Add the current state of pkgconf in Gentoo, Arch and FBSD

jdhore 2012-07-23 23:42:01 -07:00
parent ba7c6f6d14
commit b2a695cf48
1 changed files with 6 additions and 0 deletions

@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ The gears on this are starting to churn. People are seeing the immediate benefi
* Support for features distributions need which are unavailable in pkg-config.
* Strong test-driven development including strong testing against prior regressions.
#### Current state of pkgconf in distributions
* [Gentoo]( - In portage tree ( ), currently available as an alternative to fd.o pkg-config
* [FreeBSD]( - Being proposed as a replacement for pkg-config currently. Not yet in ports tree.
* [ArchLinux]( - In Arch User Repository ( ), maintained by an Archlinux Trusted User.
If you want to help convince distributions to switch, those are some good advocacy points to use.
## Longer-term goals (in order)