Implement closures

What a pain.

Next steps: More happy path tests, then large values/mutabilty, then redo in bytecode.
Alona EM 2021-12-28 01:42:17 +00:00
parent 93266a980e
commit bc00dbe69e
14 changed files with 816 additions and 825 deletions

View File

@ -22,3 +22,8 @@ lalrpop = "0.19.6"
assert_cmd = "2.0.2"
insta = { version = "1.9.0", features = ["glob"] }

View File

@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
use std::rc::Rc;
#[derive(Debug, debug2::Debug, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Debug /*/*, debug2::Debug*/*/, PartialEq)]
crate enum Tree {
Define(String, Box<Tree>),
If(Box<[Tree; 3]>),
// Its easier to box the lambdas in the parser than the vm, as
// here we see all of them exactly once
#[derive(Debug, debug2::Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
#[derive(Debug /*/*, debug2::Debug*/*/, PartialEq)]
crate struct Func {
crate args: Vec<String>,
crate body: Vec<Tree>,
crate struct Lambda(crate Rc<[String]>, crate Rc<[Tree]>);
#[derive(Debug, debug2::Debug, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Debug /*/*, debug2::Debug*/*/, PartialEq)]
crate enum Literal {

View File

@ -1,58 +1,77 @@
use std::assert_matches::assert_matches;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
use crate::value::Value;
use crate::{ast, prims};
pub(crate) fn eval(t: &ast::Tree, env: &mut Env) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
#[derive(/*debug2::Debug,*/ Debug, Clone)]
crate struct Lambda {
crate func: Rc<ast::Func>,
crate captures: Rc<RefCell<Env>>,
pub(crate) fn eval(t: &ast::Tree, env: Rc<RefCell<Env>>) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
Ok(match t {
ast::Tree::Leaf(l) => match l {
ast::Literal::Sym(s) => match env.lookup(s) {
ast::Literal::Sym(s) => match env.borrow().lookup(s) {
Some(v) => v,
None => return err(format!("Undefined variable `{}`", s)),
ast::Literal::Num(v) => Value::Num(*v),
ast::Literal::Bool(b) => Value::Bool(*b),
ast::Tree::Lambda(l) => Value::Lambda(l.clone()),
ast::Tree::Func(l) => Value::Lambda(Lambda {
func: Rc::clone(l),
captures: Rc::clone(&env),
ast::Tree::Branch(args) => {
let Some(fun) = args.get(0) else { return err("No argument given".to_owned()) };
let fun = eval(fun, env)?;
let fun = fun.as_func()?;
let Some(fun) = args.get(0) else { return err("No func given".to_owned()) };
let fun = eval(fun, Rc::clone(&env))?.as_func()?;
let args = args
.map(|a| eval(a, env))
.map(|a| eval(a, Rc::clone(&env)))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
// return fun(&args);
match fun {
Callable::Func(f) => f(&args)?,
Callable::Lambda(l) => {
if l.0.len() == args.len() {
let mut env = env.child();
for (x, y) in l.0.iter().zip(args) {
if l.func.args.len() == args.len() {
// let mut env = env.child();
let mut env = Env::child(Rc::clone(&l.captures));
for (x, y) in l.func.args.iter().zip(args) {
env.define(x.clone(), y)
let env = Rc::new(RefCell::new(env));
let [main @ .., tail] = &l.1[..] else { unreachable!("Body has 1+ element by parser") };
let [main @ .., tail] = &l.func.body[..] else { unreachable!("Body has 1+ element by parser") };
for i in main {
eval(i, &mut env)?;
eval(i, Rc::clone(&env))?;
eval(tail, &mut env)?
eval(tail, env)?
} else {
return err(format!("Need {} args, got {}", l.0.len(), args.len()));
return err(format!(
"Need {} args, got {}",
ast::Tree::Define(name, to) => {
let val = eval(to, env)?;
env.define(name.to_owned(), val);
let val = eval(to, Rc::clone(&env))?;
env.borrow_mut().define(name.to_owned(), val);
ast::Tree::If(box [cond, tcase, fcase]) => {
let b = eval(cond, env)?.as_bool()?;
let b = eval(cond, Rc::clone(&env))?.as_bool()?;
let body = if b { tcase } else { fcase };
eval(body, env)?
@ -66,40 +85,60 @@ pub(crate) fn err<T>(s: String) -> Result<T, RTError> {
pub(crate) enum Callable<'a> {
Lambda(&'a ast::Lambda),
pub(crate) enum Callable {
pub(crate) struct Env<'a> {
pub(crate) vars: HashMap<String, Value>,
pub(crate) enclosing: Option<&'a Env<'a>>,
#[derive(Clone /*, debug2::Debug*/)]
pub(crate) struct Env {
vars: HashMap<String, Value>,
enclosing: Option<Rc<RefCell<Env>>>,
impl<'a> Env<'a> {
pub(crate) fn child(&'a self) -> Env<'a> {
impl std::fmt::Debug for Env {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
struct Vars<'a>(&'a HashMap<String, Value>);
impl std::fmt::Debug for Vars<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("vars", &Vars(&self.vars))
.field("enclosing", &self.enclosing)
impl Env {
pub(crate) fn child(this: Rc<RefCell<Self>>) -> Env {
Env {
vars: HashMap::new(),
enclosing: Some(self),
enclosing: Some(this),
pub(crate) fn lookup(&self, s: &str) -> Option<Value> {
if let Some(v) = self.vars.get(s) {
} else if let Some(parent) = self.enclosing {
} else if let Some(parent) = &self.enclosing {
} else {
pub(crate) fn define(&mut self, name: String, val: Value) {
assert_ne!(val, Value::Trap); // TODO: Better error
self.vars.insert(name, val);
pub(crate) fn default_env() -> Env<'static> {
pub(crate) fn default_env() -> Env {
let mut vars = HashMap::new();
for (name, fun) in prims::prims() {

