feedback: don't clear off possible error messages after a spell check

If functions deeper down would put up some message on the status bar,
it should not be cleared.  The chance that messages from a spell-check
program stay onscreen is minute: the edit window is fully refreshed,
the status bar is fully drawn, and the help lines (if there are any)
are redrawn.  Only the title bar is not refreshed, but the chance that
an error message has spilled onto the top row...  And anyway, the
spell checker should not print any error messages at all.
Benno Schulenberg 2019-05-21 19:08:14 +02:00
parent d7555d071f
commit 12bf3bfce4
1 changed files with 2 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -2677,9 +2677,8 @@ void do_spell(void)
/* Restore the settings of the global flags. */
memcpy(flags, stash, sizeof(flags));
/* If the spell-checker printed any error messages onscreen, make
* sure that they're cleared off. */
/* Ensure the help lines will be redrawn. */
currmenu = MMOST;
if (result_msg != NULL) {
if (errno == 0)