
310 lines
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add script to autogenerate help from man pages This creates main help like: -- usage: apk [<OPTIONS>...] COMMAND [<ARGUMENTS>...] Package installation and removal: add Add packages to WORLD and commit changes del Remove packages from WORLD and commit changes System maintenance: fix Check WORLD against the system and ensure consistency update Update repository indexes upgrade Install upgrades available from repositories cache Commands related to the management of an offline package cache Querying package information: info Give detailed information about packages or repositories list List packages matching a pattern or other criteria dot Generate graphviz graphs policy Show repository policy for packages Repository maintenance: index Create repository index file from packages fetch Download packages from global repositories to a local directory manifest Show checksums of package contents verify Verify package integrity and signature Miscellaneous: audit Audit directories for changes stats Show statistics about repositories and installations version Compare package versions or perform tests on version strings This apk has coffee making abilities. -- And applet specific help like: -- usage: apk add [<OPTIONS>...] PACKAGES... Description: apk add adds the requested packages to WORLD and installs (or upgrades) them if not already present, ensuring all dependencies are met. Options: --initdb Initialize a new package database -l, --latest Disables normal heuristics for choosing which repository to install a -u, --upgrade When adding packages which are already installed, upgrade them rather -t, --virtual NAME Instead of adding the specified packages to WORLD, create a new --no-chown Do not change file owner or group --
2020-04-24 08:49:14 +00:00
Utility to convert SCDOC manpages to apk-tools help messages
- Wrangle *apk-applet*(SECTION) links
- Uppercase _underlined_ things as they are "keywords"
- Other format specs like ** to be removed
- For options text, the first sentence (within the first line) is taken as the help text
Main page: apk.8.scd
- COMMANDS has ## header with a table for commands list
- GLOBAL OPTIONS and COMMIT OPTIONS for option group help
Applet pages: apk-*.8.scd
- Take usage from SYNOPSIS, can have multiple lines like apk-version(8)
- Take DESCRIPTION, take first paragraph, rewrap, and put as section in applet specific help
- From OPTIONS take each option and it's first sentence (within the first line)
local function splittokens(s)
local res = {}
for w in s:gmatch("%S+") do
res[#res+1] = w
return res
local function textwrap(text, linewidth)
local spaceleft = linewidth
local res = {}
local line = {}
for _, word in ipairs(splittokens(text)) do
if #word + 1 > spaceleft then
table.insert(res, table.concat(line, ' '))
line = { word }
spaceleft = linewidth - #word
table.insert(line, word)
spaceleft = spaceleft - (#word + 1)
table.insert(res, table.concat(line, ' '))
return res
local function upperfirst(s)
return s:sub(1,1):upper() .. s:sub(2):lower()
scdoc = {
usage_prefix = "usage: ",
scdoc.__index = scdoc
function scdoc:nop(ln)
--print(self.section, ln)
function scdoc:SYNOPSIS_text(ln)
table.insert(self.usage, self.usage_prefix .. ln)
self.usage_prefix = " or: "
function scdoc:COMMANDS_text(ln)
local ch = ln:sub(1,1)
local a, b = ln:match("^([[|:<]*)%s+(.+)")
if ch == '|' then
self.cur_cmd = { b, "" }
table.insert(self.commands, self.cur_cmd)
elseif ch == ':' and self.cur_cmd then
self.cur_cmd[2] = b
self.cur_cmd = nil
function scdoc:COMMANDS_subsection(n)
n = n:sub(1,1) .. n:sub(2):lower()
table.insert(self.commands, n)
function scdoc:DESCRIPTION_text(ln)
table.insert(self.description, ln)
function scdoc:DESCRIPTION_paragraph()
if #self.description > 0 then
self.section_text = self.nop
function scdoc:OPTIONS_text(ln)
local ch = ln:sub(1,1)
if ch == '-' then
self.cur_opt = { ln, {} }
table.insert(self.options, self.cur_opt)
elseif ch == '\t' then
table.insert(self.cur_opt[2], ln:sub(2))
function scdoc:NOTES_text(ln)
table.insert(self.notes, ln)
function scdoc:parse_default(ln)
if #ln == 0 then
return (self[self.section .. "_paragraph"] or self.nop)(self)
s, n = ln:match("^(#*) (.*)")
if s and n then
if #s == 1 then
local optgroup, opts = n:match("^(%S*) ?(OPTIONS)$")
if opts then
if #optgroup == 0 then optgroup = self.applet end
self.options = { name = optgroup }
table.insert(self.optgroup, self.options)
n = opts
self.section = n
self.section_text = self[n .. "_text"] or self.nop
self.subsection = nil
self.subsection = n
local f = self[self.section.."_subsection"]
if f then f(self, n) end
-- Handle formatting
ln = ln:gsub("apk%-(%S+)%(%d%)", "%1")
ln = ln:gsub("([^\\])%*(.-[^\\])%*", "%1%2")
ln = ln:gsub("^%*(.-[^\\])%*", "%1")
ln = ln:gsub("([^\\])_(.-[^\\])_", function(a,s) return a..s:upper() end)
