** Open BUGS ** - Cutting the line at the top of the screen recenters to center (71) - F-keys do not work with new shortcut backend (72) - Many menu items are probably missing from the new backend (73) - Need a 'check-vitals-mapped' function to check that the end used didn't unbind all the keys for exit or cancel before starting up the editor (74) - Browser and prompt code still implement old switch on raw key input instead of new if block for subnfunc values (75) - New backend code probably does not compile under anything but default options, if that (76) - Meta-space and ^Space are not yet handled in new backend code (77) - -enable-tiny does not work with new code (78) ** Fixed BUGS ** - Marked cutting sometimes leaves a newline in the file unintelligently, such as when all of a line is selected but the mark doesn't proceed to the new line. (8) [FIXED/IRRELEVANT] - Certains are not lined up properly when there are tabs in them at certain col values. (9) [FIXED] - edit_refresh() and update_line() do not handle selecting text when the cursor is beyond COLS (10) [FIXED] - No way to do a replace with the empty string (11) [FIXED, yay!] - Spelling support is not elegant like Pico's integration of the 'spell' program. nano only uses ispell (for now) (12) [FIXED] - Moving to the end of a line when close to a multiple of COLS and at least COLS * 2 does not make the screen jump early like it would for if we were around COLS (bugs in edit_refresh, update_line) (13) [FIXED, mostly] - When at the very bottom of the edit window, do_wrap() goes berserk and puts the cursor somewhere bad; subsequent keystrokes crash the program (14) [FIXED, mostly] - Doing a replacement of a substring of the replace string (e.g. replacing "ed" with "fred" causes an infinite loop). (15) [FIXED] - Cutting a file with marked text and both marker ends on the same line causes a random segfault (16) [FIXED] - Cutting more than one line resets the KEEP_CUTBUFFER flag in 0.9.3. Error is in bitwise assignment (nano.h). (17) [FIXED] - The wrapping code does not work right for lines like the following: * * Error is in do_wrap, must be rewritten. (18) [FIXED] - nano fails to follow symlinks, even though -l isn't being used (20). [Bug in global flag init, FIXED] - When using --help or --version, the SIGINT character gets lost. (21) [FIXED] - edit_refresh() and update_line() (and related functions) have trouble when a tab is the character that is the boundary at COLS (23) [FIXED] - There is an off-by-one error in keeping track of totsize. It is caused by the fact that we count the newline at the end when we read in a file but we do not, in fact, display this newline. This should go away implicitly when the "Magic Line" returns, but it is noted here for documentation's sake. (24) [FIXED] - In replace with completely adjacent strings, every other search string will be missed (try replace ':' in a string like ':::::::::') (28) [FIXED] - If nano opens a read-only file with the --tempfile option, and a change is made to the buffer, and a write is attempted, nano will not give you a dialog about not being able to write the file, and it will not let the user exit (29, discovered by Joshua Jensen) [FIXED] - Using nano -k, marked text is not cut properly. (31) [FIXED] - Invoking -t or -k has the effect of invoking both options. (32) [FIXED] - totsize becomes incorrect after word-wrapping (25) [FIXED] - Wrapping a line with autoindent mode sometimes causes a segfault (19) [FIXED] - When inserting files, the display sometimes fails to display properly until a pageup/down occurs (22) [FIXED] - In search/replace code, there is too much refreshing in bottomwin (26) [FIXED] - In replace, there is no way to accept the default replace string. (27) [FIXED] - Using nano -t, user can not exit until a filename is given via ^O. (30) [FIXED] - totsize problems still abound in do_justify (33) [FIXED] - Using -k, cut text is not pasted properly. (34) [FIXED]. - Using -k, pasted text is not updated properly if it goes beyond editbot. (35) [FIXED] - Doing a cut with -k can screw up the filestruct; fault is in cutting