2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
// !$*UTF8*$!
archiveVersion = 1;
classes = {
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
objectVersion = 52;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
objects = {
/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */
2008-11-21 15:14:23 +00:00
07D971E60ED1DAA800E7602E /* TagEditorController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 07D971E50ED1DAA800E7602E /* TagEditorController.m */; };
2008-02-16 02:46:19 +00:00
07E18DF30D62B38400BB0E11 /* NSArray+ShuffleUtils.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 07E18DF20D62B38400BB0E11 /* NSArray+ShuffleUtils.m */; };
2022-07-01 17:54:39 +00:00
0A1B412C286F6301008A6A44 /* Localizable.stringsdict in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0A1B412E286F6301008A6A44 /* Localizable.stringsdict */; };
2022-06-21 01:58:22 +00:00
0A9CEA032861501700E47168 /* AboutWindowController.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0A9CEA012861501700E47168 /* AboutWindowController.swift */; };
0A9CEA092861506A00E47168 /* AboutCog.jp2 in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0A9CEA082861506A00E47168 /* AboutCog.jp2 */; };
0A9CEA0B286152DF00E47168 /* DraggableView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0A9CEA0A286152DF00E47168 /* DraggableView.swift */; };
2008-02-22 02:19:46 +00:00
170B55940D6E5E7B006B9E92 /* StatusImageTransformer.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 170B55930D6E5E7B006B9E92 /* StatusImageTransformer.m */; };
2007-05-27 14:04:42 +00:00
171B57DD0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* flac.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 171B57D90C091F2B00F6AFAF /* flac.icns */; };
171B57DE0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* m4a.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 171B57DA0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* m4a.icns */; };
171B57DF0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* mp3.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 171B57DB0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* mp3.icns */; };
171B57E00C091F2B00F6AFAF /* ogg.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 171B57DC0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* ogg.icns */; };
2009-03-08 02:38:25 +00:00
171CB3DC0F63670D0047EF0A /* PreferencesWindow.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 171CB3DB0F63670D0047EF0A /* PreferencesWindow.m */; };
2009-02-28 23:54:36 +00:00
171EFE8C0F59FEAE000ADC42 /* DockIconController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 171EFE8B0F59FEAE000ADC42 /* DockIconController.m */; };
2008-03-08 23:57:54 +00:00
17249F0F0D82E17700F33392 /* ToggleQueueTitleTransformer.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17249F0E0D82E17700F33392 /* ToggleQueueTitleTransformer.m */; };
2009-02-28 06:40:50 +00:00
172A12330F5911D20078EF0C /* RepeatTransformers.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 172A12320F5911D20078EF0C /* RepeatTransformers.m */; };
172A123C0F5912AE0078EF0C /* ShuffleTransformers.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 172A123B0F5912AE0078EF0C /* ShuffleTransformers.m */; };
2009-02-28 17:45:08 +00:00
172A12A90F59AF8A0078EF0C /* NSString+CogSort.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 172A12A80F59AF8A0078EF0C /* NSString+CogSort.m */; };
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
173855FF0E0CC81F00488CD4 /* FileTreeOutlineView.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 173855FE0E0CC81F00488CD4 /* FileTreeOutlineView.m */; };
2009-02-28 21:13:06 +00:00
1752C36C0F59E00100F85F28 /* PlaybackButtons.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1752C36B0F59E00100F85F28 /* PlaybackButtons.m */; };
2007-03-09 01:16:06 +00:00
1755E1F90BA0D2B600CA3560 /* PlaylistLoader.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1755E1F70BA0D2B600CA3560 /* PlaylistLoader.m */; };
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
1770429C0B8BC53600B86321 /* AppController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 177042980B8BC53600B86321 /* AppController.m */; };
1770429E0B8BC53600B86321 /* PlaybackController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1770429A0B8BC53600B86321 /* PlaybackController.m */; };
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
1778D3B00F645A190037E7A0 /* missingArt.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1778D3AF0F645A190037E7A0 /* missingArt.png */; };
1778D3CA0F645BF00037E7A0 /* MissingAlbumArtTransformer.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1778D3C90F645BF00037E7A0 /* MissingAlbumArtTransformer.m */; };
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
177EBFA70B8BC2A70000BC8C /* ImageTextCell.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 177EBF870B8BC2A70000BC8C /* ImageTextCell.m */; };
177EC0270B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingCell.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 177EC01B0B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingCell.m */; };
177EC0290B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingSlider.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 177EC01D0B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingSlider.m */; };
2007-05-28 15:09:19 +00:00
17818A950C0B27AC001C4916 /* aiff.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17818A8E0C0B27AC001C4916 /* aiff.icns */; };
17818A960C0B27AC001C4916 /* ape.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17818A8F0C0B27AC001C4916 /* ape.icns */; };
17818A970C0B27AC001C4916 /* m3u.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17818A900C0B27AC001C4916 /* m3u.icns */; };
17818A980C0B27AC001C4916 /* mpc.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17818A910C0B27AC001C4916 /* mpc.icns */; };
17818A990C0B27AC001C4916 /* shn.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17818A920C0B27AC001C4916 /* shn.icns */; };
17818A9A0C0B27AC001C4916 /* wav.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17818A930C0B27AC001C4916 /* wav.icns */; };
17818A9B0C0B27AC001C4916 /* wv.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17818A940C0B27AC001C4916 /* wv.icns */; };
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
1784560F0F631E24007E8021 /* FileTreeViewController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1784560E0F631E24007E8021 /* FileTreeViewController.m */; };
178456120F631E31007E8021 /* SideViewController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 178456110F631E31007E8021 /* SideViewController.m */; };
2007-10-03 22:26:39 +00:00
1791FF900CB43A2C0070BC5C /* MediaKeysApplication.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1791FF8E0CB43A2C0070BC5C /* MediaKeysApplication.m */; };
2007-05-26 14:43:31 +00:00
179790E10C087AB7001D6996 /* OpenURLPanel.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 179790DF0C087AB7001D6996 /* OpenURLPanel.m */; };
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
179D031E0E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainedNode.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 179D03090E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainedNode.m */; };
179D031F0E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainerNode.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 179D030B0E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainerNode.m */; };
179D03200E0CB2500064A77A /* DirectoryNode.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 179D030D0E0CB2500064A77A /* DirectoryNode.m */; };
179D03210E0CB2500064A77A /* FileIconCell.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 179D030F0E0CB2500064A77A /* FileIconCell.m */; };
179D03220E0CB2500064A77A /* FileNode.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 179D03110E0CB2500064A77A /* FileNode.m */; };
179D03230E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeDataSource.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 179D03130E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeDataSource.m */; };
179D03240E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 179D03150E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeController.m */; };
179D03260E0CB2500064A77A /* PathNode.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 179D03190E0CB2500064A77A /* PathNode.m */; };
179D03270E0CB2500064A77A /* PathWatcher.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 179D031B0E0CB2500064A77A /* PathWatcher.m */; };
179D03280E0CB2500064A77A /* SmartFolderNode.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 179D031D0E0CB2500064A77A /* SmartFolderNode.m */; };
2007-02-20 01:40:32 +00:00
17BB5CED0B8A86010009ACB1 /* AudioToolbox.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17BB5CEC0B8A86010009ACB1 /* AudioToolbox.framework */; };
17BB5CF90B8A86350009ACB1 /* AudioUnit.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17BB5CF60B8A86350009ACB1 /* AudioUnit.framework */; };
17BB5CFA0B8A86350009ACB1 /* CoreAudio.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17BB5CF70B8A86350009ACB1 /* CoreAudio.framework */; };
