We were previously not handling picotool at all, and
pico-sdk would download picotool itself, at build time.
This means that the source archive, if created, would
not contain picotool. While not strictly required, for
complete corresponding source, since it's a toolchain
and not the actual pico-serprog firmware, it is my policy
that releases must include full corresponding source code,
when it is feasible to do so.
I must say, I intensely dislike cmake, with such burning
passion; I am thoroughly displeased by how hacky this is,
but it works and now nothing is in my way for a Libreboot
20241206 rev8 release!
Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <leah@libreboot.org>
replace it with logic that simply uses "." to load
files directly.
config/git files are now directories, also containing
pkg.cfg files each with the same variables as before,
such as repository link and commit hash
this change results in a noticeable reduction in code
complexity within the build system.
unified reading of config files: new function setcfg()
added to lib.sh
setcfg checks if a config exists. if a 2nd argument is
passed, it is used as a return value for eval, otherwise
a string calling err is passed. setcfg output is passed
through eval, to set strings based on config; eval must
be used, so that the variables are set within the same
scope, otherwise they'd be set within setcfg which could
lead to some whacky results.
there's still a bit more more to do, but this single change
results in a substantial reduction in code complexity.
Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <leah@libreboot.org>