470 lines
12 KiB
470 lines
12 KiB
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
/* Copyright (c) 2022-2025 Leah Rowe <leah@libreboot.org> */
/* Copyright (c) 2023 Riku Viitanen <riku.viitanen@protonmail.com> */
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void cmd_setchecksum(void), cmd_brick(void), swap(int partnum), writeGbe(void),
cmd_dump(void), cmd_setmac(void), readGbe(void), checkdir(const char *path),
macf(int partnum), hexdump(int partnum), openFiles(const char *path),
cmd_copy(void), parseMacString(const char *strMac, uint16_t *mac),
int goodChecksum(int partnum);
uint8_t hextonum(char chs), rhex(void);
#define COMMAND argv[2]
#define MAC_ADDRESS argv[3]
#define PARTN argv[3]
#define NVM_CHECKSUM 0xBABA /* checksum value */
#define NVM_CHECKSUM_WORD 0x3F /* checksum word position */
#define NVM_SIZE 128 /* Area containing NVM words */
#define SIZE_8KB 0x2000
#define SIZE_16KB 0x4000
#define SIZE_128KB 0x20000
uint16_t mac[3] = {0, 0, 0};
ssize_t nf;
size_t partsize, gbe[2];
uint8_t nvmPartChanged[2] = {0, 0}, do_read[2] = {1, 1};
int e = 1, flags, rfd, fd, part, gbeFileChanged = 0;
const char *strMac = NULL, *strRMac = "??:??:??:??:??:??", *filename = NULL;
/* available commands, set a pointer based on user command */
typedef struct op {
char *str;
void (*cmd)(void);
int args;
} op_t;
op_t op[] = {
{ .str = "dump", .cmd = cmd_dump, .args = 3},
{ .str = "setmac", .cmd = cmd_setmac, .args = 3},
{ .str = "swap", .cmd = cmd_swap, .args = 3},
{ .str = "copy", .cmd = cmd_copy, .args = 4},
{ .str = "brick", .cmd = cmd_brick, .args = 4},
{ .str = "setchecksum", .cmd = cmd_setchecksum, .args = 4},
void (*cmd)(void) = NULL;
/* wrappers for BSD-style err() function (error handling) */
#define ERR() errno = errno ? errno : ECANCELED
#define err_if(x) if (x) err(ERR(), "%s", filename)
/* Macro for opening a file with errors properly handled */
#define xopen(f,l,p) if ((f = open(l, p)) == -1) err(ERR(), "%s", l); \
if (fstat(f, &st) == -1) err(ERR(), "%s", l)
/* Macros for reading/writing the GbE file in memory */
#define word(pos16, partnum) ((uint16_t *) gbe[partnum])[pos16]
#define setWord(pos16, p, val16) if ((gbeFileChanged = 1) && \
word(pos16, p) != val16) nvmPartChanged[p] = 1 | (word(pos16, p) = val16)
main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef __OpenBSD__
/* OpenBSD pledge (sandboxing): https://man.openbsd.org/pledge.2 */
err_if(pledge("stdio rpath wpath unveil", NULL) == -1);
if (argc < 3) { /* TODO: manpage! */
fprintf(stderr, "Modify Intel GbE NVM images e.g. set MAC\n");
fprintf(stderr, "USAGE:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s FILE dump\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, " %s FILE setmac [MAC]\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, " %s FILE swap\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, " %s FILE copy 0|1\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, " %s FILE brick 0|1\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, " %s FILE setchecksum 0|1\n", argv[0]);
err(errno = ECANCELED, "Too few arguments");
filename = argv[1];
if (strcmp(COMMAND, "dump") == 0) {
flags = O_RDONLY; /* write not needed for dump cmd */
#ifdef __OpenBSD__
/* writes not needed for the dump command */
err_if(pledge("stdio rpath unveil", NULL) == -1);
} else {
flags = O_RDWR;
/* check for dir first, to prevent unveil from
permitting directory access on OpenBSD */
checkdir(filename); /* Must be a file, not a directory */
#ifdef __OpenBSD__
/* OpenBSD unveil: https://man.openbsd.org/unveil.2 */
err_if(unveil("/dev/urandom", "r") == -1);
/* Only allow access to /dev/urandom and the gbe file */
if (flags == O_RDONLY) { /* dump command */
err_if(unveil(filename, "r") == -1); /* write not needed */
err_if(unveil(NULL, NULL) == -1); /* lock unveil */
err_if(pledge("stdio rpath", NULL) == -1); /* lock unveil */
