
202 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use std::str::from_utf8;
use sourceview::{View, Buffer, LanguageManager, };
use sourceview::prelude::*;
use gtk::subclass::prelude::*;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use std::rc::Rc;
use super::menubar::MenubarImplementedEditor;
use gtk::{
use gio::{
//use super::workspace;
use glib::clone;
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct EchidnaEditor {
pub name: &'static str,
pub app_id: &'static str
pub trait EchidnaEditorExt {
fn action_open_file(window: ApplicationWindow, app: super::EchidnaEditor, action: &SimpleAction, variant: Option<&glib::Variant>, notebook: gtk::Notebook);
fn open_file(notebook: &gtk::Notebook, file: gio::File);
impl ObjectSubclass for EchidnaEditor {
const NAME: &'static str = "EchidnaEditorApplication";
type Type = super::EchidnaEditor;
type ParentType = Application;
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
name: "Echidna Code Editor",
app_id: "land.echidna.editor"
impl EchidnaEditorExt for EchidnaEditor {
Open a file and put it in an editor and the opened files bar.
- Open a file chooser dialog.
- Connect a signal to it and get the file choosen.
- Read th file's information and
- TODO: if it's a plain text,
- TODO: Load the file's content
- TODO: Create an editor
- TODO: Set the editor's content to the file's content.
- TODO: Somehow keep track of what file belongs to what editor/opened file bar widget.
- TODO: If the user enables Autosave, listen to the editor's changes and automatically save the editor's content.
- TODO: Close the editor and the tab widget when the file is closed (triggered by the X button on them).
Perhaps some of the last points should not be implemented in this function but rather in another function that keeps track of every files.
fn action_open_file(window: ApplicationWindow, app: super::EchidnaEditor, _action: &SimpleAction, variant: Option<&glib::Variant>, notebook: gtk::Notebook){
let dialog: FileChooserDialog = FileChooserDialog::new(Some("Open a file"),
&[("Cancel", ResponseType::Cancel),
("Open", ResponseType::Accept) ]);
// TODO: Somehow inserts self to this function.
// This function sets the callback function as 'static, which for some reasons ban cloning self into it. Idk why.
dialog.connect_response(clone!( @weak app, @weak window, =>
move |dialog, response| {
if response == ResponseType::Accept {
let file_option = dialog.file();
match file_option {
Some(file) => {
Self::open_file(&notebook, file);
None => {
} else if response == ResponseType::Cancel {
} }));
fn open_file(notebook: &gtk::Notebook, file: gio::File){
let cancellable = Cancellable::new();
let filepath = file.path().expect("No filepath");
let file_info_result = file.query_info(
match file_info_result {
Ok(info) => {
match info.content_type() {
Some(content_type) => {
println!("Opened {} and found its content type is {}.", "file", content_type.to_string());
let content_cancellable = Cancellable::new();
let file_content = file.load_contents(Some(&content_cancellable));
match file_content {
Ok(content) => {
let (int_vec, _text_option) = content;
let language_manager = LanguageManager::new();
let language = language_manager.guess_language(Some(&"Could not open the file because its name is not supported by Unicode.")), None);
let buffer = Buffer::new(None);
buffer.set_text(from_utf8(&int_vec).expect(format!("Could not parse the contents of {:?} as it's unsupported by UTF-8", filepath).as_str()));
match language {
Some(lang) => buffer.set_language(Some(&lang)),
None => {}
let sourceview = View::with_buffer(&buffer);
.expect("Could not parse file's name")))));
Err(e) => println!("Could not open {:?} because:\n{:#?}", filepath, e),
None => println!("It does not seem like {:?} has a type", filepath),
Err(e) => println!("Could not retrieve file information for {:?} because:\n{}", filepath, e),
impl ObjectImpl for EchidnaEditor {
impl ApplicationImpl for EchidnaEditor {
fn activate(&self, app: &Self::Type){
let builder = gtk::Builder::from_string(include_str!("../../ui/window.ui"));
let window: ApplicationWindow = builder
.expect("Could not get object 'window' from builder.");
let menubuilder = gtk::Builder::from_string(include_str!("../../ui/menu.ui"));
let menubar: MenuModel = menubuilder
.expect("Could not get object 'menu' from builder.");
self.setup_menubar(app, window, builder);
let notebook: gtk::Notebook = builder
.expect("Could not get 'echidna-notebook' from builder.");
impl GtkApplicationImpl for EchidnaEditor {}