17BB5CFB0B8A86350009ACB1 /* CoreAudioKit.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17BB5CF80B8A86350009ACB1 /* CoreAudioKit.framework */; };
17BB5EA60B8A87850009ACB1 /* IOKit.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17BB5EA50B8A87850009ACB1 /* IOKit.framework */; };
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
17C809950C3BD223005707C4 /* Musepack.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17C808A60C3BD1AB005707C4 /* Musepack.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
17C809980C3BD22E005707C4 /* HTTPSource.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17C8088B0C3BD181005707C4 /* HTTPSource.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
17C8099A0C3BD233005707C4 /* FileSource.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17C808790C3BD167005707C4 /* FileSource.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
17C809E60C3BD487005707C4 /* CoreAudio.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17C809E30C3BD46D005707C4 /* CoreAudio.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
17C8F3CF0CBED66C008D969D /* GME.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17C8F3CD0CBED663008D969D /* GME.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2009-03-07 22:31:57 +00:00
17D1B1010F63255200694C57 /* InfoWindowController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17D1B1000F63255200694C57 /* InfoWindowController.m */; };
2009-03-08 01:49:50 +00:00
17D1B25D0F633A4F00694C57 /* PreferencePluginController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17D1B25C0F633A4F00694C57 /* PreferencePluginController.m */; };
2007-11-24 20:16:27 +00:00
17D1B27D0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* cue.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17D1B2760CF8B2830028F5B5 /* cue.icns */; };
17D1B27E0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* it.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17D1B2770CF8B2830028F5B5 /* it.icns */; };
17D1B27F0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* pls.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17D1B2780CF8B2830028F5B5 /* pls.icns */; };
17D1B2800CF8B2830028F5B5 /* s3m.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17D1B2790CF8B2830028F5B5 /* s3m.icns */; };
17D1B2810CF8B2830028F5B5 /* song.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17D1B27A0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* song.icns */; };
17D1B2820CF8B2830028F5B5 /* vg.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17D1B27B0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* vg.icns */; };
17D1B2830CF8B2830028F5B5 /* xm.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17D1B27C0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* xm.icns */; };
2009-02-22 22:57:02 +00:00
17E0D5EA0F520F02005B6FED /* MainWindow.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17E0D5E20F520F02005B6FED /* MainWindow.m */; };
17E0D5EB0F520F02005B6FED /* MiniWindow.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17E0D5E40F520F02005B6FED /* MiniWindow.m */; };
17E0D5EC0F520F02005B6FED /* PositionSlider.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17E0D5E60F520F02005B6FED /* PositionSlider.m */; };
17E0D5ED0F520F02005B6FED /* TimeField.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17E0D5E80F520F02005B6FED /* TimeField.m */; };
17E0D6160F520F87005B6FED /* FontSizetoLineHeightTransformer.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17E0D6130F520F87005B6FED /* FontSizetoLineHeightTransformer.m */; };
17E0D6170F520F87005B6FED /* StringToURLTransformer.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17E0D6150F520F87005B6FED /* StringToURLTransformer.m */; };
17E0D61C0F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeButton.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17E0D6190F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeButton.m */; };
17E0D61D0F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeSlider.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17E0D61B0F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeSlider.m */; };
2007-06-03 14:58:54 +00:00
17E41E070C130DFF00AC744D /* Credits.html in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17E41E060C130DFF00AC744D /* Credits.html */; };
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
17F3BB890CBC565900864489 /* CueSheet.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17F3BB880CBC565100864489 /* CueSheet.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
17F561400C3BD4F30019975C /* CogAudio.framework in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17F561330C3BD4DC0019975C /* CogAudio.framework */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2009-03-05 17:03:30 +00:00
17F6C8070F603701000D9DA9 /* PlaybackEventController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17F6C8060F603701000D9DA9 /* PlaybackEventController.m */; };
2009-03-10 04:59:00 +00:00
17FAEBAC0F662985007C8707 /* ToolTipTextField.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17FAEBAB0F662985007C8707 /* ToolTipTextField.m */; };
2008-02-11 07:46:41 +00:00
5604D45B0D60349B004F5C5D /* SpotlightWindowController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 5604D4590D60349B004F5C5D /* SpotlightWindowController.m */; };
2008-02-11 14:10:25 +00:00
5604D4F60D60726E004F5C5D /* SpotlightPlaylistEntry.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 5604D4F50D60726E004F5C5D /* SpotlightPlaylistEntry.m */; };
2008-02-13 16:10:59 +00:00
56462EAF0D6341F6000AB68C /* SpotlightTransformers.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 56462EAE0D6341F6000AB68C /* SpotlightTransformers.m */; };
56462EB20D634206000AB68C /* SpotlightPlaylistController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 56462EB10D634206000AB68C /* SpotlightPlaylistController.m */; };
2008-02-14 14:07:10 +00:00
56C63D910D647DF300EAE25A /* NSComparisonPredicate+CogPredicate.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 56C63D900D647DF300EAE25A /* NSComparisonPredicate+CogPredicate.m */; };
2008-02-16 13:18:14 +00:00
56DB084C0D6717DC00453B6A /* NSNumber+CogSort.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 56DB084B0D6717DC00453B6A /* NSNumber+CogSort.m */; };
56DB08550D67185300453B6A /* NSArray+CogSort.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 56DB08540D67185300453B6A /* NSArray+CogSort.m */; };
2021-12-31 09:16:44 +00:00
8305963C277F013200EBFAAE /* File_Extractor.framework in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83059639277F011100EBFAAE /* File_Extractor.framework */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
2022-06-20 10:35:29 +00:00
8307D30E28606148000FF8EB /* SandboxBroker.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8307D30D28606148000FF8EB /* SandboxBroker.m */; };
2022-02-13 19:05:32 +00:00
830C37A127B95E3000E02BB0 /* Equalizer.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 830C379F27B95E3000E02BB0 /* Equalizer.xib */; };
830C37A527B95EB300E02BB0 /* EqualizerWindowController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 830C37A427B95EB300E02BB0 /* EqualizerWindowController.m */; };
2022-02-13 20:15:27 +00:00
830C37FC27B9956C00E02BB0 /* analyzer.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 830C37F227B9956C00E02BB0 /* analyzer.c */; };
2022-01-27 09:31:50 +00:00
8314A46F27A28C29000EBE7E /* equalizerTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8314A46527A28C28000EBE7E /* equalizerTemplate.pdf */; };
2022-05-22 07:03:52 +00:00
8316B3932839FFD5004CC392 /* Scenes.scnassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8316B3922839FFD5004CC392 /* Scenes.scnassets */; };
2022-02-20 09:53:25 +00:00
831B99BF27C23E88005A969B /* Cog.sdef in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 831B99BE27C23E88005A969B /* Cog.sdef */; };
2022-05-23 00:24:35 +00:00
83229C9F283B0095004626A8 /* SpectrumWindowController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83229C9D283B0095004626A8 /* SpectrumWindowController.m */; };
2022-06-24 21:40:44 +00:00
83256B68286661FC0036D9C0 /* libmpg123.0.dylib in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83256B672866617F0036D9C0 /* libmpg123.0.dylib */; };
83256B69286661FC0036D9C0 /* libmpg123.0.dylib in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83256B672866617F0036D9C0 /* libmpg123.0.dylib */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
Decoders: Implemented Organya decoder
Based on the C++11 code by Joel Yliluoma / bisqwit, which in turn is
based on information from NX-Engine. I have also taken the liberty of
bundling the required wavetable bank and PixTone drums. Contrary to the
documentation provided with the code, my version of dou_1006.zip, as
downloaded over a decade ago, had the wavetable bank at offset 635,816
bytes into the file, not 1,115,748 bytes. Possibly a difference of
having applied the translation patch? My copy is the original version,
so I had to use a real resource parser to locate the waveforms.
The player will obey the configured sample rate, loop count, and fade
time for synthesizers, and also obey Repeat One to play indefinitely.
