Canoeboot Build System Audit 2 (announcement)

Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
Leah Rowe 2024-07-19 05:04:05 +01:00
parent ef6c7c9890
commit 2ed106944a
2 changed files with 942 additions and 0 deletions

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% Canoeboot Build System Audit 2
% Leah Rowe
% 19 July 2024
Heavy amount of code reduction in this audit, and general cleanup. A new
Canoeboot release is planned, for the early days of August 2024.
Canoeboot is a free/opensource boot firmware project. It replaces your
proprietary BIOS/UEFI firmware, on supported x86 and ARM computers. It does
this by providing an automated build system to download, patch and compile
the various upstream sources (e.g. coreboot, GRUB, SeaBIOS). Coreboot is used
for hardware initialisation, configuring everything from your CPU, memory
controller all way to peripherals, readying the hardware so that it can run
software, e.g. GNU+Linux and BSD systems. You can essentially think of *cbmk*,
which is Canoeboot's build system, as a *source-based package manager*. It is
what the Canoeboot releases are built with. The *cbmk* build system essentially
implements a *coreboot distro*, the same way you might think of a GNU+Linux
distribution; it systematically downloads, resets (to specific revisions) and
patches various upstream project sources such as coreboot, U-Boot and GRUB,
automatically building entire coreboot images. This build system is what creates
Canoeboot release images and source tarballs.
Extensive auditing has been performed on cbmk, since the Canoeboot 20240612
release. These audits fix bugs, reduce code bloat and generally improve the
efficiency of cbmk, adding and removing features in a careful, *conservative*
way, with a focus on *clean code*.
Remember the magic words: code equals bugs. Fewer lines of code will yield
fewer bugs.
This article covers changes from Canoeboot 20240612, up to
revision `16f9ad55ca2ef7d19d10e78b0ff9e1c84bfc4fc1` from 19 July 2024.
You can read about the *previous* audit in the article
for [Canoeboot Build System Audit 1](
Notable code size reduction
There are 765 lines of shell script in the build system, versus 1054 in the
Canoeboot 20240612 release. Canoeboot's build system is written *entirely* in
POSIX sh; not BASH, not KSH, not ZSH, jush sh! It is the *build system of
build systems*; the design focuses on re-using (read: abusing) the build systems
of the projects it uses, avoiding as much bloat as possible. More information is
available in the [cbmk build system documentation](../docs/maintain/).
This is a difference of 289 lines, or a *28% reduction*. The main focus has been
on removing legacy bloat from the build system, vastly increasing the overall
code cleanliness and efficiency. Several new safety and redundancy features were
added, such as auto-rebuild when configs change(and auto-redownload) for sources,
and additional redundant handling of both repositories and file downloads, cached
during operation to avoid over-use of internet bandwidth.
Plan for next release
This code reduction has been the main focus; the focus now, at the next release,
will be new payloads and boards, in addition to testing newer upstream revisions
of projects such as coreboot, on every machine supported by Canoeboot. A release
is planned for early August 2024.
A *lot* of work on new ports is planned. There are a number of new mainboards
that will be available, in the next Canoeboot release.
Summarised list of changes
Changes are in order per category, from newest to oldest:
Feature changes
Some unused features have been removed, and yet more added. The overall focus of
Audit 2 has been to remove legacy cruft from cbmk, and in general to simplify
the operation of cbmk, Canoeboot's build system. Several new safety features
were implementated for this audit, in addition to features that generally
improve the redundancy of certain operations, and overall reliability in cbmk.
The changes are as follows:
* Put the cache directory location in an environmental variable,
named `XBMK_CACHE`. If unset, it defaults to `$PWD/cache`, where PWD is the
current location that the instance of cbmk is running from, otherwise if
defined, the location is used. This means that the same cached files are
re-used on the cbmk copy created when running `./update release`, thus
saving on a lot of internet bandwidth if the main instance already has
a lot of files cached - it also means that you can re-use another cache
from elsewhere, like if you have multiple clones of cbmk on your system.
* Allow using coreboot's own build system, to build payloads. Canoeboot's
build system builds and adds payloads, with coreboot configurations
enabling `CONFIG_PAYLOAD_NONE` exclusively. However, advanced users may
wish to use something else such as Tianocore, which Canoeboot may/will not
provide (with Tianocore it's **will not**). Simply set `build_depend=""`
in the `target.cfg` file for a given mainboard, and then enable a payload
under coreboot's menuconfig interface, or by direct modification of
the defconfig file. When `CONFIG_PAYLOAD_NONE` is not set, cbmk will skip
adding a payload, because it's a given that then coreboot's own build system
would have done it. Canoeboot will always enable `CONFIG_PAYLOAD_NONE` on
all official targets, so this feature is only intended for power users.
* Unified cache file location for all downloaded files as submodules within
projects, both single- and multi-tree.
* `script/trees`: Automatically re-download and re-build a given project, when
configuration changes, on any file under specific directories in `config/`
pertaining to it; this is done by concatenating the sha512sum hashes for
each of those files, and then making a sha512sum hash from that. The hash
is stored, and compared to the current one; if it differs, then you know
something changed. This feature does not track modifications to the actual
downloaded source code for a given project, because this change also tracks
the `patches/` directories; direct modification (by the user) of the source
is not assumed, under the cbmk model, but checking for this may be possible.
For example, run the same concatenation logic on a file containing the output
of commands such as `git describe` and `git status`, perhaps `git diff`. It
was decided that the latter would be undesirable, because *developers* (of
Canoeboot, working with cbmk) may want to experiment with quick changes,
before preparing patch files to go under `config/`. - the user previously
had to know which files and directories to manually remove, when re-running
build commands after modifying a given project within cbmk. Now it's automatic.
* `include/`: Don't download multi-tree projects to `src/project/project`,
e.g. `src/coreboot/coreboot`, when downloading the upstream repository, for
later copying to the actual destination e.g. `src/coreboot/default` - instead,
use the same cached location as alluded to in the two changes below. This
avoids needing to delet those directories, when preparing release archives.
* `include/`: Complementing the change seen below, also cache *files*
universally, for submodules files (e.g. crossgcc files).
This avoids wasting bandwidth when building for multiple coreboot trees, in
cases where multiple trees share the same URLs for crossgcc tarballs.
* `include/`: Cache all git downloads, reset to `HEAD`, before copying
to the final location; this is also done on submodules. If a cached repository
exists, run `git pull` on it but without an exit under fault conditions; if
a fault occurs, including when trying to reset on a copy of it, fall back to
the old logic where the repository is downloaded (online) directly to the
destination. This change results in substantially reduced internet bandwidth
usage, especially when downloading submodules for multiple coreboot trees,
in cases where those trees share common revisions.