View File

@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ Trees = Tree+;
pub(crate) Tree: Tree = {
"(" <Tree+> ")" => Tree::Branch(<>),
"(" "define" <Sym> <BTree> ")" => Tree::Define(<>),
"(" "define" "(" <name:Sym> <args:RcSlice<Sym>> ")" <body:RcSlice<Tree>> ")" => Tree::Define(name, Box::new(Tree::Lambda(Lambda(args, body)))),
"(" "define" "(" <name:Sym> <args:Sym*> ")" <body:Trees> ")"
=> Tree::Define(name, Box::new(Tree::Func(Rc::new(Func{args, body})))),
"(" "if" <Tree> <Tree> <Tree> ")" => Tree::If(Box::new([<>])),
"(" "lambda (" <RcSlice<Sym>> ")" <RcSlice<Tree>> ")" => Tree::Lambda(Lambda(<>)),
"(" "lambda (" <args:Sym*> ")" <body:Trees> ")" => Tree::Func(Rc::new(Func{<>})),
Literal => Tree::Leaf(<>),

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::io;
use std::rc::Rc;
use rustyline::validate::{
MatchingBracketValidator, ValidationContext, ValidationResult, Validator,
@ -33,9 +35,9 @@ fn main() {
fn run_file(file: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
let src = std::fs::read_to_string(file)?;
let tree = grammar::FileParser::new().parse(&src).unwrap();
let mut env = eval::default_env();
let env = Rc::new(RefCell::new(eval::default_env()));
for i in tree {
eval::eval(&i, &mut env).unwrap();
eval::eval(&i, Rc::clone(&env)).unwrap();
@ -46,14 +48,23 @@ fn repl() {
brackets: MatchingBracketValidator::new(),
let mut env = eval::default_env();
let env = Rc::new(RefCell::new(eval::default_env()));
while let Ok(line) = rl.readline("> ") {
let tree = grammar::TreeParser::new().parse(&line).unwrap();
// dbg!(&tree);
println!("< {:?}", eval::eval(&tree, &mut env))
match eval::eval(&tree, Rc::clone(&env)) {
Ok(v) => {
// Cant use == because it will panic. This is the only
// valid comparison to trap
if !matches!(v, value::Value::Trap) {
println!("{}", v)
Err(e) => println!("! {}", e.0),

View File

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
use crate::eval::{err, RTError};
use crate::value::Value;
crate type Func = fn(&[Value]) -> Result<Value, RTError>;
crate fn prims() -> &'static [(&'static str, Func)] {
type Result = std::result::Result<Value, RTError>;
crate type NativeFunc = for<'a> fn(&'a [Value]) -> Result;
crate fn prims() -> &'static [(&'static str, NativeFunc)] {
("*", mul),
("+", add),
@ -21,25 +24,27 @@ crate fn prims() -> &'static [(&'static str, Func)] {
(">", gt),
("<=", le),
(">=", ge),
("_Z_debug", z_debug)
// TODO: DRY +-/*
fn add(args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
fn add(args: &[Value]) -> Result {
.try_fold(0.0, |a, b| Ok(a + b?))
fn mul(args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
fn mul(args: &[Value]) -> Result {
.try_fold(1.0, |a, b| Ok(a * b?))
fn div(args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
fn div(args: &[Value]) -> Result {
let init = args
.ok_or_else(|| RTError("`div` needs at least one argument".to_owned()))?
@ -53,7 +58,7 @@ fn div(args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
fn sub(args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
fn sub(args: &[Value]) -> Result {
let init = args
.ok_or_else(|| RTError("`sub` needs at least one argument".to_owned()))?
@ -67,17 +72,17 @@ fn sub(args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
fn equals(args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
fn equals(args: &[Value]) -> Result {
Ok(Value::Bool(args.array_windows().all(|[l, r]| l == r)))
fn display(args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
fn display(args: &[Value]) -> Result {
let [arg] = args else {return err("To many args to `display`".to_owned())};
print!("{:?}", arg);
print!("{}", arg);
fn newline(args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
fn newline(args: &[Value]) -> Result {
if !args.is_empty() {
return err("Newline takes no args".to_owned());
@ -85,7 +90,7 @@ fn newline(args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
fn abs(args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
fn abs(args: &[Value]) -> Result {
let [v] = args else { return err("abs takes 1 arg".to_owned()) };
let ans = v.as_num()?.abs();
@ -95,7 +100,7 @@ crate fn compare_core(
args: &[Value],
f: fn(f64, f64) -> bool,
name: &'static str,
) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
) -> Result {
for [l, r] in args.array_windows() {
let (Value::Num(l), Value::Num(r)) = (l,r) else
@ -114,11 +119,16 @@ crate fn compare_core(
macro_rules! cmps {
($(($name:ident $op:tt))*) => {
fn $name(args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, RTError> {
fn $name(args: &[Value]) -> Result {
compare_core(args, |l, r| l $op r, stringify!($op))
cmps! { (lt <) (gt >) (le <=) (ge >=) }
cmps! { (lt <) (gt >) (le <=) (ge >=) }
fn z_debug(args: &[Value]) -> Result {
eprintln!("{:?}", args);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
source: src/
assertion_line: 41
expression: run-pass ambig-scope.scm

