/* $Id$ */ /************************************************************************** * nano.c * * * * Copyright (C) 1999 Chris Allegretta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) * * any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * * **************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "proto.h" #include "nano.h" #ifndef NANO_SMALL #include #define _(string) gettext(string) #else #define _(string) (string) #endif #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_TERMIO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H #include #endif /* Former globals, now static */ int fill = 0; /* Fill - where to wrap lines, basically */ static char *alt_speller; /* Alternative spell command */ struct termios oldterm; /* The user's original term settings */ static char *help_text_init = ""; /* Initial message, not including shortcuts */ static struct sigaction act; /* For all out fun signal handlers */ char *last_search = NULL; /* Last string we searched for */ char *last_replace = NULL; /* Last replacement string */ int search_last_line; /* Is this the last search line? */ void keypad_on(int yesno) { keypad(edit, yesno); keypad(bottomwin, yesno); } /* What we do when we're all set to exit */ RETSIGTYPE finish(int sigage) { if (!ISSET(NO_HELP)) { mvwaddstr(bottomwin, 1, 0, hblank); mvwaddstr(bottomwin, 2, 0, hblank); } else mvwaddstr(bottomwin, 0, 0, hblank); /* Apparently you REALLY can't get away with not calling keypad() or your window looks awful when it exits. so we just call it right before we exit, muhaha :-) */ keypad_on(TRUE); wrefresh(bottomwin); endwin(); /* Restore the old term settings */ tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &oldterm); exit(sigage); } /* Die (gracefully?) */ void die(char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; char *name; int i; va_start(ap, msg); vfprintf(stderr, msg, ap); va_end(ap); /* if we can't save we have REAL bad problems, * but we might as well TRY. */ if (filename[0] == '\0') { name = "nano.save"; i = write_file(name, 1); } else { char *buf = nmalloc(strlen(filename) + 6); strcpy(buf, filename); strcat(buf, ".save"); i = write_file(buf, 1); name = buf; } /* Restore the old term settings */ tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &oldterm); clear(); refresh(); resetty(); endwin(); fprintf(stderr, msg); if (i != -1) fprintf(stderr, _("\nBuffer written to %s\n"), name); else fprintf(stderr, _("\nNo %s written (file exists?)\n"), name); exit(1); /* We have a problem: exit w/ errorlevel(1) */ } void print_view_warning(void) { statusbar(_("Key illegal in VIEW mode")); } /* Initialize global variables - no better way for now */ void global_init(void) { int i; center_x = COLS / 2; center_y = LINES / 2; current_x = 0; current_y = 0; editwinrows = LINES - 5 + no_help(); fileage = NULL; cutbuffer = NULL; current = NULL; edittop = NULL; editbot = NULL; totlines = 0; placewewant = 0; if (!fill) fill = COLS - 8; hblank = nmalloc(COLS + 1); /* Thanks BG for this bit... */ for (i = 0; i <= COLS - 1; i++) hblank[i] = ' '; hblank[i] = 0; } void init_help_msg(void) { #ifndef NANO_SMALL help_text_init = _(" nano help text\n\n " "The nano editor is designed to emulate the functionality and " "ease-of-use of the UW Pico text editor. There are four main " "sections of the editor: The top line shows the program " "version, the current filename being edited, and whether " "or not the file has been modified. Next is the main editor " "window showing the file being edited. The status line is " "the third line from the bottom and shows important messages. " "The bottom two lines show the most commonly used shortcuts " "in the editor.\n\n " "The notation for shortcuts is as follows: Control-key " "sequences are notated with a caret (^) symbol and are entered " "with the Control (Ctrl) key. Escape-key sequences are notated " "with the Meta (M) symbol and can be entered using either the " "Esc, Alt or Meta key depending on your keyboard setup. The " "following keystrokes are available in the main editor window. " "Optional keys are shown in parentheses:\n\n"); #endif } /* Make a copy of a node to a pointer (space will be malloc()ed) */ filestruct *copy_node(filestruct * src) { filestruct *dst; dst = nmalloc(sizeof(filestruct)); dst->data = nmalloc(strlen(src->data) + 1); dst->next = src->next; dst->prev = src->prev; strcpy(dst->data, src->data); dst->lineno = src->lineno; return dst; } /* Unlink a node from the rest of the struct */ void unlink_node(filestruct * fileptr) { if (fileptr->prev != NULL) fileptr->prev->next = fileptr->next; if (fileptr->next != NULL) fileptr->next->prev = fileptr->prev; } void delete_node(filestruct * fileptr) { if (fileptr->data != NULL) free(fileptr->data); free(fileptr); } /* Okay, now let's duplicate a whole struct! */ filestruct *copy_filestruct(filestruct * src) { filestruct *dst, *tmp, *head, *prev; head = copy_node(src); dst = head; /* Else we barf on copying just one line */ head->prev = NULL; tmp = src->next; prev = head; while (tmp != NULL) { dst = copy_node(tmp); dst->prev = prev; prev->next = dst; prev = dst; tmp = tmp->next; } dst->next = NULL; return head; } /* Free() a single node */ int free_node(filestruct * src) { if (src == NULL) return 0; if (src->next != NULL) free(src->data); free(src); return 1; } int free_filestruct(filestruct * src) { filestruct *fileptr = src; if (src == NULL) return 0; while (fileptr->next != NULL) { fileptr = fileptr->next; free_node(fileptr->prev); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, _("free_node(): free'd a node, YAY!\n")); #endif } free_node(fileptr); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, _("free_node(): free'd last node.