The code should be quite robust to minor abuses, though I can't imagine
how well it would hold up to random bad files, other than playing
outright garbage.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-12-04 11:09:52 +00:00
8327DBA9293CAD2400CD0580 /* Organya.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8327DB94293C923500CD0580 /* Organya.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
2022-01-25 04:01:22 +00:00
832923AF279FAC400048201E /* Cog.q1.json in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 832923AE279FAC400048201E /* Cog.q1.json */; };
2022-06-09 04:32:52 +00:00
832CFC4F2851AA1A002AC26F /* NSView+Visibility.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 832CFC4E2851AA1A002AC26F /* NSView+Visibility.m */; };
2022-06-18 05:14:32 +00:00
832CFC562851AA8B002AC26F /* SpectrumViewCG.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 832CFC552851AA8B002AC26F /* SpectrumViewCG.m */; };
2022-02-22 05:52:09 +00:00
833D0C2527C4ABB80060E16A /* ScriptAdditions.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 833D0C2427C4ABB80060E16A /* ScriptAdditions.m */; };
2022-01-03 09:51:53 +00:00
83489C6B2782F78700BDCEA2 /* libvgmPlayer.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83489C542782F2DF00BDCEA2 /* libvgmPlayer.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
2022-02-10 07:12:17 +00:00
8349270C27B4EFFC0009AB2B /* duplicateItemsTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8349270127B4EFFC0009AB2B /* duplicateItemsTemplate.pdf */; };
8349270D27B4EFFC0009AB2B /* deadItemsTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8349270B27B4EFFC0009AB2B /* deadItemsTemplate.pdf */; };
[Job Queue] Overhauled long action handling
Long actions, such as file opening, playlist loading, metadata loading
and refreshing, etc, are now handled through NSProgress. Additionally,
a new status bar change displays the progress of the task instead of
the total duration of the playlist. Finally, app quit is blocked by a
running task, and if the app is quit while a task is running, it will
be delayed until the task completes, at which time the app will
terminate cleanly.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-06-15 08:01:45 +00:00
834B05EA2859C006000B7DC0 /* TotalTimeTransformer.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 834B05E92859C006000B7DC0 /* TotalTimeTransformer.m */; };
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
834D793F20E4EFEA00C4A5CC /* OpusPlugin.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 830B62B320E4EF89004A74B2 /* OpusPlugin.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
834D794020E4EFEF00C4A5CC /* VorbisPlugin.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8301F94520E4EEF70017B2DC /* VorbisPlugin.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
834F7F4320E4E4ED00228DAB /* AdPlug.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8303A30920E4E3D000951EF8 /* AdPlug.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
834F7F4420E4E4FA00228DAB /* OpenMPT.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83CA5B0020E4E395003E463A /* OpenMPT.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
834F7F4520E4E51F00228DAB /* WavPack.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 834068BD20E4E40200A01561 /* WavPack.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
834F7F4720E4E54300228DAB /* TagLib.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8303A31C20E4E3D000951EF8 /* TagLib.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
834F7F4820E4E55D00228DAB /* Shorten.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83CA5B0320E4E395003E463A /* Shorten.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
834F7F4A20E4E58900228DAB /* vgmstream.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83BB13C220E4E38E00723731 /* vgmstream.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
2013-10-09 23:14:23 +00:00
8355D6B6180612F300D05687 /* NSData+MD5.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8355D6B5180612F300D05687 /* NSData+MD5.m */; };
8355D6B8180613FB00D05687 /* Security.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8355D6B7180613FB00D05687 /* Security.framework */; };
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
8359009D17FF06570060F3ED /* ArchiveSource.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8359FF3117FEF35D0060F3ED /* ArchiveSource.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2022-01-17 14:37:38 +00:00
835A8FD327957310005B3C39 /* json.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 835A8FC627957310005B3C39 /* json.c */; };
2022-01-22 05:49:17 +00:00
835F00BB279BD1CD00055FCF /* SecondsFormatter.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 835F00B8279BD1CD00055FCF /* SecondsFormatter.m */; };
2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
835FAC7927BCDF2A00BA8562 /* AVIFDecoder.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 835FAC7527BCDF2A00BA8562 /* AVIFDecoder.m */; };
835FAC7E27BCDF5B00BA8562 /* libaom.a in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 835FAC7C27BCDF5B00BA8562 /* libaom.a */; };
835FAC7F27BCDF5B00BA8562 /* libavif.a in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 835FAC7D27BCDF5B00BA8562 /* libavif.a */; };
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
8360EF6D17F92E56005208A4 /* HighlyComplete.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8360EF0517F92B24005208A4 /* HighlyComplete.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2013-10-11 19:02:05 +00:00
836D28A818086386005B7299 /* MiniModeMenuTitleTransformer.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836D28A718086386005B7299 /* MiniModeMenuTitleTransformer.m */; };
2022-02-15 08:26:55 +00:00
836EF0C827BB91E600BF35B2 /* libogg.0.dylib in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836EF0C427BB919300BF35B2 /* libogg.0.dylib */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
836EF0C927BB91E900BF35B2 /* libvorbisfile.3.dylib in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836EF0C627BB91AB00BF35B2 /* libvorbisfile.3.dylib */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
836EF0CA27BB91EB00BF35B2 /* libvorbis.0.dylib in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836EF0C527BB91AB00BF35B2 /* libvorbis.0.dylib */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2022-07-13 06:03:07 +00:00
836EF0CB27BB91EE00BF35B2 /* libFLAC.12.dylib in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836EF0C727BB91BC00BF35B2 /* libFLAC.12.dylib */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2022-02-15 08:26:55 +00:00
836EF0E027BB98A800BF35B2 /* libopus.0.dylib in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836EF0CC27BB94E100BF35B2 /* libopus.0.dylib */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
836EF0E127BB98AB00BF35B2 /* libopusfile.0.dylib in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836EF0CD27BB94F100BF35B2 /* libopusfile.0.dylib */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
836F462128207F43005B9B87 /* Plaque.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836F461D28207F43005B9B87 /* Plaque.png */; };
836F462328207F55005B9B87 /* PlayNormal.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836F462228207F55005B9B87 /* PlayNormal.png */; };
836F462928207FA4005B9B87 /* PlayColorful.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836F462428207FA4005B9B87 /* PlayColorful.png */; };
836F462A28207FA4005B9B87 /* PauseColorful.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836F462528207FA4005B9B87 /* PauseColorful.png */; };
836F462B28207FA4005B9B87 /* StopColorful.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836F462628207FA4005B9B87 /* StopColorful.png */; };
836F462C28207FA4005B9B87 /* PauseNormal.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836F462728207FA4005B9B87 /* PauseNormal.png */; };
836F462D28207FA4005B9B87 /* StopNormal.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836F462828207FA4005B9B87 /* StopNormal.png */; };
2014-12-08 06:26:31 +00:00
836F5BF91A357A01002730CC /* sidplay.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8314D6411A354DFF00EEE8E6 /* sidplay.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
836FB5A718206F2500B3AD2D /* Hively.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 836FB5471820538800B3AD2D /* Hively.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2021-12-24 09:01:21 +00:00
8370D73D277419F700245CE0 /* SQLiteStore.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8370D73C277419F700245CE0 /* SQLiteStore.m */; };
8370D73F2775AE1300245CE0 /* libsqlite3.tbd in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8370D73E2775AE1300245CE0 /* libsqlite3.tbd */; };
2022-02-25 01:48:10 +00:00
8372C93D27C7895300E250C9 /* MAD.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8372C93027C785BE00E250C9 /* MAD.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
2022-06-18 05:14:32 +00:00
8377C66327B8CF6300E8BC0F /* SpectrumViewSK.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8377C66127B8CF6300E8BC0F /* SpectrumViewSK.m */; };
2022-02-13 09:32:26 +00:00
8377C6B927B900F000E8BC0F /* SpectrumItem.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8377C6B827B900F000E8BC0F /* SpectrumItem.m */; };
2022-06-16 14:14:33 +00:00
837DC92B285B05710005C58A /* CoreData.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 837DC92A285B05710005C58A /* CoreData.framework */; };
837DC931285B3F790005C58A /* DataModel.xcdatamodeld in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 837DC92F285B3F790005C58A /* DataModel.xcdatamodeld */; };
2022-02-23 07:10:02 +00:00
8381A09227C5F72F00A1C530 /* SHA256Digest.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8381A09127C5F72F00A1C530 /* SHA256Digest.m */; };
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384914018083E4E00E7332D /* filetype.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384913D18083E4E00E7332D /* filetype.icns */; };
8384915918083EAB00E7332D /* infoTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384914318083EAB00E7332D /* infoTemplate.pdf */; };