* `script/trees`: Support `-d` (flag) for custom build logic; it does the same
thing as `-b`, but with a variable named `dry` being set to `:`; this is
prefixed on most build-related commands, and can be further prefixed as
desired, in mkhelper functions. The result is that you can do *dry runs* on
a given build. This is used, to provide building of coreboot utilities,
without needing specific hacks to be hardcoded
in `script/trees`. The `./update trees -b coreboot TREE utils` command is
no longer available; instead, do `./update trees -d coreboot TREE`.
The result of `-d`, combined with use of mkhelper functions,
permits very flexible use of the `trees` script, essentially allowing it
to be extended on a plugin-type infrastructure, in any number of ways. The
reason for implementing this is precisely so that project-specific hacks can
be removed; the `trees` script now contains much more generalised logic,
and project-specific logic was moved to mkhelper functions.
* SeaBIOS-only images are no longer provided, where GRUB is specified on a
given mainboard; similarly, GRUB-first images are not provided. If GRUB is
enabled on a board, *SeaGRUB* is provided. The get SeaBIOS-only startup, you
can either remove the `bootorder` file from CBFS, or disable
GRUB in `target.cfg` before building, for a given mainboard.
* `script/trees`: A `premake` variable is supported in `mkhelper.cfg` files,
defining a function to be executed *before* running `make`, on a given project.
* `script/trees`: A `postmake` variable is supported in `mkhelper.cfg`
and `target.cfg` files, defining a function to be executed immediately after
running `make`, on a given project. This is used during coreboot builds, to
add payloads on a given coreboot image. It can be used for any other purpose.
More specifically: `postmake` is executed after handling the defconfig file
entirely, rather than just after running `make`; the latter is handled
by `mkhelper`.
* `script/trees`: Support *build* dependencies, complementing the
existing *fetch* dependencies. The `build_depend` variable can define
which other sources need to be built, before building the current target.
This is being used on coreboot targets, to manually and surgically specify
which GRUB and SeaBIOS trees should be compiled, *per* coreboot target.
A fallback declaration is specified in `config/data/coreboot/mkhelper.cfg`,
for cases where a `target.cfg` file does not specify it. This change means
that certain hardcoded *build dependency* logic was then removed, instead
relying on this much more generalised `build_depend` logic.
* `script/trees`: Allow global configuration on multi-tree projects, via
file `config/data/PROJECT/mkhelper.cfg`,
e.g. `config/data/coreboot/mkhelper.cfg`. This is loaded before `target.cfg`.
That way, global configuration can be provided and then overridden.
* `script/trees`: If a valid flag is passed, but without argument, a loop is
now executed with that flag on every defined project, both single- and
multi-tree. For example, if `-f` is passed, it will download every project.
If `-b` is passed, it will build every project. When it passes over multi-tree
projects, it operates on every tree within that project. This fact enabled
other parts of the build system to be simplified; for example, the logic
in `mkrelease()` no longer needs to implement the same kind of loop, instead
simply running `./update trees -f` to download every project and tree. Similar
changes have been made, on that same basis.
* `script/trees`: Support use of a variable named `mkhelper`, first defined in
project `target.cfg` files. This variable defines the name of a function, to
be called immediately after running `make` for that project, under
the `run_make_command()` function. This was initially implemented, so that
GRUB's `grub-mkstandalone` utility could be called from the `trees` script,
but in a way that doesn't hardcode such execution. This is because part of
the audit's main focus is to remove project-specific hacks, generalising a
lot more logic. Prior to Audit 2, the `trees` script contained a lot of hacks
for specific projects, notably coreboot and GRUB, to compile them properly.
* `script/trees`: Only permit one single-tree project to be built, where an
argument is provided. This script previously supported building multiple
single-tree projects, defined *by argument*, but it was quite error prone
and there's no clean way to otherwise do it. We don't use the script this
way, anywhere in cbmk, and users are advised the same.
* `script/roms`: *Only* Support SeaBIOS and Sea*GRUB*, on x86 coreboot targets.
SeaGRUB is a configuration whereby SeaBIOS starts first, but immediately tries
to load GRUB from the flash. This complements the other change, listed below.
We will no longer provide configurations where GRUB is the primary payload,
precisely to mitigate the same issue as described below (cbmk issue 216).
If *GRUB* is enabled, on a given mainboard, SeaBIOS-only setups are not
provided; only SeaGRUB is provided. You can press ESC in the SeaGRUB menu,
to access other boot methods besides *GRUB from flash*, so you can use it
in the same way; additionally, you can remove the `bootorder` file from CBFS
if you wish, or change the bootorder file, in such a way that GRUB does not
load first. For example, you might want a BSD installation, and BSD
bootloaders should be loaded from SeaBIOS directly. This can be done as
follows: `cbfstool canoeboot.rom remove -n bootorder` - then flash it. The
SeaBIOS code is much smaller and more robust than GRUB, so it's a safe choice
of primary payload, and it's extremely unlikely that SeaBIOS would ever break.
* `script/roms`: Removed support for `grubonly` SeaBIOS. This was a feature
where SeaBIOS would try to load GRUB first (from CBFS), but also disable the
SeaBIOS menu. We still provide SeaGRUB, but the SeaBIOS menu is always
accessible now. This is to mitigate future issues similar to [lbmk
issue 216]( The
Canoeboot 20240612 already removed actual configs using `grubonly`, and we
will no longer provide them in Canoeboot, so this feature in cbmk became
legacy cruft that can simply be removed. The idea is simple: *safety first*.
This has implications for [GRUB hardening](../docs/gnulinux/;
you can insert the correct bootorder file, to once again disable SeaBIOS, but
you must first verify that GRUB is stable. The GRUB hardening guide already
documents how to do this.
* `script/roms`: Don't insert `timeout.cfg`. Instead, hardcode the GRUB timeout
to a reasonable default (8 seconds). You can still insert your own timeout
config as before, and GRUB will honour it.
* `script/roms`: Insert the background image in GRUB's memdisk, instead of
coreboot's CBFS. This reduces the amount of code, because we use it as an
argument on the `grub-mkstandalone` command, and it means that the GRUB
images can be used standalone in other build systems. The image is very
small, so it's OK to do it this way.
* `script/roms`: Don't insert GRUB keymaps, at all. This feature was using a
lot of disk space during testing. If no keymap is inserted, GRUB defaults to
US Qwerty. You can still insert the keymap file as `keymap.gkb` in CBFS, and
that keymap will be used by GRUB (e.g. US Dvorak, French Azerty, French BEPO).
