docs: give suggestions for alternative key bindings in the sample nanorc
@ -270,3 +270,35 @@
## normally use <Backspace> for backspacing and not ^H, you can make
## normally use <Backspace> for backspacing and not ^H, you can make
## <Ctrl+Backspace> delete the word to the left of the cursor with:
## <Ctrl+Backspace> delete the word to the left of the cursor with:
# bind ^H cutwordleft main
# bind ^H cutwordleft main
## If you would like nano to have keybindings that are more "usual",
## such as ^O for Open, ^F for Find, ^H for Help, and ^Q for Quit,
## then uncomment these:
#bind ^Q exit all
#bind ^H help all
#bind ^H exit help
#bind ^F whereis all
#bind ^G findnext all
#bind ^B wherewas all
#bind ^D findprevious all
#bind ^R replace main
#bind ^W writeout main
#bind ^O insert main
#unbind ^V all
#unbind ^Y all
#bind M-X flipnewbuffer all
#bind ^X cut all
#bind ^C copy all
#bind ^V paste all
#bind ^P curpos main
#bind ^T gotoline main
#bind ^T gotodir browser
#bind ^Y speller main
#unbind ^K all
#unbind ^U all
#bind M-R redo main
#bind ^U undo main
#bind ^E redo main
#unbind M-J main
#unbind M-T main
#set multibuffer
Reference in New Issue