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libpkgconf `pkg` module
The `pkg` module provides dependency resolution services and the overall `.pc` file parsing
.. c:function:: void pkgconf_pkg_dir_list_build(pkgconf_client_t *client)
Bootstraps the package search paths. If the ``PKGCONF_PKG_PKGF_ENV_ONLY`` `flag` is set on the client,
then only the ``PKG_CONFIG_PATH`` environment variable will be used, otherwise both the
``PKG_CONFIG_PATH`` and ``PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR`` environment variables will be used.
:param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to bootstrap.
:return: nothing
.. c:function:: pkgconf_pkg_t *pkgconf_pkg_new_from_file(const pkgconf_client_t *client, const char *filename, FILE *f)
Parse a .pc file into a pkgconf_pkg_t object structure.
:param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to use for dependency resolution.
:param char* filename: The filename of the package file (including full path).
:param FILE* f: The file object to read from.
:returns: A ``pkgconf_pkg_t`` object which contains the package data.
:rtype: pkgconf_pkg_t *
.. c:function:: void pkgconf_pkg_free(pkgconf_client_t *client, pkgconf_pkg_t *pkg)
Releases all releases for a given ``pkgconf_pkg_t`` object.
:param pkgconf_client_t* client: The client which owns the ``pkgconf_pkg_t`` object, `pkg`.
:param pkgconf_pkg_t* pkg: The package to free.
:return: nothing
.. c:function:: pkgconf_pkg_t *pkgconf_pkg_ref(const pkgconf_client_t *client, pkgconf_pkg_t *pkg)
Adds an additional reference to the package object.
:param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object which owns the package being referenced.
:param pkgconf_pkg_t* pkg: The package object being referenced.
:return: The package itself with an incremented reference count.
:rtype: pkgconf_pkg_t *
.. c:function:: void pkgconf_pkg_unref(pkgconf_client_t *client, pkgconf_pkg_t *pkg)
Releases a reference on the package object. If the reference count is 0, then also free the package.
:param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object which owns the package being dereferenced.
:param pkgconf_pkg_t* pkg: The package object being dereferenced.
:return: nothing
.. c:function:: pkgconf_pkg_t *pkgconf_scan_all(pkgconf_client_t *client, void *data, pkgconf_pkg_iteration_func_t func)
Iterates over all packages found in the `package directory list`, running ``func`` on them. If ``func`` returns true,
then stop iteration and return the last iterated package.
:param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to use for dependency resolution.
:param void* data: An opaque pointer to data to provide the iteration function with.
:param pkgconf_pkg_iteration_func_t func: A function which is called for each package to determine if the package matches,
always return ``false`` to iterate over all packages.
:return: A package object reference if one is found by the scan function, else ``NULL``.
:rtype: pkgconf_pkg_t *
.. c:function:: pkgconf_pkg_t *pkgconf_pkg_find(pkgconf_client_t *client, const char *name)
Search for a package.
:param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to use for dependency resolution.
:param char* name: The name of the package `atom` to use for searching.
:return: A package object reference if the package was found, else ``NULL``.
:rtype: pkgconf_pkg_t *
.. c:function:: int pkgconf_compare_version(const char *a, const char *b)
Compare versions using RPM version comparison rules as described in the LSB.
:param char* a: The first version to compare in the pair.
:param char* b: The second version to compare in the pair.
:return: -1 if the first version is less than, 0 if both versions are equal, 1 if the second version is less than.
:rtype: int
.. c:function:: pkgconf_pkg_t *pkgconf_builtin_pkg_get(const char *name)
Looks up a built-in package. The package should not be freed or dereferenced.
:param char* name: An atom corresponding to a built-in package to search for.
:return: the built-in package if present, else ``NULL``.
:rtype: pkgconf_pkg_t *
.. c:function:: const char *pkgconf_pkg_get_comparator(const pkgconf_dependency_t *pkgdep)
Returns the comparator used in a depgraph dependency node as a string.
:param pkgconf_dependency_t* pkgdep: The depgraph dependency node to return the comparator for.