* `script/roms`: Removed extra checks on `grub_scan_disk`, because we no longer
allow it to be overridden, instead relying only on `target.cfg` files, which
are carefully crafted per board. This setting configures the order of which
types of devices Canoeboot's `grub.cfg` scans first, between device types:
PCI-E/NVMe, SATA/AHCI and IDE/ATA. Mate Kukri added NVMe SSD support no GRUB,
in the Canoeboot 20240612 release.
* `script/roms`: Removed dangerous `-p`, `-s` and `-d` options. Due to lbmk
issue 216 (GRUB memory issue) affecting Libreboot 20240504, several safety
mitigations have been made, for anti-brick purposes. These options enabled
use of a custom payload and keymap, which meant that users were able to more
easily create a setup affected by *lbmk* issue 216. See:
<> - this was fully mitigated,
by virtue of lbmk reconfiguration, but the issue itself is not yet fixed as of
the day of today's announcement, the one you're reading now, so it's still
possible to create such a broken setup. Canoeboot mitigates this fact, by
avoiding such configurations. NOTE: This issue never affected *Canoeboot*,
but Canoeboot keeps in sync with Libreboot where possible.
Configuration changes
This pertains to anything under `config/`, for any changes that are of note,
but it does not pertain to *revisions* for specific projects, nor does it
cover specific patches applied to projects; the latter will be covered in other
sections of this audit announcement.
The changes are as follows:
* coreboot: Set `postmake` in `config/data/coreboot/mkhelper.cfg`, defining
a function that adds payloads to the coreboot image that was just built.
This mkhelper config also integrates `include/`, containing these
functions. This replicates the functionality originally provided
by `script/roms`.
* coreboot: Set `build_depend` on `target.cfg` files for specific mainboards.
This is used to manually specify which GRUB and SeaBIOS trees should be
compiled, required when compiling for a specific target, for the next
stage where a payload is added to the coreboot image, because cbmk does
not use coreboot's own payload logic, instead building and adding everything
itself (the coreboot configs all enable `CONFIG_PAYLOAD_NONE`). For cases
where a `target.cfg` file does *not* specify `mkhelper`, a fallback default
entry is dictated within `config/data/coreboot/mkhelper.cfg`.
* GRUB: Only load the `xhci` module from `grub.cfg`; the `install_modules`
variable now defines `xhci`, instead of `modules` defining it. This means
that the xHCI module is no longer automatically loaded during GRUB machine
initialisation, but it's then loaded immediately when the GRUB shell starts,
and the `grub.cfg` file is first parsed, then executed. This mitigates a
previous issue where booting into GRUB with a USB device connected sometimes
made GRUB hang; this issue affected Canoeboot 20240612, on Haswell thinkpads,
and revised images (and a revised source tarball) was then issued for that
release, containing the very fix described here. **NOTE: This does not
actually affect any Canoeboot users, because the `xhci` tree of GRUB is not
currently used in Canoeboot releases, but it is maintained in sync with lbmk.**
* coreboot: Define `makeargs` in `config/data/coreboot/mkhelper.cfg`. It was
not practical to define this, and other settings, in each `target.cfg` file
due to how many targets there are, but the mkhelper feature makes this much
easier. To mitigate the previous issue, the `trees` script hardcoded
coreboot makeargs in a special variable, `cbmakeargs`; this variable has
since been removed, because it's no longer used.
* GRUB: Define common build options in `config/data/grub/mkhelper.cfg`,
instead of repeating them in `target.cfg` files for each GRUB tree.
The `mkhelper.cfg` feature was added, defined in the Features section above,
which is loaded per-project on multi-tree projects, before each target
file. It allows easier configuration tree-wide on multi-tree projects.
Bug fixes
There are fewer *acute* bug fixes in Audit 2, because bugfixes was the primary
focus of *Audit 1*. The word *acute* is used, referring to triggered bugs, because
many of these changes are *pre-emptive* bug fixes, *preventing* future bugs that
have been foreseen, based on future modification to existing logic. The focus of
Audit 2 has been general code reduction, feature simplification and improvements
to safety features / error handling (many pre-emptive bugfixes implement newer
safety features, but are listed as pre-emptive fixes, not features).
The changes are as follows:
* `script/trees`: Hardcode `makeargs` for crossgcc specifically, by using
another variable (within that script) called `xgccargs`. This prevents
the build threads being default (one thread), ensuring that we set it to
the value as defined by `XBMK_THREADS`. The bug was triggered when building
the U-Boot images, because U-Boot does not specify `CPUS=` on makeargs.
* `include/`: Re-try `git pull` three times, when updating the cache
Git repository for a given project or submodule. This mitigates possible
instability in the user's internet connection, where it's online but may
otherwise experience jitter (the same issue could also occur on the internet
connection hooking up whichever server cbmk is interacting with, such as
the coreboot web server).
* U-Boot (patch): Courtesy of Alper Nebi Yasak, a mitigation is provided in
U-Boot working around the lack of support for clock timings on eDP displays;
the clock setting was removed in the devicetree, because display works without
it, but with it, display breaks because drivers do not yet support it.
* U-Boot (patch): Courtesy of Alper Nebi Yasak, a fix was made that prevents
breaking the build process for U-Boot, when building binman images. In cbmk,
we do not use the BL31 firmware from U-Boot itself, because coreboot does
this, so it's patched out in Canoeboot and we defer to coreboot's logic.
* `script/trees`: Don't continue, when no argument is given. `main()` used to
be the only funsction that runs, in this script, but now we source a config
file afterward, and run the build after that. Whan a flag is provided without
OPTARG, this means that we are continuing such action in error; in practise,
it meant that nothing was done because the command was set by `mkhelpercfg`
and `cmd`, which would be empty in this situation, but it might cause issues
depending on the `sh` implementation, so this fix is pre-emptive.
* `include/`: Remove `+x` permissions on these files, because they must never
be executed directly; they are stubbed from `build` and `script/trees`. This
is listed as a bug fix, because having executable permission on these files
is a potential security issue, depending on how cbmk might be modified in
the future, so it's a pre-emptive fix.
* `include/`: Only build coreboot utilities *before* building coreboot
itself. This prevents `coreboot.rom` from being wiped out, when building it,
due to idiosyncrasis in coreboot's own build system. This is a pre-emptive
fix, because the issue didn't really cause actual trouble in practise,
except under certain test conditions that are unlikely in real use.
* `include/`: Much stricter checks in `chkvars()`; the variable string
may have been set, but otherwise empty. This function was only checking `+x`
via variable expansion, which only yields negative if the variable was never
declared. The intention is to check both unitialised and empty strings, per
variable. This is a *pre-emptive* bug fix, because this bug did not seemingly
cause any issues in practise, but a bug is still a bug.