ln = ln:gsub("^_(.-[^\\])_", function(a,s) return a..s:upper() end)
ln = ln:gsub("\\", "")
function scdoc:parse_header(ln)
self.manpage, self.mansection = ln:match("^(%S*)%((%d*)%)")
if self.manpage:find("^apk%-") then
self.applet = self.manpage:sub(5):lower()
self.applet = self.manpage:upper()
self.parser = self.parse_default
self.section_text = self.nop
function scdoc:parse(fn)
self.parser = self.parse_header
for l in io.lines(fn) do
function scdoc:render_options(out, options)
local width = self.width
local nindent = 24
table.insert(out, ("%s options:\n"):format(upperfirst(options.name)))
for _, opt in ipairs(options) do
local indent = (" "):rep(nindent)
k, v = opt[1], opt[2]
if #k > nindent - 4 then
table.insert(out, (" %s\n"):format(k, "", v))
table.insert(out, indent)
local fmt = (" %%-%ds "):format(nindent - 4)
table.insert(out, fmt:format(k, v))
v = table.concat(v, " ")
local i = v:find("%.%s")
if not i then i = v:find("%.$") end
if i then v = v:sub(1, i-1) end
v = textwrap(v, width - nindent - 1)
table.insert(out, v[1])
table.insert(out, "\n")
for i = 2, #v do
table.insert(out, indent)
table.insert(out, v[i])
table.insert(out, "\n")
function scdoc:render_optgroups(out)
for _, options in ipairs(self.optgroup) do
if #options > 0 then
table.insert(out, options.name .. "\0")
add script to autogenerate help from man pages This creates main help like: -- usage: apk [<OPTIONS>...] COMMAND [<ARGUMENTS>...] Package installation and removal: add Add packages to WORLD and commit changes del Remove packages from WORLD and commit changes System maintenance: fix Check WORLD against the system and ensure consistency update Update repository indexes upgrade Install upgrades available from repositories cache Commands related to the management of an offline package cache Querying package information: info Give detailed information about packages or repositories list List packages matching a pattern or other criteria dot Generate graphviz graphs policy Show repository policy for packages Repository maintenance: index Create repository index file from packages fetch Download packages from global repositories to a local directory manifest Show checksums of package contents verify Verify package integrity and signature Miscellaneous: audit Audit directories for changes stats Show statistics about repositories and installations version Compare package versions or perform tests on version strings This apk has coffee making abilities. -- And applet specific help like: -- usage: apk add [<OPTIONS>...] PACKAGES... Description: apk add adds the requested packages to WORLD and installs (or upgrades) them if not already present, ensuring all dependencies are met. Options: --initdb Initialize a new package database -l, --latest Disables normal heuristics for choosing which repository to install a -u, --upgrade When adding packages which are already installed, upgrade them rather -t, --virtual NAME Instead of adding the specified packages to WORLD, create a new --no-chown Do not change file owner or group --
2020-04-24 08:49:14 +00:00
self:render_options(out, options)
if options.name == self.applet then
table.insert(out, "\0")
add script to autogenerate help from man pages This creates main help like: -- usage: apk [<OPTIONS>...] COMMAND [<ARGUMENTS>...] Package installation and removal: add Add packages to WORLD and commit changes del Remove packages from WORLD and commit changes System maintenance: fix Check WORLD against the system and ensure consistency update Update repository indexes upgrade Install upgrades available from repositories cache Commands related to the management of an offline package cache Querying package information: info Give detailed information about packages or repositories list List packages matching a pattern or other criteria dot Generate graphviz graphs policy Show repository policy for packages Repository maintenance: index Create repository index file from packages fetch Download packages from global repositories to a local directory manifest Show checksums of package contents verify Verify package integrity and signature Miscellaneous: audit Audit directories for changes stats Show statistics about repositories and installations version Compare package versions or perform tests on version strings This apk has coffee making abilities. -- And applet specific help like: -- usage: apk add [<OPTIONS>...] PACKAGES... Description: apk add adds the requested packages to WORLD and installs (or upgrades) them if not already present, ensuring all dependencies are met. Options: --initdb Initialize a new package database -l, --latest Disables normal heuristics for choosing which repository to install a -u, --upgrade When adding packages which are already installed, upgrade them rather -t, --virtual NAME Instead of adding the specified packages to WORLD, create a new --no-chown Do not change file owner or group --
