--- name: Bug Report about: Report a bug affecting Echidna Code Editor title: bug: ref: main labels: - bug - help needed --- ## Description Please write a clear and concise description of the issue you are getting. ## Machine Information Please write down the specification of your machine. ### Example: **Device**: Lenovo ideapad 330S-14IKB 81F4\ **Operating System**: Arch Linux rolling\ **CPU**: Intel Core i7-7700K x86_64 (write down the CPU architechture too)\ **Kernel**: 5.14.14-hardened1-1-hardened\ **Desktop Environment**: N/A (Linux only; **explicitly** leave as N/A if you are using bare WM)\ **Window Manager**: Sway 1.6.1-2 (Linux only)\ **Install Method**: Arch User Repository (write down from where you installed the software)\ **Desktop Server Protocol**: Wayland 1.19.0-2 (Linux only) If you believe that some of these informations are irrelevant (such as DE and WM information on Windows/MacOS, you may leave them out). Additionally, add information missing from the above example should it be important for the bug. ## Steps to Reproduce Please write down the steps to reproduce the issue. ## Expected Result Please write down the result you were expecting. ## Actual Result Please write down the result that you found. ## Screenshots Please attach screenshots here if there are any. ## Logs Please write down logs you found here if there are any. ## Additional Notes and Information Please write down any additional notes and information you find useful. Leave blank if you don't have any.