/* * client.c * libpkgconf consumer lifecycle management * * Copyright (c) 2016 pkgconf authors (see AUTHORS). * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * This software is provided 'as is' and without any warranty, express or * implied. In no event shall the authors be liable for any damages arising * from the use of this software. */ #include /* * !doc * * libpkgconf `client` module * ========================== * * The libpkgconf `client` module implements the `pkgconf_client_t` "client" object. * Client objects store all necessary state for libpkgconf allowing for multiple instances to run * in parallel. * * Client objects are not thread safe, in other words, a client object should not be shared across * thread boundaries. */ /* * !doc * * .. c:function:: void pkgconf_client_init(pkgconf_client_t *client, pkgconf_error_handler_func_t error_handler) * * Initialise a pkgconf client object. * * :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The client to initialise. * :param pkgconf_error_handler_func_t error_handler: An optional error handler to use for logging errors. * :param void* error_handler_data: user data passed to optional error handler * :return: nothing */ void pkgconf_client_init(pkgconf_client_t *client, pkgconf_error_handler_func_t error_handler, void *error_handler_data) { client->error_handler_data = error_handler_data; client->error_handler = error_handler; client->auditf = NULL; pkgconf_client_set_sysroot_dir(client, NULL); pkgconf_client_set_buildroot_dir(client, NULL); if (client->error_handler == NULL) client->error_handler = pkgconf_default_error_handler; } /* * !doc * * .. c:function:: pkgconf_client_t* pkgconf_client_new(pkgconf_error_handler_func_t error_handler) * * Allocate and initialise a pkgconf client object. * * :param pkgconf_error_handler_func_t error_handler: An optional error handler to use for logging errors. * :param void* error_handler_data: user data passed to optional error handler * :return: A pkgconf client object. * :rtype: pkgconf_client_t* */ pkgconf_client_t * pkgconf_client_new(pkgconf_error_handler_func_t error_handler, void *error_handler_data) { pkgconf_client_t *out = calloc(sizeof(pkgconf_client_t), 1); pkgconf_client_init(out, error_handler, error_handler_data); return out; } /* * !doc * * .. c:function:: void pkgconf_client_deinit(pkgconf_client_t *client) * * Release resources belonging to a pkgconf client object. * * :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The client to deinitialise. * :return: nothing */ void pkgconf_client_deinit(pkgconf_client_t *client) { if (client->sysroot_dir != NULL) free(client->sysroot_dir); if (client->buildroot_dir != NULL) free(client->buildroot_dir); pkgconf_tuple_free_global(client); pkgconf_path_free(&client->dir_list); pkgconf_cache_free(client); } /* * !doc * * .. c:function:: void pkgconf_client_free(pkgconf_client_t *client) * * Release resources belonging to a pkgconf client object and then free the client object itself. * * :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The client to deinitialise and free. * :return: nothing */ void pkgconf_client_free(pkgconf_client_t *client) { pkgconf_client_deinit(client); free(client); } /* * !doc * * .. c:function:: const char *pkgconf_client_get_sysroot_dir(const pkgconf_client_t *client) * * Retrieves the client's sysroot directory (if any). * * :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The client object being accessed. * :return: A string containing the sysroot directory or NULL. * :rtype: const char * */ const char * pkgconf_client_get_sysroot_dir(const pkgconf_client_t *client) { return client->sysroot_dir; } /* * !doc * * .. c:function:: void pkgconf_client_set_sysroot_dir(pkgconf_client_t *client, const char *sysroot_dir) * * Sets or clears the sysroot directory on a client object. Any previous sysroot directory setting is * automatically released if one was previously set. * * Additionally, the global tuple ``$(pc_sysrootdir)`` is set as appropriate based on the new setting. * * :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The client object being modified. * :param char* sysroot_dir: The sysroot directory to set or NULL to unset. * :return: nothing */ void pkgconf_client_set_sysroot_dir(pkgconf_client_t *client, const char *sysroot_dir) { if (client->sysroot_dir != NULL) free(client->sysroot_dir); client->sysroot_dir = sysroot_dir != NULL ? strdup(sysroot_dir) : NULL; pkgconf_tuple_add_global(client, "pc_sysrootdir", client->sysroot_dir != NULL ? client->sysroot_dir : "/"); } /* * !doc * * .. c:function:: const char *pkgconf_client_get_buildroot_dir(const pkgconf_client_t *client) * * Retrieves the client's buildroot directory (if any). * * :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The client object being accessed. * :return: A string containing the buildroot directory or NULL. * :rtype: const char * */ const char * pkgconf_client_get_buildroot_dir(const pkgconf_client_t *client) { return client->buildroot_dir; } /* * !doc * * .. c:function:: void pkgconf_client_set_buildroot_dir(pkgconf_client_t *client, const char *buildroot_dir) * * Sets or clears the buildroot directory on a client object. Any previous buildroot directory setting is * automatically released if one was previously set. * * Additionally, the global tuple ``$(pc_top_builddir)`` is set as appropriate based on the new setting. * * :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The client object being modified. * :param char* buildroot_dir: The buildroot directory to set or NULL to unset. * :return: nothing */ void pkgconf_client_set_buildroot_dir(pkgconf_client_t *client, const char *buildroot_dir) { if (client->buildroot_dir != NULL) free(client->buildroot_dir); client->buildroot_dir = buildroot_dir != NULL ? strdup(buildroot_dir) : NULL; pkgconf_tuple_add_global(client, "pc_top_builddir", client->buildroot_dir != NULL ? client->buildroot_dir : "$(top_builddir)"); } /* * !doc * * .. c:function:: bool pkgconf_error(const pkgconf_client_t *client, const char *format, ...) * * Report an error to a client-registered error handler. * * :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to report the error to. * :param char* format: A printf-style format string to use for formatting the error message. * :return: true if the error handler processed the message, else false. * :rtype: bool */ bool pkgconf_error(const pkgconf_client_t *client, const char *format, ...) { char errbuf[PKGCONF_BUFSIZE]; va_list va; va_start(va, format); vsnprintf(errbuf, sizeof errbuf, format, va); va_end(va); return client->error_handler(errbuf, client, client->error_handler_data); } /* * !doc * * .. c:function:: bool pkgconf_default_error_handler(const char *msg, const pkgconf_client_t *client, const void *data) * * The default pkgconf error handler. * * :param char* msg: The error message to handle. * :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The client object the error originated from. * :param void* data: An opaque pointer to extra data associated with the client for error handling. * :return: true (the function does nothing to process the message) * :rtype: bool */ bool pkgconf_default_error_handler(const char *msg, const pkgconf_client_t *client, const void *data) { (void) msg; (void) client; (void) data; return true; }