2020-04-24 08:49:14 +00:00
function scdoc:render_footer(out)
table.insert(out, ("\nFor more information: man %s %s\n"):format(self.mansection, self.manpage))
function scdoc:render(out)
local width = self.width
if not self.applet then return end
table.insert(out, self.applet .. "\0")
add script to autogenerate help from man pages This creates main help like: -- usage: apk [<OPTIONS>...] COMMAND [<ARGUMENTS>...] Package installation and removal: add Add packages to WORLD and commit changes del Remove packages from WORLD and commit changes System maintenance: fix Check WORLD against the system and ensure consistency update Update repository indexes upgrade Install upgrades available from repositories cache Commands related to the management of an offline package cache Querying package information: info Give detailed information about packages or repositories list List packages matching a pattern or other criteria dot Generate graphviz graphs policy Show repository policy for packages Repository maintenance: index Create repository index file from packages fetch Download packages from global repositories to a local directory manifest Show checksums of package contents verify Verify package integrity and signature Miscellaneous: audit Audit directories for changes stats Show statistics about repositories and installations version Compare package versions or perform tests on version strings This apk has coffee making abilities. -- And applet specific help like: -- usage: apk add [<OPTIONS>...] PACKAGES... Description: apk add adds the requested packages to WORLD and installs (or upgrades) them if not already present, ensuring all dependencies are met. Options: --initdb Initialize a new package database -l, --latest Disables normal heuristics for choosing which repository to install a -u, --upgrade When adding packages which are already installed, upgrade them rather -t, --virtual NAME Instead of adding the specified packages to WORLD, create a new --no-chown Do not change file owner or group --
2020-04-24 08:49:14 +00:00
table.insert(out, table.concat(self.usage, "\n"))
table.insert(out, "\n")
if #self.commands > 0 then
for _, cmd in ipairs(self.commands) do
if type(cmd) == "string" then
table.insert(out, "\n" .. cmd .. ":\n")
table.insert(out, (" %-10s %s\n"):format(cmd[1], cmd[2]))
elseif #self.description > 0 then
table.insert(out, "\nDescription:\n")
for _, ln in ipairs(textwrap(table.concat(self.description, ' '), width - 2)) do
table.insert(out, (" %s\n"):format(ln))
if #self.notes > 0 then
table.insert(out, "\n")
table.insert(out, table.concat(self.notes, "\n"))
if self.manpage == "apk" then self:render_footer(out)
else table.insert(out, "\n") end
table.insert(out, "\0")
add script to autogenerate help from man pages This creates main help like: -- usage: apk [<OPTIONS>...] COMMAND [<ARGUMENTS>...] Package installation and removal: add Add packages to WORLD and commit changes del Remove packages from WORLD and commit changes System maintenance: fix Check WORLD against the system and ensure consistency update Update repository indexes upgrade Install upgrades available from repositories cache Commands related to the management of an offline package cache Querying package information: info Give detailed information about packages or repositories list List packages matching a pattern or other criteria dot Generate graphviz graphs policy Show repository policy for packages Repository maintenance: index Create repository index file from packages fetch Download packages from global repositories to a local directory manifest Show checksums of package contents verify Verify package integrity and signature Miscellaneous: audit Audit directories for changes stats Show statistics about repositories and installations version Compare package versions or perform tests on version strings This apk has coffee making abilities. -- And applet specific help like: -- usage: apk add [<OPTIONS>...] PACKAGES... Description: apk add adds the requested packages to WORLD and installs (or upgrades) them if not already present, ensuring all dependencies are met. Options: --initdb Initialize a new package database -l, --latest Disables normal heuristics for choosing which repository to install a -u, --upgrade When adding packages which are already installed, upgrade them rather -t, --virtual NAME Instead of adding the specified packages to WORLD, create a new --no-chown Do not change file owner or group --
2020-04-24 08:49:14 +00:00
local do_compress = true
