
153 lines
5.6 KiB

extern crate futures;
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use std::thread;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::sync::mpsc::*;
use futures::task;
fn smoke() {
let (mut sender, receiver) = channel(1);
let t = thread::spawn(move ||{
while let Ok(s) = sender.send(42).wait() {
sender = s;
receiver.take(3).for_each(|_| Ok(())).wait().unwrap();
// Stress test that `try_send()`s occurring concurrently with receiver
// close/drops don't appear as successful sends.
fn stress_try_send_as_receiver_closes() {
const AMT: usize = 10000;
// To provide variable timing characteristics (in the hopes of
// reproducing the collision that leads to a race), we busy-re-poll
// the test MPSC receiver a variable number of times before actually
// stopping. We vary this countdown between 1 and the following
// value.
const MAX_COUNTDOWN: usize = 20;
// When we detect that a successfully sent item is still in the
// queue after a disconnect, we spin for up to 100ms to confirm that
// it is a persistent condition and not a concurrency illusion.
const SPIN_TIMEOUT_S: u64 = 10;
const SPIN_SLEEP_MS: u64 = 10;
struct TestRx {
rx: Receiver<Arc<()>>,
// The number of times to query `rx` before dropping it.
poll_count: usize
struct TestTask {
command_rx: Receiver<TestRx>,
test_rx: Option<Receiver<Arc<()>>>,
countdown: usize,
impl TestTask {
/// Create a new TestTask
fn new() -> (TestTask, Sender<TestRx>) {
let (command_tx, command_rx) = channel::<TestRx>(0);
TestTask {
command_rx: command_rx,
test_rx: None,
countdown: 0, // 0 means no countdown is in progress.
impl Future for TestTask {
type Item = ();
type Error = ();
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), ()> {
// Poll the test channel, if one is present.
if let Some(ref mut rx) = self.test_rx {
if let Ok(Async::Ready(v)) = rx.poll() {
let _ = v.expect("test finished unexpectedly!");
self.countdown -= 1;
// Busy-poll until the countdown is finished.
// Accept any newly submitted MPSC channels for testing.
match self.command_rx.poll()? {
Async::Ready(Some(TestRx { rx, poll_count })) => {
self.test_rx = Some(rx);
self.countdown = poll_count;
Async::Ready(None) => return Ok(Async::Ready(())),
_ => {},
if self.countdown == 0 {
// Countdown complete -- drop the Receiver.
self.test_rx = None;
let (f, mut cmd_tx) = TestTask::new();
let bg = thread::spawn(move || f.wait());
for i in 0..AMT {
let (mut test_tx, rx) = channel(0);
let poll_count = i % MAX_COUNTDOWN;
cmd_tx.try_send(TestRx { rx: rx, poll_count: poll_count }).unwrap();
let mut prev_weak: Option<Weak<()>> = None;
let mut attempted_sends = 0;
let mut successful_sends = 0;
loop {
// Create a test item.
let item = Arc::new(());
let weak = Arc::downgrade(&item);
match test_tx.try_send(item) {
Ok(_) => {
prev_weak = Some(weak);
successful_sends += 1;
Err(ref e) if e.is_full() => {}
Err(ref e) if e.is_disconnected() => {
// Test for evidence of the race condition.
if let Some(prev_weak) = prev_weak {
if prev_weak.upgrade().is_some() {
// The previously sent item is still allocated.
// However, there appears to be some aspect of the
// concurrency that can legitimately cause the Arc
// to be momentarily valid. Spin for up to 100ms
// waiting for the previously sent item to be
// dropped.
let t0 = Instant::now();
let mut spins = 0;
loop {
if prev_weak.upgrade().is_none() {
assert!(t0.elapsed() < Duration::from_secs(SPIN_TIMEOUT_S),
"item not dropped on iteration {} after \
{} sends ({} successful). spin=({})",
i, attempted_sends, successful_sends, spins
spins += 1;
Err(ref e) => panic!("unexpected error: {}", e),
attempted_sends += 1;
.expect("background thread join")
.expect("background thread result");