--- title: 文档 ... Canoeboot 的最新更新,可以在 [canoeboot.org](https://canoeboot.org) 上找到。新闻,包括新版发布公告,可以在[新闻主页](../news/)中找到。 [Canoeboot 常见问题解答](../faq.md). What is Canoeboot? An article is available for that; please read the article titled [What is Canoeboot?](../about.md). Need help? ---------- Help is available on [Canoeboot IRC](../contact.md) and other channels. 安装 Canoeboot -------------- - [如何安装 Canoeboot](install/) 操作系统相关文档 ---------------- - [如何在 x86 机器上安装 BSD](bsd/) - [Linux 指南](linux/) 开发者信息 ---------- - [如何编译 canoeboot 源代码](build/) - [构建系统开发者文档](maintain/) - [GRUB payload](grub/) - [U-Boot payload](uboot/) 其它信息 -------- - [杂项](misc/) - [代号列表](misc/codenames.md) If you're using *release archives*, this documentation and accompanying images are under `src/www/` and `src/img/` respectively, in the source release archive. This fact is true for Canoeboot 20231026 and newer.