add script to autogenerate help from man pages This creates main help like: -- usage: apk [<OPTIONS>...] COMMAND [<ARGUMENTS>...] Package installation and removal: add Add packages to WORLD and commit changes del Remove packages from WORLD and commit changes System maintenance: fix Check WORLD against the system and ensure consistency update Update repository indexes upgrade Install upgrades available from repositories cache Commands related to the management of an offline package cache Querying package information: info Give detailed information about packages or repositories list List packages matching a pattern or other criteria dot Generate graphviz graphs policy Show repository policy for packages Repository maintenance: index Create repository index file from packages fetch Download packages from global repositories to a local directory manifest Show checksums of package contents verify Verify package integrity and signature Miscellaneous: audit Audit directories for changes stats Show statistics about repositories and installations version Compare package versions or perform tests on version strings This apk has coffee making abilities. -- And applet specific help like: -- usage: apk add [<OPTIONS>...] PACKAGES... Description: apk add adds the requested packages to WORLD and installs (or upgrades) them if not already present, ensuring all dependencies are met. Options: --initdb Initialize a new package database -l, --latest Disables normal heuristics for choosing which repository to install a -u, --upgrade When adding packages which are already installed, upgrade them rather -t, --virtual NAME Instead of adding the specified packages to WORLD, create a new --no-chown Do not change file owner or group --
2020-04-24 08:49:14 +00:00
local function compress(data)
if not do_compress then
return data
add script to autogenerate help from man pages This creates main help like: -- usage: apk [<OPTIONS>...] COMMAND [<ARGUMENTS>...] Package installation and removal: add Add packages to WORLD and commit changes del Remove packages from WORLD and commit changes System maintenance: fix Check WORLD against the system and ensure consistency update Update repository indexes upgrade Install upgrades available from repositories cache Commands related to the management of an offline package cache Querying package information: info Give detailed information about packages or repositories list List packages matching a pattern or other criteria dot Generate graphviz graphs policy Show repository policy for packages Repository maintenance: index Create repository index file from packages fetch Download packages from global repositories to a local directory manifest Show checksums of package contents verify Verify package integrity and signature Miscellaneous: audit Audit directories for changes stats Show statistics about repositories and installations version Compare package versions or perform tests on version strings This apk has coffee making abilities. -- And applet specific help like: -- usage: apk add [<OPTIONS>...] PACKAGES... Description: apk add adds the requested packages to WORLD and installs (or upgrades) them if not already present, ensuring all dependencies are met. Options: --initdb Initialize a new package database -l, --latest Disables normal heuristics for choosing which repository to install a -u, --upgrade When adding packages which are already installed, upgrade them rather -t, --virtual NAME Instead of adding the specified packages to WORLD, create a new --no-chown Do not change file owner or group --
2020-04-24 08:49:14 +00:00
local zlib = require 'zlib'
local level = 9
if type(zlib.version()) == "string" then
-- lua-lzlib interface
return zlib.compress(data, level)
-- lua-zlib interface
return zlib.deflate(level)(data, "finish")
local function dump_compressed_vars(name, data, header)
local width = 16
local cout = compress(data)
if header then print(header) end
if do_compress then print("#define COMPRESSED_HELP") end
print(("static const unsigned int payload_%s_size = %d;"):format(name, #data))
print(("static const unsigned char payload_%s[] = { /* %d bytes */"):format(name, #cout))
add script to autogenerate help from man pages This creates main help like: -- usage: apk [<OPTIONS>...] COMMAND [<ARGUMENTS>...] Package installation and removal: add Add packages to WORLD and commit changes del Remove packages from WORLD and commit changes System maintenance: fix Check WORLD against the system and ensure consistency update Update repository indexes upgrade Install upgrades available from repositories cache Commands related to the management of an offline package cache Querying package information: info Give detailed information about packages or repositories list List packages matching a pattern or other criteria dot Generate graphviz graphs policy Show repository policy for packages Repository maintenance: index Create repository index file from packages fetch Download packages from global repositories to a local directory manifest Show checksums of package contents verify Verify package integrity and signature Miscellaneous: audit Audit directories for changes stats Show statistics about repositories and installations version Compare package versions or perform tests on version strings This apk has coffee making abilities. -- And applet specific help like: -- usage: apk add [<OPTIONS>...] PACKAGES... Description: apk add adds the requested packages to WORLD and installs (or upgrades) them if not already present, ensuring all dependencies are met. Options: --initdb Initialize a new package database -l, --latest Disables normal heuristics for choosing which repository to install a -u, --upgrade When adding packages which are already installed, upgrade them rather -t, --virtual NAME Instead of adding the specified packages to WORLD, create a new --no-chown Do not change file owner or group --