* `script/roms`: Made U-Boot be built *before* checking `ubootelf`, instead
of after. The check was flawed, because if U-Boot didn't exist, but a given
build would be vzerified by the first check, the check would still fail after
build, because the check works by first checking the existence of a given
U-Boot build file, deferring to another and then exiting if that doesn't
exist, with error status. This is a *pre-emptive* bug fix, because this
bug wasn't triggered in practise since actual targets already used the
fallback build, not the first one. Therefore, this fix is pre-emptive for
future U-Boot targets in cbmk.
* `include/`: Do not exceed 80 characters on the line that checks
the `versiondate` variable. Such excess is considered a bug.
* `script/trees`: Exit with error status if `target.cfg` not provided, on
multi-tree projejcts. It was already by design that this should occur,
but we previously did not support `target.cfg` files on single-tree projects.
Single-tree `target.cfg` support was later added, done by making `target.cfg`
optional there, but the change accidentally made it optional on multi-tree
projects. In practise, all multi-tree projects included this file per target,
so this is a pre-emptive bug fix on the theory that future maintainers might
accidentally exclude `target.cfg` on a given tree, within a multi-tree
* `build`: Don't delete `TMPDIR` if it's `/tmp`. We set it to a subdirectory
under `/tmp`, and subsequent `mktemp` calls create resources under it, but
it's possible in the future that this functionality might be broken; therefore,
this is a pre-emptive bug fix, on the (correct) theory that code equals bugs,
and that regressions can and will occur in the future. One could say that this
is a *safety feature*; it could just as easily be listed on *Feature changes*.
This is more strongly a pre-emptive bug fix, as opposed to an actual feature.
Upon exit from the main parent instance of cbmk, `TMPDIR` is deleted. It is
set to a subdirectory of `/tmp`, precisely so that we have a unified directory
location for all temporary files, which then get deleted in bulk (upon exit).
* `script/trees`: Explicitly err if `OPTARG` is not set, for a given flag. We
otherwise rely on `-e`, but different `sh` implementations may behave
differently. Therefore, this is a pre-emptive bug fix, on the theory that
execution may otherwise continue erroneously (depending on the implementation).
NOTE: this is only listed for documentary reasons, but the script was later
modified to *allow* a lack of argument, whereby the script would be re-called
recursively on all projects with the exact same flag, while defining an
argument throughout.
* `script/trees`: Call err if multiple flags are provided. The script is only
designed for one flag. Exit with error status if multiple flags are provided.
* `script/trees`: Explicitly set `mode` for flag `-b`, rather than leaving it
at the default state (empty). This is to mitigate the possibility (from later
code changes) where other flags might set the string. We need the string to be
empty, when the `-b` flag is used; this is a pre-emptive bug fix, fixing a
bug that doesn't actually exist, but rather, preventing such a bug later on.
* `include/`: Make the presence of a `projectname` file mandatory, with
the project name inside. This prevents the theoretical issue where a project
is nameless, because this file is used during the build process when naming
release tarballs; theoreticaly, because in practise, cbmk would never remove
this file, but the build system is designed to be as adaptable as possible.
* `script/trees`: If the crossgcc build fails, run it *again* first, before
returning with error status. If the second build passes, don't yield an error.
Sometimes the crossgcc build can fail for whatever reason, but a second run
will succeed. This avoids having to re-run the *rest* of cbmk, just to re-run
the crossgcc build. In most cases, the first attempt passes. Coreboot's
own `buildgcc` script is quite complex, and error-prone.
* `script/trees`: Don't check if crossgcc is already built. The check was done
based on whether the `xgcc` directory exists, but coreboot's build system
may have exited with error status before, having not completed all builds.
The result was that subsequent runs would result in a permanently broken
crossgcc build, unless the user manually intervened. Instead, cbmk always
runs the crossgcc build script from coreboot; coreboot itself has a much
more thorough set of checks, skipping a given build that was already performed,
but the check is a bit slower, adding a few additional seconds to the build
time per target. The bug that this fixes was in fact triggered, during random
testing, leading to the fix.
* `include/`: Fixed error when running `./build dependencies`. The `e()`
and `setvars()` functions were declared *after* the dependencies function,
but are now declared before. Also: after calling `install_packages`, it
was doing a return when it should have done an exit. All of this lead to
certain temporary files being created; the context here was that the user
would be running `./build dependencies` as root, which lead to some of those
files being created as root, but cbmk exits with not-zero status when you
run it as root, except when running the dependencies command. Therefore, this
could create situations where the user can longer run cbmk without intervention
such as changing permission on certain files. Avoid the issue entirely.
General code cleanup
Extensive code cleanup has been performed, as was the main purpose of Audit 2.
The changes are as follows:
* Removed `util/autoport`, because the Haswell support that we merged for it
is now included in upstream(coreboot), so it will be included in future
coreboot revisions for cbmk.
* `script/trees`: Move dependency building (based on `build_depend`) to a new
function, called from `configure_project()`, instead of including the logic
directly within the latter.
* `script/trees`: Merge `build_targets()` into `handle_targets()`.
* `script/trees`: Use `:` as a prefix on certain build commands, when doing
try runs (dry builds); the `-d` flag was initially implemented with a lot
of if/else chains, but `:` does nothing in sh (that's what it's for, to do
nothing), including if arguments are provided to it. This change enables
much more granually disablement of certain commands, which would otherwise
require many more if/else chains. This change reduced the amount of code.
* `script/trees`: Remove all project-specific hacks. The coreboot-specific
includes were moved to coreboot's `mkhelper.cfg` file. Serprog and coreboot
images are handled by mkhelper functions now.
* `include/`: It also provides building of serprog images. The mkhelper
configuration is provided for `pico-serprog` and `stm32-vserprog`. The
old `./build roms serprog` commands still work, but you are now advised to
run `./update trees -b stm32-vserprog` or `./update trees -b pico-serprog`,
which will now result in the same builds being provided under `bin/`.
* `include/`: New file, replacing `script/roms`. It contains the same
functions, more or less, for building coreboot images. The `trees` script
already produces coreboot images, and payloads were added by `script/roms`;
now, those same functions (for adding payloads) are stubbed
via mkhelper configuration in `config/data/coreboot/mkhelper.cfg`.
The command `./update trees -b coreboot` (whether specifying additional
targets, or specifying none and thus building all of them), now builds
coreboot images with payloads inserted, and never leaves them on-disk without
payloads; this removes an existing issue where the user might accidentally
use the no-payload images, mitigated by provided a warning but still an issue
regardless (for example, what if the user doesn't understand English very
well?). The old `./build roms` command is now deprecated, but still provided
for backward compatibility, but you are now advised to run the trees command.