8384915A18083EAB00E7332D /* missingArt@2x.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384914418083EAB00E7332D /* missingArt@2x.png */; };
8384915B18083EAB00E7332D /* navigatorTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384914518083EAB00E7332D /* navigatorTemplate.pdf */; };
8384915C18083EAB00E7332D /* nextTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384914618083EAB00E7332D /* nextTemplate.pdf */; };
8384915E18083EAB00E7332D /* pauseTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384914818083EAB00E7332D /* pauseTemplate.pdf */; };
8384916018083EAB00E7332D /* playTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384914A18083EAB00E7332D /* playTemplate.pdf */; };
8384916118083EAB00E7332D /* previousTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384914B18083EAB00E7332D /* previousTemplate.pdf */; };
8384916218083EAB00E7332D /* randomizeTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384914C18083EAB00E7332D /* randomizeTemplate.pdf */; };
8384916318083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeAlbumTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384914D18083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeAlbumTemplate.pdf */; };
8384916418083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeAllTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384914E18083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeAllTemplate.pdf */; };
8384916518083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeOffTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384914F18083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeOffTemplate.pdf */; };
8384916618083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeOneTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384915018083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeOneTemplate.pdf */; };
8384916718083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleAlbumTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384915118083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleAlbumTemplate.pdf */; };
8384916818083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleOffTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384915218083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleOffTemplate.pdf */; };
8384916918083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleOnTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384915318083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleOnTemplate.pdf */; };
8384916C18083EAB00E7332D /* stopTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384915618083EAB00E7332D /* stopTemplate.pdf */; };
8384916D18083EAB00E7332D /* volume1Template.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384915718083EAB00E7332D /* volume1Template.pdf */; };
8384916E18083EAB00E7332D /* volume3Template.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8384915818083EAB00E7332D /* volume3Template.pdf */; };
2022-06-22 01:00:30 +00:00
838F851E256B4E5E00C3E614 /* Sparkle.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 838F851D256B4E5E00C3E614 /* Sparkle.framework */; };
838F851F256B4E8B00C3E614 /* Sparkle.framework in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 838F851D256B4E5E00C3E614 /* Sparkle.framework */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
2022-06-28 11:26:55 +00:00
83922FBA286B1AA900A0B039 /* WebKit.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83922FB6286B1AA900A0B039 /* WebKit.framework */; };
2022-07-01 07:38:25 +00:00
839614A2286ED97200D3EEDB /* AboutWindowController.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 839614A0286ED97200D3EEDB /* AboutWindowController.xib */; };
839614AD286EDA5C00D3EEDB /* SpectrumWindow.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 839614AB286EDA5C00D3EEDB /* SpectrumWindow.xib */; };
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
83978E16285C58190076ED21 /* FirebaseCrashlytics in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 83978E15285C58190076ED21 /* FirebaseCrashlytics */; };
83978E26285C596F0076ED21 /* FirebaseAnalytics in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 83978E25285C596F0076ED21 /* FirebaseAnalytics */; };
83978E29285C5C0A0076ED21 /* GoogleService-Info.plist in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83978E28285C5C0A0076ED21 /* GoogleService-Info.plist */; };
2022-02-17 05:38:43 +00:00
83988F0E27BE0A5900A0E89A /* RedundantPlaylistDataStore.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83988F0D27BE0A5900A0E89A /* RedundantPlaylistDataStore.m */; };
2013-10-09 15:45:16 +00:00
8399D4E21805A55000B503B1 /* XmlContainer.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8399D4E01805A55000B503B1 /* XmlContainer.m */; };
2022-06-30 07:28:03 +00:00
839B837F286D7F8D00F529EE /* NumberHertzToStringTransformer.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 839B837E286D7F8D00F529EE /* NumberHertzToStringTransformer.swift */; };
2021-11-21 08:16:16 +00:00
839DA7CF274A2D4C001B18E5 /* NSDictionary+Merge.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 839DA7CE274A2D4C001B18E5 /* NSDictionary+Merge.m */; };
2022-07-09 09:30:52 +00:00
839E56F52879625100DFB5F4 /* SADIE_D02-96000.mhr in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 839E56F12879625100DFB5F4 /* SADIE_D02-96000.mhr */; };
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83A360B220E4E81D00192DAB /* Flac.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8303A30C20E4E3D000951EF8 /* Flac.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
2022-05-22 22:26:27 +00:00
83A3B734283AE89000CC6593 /* ColorToValueTransformer.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83A3B72F283AE6AA00CC6593 /* ColorToValueTransformer.m */; };
2022-01-24 12:26:20 +00:00
83AA7D04279EBCA900087AA4 /* libavcodec.59.dylib in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83AA7D00279EBC8200087AA4 /* libavcodec.59.dylib */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
83AA7D05279EBCAB00087AA4 /* libavformat.59.dylib in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83AA7D03279EBC8300087AA4 /* libavformat.59.dylib */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
83AA7D06279EBCAD00087AA4 /* libavutil.57.dylib in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83AA7D02279EBC8200087AA4 /* libavutil.57.dylib */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
83AA7D07279EBCAF00087AA4 /* libswresample.4.dylib in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83AA7D01279EBC8200087AA4 /* libswresample.4.dylib */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
83B06704180D579E008E3612 /* MIDI.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83B066A1180D5669008E3612 /* MIDI.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2022-01-13 12:11:38 +00:00
83B72E3B279045B7006007A3 /* libfdk-aac.2.dylib in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83B72E2A279044F6006007A3 /* libfdk-aac.2.dylib */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AB220E4C87100631CD4 /* DualWindow.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83BC5AB020E4C87100631CD4 /* DualWindow.m */; };
83BC5ABF20E4CE7A00631CD4 /* InfoInspector.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17D1B0D00F6320EA00694C57 /* InfoInspector.xib */; };
83BC5AC020E4CE7D00631CD4 /* MainMenu.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17342A980D5FD20B00E8D854 /* MainMenu.xib */; };
83BC5AC120E4CE8700631CD4 /* OpenURLPanel.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17342ABD0D5FD36400E8D854 /* OpenURLPanel.xib */; };
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
83BC5AC220E4CE8A00631CD4 /* FileTree.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17211A7C0D68B7C500911CA9 /* FileTree.xib */; };
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AC320E4CE8D00631CD4 /* SpotlightPanel.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 178456C00F6320B5007E8021 /* SpotlightPanel.xib */; };
83BC5AC420E4CE9000631CD4 /* Feedback.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17D1B1DA0F6330D400694C57 /* Feedback.xib */; };
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
83BCB8DE17FC971300760340 /* FFMPEG.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B09E94350D747F7B0064F138 /* FFMPEG.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2020-06-30 08:04:55 +00:00
83D0380F24A40DFB004CF90F /* CogAssets.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83D0380E24A40DF2004CF90F /* CogAssets.xcassets */; };
2013-10-11 19:02:05 +00:00
83E5E54C18087CA5001F3284 /* miniModeOffTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83E5E54A18087CA5001F3284 /* miniModeOffTemplate.pdf */; };
83E5E54D18087CA5001F3284 /* miniModeOnTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83E5E54B18087CA5001F3284 /* miniModeOnTemplate.pdf */; };
2022-01-21 07:53:45 +00:00
83ED3AD1279A91C000904199 /* hdcdLogoTemplate.pdf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83ED3AC7279A91C000904199 /* hdcdLogoTemplate.pdf */; };
2022-10-28 06:06:02 +00:00
83F7AADA290B682400951B61 /* scpipe in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83F7AAD8290B682400951B61 /* scpipe */; };
83F7AADE290B8DDF00951B61 /* IIAM.bin in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83F7AAD7290B682400951B61 /* IIAM.bin */; };
2015-02-09 02:15:02 +00:00
83F9D8071A884C54007ABEC2 /* SilenceDecoder.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83F9D7F61A884B46007ABEC2 /* SilenceDecoder.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
8D11072B0486CEB800E47090 /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 089C165CFE840E0CC02AAC07 /* InfoPlist.strings */; };
8D11072D0486CEB800E47090 /* main.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 29B97316FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* main.m */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (); }; };
8D11072F0486CEB800E47090 /* Cocoa.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1058C7A1FEA54F0111CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */; };
2006-09-04 18:06:23 +00:00