\n")); #endif return 1; } int renumber_all(void) { filestruct *temp; long i = 1; for (temp = fileage; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next) { temp->lineno = i++; } return 0; } int renumber(filestruct * fileptr) { filestruct *temp; if (fileptr == NULL || fileptr->prev == NULL || fileptr == fileage) { renumber_all(); return 0; } for (temp = fileptr; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next) { temp->lineno = temp->prev->lineno + 1; } return 0; } /* Fix the memory allocation for a string */ void align(char **strp) { /* There was a serious bug here: the new address was never stored anywhere... */ *strp = nrealloc(*strp, strlen(*strp) + 1); } /* Null a string at a certain index and align it */ void null_at(char *data, int index) { data[index] = 0; align(&data); } void usage(void) { #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG printf(_("Usage: nano [GNU long option] [option] +LINE \n\n")); printf(_("Option Long option Meaning\n")); printf(_ (" -T --tabsize=[num] Set width of a tab to num\n")); #ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H printf(_ (" -R --regexp Use regular expressions for search\n")); #endif printf (_ (" -V --version Print version information and exit\n")); printf(_ (" -c --const Constantly show cursor position\n")); printf(_ (" -h --help Show this message\n")); #ifndef NANO_SMALL printf(_ (" -k --cut Let ^K cut from cursor to end of line\n")); #endif printf(_ (" -i --autoindent Automatically indent new lines\n")); printf(_ (" -l --nofollow Don't follow symbolic links, overwrite\n")); #ifndef NANO_SMALL #ifdef NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION printf(_(" -m --mouse Enable mouse\n")); #endif #endif printf (_ (" -r [#cols] --fill=[#cols] Set fill cols to (wrap lines at) #cols\n")); printf(_ (" -p --pico Emulate Pico as closely as possible\n")); printf(_ (" -s [prog] --speller=[prog] Enable alternate speller\n")); printf(_ (" -t --tempfile Auto save on exit, don't prompt\n")); printf(_ (" -v --view View (read only) mode\n")); printf(_ (" -w --nowrap Don't wrap long lines\n")); printf(_ (" -x --nohelp Don't show help window\n")); printf(_ (" -z --suspend Enable suspend\n")); printf(_ (" +LINE Start at line number LINE\n")); #else printf(_("Usage: nano [option] +LINE \n\n")); printf(_("Option Meaning\n")); printf(_(" -T [num] Set width of a tab to num\n")); printf(_(" -R Use regular expressions for search\n")); printf(_(" -V Print version information and exit\n")); printf(_(" -c Constantly show cursor position\n")); printf(_(" -h Show this message\n")); #ifndef NANO_SMALL printf(_(" -k Let ^K cut from cursor to end of line\n")); #endif printf(_(" -i Automatically indent new lines\n")); printf(_ (" -l Don't follow symbolic links, overwrite\n")); #ifndef NANO_SMALL #ifdef NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION printf(_(" -m Enable mouse\n")); #endif #endif printf(_ (" -r [#cols] Set fill cols to (wrap lines at) #cols\n")); printf(_(" -s [prog] Enable alternate speller\n")); printf(_(" -p Emulate Pico as closely as possible\n")); printf(_(" -t Auto save on exit, don't prompt\n")); printf(_(" -v View (read only) mode\n")); printf(_(" -w Don't wrap long lines\n")); printf(_(" -x Don't show help window\n")); printf(_(" -z Enable suspend\n")); printf(_(" +LINE Start at line number LINE\n")); #endif exit(0); } void version(void) { printf(_(" nano version %s by Chris Allegretta (compiled %s, %s)\n"), VERSION, __TIME__, __DATE__); printf(_ (" Email: nano@nano-editor.org Web: http://www.nano-editor.org")); printf(_("\n Compiled options:")); #ifdef NANO_SMALL printf(" --enable-tiny"); #endif #ifdef NANO_EXTRA printf(" --enable-extra"); #endif #ifdef DISABLE_TABCOMP printf(" --disable-tabcomp"); #endif #ifdef DISABLE_JUSTIFY printf(" --disable-justify"); #endif #ifdef DISABLE_SPELLER printf(" --disable-speller"); #endif #ifdef USE_SLANG printf(" --with-slang"); #endif printf("\n"); } filestruct *make_new_node(filestruct * prevnode) { filestruct *newnode; newnode = nmalloc(sizeof(filestruct)); newnode->data = NULL; newnode->prev = prevnode; newnode->next = NULL; if (prevnode != NULL) newnode->lineno = prevnode->lineno + 1; return newnode; } /* Splice a node into an existing filestruct */ void splice_node(filestruct * begin, filestruct * new, filestruct * end) { new->next = end; new->prev = begin; begin->next = new; if (end != NULL) end->prev = new; } int do_mark() { #ifdef NANO_SMALL nano_small_msg(); #else if (!ISSET(MARK_ISSET)) { statusbar(_("Mark Set")); SET(MARK_ISSET); mark_beginbuf = current; mark_beginx = current_x; } else { statusbar(_("Mark UNset")); UNSET(MARK_ISSET); mark_beginbuf = NULL; mark_beginx = 0; edit_refresh(); } #endif return 1; } int no_help(void) { if ISSET (NO_HELP) return 2; else return 0; } #ifdef NANO_SMALL void nano_small_msg(void) { statusbar("Sorry, this function not available with nano-tiny option"); } #endif #if defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY) || defined(DISABLE_SPELLER) void nano_disabled_msg(void) { statusbar("Sorry, support for this function has been disabled"); } #endif /* The user typed a printable character; add it to the edit buffer */ void do_char(char ch) { /* magic-line: when a character is inserted on the current magic line, * it means we need a new one! */ if (filebot == current && current->data[0] == '\0') { new_magicline(); fix_editbot(); } /* More dangerousness fun =) */ current->data = nrealloc(current->data, strlen(current->data) + 2); memmove(¤t->data[current_x + 1], ¤t->data[current_x], strlen(current->data) - current_x + 1); current->data[current_x] = ch; do_right(); if (!ISSET(NO_WRAP) && (ch != '\t')) check_wrap(current, ch); set_modified(); check_statblank(); UNSET(KEEP_CUTBUFFER); totsize++; } /* Someone hits return *gasp!* */ int do_enter(filestruct * inptr) { filestruct *new; char *tmp, *spc; int extra = 0; new = make_new_node(inptr); tmp = ¤t->data[current_x]; current_x = 0; /* Do auto-indenting, like the neolithic Turbo Pascal editor */ if (ISSET(AUTOINDENT)) { spc = current->data; if (spc) { while ((*spc == ' ') || (*spc == '\t')) { extra++; spc++; current_x++; } new->data = nmalloc(strlen(tmp) + extra + 1); strncpy(new->data, current->data, extra); strcpy(&new->data[extra], tmp); } } else { new->data = nmalloc(strlen(tmp) + 1); strcpy(new->data, tmp); } *tmp = 0; if (inptr->next == NULL) { filebot = new; editbot = new; } splice_node(inptr, new, inptr->next); totsize++; renumber(current); current = new; align(¤t->data); /* The logic here is as follows: * -> If we are at the bottom of the buffer, we want to recenter * (read: rebuild) the screen and forcably move the cursor. * -> otherwise, we want simply to redraw the screen and update * where we think the cursor is. */ if (current_y == editwinrows - 1) { edit_update(current, CENTER); reset_cursor(); } else { current_y++; edit_refresh(); update_cursor(); } totlines++; set_modified(); placewewant = xplustabs(); return 