# (REQUIRED) The location of the pack files. pack: about: packs/about.js admin: null common: packs/common.js embed: null home: packs/home.js public: packs/public.js settings: null share: packs/share.js # (OPTIONAL) The directory which contains the pack files. # Defaults to the theme directory (`app/javascript/themes/[theme]`), # which should be sufficient for like 99% of use-cases lol. # pack_directory: app/javascript/packs # (OPTIONAL) Additional javascript resources to preload, for use with # lazy-loaded components. It is **STRONGLY RECOMMENDED** that you # derive these pathnames from `themes/[your-theme]` to ensure that # they stay unique. preload: - themes/glitch/async/getting_started - themes/glitch/async/compose - themes/glitch/async/home_timeline - themes/glitch/async/notifications