code. (36) [FIXED] - Hitting enter on the magic line makes new lines, but they are not written out to disk when saved..... (37). [FIXED] - Page up and page down do not work the same way as in Pico (# of lines). (38) [FIXED] - When doing a search and the marker is set, the screen does not always properly update the inverted text (39). [FIXED] - Searches for a string that only exists on one line multiple times will fail after finding the last occurrence (discovered by Ken Tyler) (40). [FIXED] - Meta-Z is currently broken to toggle suspend. I guess I still don't know signals very well =-) (41) [FIXED]. - Unable to cut the entire file using the marker (discovered by Ken Tyler) (42). [FIXED] - The keypad does not work when nano runs in the Gnome terminal (43). [FIXED] - When reading in a file, if the file is a directory, the contents of the file being edited are blown away (discovered by Chris Pimlot) (44). [FIXED] - In certain terms, nano will leave a "ghost" of screen upon exit when called from inside mutt (among other settings) (45). [FIXED] - In replace, hitting the Goto line shortcut key does nothing after a search string is entered (discovered by Rocco Corsi) (46) [FIXED]. - When typing in a string in search or replace and hitting CASE_SENSITIVE or the other search string, the current string edit is blown away in favor of the last stored search (47) [FIXED] - If nano fails to open a file when it starts up, doing almost anything causes a segfault (discovered by Ben Roberts) (48). [FIXED] - In certain terminals, nano would not work properly with keypad(). Turned out to be the silly timeout(0) call, which is completely unneeded, anyway. (49) [FIXED] - With less than a page of text, doing a page down will move the current line to the top of the screen, which it shouldn't do. (50) [FIXED] - With PDCurses, running Meta-X turns off the keypad. (51) [FIXED] - Resizing the window completely screws up the display if in any other mode than normal editing (help screen, search and replace, file browser...) (52) [FIXED] - Alt speller argument (-s, --speller) does not take a string argument of more than one word. (53) [FIXED]. - Cut to end cutting (-k) causes segfaults (try cutting "- Backup making (filename~)?" line in TODO file) (discovered by higuita@cadernoverde.com) (54) [FIXED]. - When using autoindent (-i), wrapped text does not get autoindented (55, discovered by Mark Senior) [FIXED]. - When using -R (regex) and -p (Pico mode), subsequent searches after the first fail if no string is entered (56) [FIXED]. - Page down on a file of editwinrows fails (again). Reported by Ryan Krebs (57) [FIXED]. - File browser aborts on Solaris in qsort() call. (Reported by Matthias Andree) (58) [FIXED]. - Can modify the current file in view mode with ^W^R (discovered by Rocco Corsi) (58) [FIXED]. - When page up is used after two page downs, the screen doesn't update properly (discovered by David Lawrence Ramsey) (59) [FIXED]. - On BSD systems, marked cutting and paste often screws up the last line in the cutbuffer (discovered by Barry Pederson) (60) [FIXED] - Blank lines are not kept when cutting with -k (discovered by Rocco) (61) [FIXED]. - nano will not suspend properly inside of mutt (62) [FIXED]. - When switching from Pico mode to normal mode, the previous search is not displayed until cancelling the search (63) [FIXED]. - If you change search options but don't change the search string in normal mode, hitting Enter causes the search/replace to abort (64) (Jordi Mallach) [FIXED]. - Cutting one line of text causes the screen to recenter the line (reported and fixed by David Lawrence Ramsey) (65) [FIXED]. - When cutting marked text including the bottom of the file, a new "magic line" is not created" (reported by David Lawrence Ramsey, fixed by David Lawrence Ramsey & Chris) (66) [FIXED]. - ^C does not work after a suspend in tcsh (discovered by Trevor Cordes) (68) [FIXED]. - Home and End control keys (^A, ^E) do not always work in filename prompt (bug found by Ian Turner) (69) [1.0 series only] [FIXED]. - Trying to insert a file of 0 bytes will hang nano (70) [FIXED]. $Id$