2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
// TagLibMetadataReader.m
// TagLib
// Created by Vincent Spader on 2/24/07.
// Copyright 2007 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import "TagLibMetadataReader.h"
2015-01-07 12:09:29 +00:00
#import <taglib/fileref.h>
#import <taglib/tag.h>
#import <taglib/mpeg/mpegfile.h>
#import <taglib/mp4/mp4file.h>
#import <taglib/mpeg/id3v2/id3v2tag.h>
#import <taglib/mpeg/id3v2/frames/attachedpictureframe.h>
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
@implementation TagLibMetadataReader
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
+ (NSDictionary *)metadataForURL:(NSURL *)url
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
if (![url isFileURL]) {
return [NSDictionary dictionary];
2008-11-21 15:14:23 +00:00
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2015-01-15 06:02:24 +00:00
if ( !*TagLib::ascii_encoding ) {
NSStringEncoding enc = [NSString defaultCStringEncoding];
CFStringEncoding cfenc = CFStringConvertNSStringEncodingToEncoding(enc);
NSString *ref = (NSString *)CFStringConvertEncodingToIANACharSetName(cfenc);
UInt32 cp = CFStringConvertEncodingToWindowsCodepage(cfenc);
// Most tags are using windows codepage, so remap OS X codepage to Windows one.
static struct {
UInt32 from, to;
} codepage_remaps[] = {
{ 10001, 932 }, // Japanese Shift-JIS
{ 10002, 950 }, // Traditional Chinese
{ 10003, 949 }, // Korean
{ 10004, 1256 }, // Arabic
{ 10005, 1255 }, // Hebrew
{ 10006, 1253 }, // Greek
{ 10007, 1251 }, // Cyrillic
{ 10008, 936 }, // Simplified Chinese
{ 10029, 1250 }, // Central European (latin2)
int i;
int max = sizeof(codepage_remaps)/sizeof(codepage_remaps[0]);
for ( i=0; i<max; i++ )
if ( codepage_remaps[i].from == cp )
if ( i < max )
sprintf(TagLib::ascii_encoding, "windows-%d", codepage_remaps[i].to);
strcpy(TagLib::ascii_encoding, [ref UTF8String]);
2008-03-03 01:55:25 +00:00
TagLib::FileRef f((const char *)[[url path] UTF8String], false);
if (!f.isNull())
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2008-03-03 01:55:25 +00:00
const TagLib::Tag *tag = f.tag();
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
if (tag)
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
TagLib::String artist, title, album, genre, comment;
int year, track;
2013-10-02 09:30:04 +00:00
float rgAlbumGain, rgAlbumPeak, rgTrackGain, rgTrackPeak;
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
artist = tag->artist();
title = tag->title();;
album = tag->album();
genre = tag->genre();
comment = tag->comment();
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
year = tag->year();
[dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:year] forKey:@"year"];
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
track = tag->track();
[dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:track] forKey:@"track"];
2013-10-02 09:30:04 +00:00
rgAlbumGain = tag->rgAlbumGain();
rgAlbumPeak = tag->rgAlbumPeak();
rgTrackGain = tag->rgTrackGain();
rgTrackPeak = tag->rgTrackPeak();
[dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:rgAlbumGain] forKey:@"replayGainAlbumGain"];
[dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:rgAlbumPeak] forKey:@"replayGainAlbumPeak"];
[dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:rgTrackGain] forKey:@"replayGainTrackGain"];
[dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:rgTrackPeak] forKey:@"replayGainTrackPeak"];
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
if (!artist.isNull())
[dict setObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:artist.toCString(true)] forKey:@"artist"];
2008-03-03 01:55:25 +00:00
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
if (!album.isNull())
[dict setObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:album.toCString(true)] forKey:@"album"];
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
if (!title.isNull())
[dict setObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:title.toCString(true)] forKey:@"title"];
if (!genre.isNull())
[dict setObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:genre.toCString(true)] forKey:@"genre"];
2013-10-09 20:53:13 +00:00
// Try to load the image.
