Destroyed Contributing (markdown)

Caroline Bell 2021-10-24 14:05:49 -07:00
parent 26b5a30f2a
commit fc9b87bf92
1 changed files with 0 additions and 22 deletions

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
# Rules:
1. [Import this formatting preset]('s%20Java%20Formatting%20Preference.xml) to your IDE, and set it to default for any project related to _halotroop_.
2. Always use symmetrical curly braces!
- If there is only one line of code between them, put them on the same line like this: `{ code(); }`
- If there are multiple lines between them put them on separate lines like this:
3. Change your "Organize Imports" preferences to use `.*` imports after only 2 imports are used, (instead of the ridiculous default 99).
![Organize Imports preferences on Eclipse](
# Guidelines:
1. Avoid adding large bits of code to the game!
- If there's something big you want to add, look for a library first!
- If you must write one feature that's more than 1000 lines, and it doesn't depend on parts of the main game code, make your own library and import it through Maven.
- If you want to add a smaller feature, less than 1000 lines, and you already have GPLv3 compatible code for it from another project, you may add it under its original package name to this project.
- Anything that doesn't fit the above criteria can just be added to the Litecraft package.
- If you're not sure what to do after reading these, ask @halotroop2288 how to proceed.