2020-04-24 08:49:14 +00:00
for i = 1, #cout do
if i % width == 1 then
if i % width == 0 or i == #cout then
local f = {}
for _, fn in ipairs(arg) do
if fn == '--no-zlib' then
do_compress = false
doc = setmetatable({
width = 78,
section = "HEADER",
usage = {},
description = {},
commands = {},
notes = {},
optgroup = {},
}, scdoc)
table.insert(f, doc)
add script to autogenerate help from man pages This creates main help like: -- usage: apk [<OPTIONS>...] COMMAND [<ARGUMENTS>...] Package installation and removal: add Add packages to WORLD and commit changes del Remove packages from WORLD and commit changes System maintenance: fix Check WORLD against the system and ensure consistency update Update repository indexes upgrade Install upgrades available from repositories cache Commands related to the management of an offline package cache Querying package information: info Give detailed information about packages or repositories list List packages matching a pattern or other criteria dot Generate graphviz graphs policy Show repository policy for packages Repository maintenance: index Create repository index file from packages fetch Download packages from global repositories to a local directory manifest Show checksums of package contents verify Verify package integrity and signature Miscellaneous: audit Audit directories for changes stats Show statistics about repositories and installations version Compare package versions or perform tests on version strings This apk has coffee making abilities. -- And applet specific help like: -- usage: apk add [<OPTIONS>...] PACKAGES... Description: apk add adds the requested packages to WORLD and installs (or upgrades) them if not already present, ensuring all dependencies are met. Options: --initdb Initialize a new package database -l, --latest Disables normal heuristics for choosing which repository to install a -u, --upgrade When adding packages which are already installed, upgrade them rather -t, --virtual NAME Instead of adding the specified packages to WORLD, create a new --no-chown Do not change file owner or group --
2020-04-24 08:49:14 +00:00
table.sort(f, function(a, b) return a.applet < b.applet end)
local out = {}
for _, doc in ipairs(f) do doc:render(out) end
for _, doc in ipairs(f) do doc:render_optgroups(out) end
table.insert(out, "\0")
add script to autogenerate help from man pages This creates main help like: -- usage: apk [<OPTIONS>...] COMMAND [<ARGUMENTS>...] Package installation and removal: add Add packages to WORLD and commit changes del Remove packages from WORLD and commit changes System maintenance: fix Check WORLD against the system and ensure consistency update Update repository indexes upgrade Install upgrades available from repositories cache Commands related to the management of an offline package cache Querying package information: info Give detailed information about packages or repositories list List packages matching a pattern or other criteria dot Generate graphviz graphs policy Show repository policy for packages Repository maintenance: index Create repository index file from packages fetch Download packages from global repositories to a local directory manifest Show checksums of package contents verify Verify package integrity and signature Miscellaneous: audit Audit directories for changes stats Show statistics about repositories and installations version Compare package versions or perform tests on version strings This apk has coffee making abilities. -- And applet specific help like: -- usage: apk add [<OPTIONS>...] PACKAGES... Description: apk add adds the requested packages to WORLD and installs (or upgrades) them if not already present, ensuring all dependencies are met. Options: --initdb Initialize a new package database -l, --latest Disables normal heuristics for choosing which repository to install a -u, --upgrade When adding packages which are already installed, upgrade them rather -t, --virtual NAME Instead of adding the specified packages to WORLD, create a new --no-chown Do not change file owner or group --
2020-04-24 08:49:14 +00:00
local help = table.concat(out)
dump_compressed_vars("help", help, "/* Automatically generated by genhelp.lua. Do not modify. */")