NSData * image = nil;
2013-10-12 20:51:36 +00:00
// Try to load the image.
2013-10-09 20:53:13 +00:00
TagLib::MPEG::File *mf = dynamic_cast<TagLib::MPEG::File *>(f.file());
if (mf) {
TagLib::ID3v2::Tag *tag = mf->ID3v2Tag();
if (tag) {
TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList pictures = mf->ID3v2Tag()->frameListMap()["APIC"];
if (!pictures.isEmpty()) {
TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *pic = static_cast<TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *>(pictures.front());
2013-10-12 20:51:36 +00:00
image = [NSData dataWithBytes:pic->picture().data() length:pic->picture().size()];
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
2013-10-12 20:51:36 +00:00
TagLib::MP4::File *m4f = dynamic_cast<TagLib::MP4::File *>(f.file());
if (m4f) {
TagLib::MP4::Tag *tag = m4f->tag();
if (tag) {
TagLib::MP4::ItemListMap itemsListMap = tag->itemListMap();
if (itemsListMap.contains("covr")) {
TagLib::MP4::Item coverItem = itemsListMap["covr"];
TagLib::MP4::CoverArtList coverArtList = coverItem.toCoverArtList();
if (!coverArtList.isEmpty()) {
TagLib::MP4::CoverArt coverArt = coverArtList.front();
image = [NSData dataWithBytes:coverArt.data().data() length:coverArt.data().size()];
if (nil == image) {
2010-04-05 17:40:17 +00:00
// Try to load image from external file
NSString *path = [[url path] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
// Gather list of candidate image files
2013-10-09 20:53:13 +00:00
NSArray *fileNames = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:path error:nil];
NSArray *imageFileNames = [fileNames pathsMatchingExtensions:[NSImage imageFileTypes]];
2013-10-10 08:44:45 +00:00
for (NSString *fileName in imageFileNames) {
2013-10-09 20:53:13 +00:00
if ([TagLibMetadataReader isCoverFile:fileName]) {
image = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:[path stringByAppendingPathComponent:fileName]];
2010-04-05 17:40:17 +00:00
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
if (nil != image) {
[dict setObject:image forKey:@"albumArt"];
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
return [dict autorelease];
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2010-04-05 17:40:17 +00:00
+ (BOOL)isCoverFile:(NSString *)fileName
2013-10-10 08:44:45 +00:00
for (NSString *coverFileName in [TagLibMetadataReader coverNames]) {
2010-04-05 17:40:17 +00:00
if ([[[[fileName lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension] lowercaseString] hasSuffix:coverFileName]) {
return true;
return false;
+ (NSArray *)coverNames
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"cover", @"folder", @"album", @"front", nil];
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
+ (NSArray *)fileTypes
//May be a way to get a list of supported formats
2013-10-12 20:51:36 +00:00
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"ape", @"asf", @"wma", @"ogg", @"opus", @"mpc", @"flac", @"m4a", @"mp3", @"tak", @"ac3", @"apl", @"dts", @"dtshd", @"tta", @"wav", @"aif", @"aiff", nil];
2007-10-14 18:56:23 +00:00
+ (NSArray *)mimeTypes
2013-10-12 20:51:36 +00:00
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"audio/x-ape", @"audio/x-ms-wma", @"application/ogg", @"application/x-ogg", @"audio/x-vorbis+ogg", @"audio/x-musepack", @"audio/x-flac", @"audio/x-m4a", @"audio/mpeg", @"audio/x-mp3", @"audio/x-tak", @"audio/x-ac3", @"audio/x-apl", @"audio/x-dts", @"audio/x-dtshd", @"audio/x-tta", @"audio/wav", @"audio/aiff", nil];
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2015-04-13 07:39:24 +00:00
+ (float)priority
return 1.0f;
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00