// This drops all "unreachable" elements in the data storage of self.
/// That means those elements that are not visible in the slicing of the array.
/// *Reachable elements are assumed to already have been moved from.*
/// # Safety
/// This is a panic critical section since `self` is already moved-from.
fn drop_unreachable_elements(mut self) -> OwnedRepr<A> {
let self_len = self.len();
// "deconstruct" self; the owned repr releases ownership of all elements and we
// and carry on with raw view methods
let data_len =;
let has_unreachable_elements = self_len != data_len;
if !has_unreachable_elements || mem::size_of::<A>() == 0 || !mem::needs_drop::<A>() {
unsafe {;
} else {
fn drop_unreachable_elements_slow(mut self) -> OwnedRepr<A> {
// "deconstruct" self; the owned repr releases ownership of all elements and we
// carry on with raw view methods
let data_len =;
let data_ptr =;
unsafe {
// Safety: releases ownership of the elements. Any panics below this point
// will result in leaking elements instead of double drops.
let self_ = self.raw_view_mut();;
drop_unreachable_raw(self_, data_ptr, data_len);
/// Create an empty array with an all-zeros shape
/// ***Panics*** if D is zero-dimensional, because it can't be empty
pub(crate) fn empty() -> Array<A, D> {
assert_ne!(D::NDIM, Some(0));
let ndim = D::NDIM.unwrap_or(1);
Array::from_shape_simple_fn(D::zeros(ndim), || unreachable!())
/// Create new_array with the right layout for appending to `growing_axis`
fn change_to_contig_append_layout(&mut self, growing_axis: Axis) {
let ndim = self.ndim();
let mut dim = self.raw_dim();
// The array will be created with 0 (C) or ndim-1 (F) as the biggest stride
// axis. Rearrange the shape so that `growing_axis` is the biggest stride axis
// afterwards.
let mut new_array;
if growing_axis == Axis(ndim - 1) {
new_array = Self::uninit(dim.f());
} else {
new_array = Self::uninit(dim);
// self -> old_self.
// dummy array -> self.
// old_self elements are moved -> new_array.
let old_self = std::mem::replace(self, Self::empty());
// new_array -> self.
unsafe {
*self = new_array.assume_init();
/// Append an array to the array along an axis.
/// The elements of `array` are cloned and extend the axis `axis` in the present array;
/// `self` will grow in size by 1 along `axis`.
/// Append to the array, where the array being pushed to the array has one dimension less than
/// the `self` array. This method is equivalent to [append](ArrayBase::append) in this way:
/// `self.append(axis, array.insert_axis(axis))`.
/// ***Errors*** with a shape error if the shape of self does not match the array-to-append;
/// all axes *except* the axis along which it being appended matter for this check:
/// the shape of `self` with `axis` removed must be the same as the shape of `array`.
/// The memory layout of the `self` array matters for ensuring that the append is efficient.
/// Appending automatically changes memory layout of the array so that it is appended to
/// along the "growing axis". However, if the memory layout needs adjusting, the array must
/// reallocate and move memory.
/// The operation leaves the existing data in place and is most efficent if `axis` is a
/// "growing axis" for the array, i.e. one of these is true:
/// - The axis is the longest stride axis, for example the 0th axis in a C-layout or the
/// *n-1*th axis in an F-layout array.
/// - The axis has length 0 or 1 (It is converted to the new growing axis)
/// Ensure appending is efficient by for example starting from an empty array and/or always
/// appending to an array along the same axis.
/// The amortized average complexity of the append, when appending along its growing axis, is
/// O(*m*) where *m* is the number of individual elements to append.
/// The memory layout of the argument `array` does not matter to the same extent.
/// ```rust
/// use ndarray::{Array, ArrayView, array, Axis};
/// // create an empty array and push rows to it
/// let mut a = Array::zeros((0, 4));
/// let ones = ArrayView::from(&[1.; 4]);
/// let zeros = ArrayView::from(&[0.; 4]);
/// a.push(Axis(0), ones).unwrap();
/// a.push(Axis(0), zeros).unwrap();
/// a.push(Axis(0), ones).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(
/// a,
/// array![[1., 1., 1., 1.],
/// [0., 0., 0., 0.],
/// [1., 1., 1., 1.]]);
/// ```
pub fn push(&mut self, axis: Axis, array: ArrayView<A, D::Smaller>)
-> Result<(), ShapeError>
A: Clone,
D: RemoveAxis,
// same-dimensionality conversion
self.append(axis, array.insert_axis(axis).into_dimensionality::<D>().unwrap())
/// Append an array to the array along an axis.
