INSTRUCTIONS TO COMPILE AND INSTALL NANO CVS VERSIONS ----------------------------------------------------- GNU nano is available from CVS, but building this needs a bit more care than the official stable and unstable tarballs. To succesfully compile GNU nano from CVS, you'll need the following packages: - autoconf (version >= 2.52) - automake (version 1.4-pl5 recommended) - autoheader - gettext (version 0.10.40, >= 0.11 recommended) - texinfo - cvs - make, gcc and the normal development libraries (ncurses, etc) These should be available on your GNU mirror. To download the CVS tree, execute the following command: $ cvs -z3 login and press enter at the password prompt. Then, do $ cvs -z3 checkout nano and the nano tree will download. If you want to checkout the stable CVS branch, append -r nano_1_0_branch: $ cvs -z3 checkout -r nano_1_0_branch nano One you have the sources in the "nano" directory, cd into it, and execute the "" script in the top dir. This will setup a configure script and, and you will be ready to compile with $ ./configure [--add-options-here] && make Once it's done compiling, $ make install should put the required files in their respective directories. Please submit any bugs in the CVS branch to