The `bin/` directory is still the place where coreboot images go, but they
no longer appear(without payloads) under `elf/` - only the `bin/` images are
* `script/roms`: Removed unnecessary calls to `./update trees -b` for payloads,
because coreboot targets now specify `build_depend` which is used generically
per tree, per multi-tree project, to provide such build dependencies.
* `script/trees`: Rename function `load_target_config()`
to `configure_project()`, because the function also now handles building to
some extent (based on `build_depend`), not just mere loading of config files.
* `include/`: Simplified `git_am_patches()` by condensing several `for`
loops together, into a single `for` loop performing each task.
* `include/` and `script/trees`: Tidy up the use of global variables.
Some of them were only initialised in `` but also used in the `trees`
script, which means they should be initialised in the `trees` script.
* `include/`: Simplified initialisation of `loc` (single code line)
* `script/trees`: Simplified `distclean` directory check, by reducing the
nesting of if/else statements.
* `include/`: Condensed a few code lines in `fetch_targets()`.
* `include/`: Shorter `git_prep` command in `fetch_targets()`.
* `script/trees`: Simplified multi-tree bare repository cloning. The `git_prep`
function already creates a given directory where source code goes, so we
don't need to handle it from the `trees` script.
* `script/trees`: Merged `prepare_new_tree()` with `fetch_targets()`.
* `script/trees`: Simplified `distclean` handling; condensed a few code lines.
* `script/trees`: Further simplified `copy_elf()`; condensed a few code lines.
* `script/trees`: Added explicit return to the end of `handle_defconfig()`.
* `script/trees`: Renamed `check_config()` to `check_defconfig()`, for clarity.
* `script/trees`: Removed variable `config_name`, because it's only used
once, so its value was instead hardcoded, without declaring a variable.
* `script/trees`: Renamed variable `config` to `defconfig`, for clarity.
* `include/`: Removed redundant `xtree` variable, already defined
in `trees`.
* `script/trees`: Removed various comments that were redundant, because the
code that they covered was already simple enough that what they did was
* `script/trees`: Cleaned up `handle_makefile()` a bit; condensed a few lines.
* `script/trees`: Renamed `load_project_config()` to `load_target_config()`,
for clarity.
* `script/trees`: Download multi-tree *bare* repositories *before* given trees.
When downloading multi-tree projects, revisions can be reset to `HEAD`
instead of the actual revision for a given target. This occurs when the bare
repository (e.g. `src/coreboot/coreboot`) does not exist and has to be fetched
first. Bare repository downloading does not rely on `target.cfg`,
only `pkg.cfg`, but uses the same variables, e.g. `rev`. So: instead of
using a separate variable name, do the bare repository download first.
This means that the `` logic can be much cleaner, in that it *only*
copies the bare repository and then runs `git_prep`. The bare repository is
closed directly by calling the relevant function from `trees`, which is
therefore the same behaviour as when cloning single-tree projects.
* `script/trees`: The `_setcfgarg` variable was removed, in
function `load_project_config()` because it became disused and thus redundant.
* `script/trees`: Unified multi-tree and single-tree configuration handling.
The same functions that load configurations for single- and multi-tree have
been merged with the one in ``, and then that was moved back into
the `trees` script. Now `` only handles the actual downloading and
patching of sources, but not configuration of them; the latter is handled
directly within the `trees` script. The benefit of this change is that it
generally allows far more flexibility; many functions that use such
configuration logic can now be unified under this script, for instance
using the `mkhelper` feature mentioned elsewhere on this page - and that is
precisely what was later done, in further changes that are detailed above.
* `script/trees`: Unified handling of source downloads. Run it from
function `load_project_config()`. The logic used to be split, between
single- and multi-tree projects, but now it is consistent throughout.
* `include/`: Rename `fetch_project_trees()` to `fetch_targets()`.
* `include/`: Rename `fetch_project_repo()` to `fetch_project()`.
* `script/trees`: Add explicit return at the end of `check_coreboot_utils()`.
* Generally tidied up a few `setvars` calls, condensing them them so that they
used fewer code lines, while still observing the 80-character rule.
* `script/roms`: Explicitly shift by 1 for all targets. The way this script
worked, it would go through all arguments populating each one inside a
single string containing them, shifting until no arguments were left. We want
to make sure it is shiftedh by *one*, and make this intention clear.
* `script/roms`: Add return value for the `list` command, because we want a
specific return value but `return` passes the value of the previous return,
if a given `return` call does not specify an argument, and there's no way to
predict what the previous value would have been. However, this is not a bug
fix, pre-emptive or otherwsise, because nothing actually using this command
relied in any way on its return value.
* `include/`: Tidy up `err_()`; condense a few code lines.
* `include/`: Add explicit return to the end of `chkvars()`.
* `script/trees`: Simplify single- and multi-tree handling in `main()`. Use
shorthand notation on a single line, initialising it based on single-tree
and then checking that the given project is multi-tree.
* `script/trees`: Rename `build_projects()` to `build_project()`. The script used
to support building multiple single-tree projects, but this behaviour was buggy
and unused, so it was removed. Rename the function accordingly.
* `script/trees`: Set `btype` if `target.cfg` doesn't exist; set to `auto`.
The build system assumes multi-tree, if Kconfig files are used. Single-tree
projects will not typically define `btype`, so just default it to `auto`.
* `include/`: Removed unused `cbdir` variable.
* `script/roms`: Don't assign `cbdir`, because it wasn't even used here.
* `script/trees`: Don't hardcode skipping kconfig files based on whether the
project is GRUB. Instead, define `btype` in project `target.cfg` files, and
define this in GRUB. Some projects are multi-tree but do not use Kconfig files,
and GRUB is one of them; we must avoid commands such as `make menuconfig`,
doing nothing and returning with zero status explicitly, otherwise it would
yield an error, which is a problem if you ran the trees script with a flag
but no argument (which, as documented elsewhere in this report, was later
made to operate that flag on every project in succession).
* `include/`: Don't check that a given source directory exists, because
the main `trees` script already does this before running fetch commands, which
are implemented in ``.
* `build`: Move `git_err()` here, from `include/`, because it's only used
in the main `build` script.
* `include/`: Simplify `singletree()`; condense a few code lines.
* `include/`: Add an explicit return to the end of `check_defconfig()`.
* `include/`: condense the `e()` function a bit (was already done before,
and done again).
