# CMake configuration for pkgconf # # Caution: this assumes you don't set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE # # FIXME: this isn't a native cmake approach, it's just a straight translation # of configure.ac + Makefile.am, barely good enough to work on Linux, Mac, and Windows. # Require recent cmake, but not so recent that Ubuntu 16.04 users have to upgrade. CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 3.5.1 FATAL_ERROR) PROJECT(pkgconf C) SET(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT http://github.com/pkgconf/pkgconf/issues) SET(PACKAGE_NAME pkgconf) SET(PACKAGE_VERSION 1.3.7) SET(LIBPKGCONF_VERSION "2.0.0") SET(LIBPKGCONF_SOVERSION 2) #-------- GNU directory variables --------- SET(abs_top_srcdir ${pkgconf_SOURCE_DIR}) SET(prefix ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) SET(exec_prefix ${prefix}) SET(datarootdir ${prefix}/share) SET(datadir ${datarootdir}) SET(libdir ${prefix}/lib) SET(includedir ${prefix}/include) #-------- User-settable options --------- # FIXME: this is overridden in get_default_pkgconfig_path() on windows, but not in test_env.sh.in?! SET(pkg_config_dir "${libdir}/pkgconfig:${datadir}/pkgconfig" CACHE STRING "specify the places where pc files will be found") SET(PKGCONFIGDIR "${pkg_config_dir}") SET(pkg_default_dir "${PKGCONFIGDIR}") # c'mon, make up your mind SET(system_libdir "${libdir}" CACHE STRING "specify the system library directory (default LIBDIR)") SET(SYSTEM_LIBDIR "${system_libdir}") SET(system_includedir "${includedir}" CACHE STRING "specify the system include directory (default INCLUDEDIR)") SET(SYSTEM_INCLUDEDIR "${system_includedir}") #-------- Probe system --------- INCLUDE (CheckIncludeFiles) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(sys/stat.h HAVE_SYS_STAT_H) INCLUDE (CheckFunctionExists) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(strlcpy HAVE_STRLCPY) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(strlcat HAVE_STRLCAT) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(strndup HAVE_STRNDUP) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(cygwin_conv_path HAVE_CYGWIN_CONV_PATH) #-------- Generate source files --------- CONFIGURE_FILE(libpkgconf/config.h.cmake.in libpkgconf/config.h @ONLY) #-------- Configure common compiler options -------- IF (WIN32) # Make warnings fatal... but ignore C4996: 'strdup' two different ways SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} /WX /wd4996") # Ignore warning C4996: 'strncpy' ADD_DEFINITIONS("-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS=1") ELSE() SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -Wformat=2 -std=gnu99 -O2 -g") ENDIF() INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${pkgconf_SOURCE_DIR} ${pkgconf_BINARY_DIR}) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DPKG_DEFAULT_PATH=\"${pkg_default_dir}\") ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DSYSTEM_INCLUDEDIR=\"${system_includedir}\") ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DSYSTEM_LIBDIR=\"${system_libdir}\") #-------- Build and install library -------- # Place shared libraries in same place as binary, for ease of setting PATH in test_env.sh set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${pkgconf_BINARY_DIR}) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(libpkgconf) #-------- Build and install executable -------- INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${libpkgconf_BINARY_DIR}) ADD_EXECUTABLE(pkgconf main.c getopt_long.c) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(pkgconf libpkgconf) INSTALL(TARGETS pkgconf DESTINATION bin) #-------- Tests --------- ENABLE_TESTING() # Handy that these files need configuring; cygwin atf doesn't like windows line endings, and NEWLINE_STYLE helps. FOREACH(file Kyuafile tests/Kyuafile tests/test_env.sh) CONFIGURE_FILE(${file}.in ${file} @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE UNIX) ENDFOREACH() SET(test_scripts tests/basic tests/builtins tests/conflicts tests/framework tests/parser tests/provides tests/regress tests/requires tests/sysroot tests/version ) # Handy that these files need configuring; cygwin atf doesn't like windows line endings, and NEWLINE_STYLE helps. FOREACH(file ${test_scripts}) CONFIGURE_FILE(${file}.sh ${file} @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE UNIX) ENDFOREACH() ADD_TEST(kyua kyua --config=none test)