
137 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
mod open_folder;
pub use open_folder::*;
mod recursive_add_files;
use super::EchidnaWindow;
use core::pin::Pin;
use futures::stream::FuturesUnordered;
use gio::{Cancellable, File};
use glib::clone;
use gtk::{prelude::*, FileChooserAction, FileChooserNative, ResponseType};
use relative_path::RelativePath;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::path::Path;
use tokio::runtime;
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct MonacoFolder {
path: String,
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct MonacoWorkspace {
folders: Vec<MonacoFolder>,
pub trait WorkspaceImplementedEditor {
fn action_open_workspace(&self);
fn open_workspace(&self, file: File);
impl WorkspaceImplementedEditor for EchidnaWindow {
fn action_open_workspace(&self) {
let dialog: FileChooserNative = FileChooserNative::new(
Some("Open a file"),
dialog.connect_response(clone!(@weak self as win =>
move |dialog, response| {
if response == ResponseType::Accept {
let file_option = dialog.file();
match file_option {
Some(file) => {
None => {}
} else if response == ResponseType::Cancel {
* __Open Workspace__
* Basically, this is just the same as Open Folder, but it's many folders.
* - Open a FileChooserNative, set to only view .code-workspace files.
* - If the user pressed cancel, destroy the dialog. If the user opened a .code-workspace file:
* - Get the workspace file, load and parse its content, .code-workspace files are - - Create a GFile instance of that path, and call open_folder(file: File) and pass the GFile instance to it.
fn open_workspace(&self, file: File) {
let cancellable = Cancellable::new();
let filepath_raw = &file
.expect("Could not get the file path of the file.");
let filepath = Path::new(&filepath_raw);
let info = file
.query_info("*", gio::FileQueryInfoFlags::NONE, Some(&cancellable))
.expect(format!("Could not retrieve file information for {:?}", filepath).as_str());
let content_type = info
.expect(format!("Found no content type for {:?}", filepath).as_str());
"Opened {} and found its content type is {}.",
let content_cancellable = Cancellable::new();
let (content, _) = file
.expect(format!("Could not load the file contents for {:?}", filepath).as_str());
let workspace = serde_json::from_slice::<MonacoWorkspace>(&content)
.expect(format!("Could not parse the workspace file of {:?}", filepath).as_str());
let explorer_box: &gtk::Box = &self
.expect("Could not downcast the Explorer activity tab's child widget to GtkBox.");
let folder_futures_unordered: FuturesUnordered<_> = workspace.folders.iter().map(|folder_path|{
let path = RelativePath::new(&folder_path.path);
let folder = File::for_path(
.expect("Could not get the parent of 'filepath'. 'filepath' terminates in a root or prefix.")
println!("Pushing {:?} into the futures for opening.", folder.path());
// Do something with the folder, perhaps lists its child and .
open_folder(&explorer_box, folder)
let rt = runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
for future in Pin::new(&folder_futures_unordered).iter_pin_ref() {
TODO: Implement a connection between the main thread and the Tokio runtime.
GTK4 is not thread-safe thus it does not implement Sync on its objects, which is a requirement for tokio Runtime::spawn().
Or maybe using Tokio is stupid for this and we should just use another runtime that doesn't require Send, which idk if there are any atm.
// rt.spawn(future);