* `include/`: Simplified `TMPDIR` handling; remove the `tmpdir` variable
and use `TMPDIR` directly. Use a new variable `xbmk_parent`, which is set
to `y` only on the main instance; child instances of cbmk do not set it,
signalling that `TMPDIR` should not be removed upon exit (it should only
be removed upon exit from the main parent instance of cbmk, not child
instances executed by it).
* `include/`: Condense if/else logic in `setcfg()`. Use shorthand
notation instead, on conditional statements.
* `include/`: Condensed `setvars()` a bit.
* `include/`: Simplified lock message, when a lock file exists while
trying to run cbmk.
* `include/`: Simplified reading of version files. A single for loop
now initialises all of these variables with a single `eval` command inside.
* `include/`, `include/`, `script/roms` and `script/trees`: Simplify
use of environmental variables. The variables themselves were being copied
to other variables, of lowercase naming, but this was unnecessary. The
environmental variables are now used, directly, while being properly set per
each running instance of cbmk.
* `script/roms`: Remove the `t` variable, which was used for temporary ROM
images. The script now operates on images more directly, and this variable
is no longer used (previously used for storing paths to temporary images).
* `script/roms`: Simplified logic for checking U-Boot builds.
* `script/roms`: Simplify initmode/displaymode loop, when building multiple
coreboot images per target.
* `script/roms`: Renamed a few functions and variables for code clarity.
* `script/roms`: Build coreboot images earlier on in the process, to avoid
duplicate work. It was built per coreboot configuration, but the logic
builds all images per target, so it doesn't make sense to run the build twice.
The subsequent runs would just skip, because the images already existed.
* `script/roms`: Generalised more logic, merging a lot of functions and
reducing a lot of code repetition.
* `include/`: Remove `badcmd()`, because it's bloat. This function
simply write "bad command", followed by a call to the err function. Instead,
simply call err with the same string, when required.
* `include/`, `include/`, `script/trees`
and `script/roms`: More unified handling of project configurations. Remove
the function `scan_config()`, which worked with a specially crafted format
that we had for all of the project (source repo) configs. Instead,
use flat config files. This change resulted in a sloccount reduction of
about 20, in the build system, and the new config handling is much more robust.
* `script/trees`: More robust check for `make fetch`, when handling source
downloads. Don't use shorthand form; instead, use if/else chains to
determine whether to skip a target after download.
* `include/`: General code cleanup in `fetch_submodules()`. Several
code lines have been condensed.
* `script/roms`: Merge `mkserprog()` into `main()`, because it was essentially
performing the same functions, but for checking serprog targets. Unify the
logic, for handling coreboot, stm32 serprog and rp2040 serprog targets.
* `script/roms`: Reduced code indentation in `build_grub_roms()`.
* `script/roms`: Remove `build_payloads()` and split it into smaller functions.
* `script/roms`: Condense lines together that check for various payloads.
* `script/roms`: Removed the `mt86bin` variable, because it's only used once.
Instead, hardcode the path to memtest86plus when building it.
* `script/roms`: Merge `build_uboot_payload()` into `build_payloads()`, because
both functions are very simple and do essentially the same thing.
* `script/roms`: Simplified check for u-boot payload; we only need to know
whether it's enabled, not whether it's also disabled. If set to enable
other than `y`, set it to `n` blindly.
* `script/roms`: Simplify the check for serprog source directories. Instead
of an if/else chain, re-use variables and use a single `eval` command
between the two types; serprog rp2040 and serprog stm32.
* `script/roms`: Simplify the loop for building serprog images, by re-using
variables more aggressively and removing the if/else chain for serprog type.
* `script/roms`: Shorter variable names for serprog build logic.
* `script/roms`: Simplified serprog image copy, by using a single `eval`
call referencing `stm32src` or `rp2040src`, thus unifying this logic between
both types of serprog build.
* `script/roms`: Rename `picosrc` to `rp2040src`; this is in preparation for
the next change, mentioned above.
* `script/roms`: Remove confirmation dialog at the end of a serprog build,
because the message was overly pedantic and something the user already knows.
* `script/roms`: Merge the serprog handling into a single helper function.
* `script/roms`: Renamed the `x` variable to `it` in a for loop, to avoid
possible conflict with another same-named variable elsewhere in this script.
* `script/roms`: Don't call `x_` when using `cproms()`, since it never returns
with non-zero status anyway.
* `script/roms`: Move the U-Boot images, instead of copying. This way, we don't
have to clean up the temporary file that was used for it.
* `script/roms`: Allow flexible use of `mv` or `cp` in `cproms()`.
* `script/roms`, `include/` and `script/trees`: Use a common string
for setting `elfdir`, which is where builds are copied to upon completion.
* `script/roms`: Merge `mkUbootRom()` into `build_uboot_roms()`.
* `script/roms`: Remove unused variables in `mkSeabiosRom()`.
* `script/roms`: Remove unused variables in `mkUbootRom()`.
* `script/roms`: Remove unnecessary variable assignment; `cbcfg` was already
properly initialised as a global variable, so this was re-used instead.
* `script/roms`: Removed unnecessary check for `payload_uboot`;
the `uboot_config` variable, if set, clearly indicates use of U-Boot.
* `build`: Remove unused `linkpath` and `linkname` variables.
* `script/roms`: Make `tmpcfg` a variable, re-used elsewhere when a temporary
file needs to be written. Simply overwrite the file as required, instead of
always calling `mktemp`.
* `script/roms`: Simplified timeout/scandisk insertion. We don't need to
call `mktemp` every time. Just use a static temporary file and keep
overwriting it, when we need to make a new configuration file inside CBFS.
* `script/roms`: Simplified SeaGRUB check in `build_grub_roms()`; condensed
a few code lines.
* `script/roms`: Simplify `mkserprog()`; condensed several code lines and
removed unused variables!
* `script/roms`: Simplify the Serprog build functions; condensed several
code lines and removed unused variables.
* `script/roms`: Simplify U-Boot payload check (same change as below).
* `script/roms`: Simplify GRUB-only check on SeaGRUB (same change as below).
* `script/roms`: Simplify SeaGRUB check in `configure_target()`; condensed
the if/else checks based on which payloads are configured.
* `script/roms`: don't use `x_()` to call `build_grub_roms()`, since that
function never returns non-zero status anyway.
* `script/trees`: Simplify `copy_elf()`; condense the `while` loop handling
file copies, for copying builds to their destination paths once complete.
* `script/trees`: Remove unnecessary check in `copy_elf()`; we don't need to
check whether the `listfile` string is empty, because a check comes after
it as to whether the file it defines exists, and checking an empty string
there will always yield a negative result, as intended.