/// The elements of `array` are cloned and extend the axis `axis` in the present array;
/// `self` will grow in size by `array.len_of(axis)` along `axis`.
/// ***Errors*** with a shape error if the shape of self does not match the array-to-append;
/// all axes *except* the axis along which it being appended matter for this check:
/// the shape of `self` with `axis` removed must be the same as the shape of `array` with
/// `axis` removed.
/// The memory layout of the `self` array matters for ensuring that the append is efficient.
/// Appending automatically changes memory layout of the array so that it is appended to
/// along the "growing axis". However, if the memory layout needs adjusting, the array must
/// reallocate and move memory.
/// The operation leaves the existing data in place and is most efficent if `axis` is a
/// "growing axis" for the array, i.e. one of these is true:
/// - The axis is the longest stride axis, for example the 0th axis in a C-layout or the
/// *n-1*th axis in an F-layout array.
/// - The axis has length 0 or 1 (It is converted to the new growing axis)
/// Ensure appending is efficient by for example starting from an empty array and/or always
/// appending to an array along the same axis.
/// The amortized average complexity of the append, when appending along its growing axis, is
/// O(*m*) where *m* is the number of individual elements to append.
/// The memory layout of the argument `array` does not matter to the same extent.
/// ```rust
/// use ndarray::{Array, ArrayView, array, Axis};
/// // create an empty array and append two rows at a time
/// let mut a = Array::zeros((0, 4));
/// let ones = ArrayView::from(&[1.; 8]).into_shape((2, 4)).unwrap();
/// let zeros = ArrayView::from(&[0.; 8]).into_shape((2, 4)).unwrap();
/// a.append(Axis(0), ones).unwrap();
/// a.append(Axis(0), zeros).unwrap();
/// a.append(Axis(0), ones).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(
/// a,
/// array![[1., 1., 1., 1.],
/// [1., 1., 1., 1.],
/// [0., 0., 0., 0.],
/// [0., 0., 0., 0.],
/// [1., 1., 1., 1.],
/// [1., 1., 1., 1.]]);
/// ```
pub fn append(&mut self, axis: Axis, mut array: ArrayView<A, D>)
-> Result<(), ShapeError>
A: Clone,
D: RemoveAxis,
if self.ndim() == 0 {
return Err(ShapeError::from_kind(ErrorKind::IncompatibleShape));
let current_axis_len = self.len_of(axis);
let self_dim = self.raw_dim();
let array_dim = array.raw_dim();
let remaining_shape = self_dim.remove_axis(axis);
let array_rem_shape = array_dim.remove_axis(axis);
if remaining_shape != array_rem_shape {
return Err(ShapeError::from_kind(ErrorKind::IncompatibleShape));
let len_to_append = array.len();
let mut res_dim = self_dim;
res_dim[axis.index()] += array_dim[axis.index()];
let new_len = dimension::size_of_shape_checked(&res_dim)?;
if len_to_append == 0 {
// There are no elements to append and shapes are compatible:
// either the dimension increment is zero, or there is an existing
// zero in another axis in self.
debug_assert_eq!(self.len(), new_len);
self.dim = res_dim;
return Ok(());
let self_is_empty = self.is_empty();
let mut incompatible_layout = false;
// array must be empty or have `axis` as the outermost (longest stride) axis
if !self_is_empty && current_axis_len > 1 {
// `axis` must be max stride axis or equal to its stride
let axis_stride = self.stride_of(axis);
if axis_stride < 0 {
incompatible_layout = true;
} else {
for ax in self.axes() {
if ax.axis == axis {
if ax.len > 1 && ax.stride.abs() > axis_stride {
incompatible_layout = true;
// array must be be "full" (contiguous and have no exterior holes)
if self.len() != {
incompatible_layout = true;
if incompatible_layout {
// safety-check parameters after remodeling
debug_assert_eq!(self_is_empty, self.is_empty());
debug_assert_eq!(current_axis_len, self.len_of(axis));
let strides = if self_is_empty {
// recompute strides - if the array was previously empty, it could have zeros in
// strides.