1; } int do_enter_void(void) { return do_enter(current); } void do_next_word(void) { filestruct *fileptr, *old; int i; if (current == NULL) return; old = current; i = current_x; for (fileptr = current; fileptr != NULL; fileptr = fileptr->next) { if (fileptr == current) { while (isalnum((int) fileptr->data[i]) && fileptr->data[i] != 0) i++; if (fileptr->data[i] == 0) { i = 0; continue; } } while (!isalnum((int) fileptr->data[i]) && fileptr->data[i] != 0) i++; if (fileptr->data[i] != 0) break; i = 0; } if (fileptr == NULL) current = filebot; else current = fileptr; current_x = i; placewewant = xplustabs(); if (current->lineno >= editbot->lineno) edit_update(current, CENTER); else { /* If we've jumped lines, refresh the old line. We can't just use * current->prev here, because we may have skipped over some blank * lines, in which case the previous line is the wrong one. */ if (current != old) update_line(old, 0); update_line(current, current_x); } } void do_wrap(filestruct * inptr, char input_char) { int i = 0; /* Index into ->data for line. */ int i_tabs = 0; /* Screen position of ->data[i]. */ int last_word_end = -1; /* Location of end of last word found. */ int current_word_start = -1; /* Location of start of current word. */ int current_word_start_t = -1; /* Location of start of current word screen position. */ int current_word_end = -1; /* Location of end of current word */ int current_word_end_t = -1; /* Location of end of current word screen position. */ int len = strlen(inptr->data); int down = 0; int right = 0; struct filestruct *temp = NULL; assert(strlenpt(inptr->data) > fill); for (i = 0, i_tabs = 0; i < len; i++, i_tabs++) { if (!isspace((int) inptr->data[i])) { last_word_end = current_word_end; current_word_start = i; current_word_start_t = i_tabs; while (!isspace((int) inptr->data[i]) && inptr->data[i]) { i++; i_tabs++; if (inptr->data[i] < 32) i_tabs++; } if (inptr->data[i]) { current_word_end = i; current_word_end_t = i_tabs; } else { current_word_end = i - 1; current_word_end_t = i_tabs - 1; } } if (inptr->data[i] == NANO_CONTROL_I) { if (i_tabs % tabsize != 0); i_tabs += tabsize - (i_tabs % tabsize); } if (current_word_end_t > fill) break; } /* There are a few (ever changing) cases of what the line could look like. * 1) only one word on the line before wrap point. * a) one word takes up the whole line with no starting spaces. * - do nothing and return. * b) cursor is on word or before word at wrap point and there are spaces at beginning. * - word starts new line. * - keep white space on original line up to the cursor. * *) cursor is after word at wrap point * - either it's all white space after word, and this routine isn't called. * - or we are actually in case 2 (2 words). * 2) Two or more words on the line before wrap point. * a) cursor is at a word or space before wrap point * - word at wrap point starts a new line. * - white space at end of original line is cleared, unless * it is all spaces between previous word and next word which appears after fill. * b) cursor is at the word at the wrap point. * - word at wrap point starts a new line. * 1. pressed a space and at first character of wrap point word. * - white space on original line is kept to where cursor was. * 2. pressed non space (or space elsewhere). * - white space at end of original line is cleared. * c) cursor is past the word at the wrap point. * - word at wrap point starts a new line. * - white space at end of original line is cleared */ temp = nmalloc(sizeof(filestruct)); /* Category 1a: one word taking up the whole line with no beginning spaces. */ if ((last_word_end == -1) && (!isspace((int) inptr->data[0]))) { for (i = current_word_end; i < len; i++) { if (!isspace((int) inptr->data[i]) && i < len) { current_word_start = i; while (!isspace((int) inptr->data[i]) && (i < len)) { i++; } last_word_end = current_word_end; current_word_end = i; break; } } if (last_word_end == -1) { free(temp); return; } if (current_x >= last_word_end) { right = (current_x - current_word_start) + 1; current_x = last_word_end; down = 1; } temp->data = nmalloc(strlen(&inptr->data[current_word_start]) + 1); strcpy(temp->data, &inptr->data[current_word_start]); inptr->data = nrealloc(inptr->data, last_word_end + 2); inptr->data[last_word_end + 1] = 0; } else /* Category 1b: one word on the line and word not taking up whole line (i.e. there are spaces at the beginning of the line) */ if (last_word_end == -1) { temp->data = nmalloc(strlen(&inptr->data[current_word_start]) + 1); strcpy(temp->data, &inptr->data[current_word_start]); /* Inside word, remove it from original, and move cursor to right spot. */ if (current_x >= current_word_start) { right = current_x - current_word_start; current_x = 0; down = 1; } null_at(inptr->data, current_x); if (ISSET(MARK_ISSET) && (mark_beginbuf == inptr)) { mark_beginbuf = temp; mark_beginx = 0; } } /* Category 2: two or more words on the line. */ else { /* Case 2a: cursor before word at wrap point. */ if (current_x < current_word_start) { temp->data = nmalloc(strlen(&inptr->data[current_word_start]) + 1); strcpy(temp->data, &inptr->data[current_word_start]); if (!isspace((int) input_char)) { i = current_word_start - 1; while (isspace((int) inptr->data[i])) { i--; assert(i >= 0); } } else if (current_x <= last_word_end) i = last_word_end - 1; else i = current_x; inptr->data = nrealloc(inptr->data, i + 2); inptr->data[i + 1] = 0; } /* Case 2b: cursor at word at wrap point. */ else if ((current_x >= current_word_start) && (current_x <= (current_word_end + 1))) { temp->data = nmalloc(strlen(&inptr->data[current_word_start]) + 1); strcpy(temp->data, &inptr->data[current_word_start]); down = 1; right = current_x - current_word_start; i = current_word_start - 1; if (isspace((int) input_char) && (current_x == current_word_start)) { current_x = current_word_start; null_at(inptr->data, current_word_start); } else { while (isspace((int) inptr->data[i])) { i--; assert(i >= 0); } inptr->data = nrealloc(inptr->data, i + 2); inptr->data[i + 1] = 0; } } /* Case 2c: cursor past word at wrap point. */ else { temp->data = nmalloc(strlen(&inptr->data[current_word_start]) + 1); strcpy(temp->data, &inptr->data[current_word_start]); down = 1; right = current_x - current_word_start; current_x = current_word_start; i = current_word_start - 1; while (isspace((int) inptr->data[i])) { i--; assert(i >= 0); inptr->data = nrealloc(inptr->data, i + 2); inptr->data[i + 1] = 0; } } } /* We pre-pend wrapped part to next line. */ if (ISSET(SAMELINEWRAP) && inptr->next) { /* Plus one for the space which concatenates the two lines together plus 1 for \0. */ char *p = nmalloc(strlen(temp->data) + strlen(inptr->next->data) + 2); int old_x = current_x, old_y = current_y; strcpy(p, temp->data); strcat(p, " "); strcat(p, inptr->next->data); free(inptr->next->data); inptr->next->data = p; free(temp->data); free(temp); current_x = old_x; current_y = old_y; } /* Else we start a new line. */ else { temp->prev = inptr; temp->next = inptr->next; if (inptr->next) inptr->next->prev = temp; inptr->next = temp; if (!temp->next) filebot = temp; SET(SAMELINEWRAP); } totlines++; /* Everything about it makes me want this line here but it causes * totsize to be high by one for some reason. Sigh. (Rob) */ /* totsize++; */ renumber(inptr); edit_update(edittop, TOP); /* Move the cursor to the new line if appropriate. */ if (down) { do_right(); } /* Move the cursor to the correct spot in the line if appropriate. */ while (right--) { do_right(); } edit_update(edittop, TOP); reset_cursor(); edit_refresh(); } /* Check to see if we've just caused the line to wrap to a new line */ void check_wrap(filestruct * inptr, char ch) { int len = strlenpt(inptr->data); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, _("check_wrap called with inptr->data=\"%s\"\n"), inptr->data); #endif if (len <= fill) return; else { int i = actual_x(inptr, fill); /* Do not wrap if there are no words on or after wrap point. */ int char_found = 0; while (isspace((int) inptr->data[i]) && inptr->data[i]) i++; if (!inptr->data[i]) return; /* String must be at least 1 character long. */ for (i = strlen(inptr->data) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (isspace((int) inptr->data[i])) { if (!char_found) continue; char_found = 2; /* 2 for yes do wrap. */ break; } else char_found = 1; /* 1 for yes found a word, but must check further. */ } if (char_found == 2) do_wrap(inptr, ch); } } /* Stuff we do when we abort from programs and want to clean up the * screen. This doesnt do much right now. */ void do_early_abort(void) { blank_statusbar_refresh(); } int do_backspace(void) { filestruct *previous, *tmp; if (current_x != 0) { /* Let's get dangerous */ memmove(¤t->data[current_x - 1], ¤t->data[current_x], strlen(current->data) - current_x + 1); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, _("current->data now = \"%s\"\n"), current->data); #endif align(¤t->data); do_left(); } else { if (current == fileage) return 0; /* Can't delete past top of file */ previous = current->prev; current_x = strlen(previous->data); previous->data = nrealloc(previous->data, strlen(previous->data) + strlen(current->data) + 1); strcat(previous->data, current->data); tmp = current; unlink_node(current); delete_node(current); if (current == edittop) { if (previous->next) current = previous->next; else current = previous; page_up_center(); } else { if (previous->next) current = previous->next; else current = previous; update_line(current, current_x); } /* Ooops, sanity check */ if (tmp == filebot) { filebot = current; editbot = current; /* Recreate the magic line if we're deleting it AND if the line we're on now is NOT blank. if it is blank we can just use IT for the magic line. This is how Pico appears to do it, in any case */ if (strcmp(current->data, "")) { new_magicline(); fix_editbot(); totsize++; } } current = previous; renumber(current); previous_line(); totlines--; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, _("After, data = \"%s\"\n"), current->data); #endif } totsize--; set_modified(); UNSET(KEEP_CUTBUFFER); edit_refresh(); return 1; } int do_delete(void) { filestruct *foo; if (current_x != strlen(current->data)) { /* Let's get dangerous */ memmove(¤t->data[current_x], ¤t->data[current_x + 1], strlen(current->data) - current_x); align(¤t->data); } else if (current->next != NULL) { current->data = nrealloc(current->data, strlen(current->data) + strlen(current->next->data) + 1); strcat(current->data, current->next->data); foo = current->next; if (filebot == foo) { filebot = current; editbot = current; } unlink_node(foo); delete_node(foo); update_line(current, current_x); /* Please see the comment in do_basckspace if you don't understand this test */ if (current == filebot && strcmp(current->data, "")) { new_magicline(); fix_editbot(); totsize++; } renumber(current); totlines--; } else return 0; totsize--; set_modified(); UNSET(KEEP_CUTBUFFER); edit_refresh(); return 1; } void wrap_reset(void) { UNSET(SAMELINEWRAP); } #if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && !defined(DISABLE_SPELLER) int do_int_spell_fix(char *word) { char *prevanswer = NULL, *save_search = NULL, *save_replace = NULL; filestruct *begin; int i = 0, j = 0, beginx, beginx_top; /* save where we are */ begin = current; beginx = current_x + 1; /* save the current search/replace strings */ search_init_globals(); save_search = mallocstrcpy(save_search, last_search); save_replace = mallocstrcpy(save_replace, last_replace); /* set search/replace strings to mis-spelt word */ prevanswer = mallocstrcpy(prevanswer, word); last_search = mallocstrcpy(last_search, word); last_replace = mallocstrcpy(last_replace, word); /* start from the top of file */ current = fileage; current_x = beginx_top = -1; search_last_line = FALSE; edit_update(fileage, TOP); /* make sure word is still mis-spelt (i.e. when multi-errors) */ if (findnextstr(TRUE, fileage, beginx_top, prevanswer) != NULL) { do_replace_highlight(TRUE, prevanswer); /* allow replace word to be corrected */ i = statusq(0, spell_list, SPELL_LIST_LEN, last_replace, _("Edit a replacement")); do_replace_highlight(FALSE, prevanswer); /* start from the start of this line again */ current = fileage; current_x = beginx_top; search_last_line = FALSE; j = i; do_replace_loop(prevanswer, fileage, &beginx_top, TRUE, &j); } /* restore the search/replace strings */ last_search = mallocstrcpy(last_search, save_search); last_replace = mallocstrcpy(last_replace, save_replace); /* restore where we were */ current = begin; current_x = beginx - 1; edit_update(current, CENTER); if (i == -1) return FALSE; return TRUE; } #endif #if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && !defined(DISABLE_SPELLER) /* Integrated spell checking using 'spell' program */ int do_int_speller(char *tempfile_name) { char *read_buff, *read_buff_ptr, *read_buff_word; long pipe_buff_size; int in_fd[2], tempfile_fd; int spell_status; pid_t pid_spell; ssize_t bytesread; /* Create a pipe to spell program */ if (pipe(in_fd) == -1) return FALSE; /* A new process to run spell in */ if ( (pid_spell = fork()) == 0) { /* Child continues, (i.e. future spell process) */ close(in_fd[0]); /* replace the standard in with the tempfile */ if ( (tempfile_fd = open(tempfile_name, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { close(in_fd[1]); exit(1); } if (dup2(tempfile_fd, STDIN_FILENO) != STDIN_FILENO) { close(tempfile_fd); close(in_fd[1]); exit(1); } close(tempfile_fd); /* send spell's standard out to the pipe */ if (dup2(in_fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO) != STDOUT_FILENO) { close(in_fd[1]); exit(1); } close(in_fd[1]); /* Start spell program, we are using the PATH here!?!? */ execlp("spell", "spell", NULL); /* Should not be reached, if spell is found!!! */ exit(1); } /* Parent continues here */ close(in_fd[1]); /* Child process was not forked successfully */ if (pid_spell < 0) { close(in_fd[0]); return FALSE; } /* Get system pipe buffer size */ if ( (pipe_buff_size = fpathconf(in_fd[0], _PC_PIPE_BUF)) < 1) { close(in_fd[0]); return FALSE; } read_buff = nmalloc( pipe_buff_size + 1 ); /* Process the returned spelling errors */ while ( (bytesread = read(in_fd[0], read_buff, pipe_buff_size)) > 0) { read_buff[bytesread] = (char) NULL; read_buff_word = read_buff_ptr = read_buff; while (*read_buff_ptr != (char) NULL) { /* Windows version may need to process additional char '\r' */ /* Possible problem here if last word not followed by '\n' */ if (*read_buff_ptr == '\n') { *read_buff_ptr = (char) NULL; if (!do_int_spell_fix(read_buff_word)) { close(in_fd[0]); free(read_buff); replace_abort(); return TRUE; } read_buff_word = read_buff_ptr; read_buff_word++; } read_buff_ptr++; } } close(in_fd[0]); free(read_buff); replace_abort(); /* Process end of spell process */ wait(&spell_status); if (WIFEXITED(spell_status)) { if (WEXITSTATUS(spell_status) != 0) return FALSE; } else return FALSE; return TRUE; } #endif #if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && !defined(DISABLE_SPELLER) /* External spell checking */ int do_alt_speller(char *file_name) { int alt_spell_status; pid_t pid_spell; endwin(); /* Start a new process for the alternate speller */ if ( (pid_spell = fork()) == 0) { /* Start alternate spell program, we are using the PATH here!?!? */ execlp(alt_speller, alt_speller, file_name, NULL); /* Should not be reached, if alternate speller is found!!! */ exit(1); } /* Could not fork?? */ if (pid_spell < 0) return FALSE; /* Wait for alternate speller to complete */ wait(&alt_spell_status); if (WIFEXITED(alt_spell_status)) { if (WEXITSTATUS(alt_spell_status) != 0) return FALSE; } else return FALSE; refresh(); free_filestruct(fileage); global_init(); open_file(file_name, 0, 1); edit_update(fileage, CENTER); display_main_list(); set_modified(); return TRUE; } #endif int do_spell(void) { #if defined(NANO_SMALL) nano_small_msg(); return (TRUE); #elif defined(DISABLE_SPELLER) nano_disabled_msg(); return (TRUE); #else char *temp; int spell_res; if ((temp = tempnam(0, "nano.")) == NULL) { statusbar(_("Could not create a temporary filename: %s"), strerror(errno)); return 0; } if (write_file(temp, 1) == -1) { statusbar(_("Spell checking failed: unable to write temp file!")); return 0; } if (alt_speller) spell_res = do_alt_speller(temp); else spell_res = do_int_speller(temp); remove(temp); if (spell_res) statusbar(_("Finished checking spelling")); else statusbar(_("Spell checking failed")); return spell_res; #endif } int do_exit(void) { int i; if (!ISSET(MODIFIED)) finish(0); if (ISSET(TEMP_OPT)) { i = 1; } else { i = do_yesno(0, 0, _ ("Save modified buffer (ANSWERING \"No\" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ? ")); } #ifdef DEBUG dump_buffer(fileage); #endif if (i == 1) { if (do_writeout(1) > 0) finish(0); } else if (i == 0) finish(0); else statusbar(_("Cancelled")); display_main_list(); return 1; } #ifndef NANO_SMALL #ifdef NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION void do_mouse(void) { MEVENT mevent; int foo = 0, tab_found = 0; if (getmouse(&mevent) == ERR) return; /* If mouse not in edit window, return (add help selection later). */ if (!wenclose(edit, mevent.y, mevent.x)) return; /* Subtract out size of topwin. Perhaps we need a constant somewhere? */ mevent.y -= 2; /* Selecting where the cursor is sets the mark. * Selecting beyond the line length with the cursor at the end of the * line sets the mark as well. */ if ((mevent.y == current_y) && ((mevent.x == current_x) || (current_x == strlen(current->data) && (mevent.x > strlen(current->data))))) { if (ISSET(VIEW_MODE)) { print_view_warning(); return; } do_mark(); } else if (mevent.y > current_y) { while (mevent.y > current_y) { if (current->next != NULL) current = current->next; else break; current_y++; } } else if (mevent.y < current_y) { while (mevent.y < current_y) { if (current->prev != NULL) current = current->prev; else break; current_y--; } } current_x = mevent.x; placewewant = current_x; while (foo < current_x) { if (current->data[foo] == NANO_CONTROL_I) { current_x -= tabsize - (foo % tabsize); tab_found = 1; } else if (current->data[foo] & 0x80); else if (current->data[foo] < 32) current_x--; foo++; } /* This is where tab_found comes in. I can't figure out why, * but without it any line with a tab will place the cursor * one character behind. Whatever, this fixes it. */ if (tab_found == 1) current_x++; if (current_x > strlen(current->data)) current_x = strlen(current->data); update_cursor(); edit_refresh(); } #endif #endif /* Handler for SIGHUP */ RETSIGTYPE handle_hup(int signal) { die(_("Received SIGHUP")); } /* What do we do when we catch the suspend signal */ RETSIGTYPE do_suspend(int signal) { act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGTSTP, &act, NULL); endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "\n\n\n\n\nUse \"fg\" to return to nano\n"); raise(SIGTSTP); } /* Restore the suspend handler when we come back into the prog */ RETSIGTYPE