* `include/`: Add generic `cbfs()` function, which is now used throughout
cbmk when adding files to CBFS on coreboot images. This simplifies handling
of CBFS in cbmk.
* `script/roms`: merged handling of build targets into the main script,
simplifying the loop going through them all; each helper function returns
with non-zero status if the build is to cease, and the target is skipped.
* `script/roms`: Simplified handling of multiple coreboot build targets, when
looping through them all during the build process.
* `include/`: added a unified function `chkvars()`, now used for checking
variable initialisation; if a variable is not initialised, it causes an exit
with non-zero status.
* `script/roms`: shorter variable names, condensed several functions.
Revision updates
Alper Nebi Yasak is the maintainer of U-Boot, within *Libreboot*, and a Libreboot
patch of his updated U-Boot to v2024.07, on the `gru_bob` and `gru_kevin`
Chromebooks. Several improvements have been merged upstream, like Alper's
patches for Qemu, so these patches have been dropped in cbmk because they're
now included by default, in the new U-Boot revision. This patch has been imported
into Canoeboot, from the Libreboot project.
Alper also tested the latest coreboot revision and it worked fine, on these
boards, but revision updates will be done *immediately after* Audit 2
is announced, as a priority for further work that is to be completed for
the next Canoeboot release, ETA August 2024.
Git log
This git log covers all changes in this audit, relative to Canoeboot 20240612.
* 16f9ad55ca put cachedir in environmental variable
* 6b2653f8cd warn when a cached clone fails
* 1458e1108e fix typo in git command
* 20b076714c fix lack of error exits on fault
* a7f9a7bb6f build: remove tmp/ on release archives
* 71091e03a7 trees: hardcode makeargs for xgcc
* 1bc484dbf6 allow using coreboot's build system to add payload
* 93a476b4fc trees: remove unnecessary command
* ae3966a02f build: remove cache/ on making releases
* 0cf0fdcfc3 unify caching of files into cache/
* 8bb3730e7b cache downloaded files(module) to cache/file/HASH
* 0d55d7b23a remove previous tmprepo if args>5
* 3e2e5ecf5a try direct clone if cached git fails
* 03c9670fef re-try git pull three times
* 055c9be15b trees: auto-delete+auto-rebuild if project changes
* 2d794a8385 trees: also remove single-tree repo/p/
* b564f5b848 trees: remove repo/p, not src/p/p
* c44ff5ac47 don't download to src/project/project/
* 3590a53ed1 cache git downloads to repo/
* 2823ccc438 remove util/autoport
* a29453023c trees: move dependency building to new function
* a9997082d7 u-boot: Fix display initialization on gru boards
* 5b170de055 u-boot: Avoid breaking build for U-Boot-only binman images
* d442d61f84 u-boot: Update to v2024.07
* 215764cfbd trees: fix bad comparison in configure_project()
* 60d491e2bd trees: don't continue if no argument given
* 3365fca06a trees: general code cleanup
* a721e927b0 trees: merge build_targets() with handle_targets()
* 1a95c0cf30 trees: use wrapper for dry-running make commands
* a258eb231a trees: remove project-specific hacks
* 3681c29e77 remove executable permission on include/
* 378c09a25c actually say if a cbutil exists
* 87681db12c avoid re-building cbutils if built
* fdf7864905 only before cbutils before coreboot
* 21306dd5b8 trees: fix bad comparison
* 9a3beea79c minor cleanup
* 4dbce8aef0 trees: support -d (dry run) for custom build logic
* 2dad7b0b6f only make rom tarball if release=y
* e01995d491 new file, to replace script/roms
* a50c789b1d roms: remove unnecessary trees checks
* e5262da7ca coreboot: set build_depend on target.cfg files
* a8a42ebb0b trees: rename load_target_config()
* 07769f3341 trees: support build dependencies, not just fetch
* 1b75d738bf GRUB: only load xhci from grub.cfg
* bfeab80a8d trees: just do makeargs on coreboot, not cbmakearg
* 05b59f39d6 trees: fix bad rm -Rf command (-Rf, not Rf)
* 5d179fe3e0 roms: fix bad comparison in configure_target()
* 1fe126501a GRUB: use mkhelper.cfg for common variables
* c76e6b0527 trees: allow global config on multi-tree projects
* bdf43e07cf trees: handle all projects if project undefined
* ff00073666 simpler for loop in git_am_patches()
* de26bb9997 merge for loops in git_am_patches()
* cc090de51e trees and tidy up global variables
* 5b24c812a0 simplified initialisation of "loc"
* a62ad20730 trees: simplified distclean directory check
* 63ae4ad746 condense fetch_targets() a bit
* 7aad37199c short git_prep command in fetch_targets()
* 4a152d53c3 trees: only do bare multi-tree clone on git
* be4c655008 trees: simplified multi-tree bare repo clone
* 51fe371931 merge prepare_new_tree with fetch_targets
* ca77d3a3d7 trees run_make_command: simpler distclean handling
* aad9c8d0de trees: condense copy_elf() a bit
* fdd67e5935 trees: add return to handle_defconfig()
* be01e56609 trees: rename check_config to check_defconfig
* 2740db84b7 trees: remove variable "config_name"
* c77c09bac2 trees: rename variable "config" to defconfig
* 675b24e83d remove duplicate "xtree" variable
* e332937241 trees: remove unnecessary commonts
* 516b399eb1 trees: condense run_make_command() a bit
* 0ab9afc7af trees: condense handle_makefile() a bit
* 605b099e04 trees: mv load_project_config load_target_config
* ef3ff3dfe4 trees, multi: download bare project *before* trees
* e377404406 trees: unified multi-tree configuration handling
* 211f4f0b82 trees: unified handling of source downloads
* 0f7a5c27dc rename Fetch_project_trees fetch_targets
* 626fd9f245 rename fetch_project_repo to fetch_project
* 6a91dc02dc trees: better skip-clean string in handle_src_tree
* de8dc508f9 trees: add return to check_coreboot_utils()
* cc61bd1239 trees: simplify "utilmode" variable initialisation
* cbe40044b4 trees mkpayload_grub: remove unnecessary check
* 7322a2b53d stricter check in chkvars()
* 203fdb8007 tidy up some setvars lists
* d3ccb4d8a7 roms: explicitly shift by 1 on the "all" target
* bd8f0e0bbb roms: add return value for the list command
* 5907022703 roms: build u-boot *before* checking ubootelf