8E07AB790AAC930B00A4B32F /* PreferencesController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8E07AB770AAC930B00A4B32F /* PreferencesController.m */; };
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
8E75757109F31D5A0080F1EE /* DNDArrayController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8E75752C09F31D5A0080F1EE /* DNDArrayController.m */; };
8E75757209F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8E75752E09F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistController.m */; };
8E75757309F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistEntry.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8E75753009F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistEntry.m */; };
8E75757409F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistView.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8E75753209F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistView.m */; };
8E75757509F31D5A0080F1EE /* Shuffle.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8E75753409F31D5A0080F1EE /* Shuffle.m */; };
8E7575DB09F31E930080F1EE /* Localizable.strings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8E7575D909F31E930080F1EE /* Localizable.strings */; };
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
8E8D40880CBB038E00135C1B /* M3u.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8E8D40870CBB036600135C1B /* M3u.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
8E8D41C80CBB0DA900135C1B /* Pls.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8E8D41C70CBB0DA000135C1B /* Pls.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2007-03-14 02:28:30 +00:00
8E9A30160BA792DC0091081B /* NSFileHandle+CreateFile.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8E9A30140BA792DC0091081B /* NSFileHandle+CreateFile.m */; };
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
99EAACA80DD1BB7A00423C38 /* APL.bundle in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 566D321B0D538550004466A5 /* APL.bundle */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; };
2021-01-24 22:25:56 +00:00
ED69CA3B25BE2A390090B90D /* Preferences.preferencePane in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 17F5622E0C3BD8FB0019975C /* Preferences.preferencePane */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
ED69CBC725BE32C00090B90D /* MASShortcut.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = ED69CBBF25BE328C0090B90D /* MASShortcut.framework */; };
ED69CBCA25BE32E80090B90D /* MASShortcut.framework in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = ED69CBBF25BE328C0090B90D /* MASShortcut.framework */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
2021-01-06 21:49:14 +00:00
EDAAA41F25A665C000731773 /* PositionSliderToolbarItem.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = EDAAA41E25A665C000731773 /* PositionSliderToolbarItem.swift */; };
2009-08-16 16:49:34 +00:00
F6F96719102C709000D2C9B4 /* NSString+FinderCompare.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = F6F96718102C709000D2C9B4 /* NSString+FinderCompare.m */; };
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
/* End PBXBuildFile section */
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
/* Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section */
2008-02-08 00:08:56 +00:00
17643CBB0D5BD44900F0A9FE /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
2007-10-20 16:18:44 +00:00
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
2008-02-08 00:08:56 +00:00
containerPortal = 566D32160D538550004466A5 /* APL.xcodeproj */;
2007-10-20 16:18:44 +00:00
proxyType = 1;
2008-02-10 13:48:55 +00:00
remoteGlobalIDString = 99B989F30CC7E10400C256E9;
2007-10-20 16:18:44 +00:00
remoteInfo = "APL Plugin";
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17C808780C3BD167005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C808710C3BD167005707C4 /* FileSource.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = FileSource;
17C8088A0C3BD181005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C808830C3BD181005707C4 /* HTTPSource.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = HTTPSource;
17C808A50C3BD1AB005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C8089E0C3BD1AB005707C4 /* Musepack.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = Musepack;
17C8097D0C3BD1F5005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C8089E0C3BD1AB005707C4 /* Musepack.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = Musepack;
17C809850C3BD1F5005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C808710C3BD167005707C4 /* FileSource.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = FileSource;
17C809870C3BD1F5005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C808830C3BD181005707C4 /* HTTPSource.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = HTTPSource;
17C809E20C3BD46D005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C808660C3BD0F8005707C4 /* CoreAudio.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = CoreAudio;
17C809E40C3BD47C005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C808660C3BD0F8005707C4 /* CoreAudio.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = CoreAudio;
2007-10-11 23:11:58 +00:00
17C8F3CC0CBED663008D969D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C8F3C80CBED663008D969D /* GME.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
2007-10-12 02:55:59 +00:00
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
2007-10-11 23:11:58 +00:00
remoteInfo = "GME Plugin";
17C8F44B0CBEDD37008D969D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C8F3C80CBED663008D969D /* GME.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
2007-10-12 02:55:59 +00:00
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
2007-10-11 23:11:58 +00:00
remoteInfo = "GME Plugin";
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
17F3BB870CBC565100864489 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17F3BB830CBC565100864489 /* CueSheet.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
2007-10-11 02:08:29 +00:00
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
remoteInfo = CueSheet;
17F3BB8A0CBC566200864489 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17F3BB830CBC565100864489 /* CueSheet.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
2007-10-11 02:08:29 +00:00
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
remoteInfo = CueSheet;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17F561320C3BD4DC0019975C /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17F5612A0C3BD4DC0019975C /* CogAudio.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8DC2EF5B0486A6940098B216;
remoteInfo = CogAudio;
17F5613E0C3BD4E90019975C /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17F5612A0C3BD4DC0019975C /* CogAudio.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8DC2EF4F0486A6940098B216;
remoteInfo = CogAudio;
17F5622D0C3BD8FB0019975C /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
2021-01-24 22:01:20 +00:00
containerPortal = 17F562260C3BD8FB0019975C /* Preferences.xcodeproj */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
2021-01-24 22:01:20 +00:00
remoteInfo = Preferences;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17F5623A0C3BD9280019975C /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
2021-01-24 22:01:20 +00:00
containerPortal = 17F562260C3BD8FB0019975C /* Preferences.xcodeproj */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
2021-01-24 22:01:20 +00:00
remoteInfo = Preferences;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
2008-02-08 00:08:56 +00:00
566D321A0D538550004466A5 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 566D32160D538550004466A5 /* APL.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 99B989F40CC7E10400C256E9;
remoteInfo = "APL Plugin";
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
8301F94420E4EEF70017B2DC /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C808B70C3BD1D2005707C4 /* VorbisPlugin.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = "VorbisPlugin Plugin";
8303A30820E4E3D000951EF8 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 83D3C5FC201C674D005564CB /* AdPlug.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 83D3C5F3201C674D005564CB;
remoteInfo = AdPlugPlugin;
8303A30B20E4E3D000951EF8 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C8087A0C3BD173005707C4 /* Flac.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = "Flac Plugin";
8303A31B20E4E3D000951EF8 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C808B00C3BD1C5005707C4 /* TagLib.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = "TagLibPlugin Plugin";
2021-12-31 09:16:44 +00:00
83059638277F011100EBFAAE /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 83059634277F011100EBFAAE /* File_Extractor.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8359FF3C17FEF39F0060F3ED;
remoteInfo = File_Extractor;
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
830B62B220E4EF89004A74B2 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8375B05117FFEA400092A79F /* OpusPlugin.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8375B03C17FFEA400092A79F;
remoteInfo = OpusPlugin;
2014-12-08 06:26:31 +00:00
8314D6401A354DFF00EEE8E6 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8314D63B1A354DFE00EEE8E6 /* sidplay.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8314D6311A354DFE00EEE8E6;
remoteInfo = sidplay;
Decoders: Implemented Organya decoder
Based on the C++11 code by Joel Yliluoma / bisqwit, which in turn is
based on information from NX-Engine. I have also taken the liberty of
bundling the required wavetable bank and PixTone drums. Contrary to the
documentation provided with the code, my version of dou_1006.zip, as
downloaded over a decade ago, had the wavetable bank at offset 635,816
bytes into the file, not 1,115,748 bytes. Possibly a difference of
having applied the translation patch? My copy is the original version,
so I had to use a real resource parser to locate the waveforms.
The player will obey the configured sample rate, loop count, and fade
time for synthesizers, and also obey Repeat One to play indefinitely.
