$Id$ This file lists people who have made significant contribution to the nano editor. Please see the ChangeLog for specific changes by author. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris Allegretta <chrisa@asty.org> * Main program author and maintainer. Jordi Mallach <jordi@sindominio.net> * Debian package maintainer, fellow bug squasher. * Internationalization support head, es.po maintainer. Adam Rogoyski <rogoyski@cs.utexas.edu> * New write_file() function, read_file() optimization, mouse support, resize support, nohelp (-x) option, justify function, follow symlink option and bugfixes, and much more. Robert Siemborski <rjs3@andrew.cmu.edu> * Miscellaneous cut, display, replace, and other bug fixes, original and new "magic line" code, read_line() function, new edit display routines. Rocco Corsi <rocco.corsi@sympatico.ca> * Internal spelling code, many optimizations and bug fixes for findnextstr and search-related functions, various display and file handling fixes. David Lawrence Ramsey <pooka_regent@sluggy.net> * Multiple buffer support, operating dir (-o) option, bug fixes for display routines, wrapping code, spelling fixes, const mode and various other fixes.