311 lines
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311 lines
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//! Stress-tests
//! The tests in here try to torture the implementation with multiple threads, in an attempt to
//! discover any possible race condition.
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard, PoisonError};
use adaptive_barrier::{Barrier, PanicMode};
use arc_swap::strategy::{CaS, DefaultStrategy, IndependentStrategy, Strategy};
use arc_swap::ArcSwapAny;
use crossbeam_utils::thread;
use itertools::Itertools;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
static LOCK: Lazy<Mutex<()>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(()));
/// We want to prevent these tests from running concurrently, because they run multi-threaded.
fn lock() -> MutexGuard<'static, ()> {
struct LLNode<S: Strategy<Option<Arc<LLNode<S>>>>> {
next: ArcSwapAny<Option<Arc<LLNode<S>>>, S>,
num: usize,
owner: usize,
/// A test that repeatedly builds a linked list concurrently with multiple threads.
/// The idea here is to stress-test the RCU implementation and see that no items get lost and that
/// the ref counts are correct afterwards.
fn storm_link_list<S>(node_cnt: usize, iters: usize)
S: Default + CaS<Option<Arc<LLNode<S>>>> + Send + Sync,
let _lock = lock();
let head = ArcSwapAny::<_, S>::from(None::<Arc<LLNode<S>>>);
let cpus = num_cpus::get();
let cpus = 2;
let barr = Barrier::new(PanicMode::Poison);
thread::scope(|scope| {
for thread in 0..cpus {
// We want to borrow these, but that kind-of conflicts with the move closure mode
let mut barr = barr.clone();
let head = &head;
scope.spawn(move |_| {
let nodes = (0..node_cnt)
.map(|i| LLNode {
next: ArcSwapAny::from(None),
num: i,
owner: thread,
for iter in 0..iters {
barr.wait(); // Start synchronously
for n in nodes.iter().rev() {
head.rcu(|head| {
n.next.store(head.clone()); // Cloning the optional Arc
// And do the checks once everyone finishes
// First, check that all our numbers are increasing by one and all are present
let mut node = head.load();
let mut expecting = 0;
while node.is_some() {
// A bit of gymnastics, we don't have NLL yet and we need to persuade the
// borrow checker this is safe.
let next = {
let inner = node.as_ref().unwrap();
if inner.owner == thread {
assert_eq!(expecting, inner.num);
expecting += 1;
node = next;
assert_eq!(node_cnt, expecting);
// We don't want to count the ref-counts while someone still plays around with
// them and loading.
// Now that we've checked we have everything, check that all the nodes have ref
// count 2 ‒ once in the vector, once in the linked list.
for n in &nodes {
"Wrong number of counts in item {} in iteration {}",
// Reset the head so we don't mix the runs together, which would create a mess.
// Also, the tails might disturb the ref counts.
// We went through all the iterations. Dismantle the list and see that everything
// has ref count 1.
for n in &nodes {
barr.wait(); // Wait until everyone resets their own nexts
for n in &nodes {
assert_eq!(1, Arc::strong_count(n));
struct LLNodeCnt<'a> {
next: Option<Arc<LLNodeCnt<'a>>>,
num: usize,
owner: usize,
live_cnt: &'a AtomicUsize,
impl<'a> Drop for LLNodeCnt<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.live_cnt.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
/// Test where we build and then deconstruct a linked list using multiple threads.
fn storm_unroll<S>(node_cnt: usize, iters: usize)
S: Default + Send + Sync,
for<'a> S: CaS<Option<Arc<LLNodeCnt<'a>>>>,
let _lock = lock();
let cpus = num_cpus::get();
let cpus = 2;
let barr = Barrier::new(PanicMode::Poison);
let global_cnt = AtomicUsize::new(0);
// We plan to create this many nodes during the whole test.
let live_cnt = AtomicUsize::new(cpus * node_cnt * iters);
let head = ArcSwapAny::<_, S>::from(None);
thread::scope(|scope| {
for thread in 0..cpus {
// Borrow these instead of moving.
let head = &head;
let mut barr = barr.clone();
let global_cnt = &global_cnt;
let live_cnt = &live_cnt;
scope.spawn(move |_| {
for iter in 0..iters {
// Create bunch of nodes and put them into the list.
for i in 0..node_cnt {
let mut node = Arc::new(LLNodeCnt {
next: None,
num: i,
owner: thread,
head.rcu(|head| {
// Clone Option<Arc>
Arc::get_mut(&mut node).unwrap().next = head.clone();
if barr.wait().is_leader() {
let mut cnt = 0;
let mut node = head.load_full();
while let Some(n) = node.as_ref() {
cnt += 1;
node = n.next.clone();
assert_eq!(cnt, node_cnt * cpus);
// Keep removing items, count how many there are and that they increase in each
// thread's list.
let mut last_seen = vec![node_cnt; cpus];
let mut cnt = 0;
while let Some(node) =
head.rcu(|head| head.as_ref().and_then(|h| h.next.clone()))
assert!(last_seen[node.owner] > node.num);
last_seen[node.owner] = node.num;
cnt += 1;
global_cnt.fetch_add(cnt, Ordering::Relaxed);
if barr.wait().is_leader() {
assert_eq!(node_cnt * cpus, global_cnt.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed));
(iters - iter - 1) * node_cnt * cpus,
// Everything got destroyed properly.
assert_eq!(0, live_cnt.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
fn load_parallel<S>(iters: usize)
S: Default + Strategy<Arc<usize>> + Send + Sync,
let _lock = lock();
let cpus = num_cpus::get();
let cpus = 2;
let shared = ArcSwapAny::<_, S>::from(Arc::new(0));
thread::scope(|scope| {
scope.spawn(|_| {
for i in 0..iters {
for _ in 0..cpus {
scope.spawn(|_| {
for _ in 0..iters {
let guards = (0..256).map(|_| shared.load()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
for (l, h) in guards.iter().tuple_windows() {
assert!(**l <= **h, "{} > {}", l, h);
let v = shared.load_full();
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&v));
const ITER_SMALL: usize = 100;
const ITER_MID: usize = 1000;
const ITER_SMALL: usize = 2;
const ITER_MID: usize = 5;
macro_rules! t {
($name: ident, $strategy: ty) => {
mod $name {
use super::*;
#[allow(deprecated)] // We use some "deprecated" testing strategies
type Strategy = $strategy;
fn storm_link_list_small() {
storm_link_list::<Strategy>(ITER_SMALL, 5);
fn storm_link_list_large() {
storm_link_list::<Strategy>(10_000, 50);
fn storm_unroll_small() {
storm_unroll::<Strategy>(ITER_SMALL, 5);
fn storm_unroll_large() {
storm_unroll::<Strategy>(10_000, 50);
fn load_parallel_small() {
fn load_parallel_large() {
t!(default, DefaultStrategy);
t!(independent, IndependentStrategy);
#[cfg(feature = "internal-test-strategies")]