The code should be quite robust to minor abuses, though I can't imagine
how well it would hold up to random bad files, other than playing
outright garbage.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-12-04 11:09:52 +00:00
8327DB93293C923500CD0580 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8327DB8F293C923500CD0580 /* Organya.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8327DB7D293C90E300CD0580;
remoteInfo = Organya;
8327DBA7293CAD0A00CD0580 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8327DB8F293C923500CD0580 /* Organya.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8327DB7C293C90E300CD0580;
remoteInfo = Organya;
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
834068BC20E4E40200A01561 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C808C00C3BD1DD005707C4 /* WavPack.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = "WavPackPlugin Plugin";
2022-01-03 09:51:53 +00:00
83489C532782F2DF00BDCEA2 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 83489C4E2782F2DF00BDCEA2 /* libvgmPlayer.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = "libvgmPlayer Plugin";
83489C692782F76900BDCEA2 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 83489C4E2782F2DF00BDCEA2 /* libvgmPlayer.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = "libvgmPlayer Plugin";
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
834D792F20E4EFCC00C4A5CC /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C808B70C3BD1D2005707C4 /* VorbisPlugin.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = "VorbisPlugin Plugin";
834D793D20E4EFD200C4A5CC /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8375B05117FFEA400092A79F /* OpusPlugin.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8375B03B17FFEA400092A79F;
remoteInfo = OpusPlugin;
834F7F1E20E4E4AA00228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 83D3C5FC201C674D005564CB /* AdPlug.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 83D3C5F2201C674D005564CB;
remoteInfo = AdPlugPlugin;
834F7F3320E4E4B000228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 83E5EFAC1FFEF78100659F0F /* OpenMPT.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 83E5EFA21FFEF78100659F0F;
remoteInfo = OpenMPTPlugin;
834F7F3520E4E4B400228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C808C00C3BD1DD005707C4 /* WavPack.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = "WavPackPlugin Plugin";
834F7F3920E4E4BD00228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C808B00C3BD1C5005707C4 /* TagLib.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = "TagLibPlugin Plugin";
834F7F3B20E4E4C200228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C808A70C3BD1BA005707C4 /* Shorten.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = "Shorten Plugin";
834F7F3D20E4E4C600228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 17C8087A0C3BD173005707C4 /* Flac.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = "Flac Plugin";
834F7F4120E4E4CD00228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 836F6B2518BDB80D0095E648 /* vgmstream.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 836F6B0F18BDB80D0095E648;
remoteInfo = "vgmstream Plugin";
2013-10-04 15:14:22 +00:00
8359FF3017FEF35D0060F3ED /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8359FF2C17FEF35C0060F3ED /* ArchiveSource.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8359FF1717FEF35C0060F3ED;
remoteInfo = ArchiveSource;
2013-09-30 10:36:30 +00:00
8360EF0417F92B24005208A4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8360EF0017F92B23005208A4 /* HighlyComplete.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8360EEE417F92AC8005208A4;
remoteInfo = HighlyComplete;
2014-12-08 06:26:31 +00:00
836F5BED1A3579F5002730CC /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8314D63B1A354DFE00EEE8E6 /* sidplay.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8314D6301A354DFE00EEE8E6;
remoteInfo = sidplay;
2013-10-29 22:51:55 +00:00
836FB5461820538800B3AD2D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 836FB5421820538700B3AD2D /* Hively.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 836FB52D1820538700B3AD2D;
remoteInfo = Hively;
836FB5A518206F1500B3AD2D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 836FB5421820538700B3AD2D /* Hively.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 836FB52C1820538700B3AD2D;
remoteInfo = Hively;
2022-02-25 01:48:10 +00:00
8372C92F27C785BE00E250C9 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8372C92A27C785BD00E250C9 /* MAD.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8372C92327C785BD00E250C9;
remoteInfo = MAD;
8372C93B27C7893100E250C9 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8372C92A27C785BD00E250C9 /* MAD.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8372C92227C785BD00E250C9;
remoteInfo = MAD;
2013-10-05 09:01:33 +00:00
8375B36117FFEF010092A79F /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8359FF2C17FEF35C0060F3ED /* ArchiveSource.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8359FF1617FEF35C0060F3ED;
remoteInfo = ArchiveSource;
2013-10-15 14:49:53 +00:00
83B066A0180D5669008E3612 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 83B0669C180D5668008E3612 /* MIDI.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 83B06687180D5668008E3612;
remoteInfo = MIDI;
83B06702180D5776008E3612 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 83B0669C180D5668008E3612 /* MIDI.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 83B06686180D5668008E3612;
remoteInfo = MIDI;
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BB13C120E4E38E00723731 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 836F6B2518BDB80D0095E648 /* vgmstream.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 836F6B1018BDB80D0095E648;
remoteInfo = "vgmstream Plugin";
2013-10-02 21:59:22 +00:00
83BCB8D817FC96F800760340 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8360EF0017F92B23005208A4 /* HighlyComplete.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8360EEE317F92AC8005208A4;
remoteInfo = HighlyComplete;
83BCB8DC17FC96FC00760340 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
2013-10-07 17:33:35 +00:00
containerPortal = B09E94300D747F7B0064F138 /* FFMPEG.xcodeproj */;
2013-10-02 21:59:22 +00:00
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
2013-10-07 17:33:35 +00:00
remoteInfo = "FFMPEG Plugin";
2013-10-02 21:59:22 +00:00
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83CA5AFF20E4E395003E463A /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
2018-01-05 02:00:39 +00:00
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 83E5EFAC1FFEF78100659F0F /* OpenMPT.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 83E5EFA31FFEF78100659F0F;
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
remoteInfo = OpenMPTPlugin;
2018-01-05 02:00:39 +00:00
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83CA5B0220E4E395003E463A /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
2018-01-05 02:00:39 +00:00
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
containerPortal = 17C808A70C3BD1BA005707C4 /* Shorten.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
remoteInfo = "Shorten Plugin";
2018-01-05 02:00:39 +00:00
2015-02-09 02:15:02 +00:00
83F9D7F51A884B46007ABEC2 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 83F9D7F11A884B44007ABEC2 /* SilenceDecoder.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 83F9D7E71A884B44007ABEC2;
remoteInfo = SilenceDecoder;
83F9D8051A884C33007ABEC2 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 83F9D7F11A884B44007ABEC2 /* SilenceDecoder.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 83F9D7E61A884B44007ABEC2;
remoteInfo = SilenceDecoder;
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
8E8D40860CBB036600135C1B /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8E8D40820CBB036600135C1B /* M3u.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
remoteInfo = M3u;
8E8D40920CBB03AF00135C1B /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8E8D40820CBB036600135C1B /* M3u.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
remoteInfo = M3u;
8E8D41C60CBB0DA000135C1B /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8E8D41C20CBB0DA000135C1B /* Pls.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
remoteInfo = Pls;
8E8D41CB0CBB0DD200135C1B /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = 8E8D41C20CBB0DA000135C1B /* Pls.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
remoteInfo = Pls;
2008-02-26 20:53:18 +00:00
B09E94340D747F7B0064F138 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
2013-10-07 17:33:35 +00:00
containerPortal = B09E94300D747F7B0064F138 /* FFMPEG.xcodeproj */;
2008-02-26 20:53:18 +00:00
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA;
2013-10-07 17:33:35 +00:00
remoteInfo = FFMPEG;
2008-02-26 20:53:18 +00:00
2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
ED69CBBE25BE328C0090B90D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = ED69CBB825BE328C0090B90D /* MASShortcut.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 0D827CD31990D4420010B8EF;
remoteInfo = MASShortcut;
ED69CBC025BE328C0090B90D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = ED69CBB825BE328C0090B90D /* MASShortcut.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 0D827D8319910AFF0010B8EF;
remoteInfo = MASShortcutTests;
ED69CBC225BE328C0090B90D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = ED69CBB825BE328C0090B90D /* MASShortcut.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 2;
remoteGlobalIDString = 0D827D371990D5E70010B8EF;
remoteInfo = Demo;
ED69CBC525BE32B40090B90D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
containerPortal = ED69CBB825BE328C0090B90D /* MASShortcut.xcodeproj */;
proxyType = 1;
remoteGlobalIDString = 0D827CD21990D4420010B8EF;
remoteInfo = MASShortcut;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
/* End PBXContainerItemProxy section */
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
/* Begin PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */
2008-11-21 15:14:23 +00:00
07DFC3930ECDF80100DA400D /* CopyFiles */ = {
isa = PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
dstPath = "";
dstSubfolderSpec = 7;
files = (
2021-01-24 22:25:56 +00:00
ED69CA3B25BE2A390090B90D /* Preferences.preferencePane in CopyFiles */,
2008-11-21 15:14:23 +00:00
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
177FD1000B90CB570011C3B5 /* CopyFiles */ = {
isa = PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
dstPath = "";
dstSubfolderSpec = 13;
files = (
Decoders: Implemented Organya decoder
Based on the C++11 code by Joel Yliluoma / bisqwit, which in turn is
based on information from NX-Engine. I have also taken the liberty of
bundling the required wavetable bank and PixTone drums. Contrary to the
documentation provided with the code, my version of dou_1006.zip, as
downloaded over a decade ago, had the wavetable bank at offset 635,816
bytes into the file, not 1,115,748 bytes. Possibly a difference of
having applied the translation patch? My copy is the original version,
so I had to use a real resource parser to locate the waveforms.
