--- title: Installing GNU+Linux x-toc-enable: true ... # Introduction This guide assumes that you are using the GRUB bootloader directly. If you're using SeaBIOS, it's quite intuitive and works similarly to other BIOS software; refer to the documentation on . This guide explains how to prepare a bootable USB for Canoeboot systems that can be used to install several GNU+Linux distributions. For this guide, you will only need a USB flash drive and the `dd` utility (it's installed into all GNU+Linux distributions, by default). These instructions are intended to be generic, applicable to just about any GNU+Linux distribution. ## Prepare the USB Drive in GNU+Linux If you downloaded your ISO while on an existing GNU+Linux system, here is how to create the bootable GNU+Linux USB drive: Connect the USB drive. Check `lsblk`, to confirm its device name (e.g., **/dev/sdX**): lsblk For this example, let's assume that our drive's name is `sdb`. Make sure that it's not mounted: sudo umount /dev/sdb Overwrite the drive, writing your distro ISO to it with `dd`. For example, if we are installing *Foobarbaz* GNU+Linux, and it's located in our Downloads folder, this is the command we would run: sudo dd if=~/Downloads/foobarbaz.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=8M; sync That's it! You should now be able to boot the installer from your USB drive (the instructions for doing so will be given later). ## Prepare the USB drive in NetBSD [This page](https://wiki.netbsd.org/tutorials/how_to_install_netbsd_from_an_usb_memory_stick/) on the NetBSD website shows how to create a NetBSD bootable USB drive, from within NetBSD itself. You should the `dd` method documented there. This will work with any GNU+Linux ISO image. ## Prepare the USB drive in FreeBSD [This page](https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/bsdinstall-pre.html) on the FreeBSD website shows how to create a bootable USB drive for installing FreeBSD. Use the `dd` method documented. This will work with any GNU+Linux ISO image. ## Prepare the USB drive in LibertyBSD or OpenBSD If you downloaded your ISO on a LibertyBSD or OpenBSD system, here is how to create the bootable GNU+Linux USB drive: Connect the USB drive. Run `lsblk` to determine which drive it is: lsblk To confirm that you have the correct drive, use `disklabel`. For example, if you thought the correct drive were **sd3**, run this command: disklabel sd3 Make sure that the device isn't mounted, with `doas`; if it is, this command will unmount it: doas umount /dev/sd3i The `lsblk` command told you what device it is. Overwrite the drive, writing the OpenBSD installer to it with `dd`. Here's an example: doas dd if=linux.iso of=/dev/rsdXc bs=1M; sync That's it! You should now be able to boot the installer from your USB drive (the instructions for doing so will be given later). ## GRUB2 config on external media If the distro installer image has a `grub.cfg` file inside, this menuentry is scripted to find it. This works well for many distros. ## Debian or Devuan net install Download the Debian or Devuan net installer. You can download the Debian ISO from [the Debian homepage](https://www.debian.org/), or the Devuan ISO from [the Devuan homepage](https://www.devuan.org/). Secondly, create a bootable USB drive using the commands in [#prepare-the-usb-drive-in-linux](#prepare-the-usb-drive-in-linux). You can select the option, in the Canoeboot GRUB menu, to load GRUB config from external media, and that should work just fine. Alternatively, pick one of the ISOLINUX-related menu options. ## Booting ISOLINUX Images (Automatic Method) Boot it in GRUB using the `Parse ISOLINUX config (USB)` option. A new menu should appear in GRUB, showing the boot options for that distro; this is a GRUB menu, converted from the usual ISOLINUX menu provided by that distro. ## Booting ISOLINUX Images (Manual Method) These are generic instructions. They may or may not be correct for your distribution. You must adapt them appropriately, for whatever GNU+Linux distribution it is that you are trying to install. If the `ISOLINUX parser` or `Search for GRUB configuration` options won't work, then press `C` in GRUB to access the command line, then run the `ls` command: ls Get the device name from the above output (e.g., `usb0`). Here's an example: cat (usb0)/isolinux/isolinux.cfg Either the output of this command will be the ISOLINUX menuentries for that ISO, or link to other `.cfg` files (e.g, **/isolinux/foo.cfg**). For example, if the file found were **foo.cfg**, you would use this command: cat (usb0)/isolinux/foo.cg` And so on, until you find the correct menuentries for ISOLINUX. For Debian-based distros (e.g., Ubuntu, Devuan), there are typically menuentries listed in **/isolinux/txt.cfg** or **/isolinux/gtk.cfg**. For dual-architecture ISO images (i686 and x86\_64), there may be separate files directories for each architecture. Just keep searching through the image, until you find the correct ISOLINUX configuration file. **NOTE: Debian 8.6 ISO only lists 32-bit boot options in txt.cfg. This is important, if you want 64-bit booting on your system. Devuan versions based on Debian 8.x may also have the same issue.** Now, look at the ISOLINUX menuentry; it'll look like this: kernel /path/to/kernel append PARAMETERS initrd=/path/to/initrd ... GRUB works similarly; here are some example GRUB commands: ``` set root='usb0' linux /path/to/kernel PARAMETERS MAYBE_MORE_PARAMETERS initrd /path/to/initrd boot ``` Note: `usb0` may be incorrect. Check the output of the `ls` command (in GRUB), to see a list of USB devices/partitions. Of course, this will vary from distro to distro. If you did all of that correctly, then it should now be booting your USB drive in the way that you specified. ## Troubleshooting Most of these issues occur when using Canoeboot with coreboot's `text-mode` with libgfxinit for video initialization. This mode is useful for text mode payloads, like `MemTest86+`, which expect `text-mode`, but for GNU+Linux distributions it can be problematic when they are trying to switch to a framebuffer, because no mode switching support is present (GNU+Linux/BSD kernels do Kernel Mode Setting, so they are able to initialize a frame buffer in bare metal regardless of whatever coreboot is doing). ### debian-installer Graphical Corruption in Text-Mode (Debian and Devuan) When using the ROM images that use Coreboot's `text mode`, instead of the coreboot framebuffer, while using libgfxinit, booting the Debian or Devuan net installer results in graphical corruption, because it is trying to switch to a framebuffer while no mode switching support is present. Use this kernel parameter on the `linux` line, when booting it: fb=false This forces debian-installer to start in `text-mode`, instead of trying to switch to a framebuffer. If selecting `text-mode` from a GRUB menu created using the ISOLINUX parser, you can press `E` on the menu entry to add this. Or, if you are booting manually (from GRUB terminal), then just add the parameters.