package; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.ToIntFunction; import org.joml.Vector3f; import com.halotroop.litecraft.logic.SODSerializable; import com.halotroop.litecraft.render.BlockRenderer; import com.halotroop.litecraft.types.block.*; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.*; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.*; import tk.valoeghese.sod.*; public class Chunk implements BlockAccess, WorldGenConstants, SODSerializable { /** @param x in-chunk x coordinate. * @param y in-chunk y coordinate. * @param z in-chunk z coordinate. * @return creates a long that represents a coordinate, for use as a key in arrays. */ public static int index(int x, int y, int z) { return (x & MAX_POS) | ((y & MAX_POS) << POS_SHIFT) | ((z & MAX_POS) << DOUBLE_SHIFT); } private final Block[] blocks = new Block[CHUNK_SIZE * CHUNK_SIZE * CHUNK_SIZE]; private BlockInstance[] blockInstances = new BlockInstance[CHUNK_SIZE * CHUNK_SIZE * CHUNK_SIZE]; private boolean shouldRender = false; public final int chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ; public final int chunkStartX, chunkStartY, chunkStartZ; private boolean fullyGenerated = false; public final int dimension; private boolean dirty = true; /** A holder for the rendered blocks in this chunk. This array is *NOT* safe to use for getting BIs at a position! * It can vary in size from 0 to 512 elements long and must only be read linearly. */ private BlockInstance[] renderedBlocks = new BlockInstance[CHUNK_SIZE * CHUNK_SIZE * CHUNK_SIZE]; public Chunk(World world, int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ, int dimension) { this.chunkX = chunkX; this.chunkY = chunkY; this.chunkZ = chunkZ; this.chunkStartX = chunkX << POS_SHIFT; this.chunkStartY = chunkY << POS_SHIFT; this.chunkStartZ = chunkZ << POS_SHIFT; this.dimension = dimension; } public boolean doRender() { return this.shouldRender; } public void setFullyGenerated(boolean fullyGenerated) { this.fullyGenerated = fullyGenerated; } @Override public Block getBlock(int x, int y, int z) { if (x > CHUNK_SIZE || y > CHUNK_SIZE || z > CHUNK_SIZE || x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Block [" + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + "] out of chunk bounds!"); } return blocks[index(x, y, z)]; } public BlockInstance getBlockInstance(int x, int y, int z) { if (x > CHUNK_SIZE || y > CHUNK_SIZE || z > CHUNK_SIZE || x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("BlockInstance [" + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + "] out of chunk bounds!"); } return this.blockInstances[index(x, y, z)]; } public void render(BlockRenderer blockRenderer) { if (shouldRender) { if (dirty) { dirty = false; List tempList = new ArrayList<>(); Arrays.fill(renderedBlocks, null); for (int x = 0; x < CHUNK_SIZE; x++) for (int y = 0; y < CHUNK_SIZE; y++) for (int z = 0; z < CHUNK_SIZE; z++) { BlockInstance block = getBlockInstance(x, y, z); // Check for chunk edges to avoid errors when get the neighboring blocks, TODO fix this if (x == 0 || x == CHUNK_SIZE - 1 || z == 0 || z == CHUNK_SIZE - 1 || y == 0 || y == CHUNK_SIZE - 1) { tempList.add(block); continue; } // Check for air. Yes this is stupid, TODO fix this too try { if (getBlockInstance(x - 1, y, z).getModel() == null || getBlockInstance(x + 1, y, z).getModel() == null || getBlockInstance(x, y - 1, z).getModel() == null || getBlockInstance(x, y + 1, z).getModel() == null || getBlockInstance(x, y, z - 1).getModel() == null || getBlockInstance(x, y, z + 1).getModel() == null) { tempList.add(block); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { // this seems to be a hotspot for errors e.printStackTrace(); // so I can add a debug breakpoint on this line throw e; // e } } renderedBlocks = tempList.toArray(BlockInstance[]::new); } blockRenderer.prepareRender(); blockRenderer.render(renderedBlocks); blockRenderer.shader.stop(); } } /** Change the block in this exact position * * @param x, y, z The coordinate position of block to overwrite * @param block The block to place there */ @Override public void setBlock(int x, int y, int z, Block block) { // This section makes sure the blocks don't go out of range if (x > MAX_POS) x = MAX_POS; else if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y > MAX_POS) y = MAX_POS; else if (y < 0) y = 0; if (z > MAX_POS) z = MAX_POS; else if (z < 0) z = 0; // this.blocks[index(x, y, z)] = block; if (this.shouldRender) this.blockInstances[index(x, y, z)] = new BlockInstance(block, new Vector3f(this.chunkStartX + x, this.chunkStartY + y, this.chunkStartZ + z)); dirty = true; } /** Set whether or not the chunk should render */ public void setRender(boolean render) { if (render && !this.shouldRender) // if it has been changed to true for (int x = 0; x < CHUNK_SIZE; ++x) for (int y = 0; y < CHUNK_SIZE; ++y) for (int z = 0; z < CHUNK_SIZE; ++z) { Block block = this.blocks[index(x, y, z)]; this.blockInstances[index(x, y, z)] = new BlockInstance(block, new Vector3f( this.chunkStartX + x, this.chunkStartY + y, this.chunkStartZ + z)); } else if (!render && this.shouldRender) // else if it has been changed to false. // we need to check both variables because there are two cases that make // the if statement fall to here blockInstances = new BlockInstance[CHUNK_SIZE * CHUNK_SIZE * CHUNK_SIZE]; this.shouldRender = render; dirty = true; } public boolean isFullyGenerated() { return this.fullyGenerated; } @Override public void read(BinaryData data) { Int2ObjectMap palette = new Int2ObjectArrayMap<>(); DataSection paletteData = data.get("palette"); boolean readInt = true; // whether the thing from the palette to be read is int int intIdCache = 0; // for (Object o : paletteData) { if (readInt) { intIdCache = (int) o; readInt = false; } else { palette.put(intIdCache, Block.getBlockOrAir((String) o)); readInt = true; } } // IntArrayDataSection blockData = data.getIntArray("block"); int index = 0; // Iterate over each block in the chunk for (int z = 0; z < CHUNK_SIZE; ++z) // z, y, x order for data saving and loading so we can use incremental pos hashes for (int y = 0; y < CHUNK_SIZE; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < CHUNK_SIZE; ++x) { blocks[index] = palette.get(blockData.readInt(index)); ++index; } // DataSection properties = data.get("properties"); try { this.fullyGenerated = properties.readBoolean(0); // index 0 is the "fully generated" property } catch (Throwable e) { if (!readExceptionNotif) { System.out.println("An exception occurred reading properties for a chunk! This could be a benign error due to updates to chunk properties."); readExceptionNotif = true; } } } private static boolean readExceptionNotif = false; private int nextId; // for saving @Override public void write(BinaryData data) { Object2IntMap palette = new Object2IntArrayMap<>(); // block to int id DataSection paletteData = new DataSection(); IntArrayDataSection blockData = new IntArrayDataSection(); int index = 0; nextId = 0; ToIntFunction nextIdProvider = b -> nextId++; // for (int z = 0; z < CHUNK_SIZE; ++z) // z, y, x order for data saving and loading so we can use incremental pos hashes for (int y = 0; y < CHUNK_SIZE; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < CHUNK_SIZE; ++x) { Block b = blocks[index]; blockData.writeInt(palette.computeIntIfAbsent(b, nextIdProvider)); ++index; } // palette.forEach((b, id) -> { paletteData.writeInt(id); paletteData.writeString(b.identifier); }); // data.put("palette", paletteData); data.put("block", blockData); // DataSection properties = new DataSection(); properties.writeBoolean(this.fullyGenerated); data.put("properties", properties); dirty = true; } }