pipeline: apko-image: image: distroless.dev/apko:latest commands: - echo $REGISTRY_SECRET | apko login --username ariadne --password-stdin gitea.treehouse.systems - apko publish --arch $(uname -m) apko.yaml gitea.treehouse.systems/ariadne/ariadne.space-hugo:latest secrets: [REGISTRY_SECRET] deploy: image: gitea.treehouse.systems/ariadne/ariadne.space-hugo:latest commands: # build the new site - hugo # fetch the old newswire - curl -s https://ariadne.space/newswire.txt > oldnewswire.txt # set up the SSH deployment key and upload the site - | mkdir $HOME/.ssh echo "$SSH_KEY">$HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519 echo "$SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS">$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts chown 600 $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519 rsync -avHAX public/ kaniini@ariadne.space:public/ # if the newswire has changed, publish the new one. - | cmp oldnewswire.txt public/newswire.txt || \ curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $MASTODON_SECRET" -F "status=$(cat public/newswire.txt)" \ https://social.treehouse.systems/api/v1/statuses secrets: [SSH_KEY, SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS, MASTODON_SECRET]