* 57b68302c7 remove more unnecessary checks on trees commands
* 0dcd8852dd keep versiondate check to 80 characters
* 2ebdd184b7 condense for loop
* 5dc30167de condense err_() a bit
* a9882cfa00 add a return to the end of chkvars()
* 511423a85a remove unused variable "boarddir"
* 1fbfc7303d remove use of _xm variable in the build system
* 7451fa629c trees: don't hardcode use of mkpayload_grub
* 623ad90ef0 trees: simplify single/multi handling in main()
* 7b178f5fad trees: rename build_projects to build_project
* 7ee147ed49 trees: err if target.cfg not given if multi-tree
* f8d1abf18d trees: set btype if target.cfg doesn't exist
* 2827917b0a remove unused cbdir variable
* dd28339f38 roms: remove unnecessary assignment to cbdir
* cf4f828dbe trees: avoid kconfig make commands generically
* ce9b2f0a1c remove unnecessary check
* f3baebe7e1 move git_err() to build
* 43238fa0c5 condense singletree() a bit
* de331e5da0 add a return to the end of check_defconfig
* 94d9d313cc trees: condense elfcheck() a bit
* 35c516c2f4 condense e() a bit
* 2ac6db2b91 trees: shorten the final confirmation message
* 9ba28a0b86 make elf/coreboot* a dot directory
* 32e1b13416 build: don't rm TMPDIR if it's /tmp
* 6daea94df8 simplified TMPDIR handling
* 0c0b8124c1 condense setcfg() if/else logic
* 0a2ed1a7bd trees: remove redundant space in printf
* e3179f435e trees: explicitly err if OPTARG is not set
* 8dcfb8a585 trees: only permit one single-tree project
* c56531af40 trees: call err if multiple flags are provided
* ebebb5a57e trees: explicitly set mode for -b
* 0662b22297 roms: re-add compression of coreboot images
* e8b7e74db5 roms: build coreboot *after* checking variables
* aac8720382 introduce mandatory check of projectname
* ae28debf21 condense setvars() a bit
* 8c06c62e06 simplified lock message
* 2965d526fd simplify reading of version files
* 3319147306 simplify use of environment variables
* aa89f69b34 roms main(): confirm what serprog images are built
* ba228ac228 roms: remove unused variable name
* e48183a52e roms: remove redundant printf
* e73f1b1c9b roms: optimise u-boot elf check
* 14c3a328f1 roms: simplify build_roms()
* 0355a80408 roms: make the bin/elf message more polite
* 537efc148d roms: re-add final confirmation of targets
* 01986beda3 roms: rename functions for extra clarity
* d0a949d00b roms: build coreboot early to avoid duplicate work
* df66dbd72d trees: try xgcc build twice if first attempt fails
* bd59d01ea2 trees: don't check if xgcc is already built
* fc408f5554 fix error running ./build dependencies
* 8a02aef1d8 remove unused git modules
* b72dfe11f9 roms: general code cleanup
* 852eb1db4f roms: only support SeaBIOS/SeaGRUB on x86
* 107072b189 roms: remove support for "grubonly" seabios
* ad1d0cb58c use backticks on eval commands, not subshells
* e7fcfac14e remove badcmd()
* dec9ae9b43 more unified config handling
* c72904b6d1 trees: more robust check to avoid "make fetch"
* a59ebb1b7c roms: fix lack of backslash on multi-line command
* 253015f6a9 Revert "roms: remove build_payloads() and split it up"
* 448d02babb revert modification to for loop
* 381ed442d9 minor code cleanup in the build system
* 295471644a general code cleanup in fetch_submodule()
* 3ba876932d reduced indentation on repo/file check
* 109db65932 simplified repo/backup check
* acbefc558e roms: merge mkserprog() into main()
* c2ca92a169 roms: don't insert timeout.cfg
* 98fc84b0ed correction
* 3ef9925b56 roms: reduce indentation in build_grub_roms()
* faddd02ef5 roms: re-introduce accidentally disabled check
* 14a05f72fb roms: remove build_payloads() and split it up
* da3d7c7101 roms: group some commands that are similar
* 99a13a32d9 roms: remove mt86bin variable
* 3097a9e97a roms: merge build_uboot_payload to build_payloads
* ccb330ec09 roms: simplify payload_uboot y/n check
* 49c41411bd roms: simplify the check for serprog srcdir
* 8136b640b9 roms: simplify the loop for building serprog roms
* 6976a4edb2 roms: shorten variable serprog_boards_dir
* 4a3ab3ad1c roms: simplified serprog image copy
* 64ce81d2b6 roms: rename picosrc variable to rp2040src
* e3471b22e7 roms: remove useless confirmation in mkserprogfw
* a8fb99a750 roms: merge serprog build into one function
* b1ec5ad719 roms: remind the user about gkb files
* a93f519799 roms: rename x variable to it in for loop
* faff6f0348 roms: don't use x_ to call cproms()
* f43525d14f roms build_uboot_roms(): move rom, don't copy
* dd2854b3e8 roms cproms(): allow other commands besides cp
* a8f44ab80a unify coreboot elfdir (DO_NOT_FLASH)
* be04f59602 roms: merge mkUbootRom() into build_uboot_roms()
* a9819d7385 roms: simplify mkSeabiosRom()
* 19baf8d1a7 roms: simplify mkUbootRom()
* 935958e6a4 roms: simplify build_roms()
* acd5d16961 roms: remove unnecessary check
* 6094542663 build: remove unused variables
* 94b9bd44e4 roms: further clean up build_grub_roms()
* 167f81a993 roms: simplify timeout/scandisk insertion
* d958b16369 roms: simplify seagrub check in build_grub_roms
* 726b56b2f1 roms: simplify mkserprog()
* dd59f2daba roms: simplify the serprog build functions
* 9897bc748d script/roms: fix serprog build commands
* 3269e0c097 roms: simplified ubootelf check
* 7265b9f112 roms: simplify grubonly check in configure_target
* c29b3ec3fc roms: simplify seagrub check in configure_target
* f07aa84d49 roms: don't use x_ to call build_grub_roms
* ed921d7890 trees: simplify copy_elf()
* 293777fb99 trees: remove unnecessary check in copy_elf
* b50a588cba grub: insert background in memdisk instead
* 7f5adffc02 roms: unify all add-payload commands
* 82c6a352df roms: don't add grub keymaps at all
* f1aea87141 roms: merge handle_coreboot_target into main()
* ae9dce889b roms: simplify target check (whether roms built)
* bb4f0995d1 roms: simplify main() again
* 59392ea0bb roms: remove redundant check on grub_scan_disk
* e96d85dc76 roms: remove dangerous runtime p/s/d options
* bb7b04cb59 unified checks for variable initialisation
* 1399f2137f remove the items() function
* 4ed6e41221 roms: simplify main()
This is 202 changes in total, between 12 June 2024 and 19 July 2024.