} else { /* other commands need read-write */
err_if(unveil(filename, "rw") == -1);
err_if(unveil(NULL, NULL) == -1); /* lock unveil */
err_if(pledge("stdio rpath wpath", NULL) == -1); /* no unveil */
openFiles(filename); /* open files first, to allow harder pledge: */
#ifdef __OpenBSD__
/* OpenBSD sandboxing: https://man.openbsd.org/pledge.2 */
err_if(pledge("stdio", NULL) == -1);
for (int i = 0; (i < 6) && (cmd == NULL); i++) {
if (strcmp(COMMAND, op[i].str) != 0)
if (argc >= op[i].args) {
cmd = op[i].cmd;
err(errno = EINVAL, "Too few args on command '%s'", op[i].str);
if (cmd == cmd_setmac) {
strMac = strRMac; /* random MAC */
if (argc > 3) /* user-supplied MAC (can be random) */
} else if ((cmd != NULL) && (argc > 3)) { /* user-supplied partnum */
err_if((errno = (!((part = PARTN[0] - '0') == 0 || part == 1))
|| PARTN[1] ? EINVAL : errno)); /* only allow '0' or '1' */
err_if((errno = (cmd == NULL) ? EINVAL : errno)); /* bad user arg */
readGbe(); /* read gbe file into memory */
(*cmd)(); /* operate on gbe file in memory */
writeGbe(); /* write changes back to file */
err_if((errno != 0) && (cmd != cmd_dump)); /* don't err on dump */
return errno; /* errno can be set by the dump command */
* check whether urandom/file is a directory, and err if so,
* to prevent later unveil calls from permitting directory access
* on OpenBSD
checkdir(const char *path)
if (opendir(path) != NULL)
err(errno = EISDIR, "%s", path);
if (errno = ENOTDIR)
errno = 0;
/* open gbe file and /dev/urandom, setting permissions */
openFiles(const char *path)
struct stat st;
xopen(fd, path, flags); /* gbe file */
switch(st.st_size) {
case SIZE_8KB:
case SIZE_16KB:
case SIZE_128KB:
partsize = st.st_size >> 1;
err(errno = ECANCELED, "Invalid file size (not 8/16/128KiB)");
/* the MAC address randomiser relies on reading urandom */
xopen(rfd, "/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
/* read gbe file into memory buffer */
if ((cmd == cmd_swap) || (cmd == cmd_copy))
nf = partsize; /* read/write the entire block */
nf = NVM_SIZE; /* only read/write the nvm part of the block */
if ((cmd == cmd_copy) || (cmd == cmd_setchecksum) || (cmd == cmd_brick))
do_read[part ^ 1] = 0; /* only read the user-specified part */
/* AND do_read[*] to avoid wasteful malloc */
/* cmd_copy also relies on this */
char *buf = malloc(nf << (do_read[0] & do_read[1]));
if (buf == NULL)
err(errno, NULL);
/* we pread per-part, so each part has its own pointer: */
/* if a do_read is 0, both pointers are the same; this accomplishes
the desired result for cmd_copy (see cmd_copy function) */
gbe[0] = (size_t) buf;
gbe[1] = gbe[0] + (nf * (do_read[0] & do_read[1]));
for (int p = 0; p < 2; p++) {
if (!do_read[p])
continue; /* avoid unnecessary reads */
ssize_t nr = pread(fd, (uint8_t *) gbe[p], nf, p * partsize);
err_if(nr == -1);
if (nr != nf)
err(errno == ECANCELED,
"%ld bytes written on '%s', expected %ld bytes\n",
nr, filename, nf);
swap(p); /* handle big-endian host CPU */
/* set MAC address and checksum on nvm part */
parseMacString(strMac, mac);
for (int partnum = 0; partnum < 2; partnum++) {
if (!goodChecksum(part = partnum))
for (int w = 0; w < 3; w++) /* write MAC to gbe part */
setWord(w, partnum, mac[w]);
cmd_setchecksum(); /* MAC updated; need valid checksum */
/* parse MAC string, write to char buffer */
parseMacString(const char *strMac, uint16_t *mac)
uint64_t total = 0;
if (strnlen(strMac, 20) != 17)
err(errno = EINVAL, "Invalid MAC address string length");
for (uint8_t h, i = 0; i < 16; i += 3) {
if (i != 15)
if (strMac[i + 2] != ':')
err(errno = EINVAL,
"Invalid MAC address separator '%c'",
strMac[i + 2]);
int byte = i / 3;
/* Update MAC buffer per-nibble from a given string */
for (int nib = 0; nib < 2; nib++, total += h) {
if ((h = hextonum(strMac[i + nib])) > 15)
err(errno = EINVAL, "Invalid character '%c'",
strMac[i + nib]);
/* if random: ensure local-only, unicast MAC */
