#!/usr/bin/env atf-sh . $(atf_get_srcdir)/test_env.sh tests_init \ case_sensitivity \ depgraph_break_1 \ depgraph_break_2 \ depgraph_break_3 \ define_variable \ define_variable_override \ variable \ keep_system_libs \ libs \ libs_only \ libs_never_mergeback \ cflags_only \ cflags_never_mergeback \ incomplete_libs \ incomplete_cflags \ isystem_munge_order \ isystem_munge_sysroot \ idirafter_munge_order \ idirafter_munge_sysroot \ idirafter_ordering \ pcpath \ virtual_variable \ fragment_collision \ malformed_1 \ malformed_quoting \ explicit_sysroot \ empty_tuple \ solver_requires_private_debounce \ billion_laughs # sysroot_munge \ case_sensitivity_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check \ -o inline:"3\n" \ pkgconf --variable=foo case-sensitivity atf_check \ -o inline:"4\n" \ pkgconf --variable=Foo case-sensitivity } depgraph_break_1_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check -s exit:1 -e ignore \ pkgconf --exists --print-errors 'foo > 0.6.0 foo < 0.8.0' } depgraph_break_2_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check -s exit:1 -e ignore \ pkgconf --exists --print-errors 'nonexisting foo <= 3' } depgraph_break_3_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check -s exit:1 -e ignore \ pkgconf --exists --print-errors 'depgraph-break' } define_variable_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check -o inline:"\\\${libdir}/typelibdir\n" \ pkgconf --variable=typelibdir --define-variable='libdir=\${libdir}' typelibdir } define_variable_override_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check -o inline:"/test\n" \ pkgconf --variable=prefix --define-variable='prefix=/test' typelibdir } variable_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check \ -o inline:"/test/include\n" \ pkgconf --variable=includedir foo } keep_system_libs_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" eval export "$LIBRARY_PATH_ENV"="/test/local/lib" atf_check \ -o inline:"\n" \ pkgconf --libs-only-L cflags-libs-only atf_check \ -o inline:"-L/test/local/lib \n" \ pkgconf --libs-only-L --keep-system-libs cflags-libs-only } libs_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check \ -o inline:"-L/test/local/lib -lfoo \n" \ pkgconf --libs cflags-libs-only } libs_only_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check \ -o inline:"-L/test/local/lib -lfoo \n" \ pkgconf --libs-only-L --libs-only-l cflags-libs-only } libs_never_mergeback_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check \ -o inline:"-L/test/bar/lib -lfoo1 \n" \ pkgconf --libs prefix-foo1 atf_check \ -o inline:"-L/test/bar/lib -lfoo1 -lfoo2 \n" \ pkgconf --libs prefix-foo1 prefix-foo2 } cflags_only_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check \ -o inline:"-I/test/local/include/foo \n" \ pkgconf --cflags-only-I --cflags-only-other cflags-libs-only } cflags_never_mergeback_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check \ -o inline:"-I/test/bar/include/foo -DBAR -fPIC -DFOO \n" \ pkgconf --cflags prefix-foo1 prefix-foo2 } incomplete_libs_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check \ -o inline:"\n" \ pkgconf --libs incomplete } incomplete_cflags_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check \ -o inline:"\n" \ pkgconf --cflags incomplete } isystem_munge_order_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check \ -o inline:"-isystem /opt/bad/include -isystem /opt/bad2/include \n" \ pkgconf --cflags isystem } isystem_munge_sysroot_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR="${selfdir}" atf_check \ -o match:"-isystem ${selfdir}/opt/bad/include" \ pkgconf --cflags isystem } idirafter_munge_order_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check \ -o inline:"-idirafter /opt/bad/include -idirafter /opt/bad2/include \n" \ pkgconf --cflags idirafter } idirafter_munge_sysroot_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR="${selfdir}" atf_check \ -o match:"-idirafter ${selfdir}/opt/bad/include" \ pkgconf --cflags idirafter } idirafter_ordering_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" atf_check \ -o inline:"-I/opt/bad/include1 -idirafter -I/opt/bad/include2 -I/opt/bad/include3 \n" \ pkgconf --cflags idirafter-ordering } pcpath_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib2" atf_check \ -o inline:"-fPIC -I/test/include/foo \n" \ pkgconf --cflags ${selfdir}/lib3/bar.pc } sysroot_munge_body() { sed "s|/sysroot/|${selfdir}/|g" ${selfdir}/lib1/sysroot-dir.pc > ${selfdir}/lib1/sysroot-dir-selfdir.pc export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${selfdir}/lib1" PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR="${selfdir}" atf_check \ -o inline:"-L${selfdir}/lib -lfoo \n" \ pkgconf --libs sysroot-dir-selfdir } virtual_variable_body() { atf_check -s exit:0 \ pkgconf --exists pkg-config atf_check -s exit:0 \ pkgconf --exists pkgconf atf_check -o inline:"${pcpath}\n" \ pkgconf --variable=pc_path pkg-config atf_check -o inline:"${pcpath}\n" \ pkgconf --variable=pc_path pkgconf } fragment_collision_body() { atf_check -o inline:"-D_BAZ -D_FOO -D_BAR -D_THREAD_SAFE -pthread \n" \ pkgconf --with-path="${selfdir}/lib1" --cflags fragment-collision } malformed_1_body() { atf_check -s exit:1 -o ignore \ pkgconf --validate --with-path="${selfdir}/lib1" malformed-1 } malformed_quoting_body() { atf_check -s exit:0 -o ignore \ pkgconf --validate --with-path="${selfdir}/lib1" malformed-quoting } explicit_sysroot_body() { export PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR=${selfdir} atf_check -o inline:"${selfdir}/usr/share/test\n" \ pkgconf --with-path="${selfdir}/lib1" --variable=pkgdatadir explicit-sysroot } empty_tuple_body() { atf_check -o inline:"\n" \ pkgconf --with-path="${selfdir}/lib1" --cflags empty-tuple } solver_requires_private_debounce_body() { atf_check -o inline:"-I/metapackage-1 -I/metapackage-2 -lmetapackage-1 -lmetapackage-2 \n" \ pkgconf --with-path="${selfdir}/lib1" --cflags --libs metapackage } billion_laughs_body() { atf_check -o inline:"warning: truncating very long variable to 64KB\nwarning: truncating very long variable to 64KB\nwarning: truncating very long variable to 64KB\nwarning: truncating very long variable to 64KB\nwarning: truncating very long variable to 64KB\n" \ pkgconf --with-path="${selfdir}/lib1" --validate billion-laughs }