do_cont(int signal) { act.sa_handler = do_suspend; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGTSTP, &act, NULL); initscr(); total_refresh(); } void handle_sigwinch(int s) { #ifndef NANO_SMALL char *tty = NULL; int fd = 0; int result = 0; int i = 0; struct winsize win; tty = ttyname(0); if (!tty) return; fd = open(tty, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) return; result = ioctl(fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &win); if (result == -1) return; COLS = win.ws_col; LINES = win.ws_row; center_x = COLS / 2; center_y = LINES / 2; editwinrows = LINES - 5 + no_help(); fill = COLS - 8; free(hblank); hblank = nmalloc(COLS + 1); for (i = 0; i <= COLS - 1; i++) hblank[i] = ' '; hblank[i] = 0; #ifdef HAVE_NCURSES_H resizeterm(LINES, COLS); #ifdef HAVE_WRESIZE if (wresize(topwin, 2, COLS) == ERR) die(_("Cannot resize top win")); if (mvwin(topwin, 0, 0) == ERR) die(_("Cannot move top win")); if (wresize(edit, editwinrows, COLS) == ERR) die(_("Cannot resize edit win")); if (mvwin(edit, 2, 0) == ERR) die(_("Cannot move edit win")); if (wresize(bottomwin, 3 - no_help(), COLS) == ERR) die(_("Cannot resize bottom win")); if (mvwin(bottomwin, LINES - 3 + no_help(), 0) == ERR) die(_("Cannot move bottom win")); #endif /* HAVE_WRESIZE */ #endif /* HAVE_NCURSES_H */ fix_editbot(); if (current_y > editwinrows - 1) { edit_update(editbot, CENTER); } erase(); /* Do these b/c width may have changed... */ refresh(); titlebar(); edit_refresh(); display_main_list(); total_refresh(); #endif } void signal_init(void) { /* Trap SIGINT and SIGQUIT cuz we want them to do useful things. */ memset(&act, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL); if (!ISSET(SUSPEND)) { sigaction(SIGTSTP, &act, NULL); } else { act.sa_handler = do_suspend; sigaction(SIGTSTP, &act, NULL); act.sa_handler = do_cont; sigaction(SIGCONT, &act, NULL); } /* Trap SIGHUP cuz we want to write the file out. */ act.sa_handler = handle_hup; sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, NULL); act.sa_handler = handle_sigwinch; sigaction(SIGWINCH, &act, NULL); } void window_init(void) { editwinrows = LINES - 5 + no_help(); /* Setup up the main text window */ edit = newwin(editwinrows, COLS, 2, 0); /* And the other windows */ topwin = newwin(2, COLS, 0, 0); bottomwin = newwin(3 - no_help(), COLS, LINES - 3 + no_help(), 0); } void mouse_init(void) { #ifndef NANO_SMALL #ifdef NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION if (ISSET(USE_MOUSE)) { keypad_on(TRUE); mousemask(BUTTON1_RELEASED, NULL); mouseinterval(50); } else { mousemask(0, NULL); keypad_on(FALSE); } #endif #endif } int do_tab(void) { do_char('\t'); return 1; } #if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && !defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY) int empty_line(const char *data) { while (*data) { if (!isspace((int) *data)) return 0; data++; } return 1; } int no_spaces(const char *data) { while (*data) { if (isspace((int) *data)) return 0; data++; } return 1; } void justify_format(char *data) { int i = 0; int len = strlen(data); /* Skip first character regardless and leading whitespace. */ for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { if (!isspace((int) data[i])) break; } i++; /* (i) is now at least 2. */ /* No double spaces allowed unless following a period. Tabs -> space. No double tabs. */ for (; i < len; i++) { if (isspace((int) data[i]) && isspace((int) data[i - 1]) && (data[i - 2] != '.')) { memmove(data + i, data + i + 1, len - i); len--; i--; } } } #endif int do_justify(void) { #ifdef NANO_SMALL nano_small_msg(); return 1; #elif defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY) nano_disabled_msg(); return 1; #else int slen = 0; /* length of combined lines on one line. */ int initial_y, kbinput; filestruct *initial = NULL, *tmpjust = NULL, *cutbak, *tmptop, *tmpbot; if (empty_line(current->data)) { /* Justify starting at first non-empty line. */ do { if (!current->next) return 1; current = current->next; current_y++; } while (empty_line(current->data)); } else { /* Search back for the beginning of the paragraph, where * Paragraph is 1) A line with leading whitespace * or 2) A line following an empty line. */ while (current->prev != NULL) { if (isspace((int) current->data[0]) || !current->data[0]) break; current = current->prev; current_y--; } /* First line with leading whitespace may be empty. */ if (empty_line(current->data)) { if (current->next) { current = current->next; current_y++; } else return 1; } } initial = current; initial_y = current_y; set_modified(); cutbak = cutbuffer; /* Got to like cutbak ;) */ cutbuffer = NULL; tmptop = current; tmpjust = copy_node(current); add_to_cutbuffer(tmpjust); /* Put the whole paragraph into one big line. */ while (current->next && !isspace((int) current->next->data[0]) && current->next->data[0]) { filestruct *tmpnode = current->next; int len = strlen(current->data); int len2 = strlen(current->next->data); tmpjust = NULL; tmpjust = copy_node(current->next); add_to_cutbuffer(tmpjust); /* length of both strings plus space between strings and ending \0. */ current->data = nrealloc(current->data, len + len2 + 2); current->data[len++] = ' '; current->data[len] = '\0'; strncat(current->data, current->next->data, len2); unlink_node(tmpnode); delete_node(tmpnode); } totsize -= strlen(current->data); justify_format(current->data); slen = strlen(current->data); totsize += slen; if ((strlenpt(current->data) > (fill)) && !no_spaces(current->data)) { do { int i = 0; int len2 = 0; filestruct *tmpline = nmalloc(sizeof(filestruct)); /* Start at fill , unless line isn't that long (but it * appears at least fill long with tabs. */ if (slen > fill) i = fill; else i = slen; for (; i > 0; i--) { if (isspace((int) current->data[i]) && ((strlenpt(current->data) - strlen(current->data + i)) <= fill)) break; } if (!i) break; current->data[i] = '\0'; len2 = strlen(current->data + i + 1); tmpline->data = nmalloc(len2 + 1); /* Skip the white space in current. */ memcpy(tmpline->data, current->data + i + 1, len2); tmpline->data[len2] = '\0'; current->data = nrealloc(current->data, i + 1); tmpline->prev = current; tmpline->next = current->next; if (current->next != NULL) current->next->prev = tmpline; current->next = tmpline; current = tmpline; slen -= i + 1; current_y++; } while ((strlenpt(current->data) > (fill)) && !no_spaces(current->data)); } tmpbot = current; if (current->next) current = current->next; else filebot = current; current_x = 0; placewewant = 0; renumber(initial); totlines = filebot->lineno; werase(edit); if ((current_y < 0) || (current_y >= editwinrows - 1) || (initial_y <= 0)) { edit_update(current, CENTER); center_cursor(); } else { fix_editbot(); } edit_refresh(); statusbar(_("Can now UnJustify!")); /* Change the shortcut list to display the unjustify code */ shortcut_init(1); display_main_list(); reset_cursor(); /* Now get a keystroke and see if it's unjustify, if not unget the keytroke and return */ if ((kbinput = wgetch(edit)) != NANO_UNJUSTIFY_KEY) ungetch(kbinput); else { /* Else restore the justify we just did (ungrateful user!) */ if (tmptop->prev != NULL) tmptop->prev->next = tmpbot->next; else fileage = current; tmpbot->next->prev = tmptop->prev; current = tmpbot->next; tmpbot->next = NULL; do_uncut_text(); if (tmptop->prev == NULL) edit_refresh(); free_filestruct(tmptop); blank_statusbar_refresh(); } shortcut_init(0); display_main_list(); free_filestruct(cutbuffer); cutbuffer = cutbak; return 1; #endif } void help_init(void) { int i, sofar = 0; long allocsize = 1; /* How much space we're gonna need for the help text */ char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* Compute the space needed for the shortcut lists - we add 15 to have room for the shortcut abbrev and its possible alternate keys */ for (i = 0; i < MAIN_LIST_LEN; i++) if (main_list[i].help != NULL) allocsize += strlen(main_list[i].help) + 15; /* And for the toggle list, we also allocate space for extra text. */ for (i = 0; i <= TOGGLE_LEN - 1; i++) if (toggles[i].desc != NULL) allocsize += strlen(toggles[i].desc) + 30; allocsize += strlen(help_text_init); if (help_text != NULL) free(help_text); /* Allocate space for the help text */ help_text = nmalloc(allocsize); /* Now add the text we want */ strcpy(help_text, help_text_init); /* Now add our shortcut info */ for (i = 0; i < MAIN_LIST_LEN - 1; i++) { sofar = snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "^%c ", main_list[i].val + 64); if (main_list[i].misc1 > KEY_F0 && main_list[i].misc1 <= KEY_F(64)) sofar += snprintf(&buf[sofar], BUFSIZ - sofar, "(F%d) ", main_list[i].misc1 - KEY_F0); else sofar += snprintf(&buf[sofar], BUFSIZ - sofar, " "); if (main_list[i].altval > 0) sofar += snprintf(&buf[sofar], BUFSIZ - sofar, "(M-%c) ", main_list[i].altval - 32); else sofar += snprintf(&buf[sofar], BUFSIZ - sofar, " "); if (main_list[i].help != NULL) snprintf(&buf[sofar], BUFSIZ - sofar, "%s", main_list[i].help); strcat(help_text, buf); strcat(help_text, "\n"); } /* And the toggles... */ for (i = 0; i <= TOGGLE_LEN - 1; i++) { sofar = snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "M-%c ", toggles[i].val - 32); if (toggles[i].desc != NULL) snprintf(&buf[sofar], BUFSIZ - sofar, _("%s enable/disable"), toggles[i].desc); strcat(help_text, buf); strcat(help_text, "\n"); } } void do_toggle(int which) { #ifndef NANO_SMALL char *enabled = _("enabled"); char *disabled = _("disabled"); if (ISSET(toggles[which].flag)) UNSET(toggles[which].flag); else SET(toggles[which].flag); switch (toggles[which].val) { case TOGGLE_PICOMODE_KEY: shortcut_init(0); display_main_list(); break; case TOGGLE_SUSPEND_KEY: signal_init(); break; case TOGGLE_MOUSE_KEY: mouse_init(); break; case TOGGLE_NOHELP_KEY: wclear(bottomwin); wrefresh(bottomwin); window_init(); edit_refresh(); display_main_list(); break; } if (!ISSET(toggles[which].flag)) { if (toggles[which].val == TOGGLE_NOHELP_KEY || toggles[which].val == TOGGLE_WRAP_KEY) statusbar("%s %s", toggles[which].desc, enabled); else statusbar("%s %s", toggles[which].desc, disabled); } else { if (toggles[which].val == TOGGLE_NOHELP_KEY || toggles[which].val == TOGGLE_WRAP_KEY) statusbar("%s %s", toggles[which].desc, disabled); else statusbar("%s %s", toggles[which].desc, enabled); } SET(DISABLE_CURPOS); #else nano_small_msg(); #endif } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int optchr; int kbinput; /* Input from keyboard */ long startline = 0; /* Line to try and start at */ int keyhandled = 0; /* Have we handled the keystroke yet? */ int i; char *argv0; #ifdef _POSIX_VDISABLE struct termios term; #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG int option_index = 0; struct option long_options[] = { #ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H {"regexp", 0, 0, 'R'}, #endif {"version", 0, 0, 'V'}, {"const", 0, 0, 'c'}, {"suspend", 0, 0, 'z'}, {"nowrap", 0, 0, 'w'}, {"nohelp", 0, 0, 'x'}, {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, #ifndef NANO_SMALL {"cut", 0, 0, 'k'}, #endif {"autoindent", 0, 0, 'i'}, {"tempfile", 0, 0, 't'}, {"speller", 1, 0, 's'}, {"fill", 1, 0, 'r'}, {"mouse", 0, 0, 'm'}, {"pico", 0, 0, 'p'}, {"nofollow", 0, 0, 'l'}, {"tabsize", 1, 0, 'T'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; #endif /* Flag inits... */ SET(FOLLOW_SYMLINKS); #ifndef NANO_SMALL setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain(PACKAGE); #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG while ((optchr = getopt_long(argc, argv, "?T:RVchiklmpr:s:tvwxz", long_options, &option_index)) != EOF) { #else while ((optchr = getopt(argc, argv, "h?T:RVciklmpr:s:tvwxz")) != EOF) { #endif switch (optchr) { case 'T': tabsize = atoi(optarg); if (tabsize <= 0) { usage(); /* To stop bogus data for tab width */ finish(1); } break; #ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H case 'R': SET(USE_REGEXP); break; #endif case 'V': version(); exit(0); case 'c': SET(CONSTUPDATE); break; case 'h': case '?': usage(); exit(0); case 'i': SET(AUTOINDENT); break; #ifndef NANO_SMALL case 'k': SET(CUT_TO_END); break; #else case 'k': usage(); /* Oops! You dont really have that option */ finish(1); #endif case 'l': UNSET(FOLLOW_SYMLINKS); break; case 'm': SET(USE_MOUSE); break; case 'p': SET(PICO_MODE); break; case 'r': fill = atoi(optarg); if (fill <= 0) { usage(); /* To stop bogus data (like a string) */ finish(1); } break; case 's': alt_speller = nmalloc(strlen(optarg) + 1); strcpy(alt_speller, optarg); break; case 't': SET(TEMP_OPT); break; case 'v': SET(VIEW_MODE); break; case 'w': SET(NO_WRAP); break; case 'x': SET(NO_HELP); break; case 'z': SET(SUSPEND); break; default: usage(); exit(0); } } argv0 = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if ((argv0 && strstr(argv0, "pico")) || (!argv0 && strstr(argv[0], "pico"))) SET(PICO_MODE); /* See if there's a non-option in argv (first non-option is the filename, if +LINE is not given) */ if (argc == 1 || argc <= optind) strcpy(filename, ""); else { /* Look for the +line flag... */ if (argv[optind][0] == '+') { startline = atoi(&argv[optind][1]); optind++; if (argc == 1 || argc <= optind) strcpy(filename, ""); else strncpy(filename, argv[optind], 132); } else strncpy(filename, argv[optind], 132); } /* First back up the old settings so they can be restored, duh */ tcgetattr(0, &oldterm); #ifdef _POSIX_VDISABLE term = oldterm; term.c_cc[VINTR] = _POSIX_VDISABLE; term.c_cc[VQUIT] = _POSIX_VDISABLE; term.c_lflag &= ~IEXTEN; tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term); #endif /* now ncurses init stuff... */ initscr(); savetty(); nonl(); cbreak(); noecho(); timeout(0); /* Set up some global variables */ global_init(); shortcut_init(0); init_help_msg(); help_init(); signal_init(); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, _("Main: set up windows\n")); #endif window_init(); mouse_init(); #ifdef PDCURSES /* Must have this for the arrow, et al, keys to even work in PDCurses+cygwin under Windows */ keypad_on(TRUE); #endif #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, _("Main: bottom win\n")); #endif /* Set up up bottom of window */ display_main_list(); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, _("Main: open file\n")); #endif titlebar(); /* Now we check to see if argv[optind] is non-null to determine if we're dealing with a new file or not, not argc == 1... */ if (argv[optind] == NULL) new_file(); else open_file(filename, 0, 0); if (startline > 0) do_gotoline(startline); else edit_update(fileage, CENTER); edit_refresh(); reset_cursor(); while (1) { #ifndef _POSIX_VDISABLE /* We're going to have to do it the old way, i.e. on cygwin */ raw(); #endif kbinput = wgetch(edit); if (kbinput == 27) { /* Grab Alt-key stuff first */ switch (kbinput = wgetch(edit)) { /* Alt-O, suddenly very important ;) */ case 79: kbinput = wgetch(edit); if (kbinput <= 'S' && kbinput >= 'P') kbinput = KEY_F(kbinput - 79); #ifdef DEBUG else { fprintf(stderr, _("I got Alt-O-%c! (%d)\n"), kbinput, kbinput); break; } #endif break; case 91: switch (kbinput = wgetch(edit)) { case '1': /* Alt-[-1-[0-5,7-9] = F1-F8 in X at least */ kbinput = wgetch(edit); if (kbinput >= '1' && kbinput <= '5') { kbinput = KEY_F(kbinput - 48); wgetch(edit); } else if (kbinput >= '7' && kbinput <= '9') { kbinput = KEY_F(kbinput - 49); wgetch(edit); } else if (kbinput == 126) kbinput = KEY_HOME; #ifdef DEBUG else { fprintf(stderr, _("I got Alt-[-1-%c! (%d)\n"), kbinput, kbinput); break; } #endif break; case '2': /* Alt-[-2-[0,1,3,4] = F9-F12 in many terms */ kbinput = wgetch(edit); switch (kbinput) { case '0': kbinput = KEY_F(9); wgetch(edit); break; case '1': kbinput = KEY_F(10); wgetch(edit); break; case '3': kbinput = KEY_F(11); wgetch(edit); break; case '4': kbinput = KEY_F(12); wgetch(edit); break; case 126: /* Hack, make insert key do something usefile, like insert file */ do_insertfile(); keyhandled = 1; break; #ifdef DEBUG default: fprintf(stderr, _("I got Alt-[-2-%c! (%d)\n"), kbinput, kbinput); break; #endif } break; case '3': /* Alt-[-3 = Delete? */ kbinput = NANO_DELETE_KEY; wgetch(edit); break; case '4': /* Alt-[-4 = End? */ kbinput = NANO_END_KEY; wgetch(edit); break; case '5': /* Alt-[-5 = Page Up */ kbinput = KEY_PPAGE; wgetch(edit); break; case '6': /* Alt-[-6 = Page Down */ kbinput = KEY_NPAGE; wgetch(edit); break; case '[': /* Alt-[-[-[A-E], F1-F5 in linux console */ kbinput = wgetch(edit); if (kbinput >= 'A' && kbinput <= 'E') kbinput = KEY_F(kbinput - 64); break; case 'A': kbinput = KEY_UP; break; case 'B': kbinput = KEY_DOWN; break; case 'C': kbinput = KEY_RIGHT; break; case 'D': kbinput = KEY_LEFT; break; case 'H': kbinput = KEY_HOME; break; case 'F': kbinput = KEY_END; break; default: #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, _("I got Alt-[-%c! (%d)\n"), kbinput, kbinput); #endif break; } break; default: /* Check for the altkey defs.... */ for (i = 0; i <= MAIN_LIST_LEN - 1; i++) if (kbinput == main_list[i].altval || kbinput == main_list[i].altval - 32) { kbinput = main_list[i].val; break; } #ifndef NANO_SMALL /* And for toggle switches */ for (i = 0; i <= TOGGLE_LEN - 1 && !keyhandled; i++) if (kbinput == toggles[i].val || kbinput == toggles[i].val - 32) { do_toggle(i); keyhandled = 1; break; } #endif #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, _("I got Alt-%c! (%d)\n"), kbinput, kbinput); #endif break; } } /* Look through the main shortcut list to see if we've hit a shortcut key */ for (i = 0; i < MAIN_LIST_LEN && !keyhandled; i++) { if (kbinput == main_list[i].val || (main_list[i].misc1 && kbinput == main_list[i].misc1) || (main_list[i].misc2 && kbinput == main_list[i].misc2)) { if (ISSET(VIEW_MODE) && !main_list[i].viewok) print_view_warning(); else main_list[i].func(); keyhandled = 1; } } #ifndef _POSIX_VDISABLE /* Since we're in raw mode, we have to catch ^Q and ^S */ if (kbinput == 17 || kbinput == 19) keyhandled = 1; /* And catch ^Z by hand when triggered */ if (kbinput == 26) { if (ISSET(SUSPEND)) do_suspend(0); keyhandled = 1; } #endif /* Last gasp, stuff that's not in the main lists */ if (!keyhandled) switch (kbinput) { #ifndef NANO_SMALL #ifdef NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION case KEY_MOUSE: do_mouse(); break; #endif #endif case 0: /* Erg */ do_next_word(); break; case 331: /* Stuff that we don't want to do squat */ case -1: case 410: /* Must ignore this, it gets sent when we resize */ #ifdef PDCURSES case 541: /* ???? */ case 542: /* Control and alt in Windows *shrug* */ case 543: /* Right ctrl key */ case 544: case 545: /* Right alt key */ #endif break; default: #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "I got %c (%d)!\n", kbinput, kbinput); #endif /* We no longer stop unhandled sequences so that people with odd character sets can type... */ if (ISSET(VIEW_MODE)) { print_view_warning(); break; } do_char(kbinput); } if (ISSET(CONSTUPDATE)) { if (ISSET(DISABLE_CURPOS)) UNSET(DISABLE_CURPOS); else do_cursorpos(); } reset_cursor(); wrefresh(edit); keyhandled = 0; } getchar(); finish(0); }