if ((byte == 0) && (nib == 1)) /* unicast/local nib */
if (strMac[i + nib] == '?') /* ?=random */
h = (h & 0xE) | 2; /* local, unicast */
mac[byte >> 1] |= ((uint16_t ) h)
<< ((8 * (byte % 2)) + (4 * (nib ^ 1)));
if (total == 0)
err(errno = EINVAL, "Invalid MAC (all-zero MAC address)");
if (mac[0] & 1)
err(errno = EINVAL, "Invalid MAC (multicast bit set)");
/* convert hex char to char value (0-15) */
hextonum(char ch)
if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9'))
return ch - '0';
else if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'F'))
return ch - 'A' + 10;
else if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'f'))
return ch - 'a' + 10;
return (ch == '?') ? rhex() : 16; /* 16 for error (invalid char) */
/* random number generator */
static uint8_t n = 0, rnum[16];
if (!n)
err_if(pread(rfd, (uint8_t *) &rnum, (n = 15) + 1, 0) == -1);
return rnum[n--] & 0xf;
/* print mac address and hexdump of parts */
for (int partnum = 0, numInvalid = 0; partnum < 2; partnum++) {
if (!goodChecksum(partnum))
printf("MAC (part %d): ", partnum);
macf(partnum), hexdump(partnum);
if ((numInvalid < 2) && (partnum))
errno = 0;
/* print mac address of part */
macf(int partnum)
for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
uint16_t val16 = word(c, partnum);
printf("%02x:%02x", val16 & 0xff, val16 >> 8);
if (c == 2)
/* print hexdump of nvm part */
hexdump(int partnum)
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) {
printf("%08x ", row << 4);
for (int c = 0; c < 8; c++) {
uint16_t val16 = word((row << 3) + c, partnum);
if (c == 4)
printf(" ");
printf(" %02x %02x", val16 & 0xff, val16 >> 8);
/* correct the checksum on part */
uint16_t val16 = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < NVM_CHECKSUM_WORD; c++)
val16 += word(c, part);
/* correct the checksum */
setWord(NVM_CHECKSUM_WORD, part, NVM_CHECKSUM - val16);
/* intentionally set wrong checksum on part */
if (goodChecksum(part))
setWord(NVM_CHECKSUM_WORD, part,
((word(NVM_CHECKSUM_WORD, part)) ^ 0xFF));
/* overwrite the contents of one part with the other */
gbeFileChanged = nvmPartChanged[part ^ 1] = goodChecksum(part);
/* no need to actually copy because gbe[] pointers are both the same */
/* we simply set the right nvm part as changed, and write the file */
/* swap contents between the two parts */
cmd_swap(void) {
err_if(!(goodChecksum(0) || goodChecksum(1)));
errno = 0;
/* speedhack: swap pointers, not words. (xor swap) */
gbe[0] ^= gbe[1];
gbe[1] ^= gbe[0];
gbe[0] ^= gbe[1];
gbeFileChanged = nvmPartChanged[0] = nvmPartChanged[1] = 1;
/* verify nvm part checksum (return 1 if valid) */
goodChecksum(int partnum)
uint16_t total = 0;
for(int w = 0; w <= NVM_CHECKSUM_WORD; w++)
total += word(w, partnum);
if (total == NVM_CHECKSUM)
return 1;
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: BAD checksum in part %d\n", partnum);
errno = ECANCELED;
return 0;
/* write the nvm parts back to the file */
if ((!gbeFileChanged) || (flags == O_RDONLY))
ssize_t tnw = 0; /* total bytes written */
for (int p = 0; p < 2; p++) {
if ((!nvmPartChanged[p]))
swap(p); /* swap bytes on big-endian host CPUs */
ssize_t nw = pwrite(fd, (uint8_t *) gbe[p], nf, p * partsize);
err_if(nw == -1);
if (nw != nf)
err(errno == ECANCELED,
"%ld bytes written on '%s', expected %ld bytes\n",
nw, filename, nf);
tnw += nf;
if ((!tnw) && (gbeFileChanged))
fprintf(stderr, "No changes needed on file '%s'\n", filename);
else if (tnw)
printf("%ld bytes written to file '%s'\n", tnw, filename);
errno = 0;
err_if(close(fd) == -1);
/* swap byte order on big-endian CPUs. swap skipped on little endian */
swap(int partnum) /* swaps bytes in words, not pointers. */
{ /* not to be confused with cmd_swap */
size_t w, x;
uint8_t *n = (uint8_t *) gbe[partnum];
for (w = NVM_SIZE * ((uint8_t *) &e)[0], x = 1; w < NVM_SIZE;
w += 2, x += 2) {
n[w] ^= n[x];
n[x] ^= n[w];
n[w] ^= n[x];