ci: use arch-tagged images for static build

For 32-bits arches, we use 64-bit arches in 32-bit mode. Docker by
default wants to pull the image for the native arch, so unless we take
care, the binaries will be built for the wrong arch.

Use the arch tagged images we build to make sure we get the correct image.
Kevin Daudt 2021-12-18 20:10:12 +01:00
parent 0f50f9ff29
commit f49600d38b
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ test:debian:
stage: build
image: alpinelinux/build-base
image: alpinelinux/build-base:latest-$ARCH
- abuild-apk add make gcc git musl-dev openssl-dev linux-headers zlib-dev lua5.3-dev lua5.3-lzlib zlib-static openssl-libs-static
- make -j$(nproc) static