// The new order is based on c/f-contig but must have `axis` as outermost axis.
if axis == Axis(self.ndim() - 1) {
// prefer f-contig when appending to the last axis
// Axis n - 1 is outermost axis
} else {
// standard axis order except for the growing axis;
// anticipates that it's likely that `array` has standard order apart from the
// growing axis.
let mut strides = res_dim.default_strides();
} else if current_axis_len == 1 {
// This is the outermost/longest stride axis; so we find the max across the other axes
let new_stride = self.axes().fold(1, |acc, ax| {
if ax.axis == axis || ax.len <= 1 {
} else {
let this_ax = ax.len as isize * ax.stride.abs();
if this_ax > acc { this_ax } else { acc }
let mut strides = self.strides.clone();
strides[axis.index()] = new_stride as usize;
} else {
unsafe {
// grow backing storage and update head ptr
let data_to_array_offset = if std::mem::size_of::<A>() != 0 {
} else {
debug_assert!(data_to_array_offset >= 0);
self.ptr =;
// clone elements from view to the array now
// To be robust for panics and drop the right elements, we want
// to fill the tail in memory order, so that we can drop the right elements on panic.
// We have: Zip::from(tail_view).and(array)
// Transform tail_view into standard order by inverting and moving its axes.
// Keep the Zip traversal unchanged by applying the same axis transformations to
// `array`. This ensures the Zip traverses the underlying memory in order.
// XXX It would be possible to skip this transformation if the element
// doesn't have drop. However, in the interest of code coverage, all elements
// use this code initially.
// Invert axes in tail_view by inverting strides
let mut tail_strides = strides.clone();
if tail_strides.ndim() > 1 {
for i in 0..tail_strides.ndim() {
let s = tail_strides[i] as isize;
if s < 0 {
tail_strides.set_axis(Axis(i), -s as usize);
// With > 0 strides, the current end of data is the correct base pointer for tail_view
let tail_ptr =;
let mut tail_view = RawArrayViewMut::new(tail_ptr, array_dim, tail_strides);
if tail_view.ndim() > 1 {
sort_axes_in_default_order_tandem(&mut tail_view, &mut array);
"not std layout dim: {:?}, strides: {:?}",
tail_view.shape(), tail_view.strides());
// Keep track of currently filled length of `` and update it
// on scope exit (panic or loop finish). This "indirect" way to
// write the length is used to help the compiler, the len store to may
// otherwise be mistaken to alias with other stores in the loop.
struct SetLenOnDrop<'a, A: 'a> {
len: usize,
data: &'a mut OwnedRepr<A>,
impl<A> Drop for SetLenOnDrop<'_, A> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {;
let mut data_length_guard = SetLenOnDrop {
data: &mut,
// Safety: tail_view is constructed to have the same shape as array
.for_each(|to, from| {
data_length_guard.len += 1;
// update array dimension
self.strides = strides;
self.dim = res_dim;
// multiple assertions after pointer & dimension update
debug_assert_eq!(, self.len());
debug_assert_eq!(self.len(), new_len);
/// This drops all "unreachable" elements in `self_` given the data pointer and data length.
/// # Safety
/// This is an internal function for use by move_into and IntoIter only, safety invariants may need
/// to be upheld across the calls from those implementations.
pub(crate) unsafe fn drop_unreachable_raw<A, D>(mut self_: RawArrayViewMut<A, D>, data_ptr: *mut A, data_len: usize)
D: Dimension,
let self_len = self_.len();
for i in 0..self_.ndim() {
if self_.stride_of(Axis(i)) < 0 {
sort_axes_in_default_order(&mut self_);
// with uninverted axes this is now the element with lowest address
let array_memory_head_ptr = self_.ptr.as_ptr();
let data_end_ptr = data_ptr.add(data_len);
debug_assert!(data_ptr <= array_memory_head_ptr);
debug_assert!(array_memory_head_ptr <= data_end_ptr);
// The idea is simply this: the iterator will yield the elements of self_ in
// increasing address order.