The player will obey the configured sample rate, loop count, and fade
time for synthesizers, and also obey Repeat One to play indefinitely.
The code should be quite robust to minor abuses, though I can't imagine
how well it would hold up to random bad files, other than playing
outright garbage.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-12-04 11:09:52 +00:00
8327DBA9293CAD2400CD0580 /* Organya.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2022-02-25 01:48:10 +00:00
8372C93D27C7895300E250C9 /* MAD.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2022-01-03 09:51:53 +00:00
83489C6B2782F78700BDCEA2 /* libvgmPlayer.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
834D794020E4EFEF00C4A5CC /* VorbisPlugin.bundle in CopyFiles */,
834D793F20E4EFEA00C4A5CC /* OpusPlugin.bundle in CopyFiles */,
83A360B220E4E81D00192DAB /* Flac.bundle in CopyFiles */,
834F7F4A20E4E58900228DAB /* vgmstream.bundle in CopyFiles */,
17C809950C3BD223005707C4 /* Musepack.bundle in CopyFiles */,
834F7F4820E4E55D00228DAB /* Shorten.bundle in CopyFiles */,
834F7F4720E4E54300228DAB /* TagLib.bundle in CopyFiles */,
834F7F4520E4E51F00228DAB /* WavPack.bundle in CopyFiles */,
834F7F4420E4E4FA00228DAB /* OpenMPT.bundle in CopyFiles */,
834F7F4320E4E4ED00228DAB /* AdPlug.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2015-02-09 02:15:02 +00:00
83F9D8071A884C54007ABEC2 /* SilenceDecoder.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2014-12-08 06:26:31 +00:00
836F5BF91A357A01002730CC /* sidplay.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2013-10-29 22:51:55 +00:00
836FB5A718206F2500B3AD2D /* Hively.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2013-10-15 14:49:53 +00:00
83B06704180D579E008E3612 /* MIDI.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2013-10-04 15:14:22 +00:00
8359009D17FF06570060F3ED /* ArchiveSource.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2013-10-07 17:33:35 +00:00
83BCB8DE17FC971300760340 /* FFMPEG.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2013-09-30 10:36:30 +00:00
8360EF6D17F92E56005208A4 /* HighlyComplete.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2008-05-09 21:24:49 +00:00
99EAACA80DD1BB7A00423C38 /* APL.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2007-10-11 23:11:58 +00:00
17C8F3CF0CBED66C008D969D /* GME.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
17F3BB890CBC565900864489 /* CueSheet.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
8E8D41C80CBB0DA900135C1B /* Pls.bundle in CopyFiles */,
8E8D40880CBB038E00135C1B /* M3u.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17C809E60C3BD487005707C4 /* CoreAudio.bundle in CopyFiles */,
17C8099A0C3BD233005707C4 /* FileSource.bundle in CopyFiles */,
17C809980C3BD22E005707C4 /* HTTPSource.bundle in CopyFiles */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
8E757AEC09F3265E0080F1EE /* CopyFiles */ = {
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
isa = PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
dstPath = "";
dstSubfolderSpec = 10;
files = (
2022-02-15 08:26:55 +00:00
836EF0E127BB98AB00BF35B2 /* libopusfile.0.dylib in CopyFiles */,
836EF0E027BB98A800BF35B2 /* libopus.0.dylib in CopyFiles */,
2022-07-13 06:03:07 +00:00
836EF0CB27BB91EE00BF35B2 /* libFLAC.12.dylib in CopyFiles */,
2022-02-15 08:26:55 +00:00
836EF0CA27BB91EB00BF35B2 /* libvorbis.0.dylib in CopyFiles */,
2022-06-24 21:40:44 +00:00
83256B69286661FC0036D9C0 /* libmpg123.0.dylib in CopyFiles */,
2022-02-15 08:26:55 +00:00
836EF0C927BB91E900BF35B2 /* libvorbisfile.3.dylib in CopyFiles */,
836EF0C827BB91E600BF35B2 /* libogg.0.dylib in CopyFiles */,
2022-01-24 12:26:20 +00:00
83AA7D07279EBCAF00087AA4 /* libswresample.4.dylib in CopyFiles */,
83AA7D06279EBCAD00087AA4 /* libavutil.57.dylib in CopyFiles */,
83AA7D05279EBCAB00087AA4 /* libavformat.59.dylib in CopyFiles */,
83AA7D04279EBCA900087AA4 /* libavcodec.59.dylib in CopyFiles */,
2022-01-13 12:11:38 +00:00
83B72E3B279045B7006007A3 /* libfdk-aac.2.dylib in CopyFiles */,
2021-12-31 09:16:44 +00:00
8305963C277F013200EBFAAE /* File_Extractor.framework in CopyFiles */,
2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
ED69CBCA25BE32E80090B90D /* MASShortcut.framework in CopyFiles */,
2022-06-22 01:00:30 +00:00
838F851F256B4E8B00C3E614 /* Sparkle.framework in CopyFiles */,
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17F561400C3BD4F30019975C /* CogAudio.framework in CopyFiles */,
2006-05-29 23:19:25 +00:00
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
/* End PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */
/* Begin PBXFileReference section */
2008-11-21 15:14:23 +00:00
07D971E40ED1DAA800E7602E /* TagEditorController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = TagEditorController.h; path = TagEditor/TagEditorController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
07D971E50ED1DAA800E7602E /* TagEditorController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = TagEditorController.m; path = TagEditor/TagEditorController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2008-02-16 02:46:19 +00:00
07E18DF10D62B38400BB0E11 /* NSArray+ShuffleUtils.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "NSArray+ShuffleUtils.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
07E18DF20D62B38400BB0E11 /* NSArray+ShuffleUtils.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = "NSArray+ShuffleUtils.m"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-07-01 17:54:39 +00:00
0A1B412D286F6301008A6A44 /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.stringsdict; name = es; path = es.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
0A1B412F286F6307008A6A44 /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.stringsdict; name = en; path = en.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-21 01:58:22 +00:00
0A9CEA012861501700E47168 /* AboutWindowController.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; name = AboutWindowController.swift; path = Window/AboutWindowController.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
0A9CEA082861506A00E47168 /* AboutCog.jp2 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = AboutCog.jp2; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
0A9CEA0A286152DF00E47168 /* DraggableView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; name = DraggableView.swift; path = Window/DraggableView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
1058C7A1FEA54F0111CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = Cocoa.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
2008-02-22 02:19:46 +00:00
170B55920D6E5E7B006B9E92 /* StatusImageTransformer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = StatusImageTransformer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
170B55930D6E5E7B006B9E92 /* StatusImageTransformer.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = StatusImageTransformer.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-05-27 14:04:42 +00:00
171B57D90C091F2B00F6AFAF /* flac.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = flac.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
171B57DA0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* m4a.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = m4a.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
171B57DB0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* mp3.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = mp3.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
171B57DC0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* ogg.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = ogg.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2009-03-08 02:38:25 +00:00
171CB3DA0F63670D0047EF0A /* PreferencesWindow.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = PreferencesWindow.h; path = Preferences/PreferencesWindow.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
171CB3DB0F63670D0047EF0A /* PreferencesWindow.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = PreferencesWindow.m; path = Preferences/PreferencesWindow.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2009-02-28 23:54:36 +00:00
171EFE8A0F59FEAE000ADC42 /* DockIconController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DockIconController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
171EFE8B0F59FEAE000ADC42 /* DockIconController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = DockIconController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2008-03-08 23:57:54 +00:00
17249F0D0D82E17700F33392 /* ToggleQueueTitleTransformer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ToggleQueueTitleTransformer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17249F0E0D82E17700F33392 /* ToggleQueueTitleTransformer.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = ToggleQueueTitleTransformer.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2009-02-28 06:40:50 +00:00
172A12310F5911D20078EF0C /* RepeatTransformers.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = RepeatTransformers.h; path = Window/RepeatTransformers.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
172A12320F5911D20078EF0C /* RepeatTransformers.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = RepeatTransformers.m; path = Window/RepeatTransformers.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
172A123A0F5912AE0078EF0C /* ShuffleTransformers.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = ShuffleTransformers.h; path = Window/ShuffleTransformers.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
172A123B0F5912AE0078EF0C /* ShuffleTransformers.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = ShuffleTransformers.m; path = Window/ShuffleTransformers.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2009-02-28 17:45:08 +00:00
172A12A70F59AF8A0078EF0C /* NSString+CogSort.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "NSString+CogSort.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
172A12A80F59AF8A0078EF0C /* NSString+CogSort.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = "NSString+CogSort.m"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
173855FD0E0CC81F00488CD4 /* FileTreeOutlineView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = FileTreeOutlineView.h; path = FileTree/FileTreeOutlineView.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
173855FE0E0CC81F00488CD4 /* FileTreeOutlineView.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = FileTreeOutlineView.m; path = FileTree/FileTreeOutlineView.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2009-02-28 21:13:06 +00:00
1752C36A0F59E00100F85F28 /* PlaybackButtons.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = PlaybackButtons.h; path = Window/PlaybackButtons.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
1752C36B0F59E00100F85F28 /* PlaybackButtons.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = PlaybackButtons.m; path = Window/PlaybackButtons.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-03-09 01:16:06 +00:00
1755E1F60BA0D2B600CA3560 /* PlaylistLoader.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = PlaylistLoader.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