:return: A string matching the comparator or ``"???"``.
:rtype: char *
.. c:function:: pkgconf_pkg_comparator_t pkgconf_pkg_comparator_lookup_by_name(const char *name)
Look up the appropriate comparator bytecode in the comparator set (defined
in ``pkg.c``, see ``pkgconf_pkg_comparator_names`` and ``pkgconf_pkg_comparator_impls``).
:param char* name: The comparator to look up by `name`.
:return: The comparator bytecode if found, else ``PKGCONF_CMP_ANY``.
:rtype: pkgconf_pkg_comparator_t
.. c:function:: pkgconf_pkg_t *pkgconf_pkg_verify_dependency(pkgconf_client_t *client, pkgconf_dependency_t *pkgdep, unsigned int *eflags)
Verify a pkgconf_dependency_t node in the depgraph. If the dependency is solvable,
return the appropriate ``pkgconf_pkg_t`` object, else ``NULL``.
:param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to use for dependency resolution.
:param pkgconf_dependency_t* pkgdep: The dependency graph node to solve.
:param uint* eflags: An optional pointer that, if set, will be populated with an error code from the resolver.
:return: On success, the appropriate ``pkgconf_pkg_t`` object to solve the dependency, else ``NULL``.
:rtype: pkgconf_pkg_t *
.. c:function:: unsigned int pkgconf_pkg_verify_graph(pkgconf_client_t *client, pkgconf_pkg_t *root, int depth)
Verify the graph dependency nodes are satisfiable by walking the tree using
:param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to use for dependency resolution.
:param pkgconf_pkg_t* root: The root entry in the package dependency graph which should contain the top-level dependencies to resolve.
:param int depth: The maximum allowed depth for dependency resolution.
:return: On success, ``PKGCONF_PKG_ERRF_OK`` (0), else an error code.
:rtype: unsigned int
.. c:function:: unsigned int pkgconf_pkg_traverse(pkgconf_client_t *client, pkgconf_pkg_t *root, pkgconf_pkg_traverse_func_t func, void *data, int maxdepth)
Walk and resolve the dependency graph up to `maxdepth` levels.
:param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to use for dependency resolution.
:param pkgconf_pkg_t* root: The root of the dependency graph.
:param pkgconf_pkg_traverse_func_t func: A traversal function to call for each resolved node in the dependency graph.
:param void* data: An opaque pointer to data to be passed to the traversal function.
:param int maxdepth: The maximum depth to walk the dependency graph for. -1 means infinite recursion.
:return: ``PKGCONF_PKG_ERRF_OK`` on success, else an error code.
:rtype: unsigned int
.. c:function:: int pkgconf_pkg_cflags(pkgconf_client_t *client, pkgconf_pkg_t *root, pkgconf_list_t *list, int maxdepth)
Walks a dependency graph and extracts relevant ``CFLAGS`` fragments.
:param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to use for dependency resolution.
:param pkgconf_pkg_t* root: The root of the dependency graph.
:param pkgconf_list_t* list: The fragment list to add the extracted ``CFLAGS`` fragments to.
:param int maxdepth: The maximum allowed depth for dependency resolution. -1 means infinite recursion.
:return: ``PKGCONF_PKG_ERRF_OK`` if successful, otherwise an error code.
:rtype: unsigned int
.. c:function:: int pkgconf_pkg_libs(pkgconf_client_t *client, pkgconf_pkg_t *root, pkgconf_list_t *list, int maxdepth)
Walks a dependency graph and extracts relevant ``LIBS`` fragments.
:param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to use for dependency resolution.
:param pkgconf_pkg_t* root: The root of the dependency graph.
:param pkgconf_list_t* list: The fragment list to add the extracted ``LIBS`` fragments to.
:param int maxdepth: The maximum allowed depth for dependency resolution. -1 means infinite recursion.
:return: ``PKGCONF_PKG_ERRF_OK`` if successful, otherwise an error code.
:rtype: unsigned int