// The pointers produced by the iterator are those that we *do not* touch.
// The pointers *not mentioned* by the iterator are those we have to drop.
// We have to drop elements in the range from `data_ptr` until (not including)
// `data_end_ptr`, except those that are produced by `iter`.
// As an optimization, the innermost axis is removed if it has stride 1, because
// we then have a long stretch of contiguous elements we can skip as one.
let inner_lane_len;
if self_.ndim() > 1 && self_.strides.last_elem() == 1 {
inner_lane_len = self_.dim[0];
self_.dim[0] = 1;
self_.strides[0] = 1;
} else {
inner_lane_len = 1;
// iter is a raw pointer iterator traversing the array in memory order now with the
// sorted axes.
let mut iter = Baseiter::new(self_.ptr.as_ptr(), self_.dim, self_.strides);
let mut dropped_elements = 0;
let mut last_ptr = data_ptr;
while let Some(elem_ptr) = {
// The interval from last_ptr up until (not including) elem_ptr
// should now be dropped. This interval may be empty, then we just skip this loop.
while last_ptr != elem_ptr {
debug_assert!(last_ptr < data_end_ptr);
last_ptr = last_ptr.add(1);
dropped_elements += 1;
// Next interval will continue one past the current lane
last_ptr = elem_ptr.add(inner_lane_len);
while last_ptr < data_end_ptr {
last_ptr = last_ptr.add(1);
dropped_elements += 1;
assert_eq!(data_len, dropped_elements + self_len,
"Internal error: inconsistency in move_into");
/// Sort axes to standard order, i.e Axis(0) has biggest stride and Axis(n - 1) least stride
/// The axes should have stride >= 0 before calling this method.
fn sort_axes_in_default_order<S, D>(a: &mut ArrayBase<S, D>)
S: RawData,
D: Dimension,
if a.ndim() <= 1 {
sort_axes1_impl(&mut a.dim, &mut a.strides);
fn sort_axes1_impl<D>(adim: &mut D, astrides: &mut D)
D: Dimension,
debug_assert!(adim.ndim() > 1);
debug_assert_eq!(adim.ndim(), astrides.ndim());
// bubble sort axes
let mut changed = true;
while changed {
changed = false;
for i in 0..adim.ndim() - 1 {
let axis_i = i;
let next_axis = i + 1;
// make sure higher stride axes sort before.
debug_assert!(astrides.slice()[axis_i] as isize >= 0);
if (astrides.slice()[axis_i] as isize) < astrides.slice()[next_axis] as isize {
changed = true;
adim.slice_mut().swap(axis_i, next_axis);
astrides.slice_mut().swap(axis_i, next_axis);
/// Sort axes to standard order, i.e Axis(0) has biggest stride and Axis(n - 1) least stride
/// Axes in a and b are sorted by the strides of `a`, and `a`'s axes should have stride >= 0 before
/// calling this method.
fn sort_axes_in_default_order_tandem<S, S2, D>(a: &mut ArrayBase<S, D>, b: &mut ArrayBase<S2, D>)
S: RawData,
S2: RawData,
D: Dimension,
if a.ndim() <= 1 {
sort_axes2_impl(&mut a.dim, &mut a.strides, &mut b.dim, &mut b.strides);
fn sort_axes2_impl<D>(adim: &mut D, astrides: &mut D, bdim: &mut D, bstrides: &mut D)
D: Dimension,
debug_assert!(adim.ndim() > 1);
debug_assert_eq!(adim.ndim(), bdim.ndim());
// bubble sort axes
let mut changed = true;
while changed {
changed = false;
for i in 0..adim.ndim() - 1 {
let axis_i = i;
let next_axis = i + 1;
// make sure higher stride axes sort before.
debug_assert!(astrides.slice()[axis_i] as isize >= 0);
if (astrides.slice()[axis_i] as isize) < astrides.slice()[next_axis] as isize {
changed = true;
adim.slice_mut().swap(axis_i, next_axis);
astrides.slice_mut().swap(axis_i, next_axis);
bdim.slice_mut().swap(axis_i, next_axis);
bstrides.slice_mut().swap(axis_i, next_axis);