#!/usr/bin/env sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2016,2020,2021,2023,2024 Leah Rowe <leah@libreboot.org> # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021,2022 Ferass El Hafidi <vitali64pmemail@protonmail.com> # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Caleb La Grange <thonkpeasant@protonmail.com> # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Alper Nebi Yasak <alpernebiyasak@gmail.com> # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Riku Viitanen <riku.viitanen@protonmail.com> set -u -e . "include/option.sh" serprog_usage="usage: ./build roms serprog <rp2040|stm32> [board]" seavgabiosrom="elf/seabios/default/libgfxinit/vgabios.bin" grub_background="background1280x800.png" grubelf="elf/grub/grub.elf" cfgsdir="config/coreboot" pico_src_dir="src/pico-serprog" pico_sdk_dir="src/pico-sdk" stm32_src_dir="src/stm32-vserprog" # Disable all payloads by default. # target.cfg files have to specifically enable [a] payload(s) pv="payload_grub payload_grub_withseabios payload_seabios payload_memtest t" pv="${pv} payload_seabios_withgrub payload_seabios_grubonly payload_uboot memtest_bin" v="romdir cbrom initmode displaymode cbcfg targetdir tree keymaps release" v="${v} grub_timeout ubdir board grub_scan_disk uboot_config" eval "$(setvars "n" ${pv} serprog)" eval "$(setvars "" ${v} boards _displaymode _payload _keyboard all targets \ serprog_boards_dir)" main() { check_project while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case ${1} in help) usage exit 0 ;; list) x_ items config/coreboot return 0 ;; serprog) serprog="y" shift 1; break ;; -d) _displaymode="${2}" ;; -p) _payload="${2}" ;; -k) _keyboard="${2}" ;; *) [ "${1}" = "all" ] && all="y" boards="${1} ${boards}" shift && continue ;; esac shift 2 done if [ "$serprog" = "y" ]; then handle_serprog $@ return 0 else [ "${all}" != "y" ] || boards=$(items config/coreboot) || \ $err "Cannot generate list of boards for building" for x in ${boards}; do handle_coreboot_target "$x" done fi [ -z "${targets}" ] && $err "No ROM images were compiled" printf "\nROM images available in these directories:\n" eval "printf \"${targets}\"" printf "^^ ROM images available in these directories.\n\n" printf "DO NOT flash images from elf/ - please use bin/ instead.\n" } handle_serprog() { [ -z "${1+x}" ] && $err "${serprog_usage}" [ "$1" != "rp2040" ] && [ "$1" != "stm32" ] && $err "$serprog_usage" if [ "${1}" = "rp2040" ]; then serprog_boards_dir=${pico_sdk_dir}/src/boards/include/boards [ -d "$pico_src_dir" ] || x_ ./update trees -f "pico-serprog" elif [ "${1}" = "stm32" ]; then serprog_boards_dir=${stm32_src_dir}/boards [ -d "$stm32_src_dir" ] || x_ ./update trees -f "stm32-vserprog" fi x_ mkdir -p "bin/serprog_${1}" if [ $# -gt 1 ] && [ "${2}" = "list" ]; then print_serprog_boards ${serprog_boards_dir} elif [ $# -gt 1 ]; then build_${1}_rom "${2}" else printf "Building all serprog targets\n" list_serprog_boards "${serprog_boards_dir}" | \ while read -r board; do build_${1}_rom "${board}" done fi } build_rp2040_rom() { board=${1} printf "Building pico-serprog for %s\n" "${board}" x_ cmake -DPICO_BOARD="$board" -DPICO_SDK_PATH="$pico_sdk_dir" \ -B "${pico_src_dir}/build" "${pico_src_dir}" x_ cmake --build "${pico_src_dir}/build" x_ mv ${pico_src_dir}/build/pico_serprog.uf2 \ bin/serprog_rp2040/serprog_${board}.uf2 printf "output to bin/serprog_rp2040/serprog_%s.uf2\n" "$board" } build_stm32_rom() { board=${1} printf "Building stm32-vserprog for %s\n" "${board}" x_ make -C $stm32_src_dir libopencm3-just-make BOARD=$board x_ make -C ${stm32_src_dir} BOARD=${board} x_ mv ${stm32_src_dir}/stm32-vserprog.hex \ bin/serprog_stm32/serprog_${board}.hex printf "output to bin/serprog_stm32/serprog_%s.hex\n" "$board" } print_serprog_boards() { printf "Available boards:\n" list_serprog_boards "${1}" } list_serprog_boards() { basename -a -s .h "${1}/"*.h || $err "list_boards $1: can't list boards" } handle_coreboot_target() { eval "$(setvars "n" ${pv}) $(setvars "" ${v})" grub_background="background1280x800.png" board="$1" configure_target [ "$board" = "$tree" ] && return 0 if [ "$cbmk_release" = "y" ] && [ "$release" = "n" ]; then printf "Target '%s' disabled for release.\n" "$board" return 0 fi build_payloads build_target_mainboard [ -d "bin/${board}" ] || return 0 targets="* bin/${board}\n${targets}" } configure_target() { targetdir="${cfgsdir}/${board}" [ -f "${targetdir}/target.cfg" ] || \ $err "Missing target.cfg for target: ${board}" # Override the above defaults using target.cfg . "${targetdir}/target.cfg" [ -z "${grub_scan_disk}" ] && grub_scan_disk="both" [ "$grub_scan_disk" != "both" ] && [ "$grub_scan_disk" != "ata" ] \ && [ "${grub_scan_disk}" != "ahci" ] && \ grub_scan_disk="both" [ -z "$tree" ] && $err "$board: tree not defined" [ "${payload_memtest}" != "y" ] && payload_memtest="n" [ "${payload_grub_withseabios}" = "y" ] && payload_grub="y" [ "${payload_grub_withseabios}" = "y" ] && \ eval "$(setvars "y" payload_seabios payload_seabios_withgrub)" [ "$payload_seabios_withgrub" = "y" ] && payload_seabios="y" [ "$payload_seabios_grubonly" = "y" ] && payload_seabios="y" [ "$payload_seabios_grubonly" = "y" ] && payload_seabios_withgrub="y" # The reverse logic must not be applied. If SeaBIOS-with-GRUB works, # that doesn't mean GRUB-withSeaBIOS will. For example, the board # might have a graphics card whose vga rom coreboot doesn't execute [ "$payload_grub" != "y" ] && [ "$payload_seabios" != "y" ] && \ [ "${payload_uboot}" != "y" ] && \ for configfile in "${targetdir}/config/"*; do [ -e "${configfile}" ] || continue $err "target '${board}' defines no payload" done [ "$payload_uboot" != "n" ] && [ "$payload_uboot" != "y" ] && \ payload_uboot="n" [ "$payload_uboot" = "y" ] && [ -z "$uboot_config" ] && \ uboot_config="default" # Override all payload directives with cmdline args [ -z "${_payload}" ] && return 0 printf "setting payload to: %s\n" "${_payload}" eval "$(setvars "n" payload_grub payload_memtest payload_seabios \ payload_seabios_withgrub payload_uboot payload_grub_withseabios \ payload_seabios_grubonly)" eval "payload_${_payload}=y" } build_payloads() { romdir="bin/${board}" cbdir="src/coreboot/${board}" [ "${board}" = "${tree}" ] || cbdir="src/coreboot/${tree}" cbfstool="cbutils/${tree}/cbfstool" cbrom="${cbdir}/build/coreboot.rom" [ -f "$cbfstool" ] || x_ ./update trees -b coreboot utils $tree memtest_bin="memtest86plus/build64/memtest.bin" [ "${payload_memtest}" != "y" ] || [ -f "src/${memtest_bin}" ] || \ x_ ./update trees -b memtest86plus [ "$payload_seabios" = "y" ] && x_ ./update trees -b seabios if [ "$payload_grub" = "y" ] || [ "$payload_seabios_withgrub" = "y" ] \ || [ "$payload_seabios_grubonly" = "y" ]; then build_grub_payload fi [ "${payload_uboot}" = "y" ] && build_uboot_payload; return 0 } build_grub_payload() { x_ mkdir -p elf/grub for keymapfile in config/grub/keymap/*.gkb; do [ -f "${keymapfile}" ] || continue keymaps="${keymaps} ${keymapfile}" done [ -z "$_keyboard" ] || [ -f "$grubcfgsdir/keymap/$_keyboard.gkb" ] || \ $err "build_grub_payload: $_keyboard layout not defined" [ -n "$_keyboard" ] && keymaps="${grubcfgsdir}/keymap/${_keyboard}.gkb" [ -f "$grubelf" ] && return 0 [ -f "src/grub/grub-mkstandalone" ] || x_ ./update trees -b grub ./src/grub/grub-mkstandalone \ --grub-mkimage="src/grub/grub-mkimage" \ -O i386-coreboot \ -o "elf/grub/grub.elf" \ -d "src/grub/grub-core/" \ --fonts= --themes= --locales= \ --modules="${grub_modules}" \ --install-modules="${grub_install_modules}" \ "/boot/grub/grub.cfg=${grubcfgsdir}/config/grub_memdisk.cfg" \ "/boot/grub/grub_default.cfg=${grubcfgsdir}/config/grub.cfg" || \ $err "could not generate grub.elf" } build_uboot_payload() { x_ ./update trees -b u-boot ${board} ubdir="elf/u-boot/${board}/${uboot_config}" ubootelf="${ubdir}/u-boot.elf" [ ! -f "${ubootelf}" ] && [ -f "${ubdir}/u-boot" ] && \ ubootelf="${ubdir}/u-boot" [ -f "${ubootelf}" ] && return 0 $err "Can't find u-boot build for board, $board"; } build_target_mainboard() { rm -f "${romdir}/"* || $err "!prepare, rm files, ${romdir}" for x in "normal" "vgarom" "libgfxinit"; do initmode="${x}" hmode="vesafb" [ "${initmode}" = "vgarom" ] || hmode="corebootfb" modes="${hmode} txtmode" [ -z "${_displaymode}" ] || modes="${_displaymode}" for y in ${modes}; do displaymode="${y}" [ "${initmode}" = "normal" ] && \ [ "$displaymode" != "txtmode" ] && continue cbcfg="${targetdir}/config/${initmode}_${displaymode}" [ "${initmode}" = "normal" ] && cbcfg="${cbcfg%_*}" build_roms "${cbcfg}" x_ rm -f "$cbrom" done done } # Main ROM building function. This calls all other functions below build_roms() { cbcfg="${1}" if [ ! -f "${cbcfg}" ]; then printf "'%s' does not exist. Skipping build for %s %s %s\n" \ "$cbcfg" "$board" "$displaymode" "$initmode" 1>&2 return 0 fi x_ ./update trees -b coreboot ${board} _cbrom="elf/coreboot_nopayload_DO_NOT_FLASH" _cbrom="${_cbrom}/${board}/${initmode}_${displaymode}" [ "${initmode}" = "normal" ] && \ _cbrom="${_cbrom%"_${displaymode}"}" _cbrom="${_cbrom}/coreboot.rom" cbrom="$(mktemp -t coreboot_rom.XXXXXXXXXX)" x_ cp "${_cbrom}" "${cbrom}" [ "${payload_memtest}" != "y" ] || \ x_ "${cbfstool}" "${cbrom}" add-payload \ -f "src/${memtest_bin}" -n img/memtest -c lzma [ "${payload_seabios}" = "y" ] && build_seabios_roms [ "$payload_grub" != "y" ] || x_ build_grub_roms "$cbrom" "grub" [ "${payload_uboot}" = "y" ] || return 0 x_ cp "${_cbrom}" "${cbrom}" build_uboot_roms } build_seabios_roms() { if [ "${payload_seabios_withgrub}" = "y" ]; then t=$(mktemp -t coreboot_rom.XXXXXXXXXX) x_ cp "${cbrom}" "${t}" x_ build_grub_roms "${t}" "seabios_withgrub" else t=$(mkSeabiosRom "${cbrom}" "fallback/payload") || \ $err "build_seabios_roms: cannot build tmprom" newrom="${romdir}/seabios_${board}_${initmode}_${displaymode}" [ "${initmode}" = "normal" ] && newrom="${romdir}/seabios" \ && newrom="${newrom}_${board}_${initmode}" x_ moverom "${t}" "${newrom}.rom" fi x_ rm -f "${t}" } # Make separate ROM images with GRUB payload, for each supported keymap build_grub_roms() { tmprom="${1}" payload1="${2}" # allow values: grub, seabios, seabios_withgrub grub_cbfs="fallback/payload" if [ "$payload1" = "grub" ] && [ "$payload_grub_withseabios" = "y" ] then _tmpmvrom=$(mkSeabiosRom "$tmprom" "seabios.elf") || \ $err "build_grub_roms 1 $board: can't build tmprom" x_ mv "$_tmpmvrom" "$tmprom" elif [ "$payload1" != "grub" ] && [ "$payload_seabios_withgrub" = "y" ] then grub_cbfs="img/grub2" _tmpmvrom=$(mkSeabiosRom "$tmprom" fallback/payload) || \ $err "build_grub_roms 2 $board: can't build tmprom" x_ mv "$_tmpmvrom" "$tmprom" fi # we only need insert grub.elf once, for each coreboot config: x_ "${cbfstool}" "${tmprom}" add-payload -f "${grubelf}" \ -n ${grub_cbfs} -c lzma # we only need insert background.png once, for each coreboot config: if [ "${displaymode}" = "vesafb" ] || \ [ "${displaymode}" = "corebootfb" ]; then backgroundfile="config/grub/background/${grub_background}" "${cbfstool}" "${tmprom}" add -f ${backgroundfile} \ -n background.png -t raw || \ $err "insert background, ${backgroundfile}" fi tmpcfg=$(mktemp -t coreboot_rom.XXXXXXXXXX) printf "set grub_scan_disk=\"%s\"\n" "$grub_scan_disk" >"$tmpcfg" \ || $err "set grub_scandisk, $grub_scan_disk, $tmpcfg" [ "${grub_scan_disk}" = "both" ] || \ x_ "$cbfstool" "$tmprom" add -f "$tmpcfg" -n scan.cfg -t raw printf "set timeout=%s\n" "${grub_timeout}" > "${tmpcfg}" || \ $err "set timeout, ${grub_timeout}, ${tmpcfg}" [ -z "${grub_timeout}" ] || x_ "${cbfstool}" "${tmprom}" add \ -f "${tmpcfg}" -n timeout.cfg -t raw x_ rm -f "${tmpcfg}" for keymapfile in ${keymaps}; do [ -f "${keymapfile}" ] || continue keymap="${keymapfile##*/}" keymap="${keymap%.gkb}" tmpgrubrom="$(mktemp -t coreboot_rom.XXXXXXXXXX)" x_ cp "${tmprom}" "${tmpgrubrom}" x_ "$cbfstool" "$tmpgrubrom" add -f "$keymapfile" \ -n keymap.gkb -t raw newrom="${romdir}/${payload1}_${board}_${initmode}_" newrom="${newrom}${displaymode}_${keymap}.rom" [ "${initmode}" = "normal" ] && \ newrom="${romdir}/${payload1}_${board}_" && \ newrom="${newrom}${initmode}_${keymap}.rom" x_ moverom "${tmpgrubrom}" "${newrom}" if [ "${payload_seabios_grubonly}" = "y" ]; then x_ "$cbfstool" "$tmpgrubrom" add \ -f "config/grub/bootorder" -n bootorder -t raw x_ moverom "$tmpgrubrom" "${newrom%.rom}_grubfirst.rom" x_ "$cbfstool" "$tmpgrubrom" add-int -i 0 \ -n etc/show-boot-menu x_ moverom "$tmpgrubrom" "${newrom%.rom}_grubonly.rom" fi x_ rm -f "${tmpgrubrom}" done } # make a rom in /tmp/ and then print the path of that ROM mkSeabiosRom() { _cbrom="${1}" # rom to insert seabios in. will not be touched # (a tmpfile will be made instead) _seabios_cbfs_path="${2}" # e.g. fallback/payload _seabioself="elf/seabios/default/${initmode}/bios.bin.elf" tmprom=$(mktemp -t coreboot_rom.XXXXXXXXXX) x_ cp "${_cbrom}" "${tmprom}" x_ "$cbfstool" "$tmprom" add-payload -f "$_seabioself" \ -n "${_seabios_cbfs_path}" -c lzma x_ "$cbfstool" "$tmprom" add-int -i 3000 -n etc/ps2-keyboard-spinup z="2"; [ "$initmode" = "vgarom" ] && z="0" x_ "$cbfstool" "$tmprom" add-int -i $z -n etc/pci-optionrom-exec x_ "$cbfstool" "$tmprom" add-int -i 0 -n etc/optionroms-checksum [ "$initmode" != "libgfxinit" ] || \ x_ "$cbfstool" "$tmprom" add -f "$seavgabiosrom" \ -n vgaroms/seavgabios.bin -t raw printf "%s\n" "${tmprom}" } build_uboot_roms() { tmprom=$(mkUbootRom "${cbrom}" "fallback/payload") || \ $err "build_uboot_roms $board: could not create tmprom" newrom="${romdir}/uboot_payload_${board}_${initmode}_${displaymode}.rom" x_ moverom "${tmprom}" "${newrom}" x_ rm -f "${tmprom}" } # make a rom in /tmp/ and then print the path of that ROM mkUbootRom() { _cbrom="${1}" _uboot_cbfs_path="${2}" _ubdir="elf/u-boot/${board}/${uboot_config}" _ubootelf="${_ubdir}/u-boot.elf" [ -f "${_ubootelf}" ] || _ubootelf="${_ubdir}/u-boot" [ -f "$_ubootelf" ] || $err "mkUbootRom: $board: cant find u-boot" tmprom=$(mktemp -t coreboot_rom.XXXXXXXXXX) x_ cp "${_cbrom}" "${tmprom}" x_ "$cbfstool" "$tmprom" add-payload -f "$_ubootelf" \ -n "${_uboot_cbfs_path}" -c lzma printf "%s\n" "${tmprom}" } moverom() { printf "Creating target image: %s\n" "$2" x_ mkdir -p "${2%/*}" x_ cp "$1" "$2" } usage() { cat <<- EOF USAGE: ./build roms targetname To build *all* boards, do this: ./build roms all To list *all* boards, do this: ./build roms list Optional Flags: -d: displaymode -p: payload -k: keyboard layout Example commands: ./build roms x60 ./build roms x200_8mb x60 ./build roms x60 -p grub -d corebootfb -k usqwerty to see possible values for 'target': ./build roms list Can also build serprog images: ${serprog_usage} to see targets of only a given status (stable, unstable, broken, untested and unknown), try e.g. ./build roms list stable ./build roms list unstable untested ./build roms list unknown ./build roms list broken ./build roms list broken stable the value is set in target.cfg for each board. if status is unitialised, it defaults to "unknown". only stable/unstable targets are permitted in releases; broken, untested and unknown are not allowed, but are accessible via normal building Refer to the ${projectname} documentation for more information. EOF } main $@