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
source: src/
assertion_line: 41
expression: run-pass capture.scm

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
source: src/
assertion_line: 41
expression: run-pass curry.scm

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#lang scheme
(define (displayln x) (newline) (display x))
(define (ambig1 x) (lambda (x) x))
(displayln ((ambig1 13) 42))
(define (ambig2 a)
(displayln a)
(define a- a)
(lambda (b) (displayln b)
(lambda (a)
(displayln a)
(displayln b)
(displayln a-))))
(((ambig2 1) 2) 3)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#lang scheme
(define (displayln x) (display x) (newline))
(define (const x) (lambda () x))
(define two-thunk (const 2))
(displayln two-thunk)
(displayln (two-thunk))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#lang scheme
(define (displayln x) (display x) (newline))
(define (curry2 f) (lambda (l) (lambda (r) (f l r))))
(displayln (((curry2 +) 1) 2))

View File

@ -1,16 +1,32 @@
use crate::{ast, eval, prims};
use crate::{eval, prims};
use std::rc::Rc;
#[derive(Clone /*, debug2::Debug*/)]
crate enum Value {
// TODO: implement debug2::Debug for `fn` type, and do it right
/// Result of things that shouldnt have values, like (define x 3)
/// TODO: Figure this out
impl std::fmt::Debug for Value {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Num(arg0) => f.debug_tuple("Num").field(arg0).finish(),
// We cant just pass the field because of livetime bs, see
Self::Func(_) => f.debug_struct("Func").finish_non_exhaustive(),
Self::Lambda(arg0) => f.debug_tuple("Lambda").field(arg0).finish(),
Self::Bool(arg0) => f.debug_tuple("Bool").field(arg0).finish(),
Self::Trap => write!(f, "Trap"),
impl PartialEq for Value {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
use Value::*;
@ -18,7 +34,9 @@ impl PartialEq for Value {
(Num(l), Num(r)) => l == r,
(Func(l), Func(r)) => *l as usize == *r as usize,
(Bool(l), Bool(r)) => l == r,
(Lambda(l), Lambda(r)) => Rc::ptr_eq(&l.0, &r.0) && Rc::ptr_eq(&l.1, &r.1),
(Lambda(l), Lambda(r)) => {
Rc::ptr_eq(&l.func, &r.func) && Rc::ptr_eq(&l.captures, &r.captures)
(Num(_), _) => false,
(Func(_), _) => false,
@ -30,10 +48,10 @@ impl PartialEq for Value {
impl std::fmt::Debug for Value {
impl std::fmt::Display for Value {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Num(n) => n.fmt(f),
Self::Num(n) => std::fmt::Debug::fmt(n, f), // TODO: Change to displays
Self::Func(_) => f.write_str("#<procedure>"),
Self::Lambda(_) => f.write_str("#<procedure>"),
Self::Bool(b) => f.write_str(if *b { "#t" } else { "#f" }),
@ -51,14 +69,11 @@ impl Value {
crate fn as_func(&self) -> Result<eval::Callable, eval::RTError> {
crate fn as_func(self) -> Result<eval::Callable, eval::RTError> {
match self {
Self::Func(f) => Ok(eval::Callable::Func(*f)),
Self::Func(f) => Ok(eval::Callable::Func(f)),
Self::Lambda(l) => Ok(eval::Callable::Lambda(l)),
_ => Err(eval::RTError(format!(
"Expected a function, got {:?}",
_ => Err(eval::RTError(format!("Expected a function, got {}", self))),