1755E1F70BA0D2B600CA3560 /* PlaylistLoader.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = PlaylistLoader.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-05-28 15:09:49 +00:00
1770424E0B8BC41800B86321 /* Cog.app */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.application; includeInIndex = 0; path = Cog.app; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
177042970B8BC53600B86321 /* AppController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AppController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
177042980B8BC53600B86321 /* AppController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = AppController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
177042990B8BC53600B86321 /* PlaybackController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = PlaybackController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
1770429A0B8BC53600B86321 /* PlaybackController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = PlaybackController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
1778D3AF0F645A190037E7A0 /* missingArt.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = missingArt.png; path = Images/missingArt.png; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
1778D3C80F645BF00037E7A0 /* MissingAlbumArtTransformer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = MissingAlbumArtTransformer.h; path = InfoInspector/MissingAlbumArtTransformer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
1778D3C90F645BF00037E7A0 /* MissingAlbumArtTransformer.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = MissingAlbumArtTransformer.m; path = InfoInspector/MissingAlbumArtTransformer.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
177EBF860B8BC2A70000BC8C /* ImageTextCell.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ImageTextCell.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
177EBF870B8BC2A70000BC8C /* ImageTextCell.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = ImageTextCell.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
177EC01A0B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingCell.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TrackingCell.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
177EC01B0B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingCell.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = TrackingCell.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
177EC01C0B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingSlider.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TrackingSlider.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
177EC01D0B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingSlider.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = TrackingSlider.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-05-28 15:09:19 +00:00
17818A8E0C0B27AC001C4916 /* aiff.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = aiff.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17818A8F0C0B27AC001C4916 /* ape.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = ape.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17818A900C0B27AC001C4916 /* m3u.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = m3u.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17818A910C0B27AC001C4916 /* mpc.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = mpc.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17818A920C0B27AC001C4916 /* shn.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = shn.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17818A930C0B27AC001C4916 /* wav.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = wav.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17818A940C0B27AC001C4916 /* wv.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = wv.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
1784560D0F631E24007E8021 /* FileTreeViewController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = FileTreeViewController.h; path = FileTree/FileTreeViewController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
1784560E0F631E24007E8021 /* FileTreeViewController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = FileTreeViewController.m; path = FileTree/FileTreeViewController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
178456100F631E31007E8021 /* SideViewController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SideViewController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
178456110F631E31007E8021 /* SideViewController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = SideViewController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-10-03 22:26:39 +00:00
1791FF8D0CB43A2C0070BC5C /* MediaKeysApplication.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = MediaKeysApplication.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
1791FF8E0CB43A2C0070BC5C /* MediaKeysApplication.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = MediaKeysApplication.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-05-26 14:43:31 +00:00
179790DE0C087AB7001D6996 /* OpenURLPanel.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = OpenURLPanel.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179790DF0C087AB7001D6996 /* OpenURLPanel.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = OpenURLPanel.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
179D03080E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainedNode.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = ContainedNode.h; path = FileTree/ContainedNode.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D03090E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainedNode.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = ContainedNode.m; path = FileTree/ContainedNode.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D030A0E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainerNode.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = ContainerNode.h; path = FileTree/ContainerNode.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D030B0E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainerNode.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = ContainerNode.m; path = FileTree/ContainerNode.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D030C0E0CB2500064A77A /* DirectoryNode.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = DirectoryNode.h; path = FileTree/DirectoryNode.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D030D0E0CB2500064A77A /* DirectoryNode.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = DirectoryNode.m; path = FileTree/DirectoryNode.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D030E0E0CB2500064A77A /* FileIconCell.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = FileIconCell.h; path = FileTree/FileIconCell.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D030F0E0CB2500064A77A /* FileIconCell.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = FileIconCell.m; path = FileTree/FileIconCell.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D03100E0CB2500064A77A /* FileNode.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = FileNode.h; path = FileTree/FileNode.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D03110E0CB2500064A77A /* FileNode.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = FileNode.m; path = FileTree/FileNode.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D03120E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeDataSource.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = FileTreeDataSource.h; path = FileTree/FileTreeDataSource.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D03130E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeDataSource.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = FileTreeDataSource.m; path = FileTree/FileTreeDataSource.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D03140E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = FileTreeController.h; path = FileTree/FileTreeController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D03150E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = FileTreeController.m; path = FileTree/FileTreeController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D03180E0CB2500064A77A /* PathNode.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = PathNode.h; path = FileTree/PathNode.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D03190E0CB2500064A77A /* PathNode.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = PathNode.m; path = FileTree/PathNode.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D031A0E0CB2500064A77A /* PathWatcher.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = PathWatcher.h; path = FileTree/PathWatcher.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D031B0E0CB2500064A77A /* PathWatcher.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = PathWatcher.m; path = FileTree/PathWatcher.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D031C0E0CB2500064A77A /* SmartFolderNode.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = SmartFolderNode.h; path = FileTree/SmartFolderNode.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
179D031D0E0CB2500064A77A /* SmartFolderNode.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = SmartFolderNode.m; path = FileTree/SmartFolderNode.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-02-20 01:40:32 +00:00
17BB5CEC0B8A86010009ACB1 /* AudioToolbox.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = AudioToolbox.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
17BB5CF60B8A86350009ACB1 /* AudioUnit.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = AudioUnit.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
17BB5CF70B8A86350009ACB1 /* CoreAudio.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = CoreAudio.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
17BB5CF80B8A86350009ACB1 /* CoreAudioKit.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = CoreAudioKit.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudioKit.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
17BB5EA50B8A87850009ACB1 /* IOKit.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = IOKit.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17C808660C3BD0F8005707C4 /* CoreAudio.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = CoreAudio.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/CoreAudio/CoreAudio.xcodeproj; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
17C808710C3BD167005707C4 /* FileSource.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = FileSource.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/FileSource/FileSource.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17C8087A0C3BD173005707C4 /* Flac.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = Flac.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/Flac/Flac.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17C808830C3BD181005707C4 /* HTTPSource.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = HTTPSource.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/HTTPSource/HTTPSource.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17C8089E0C3BD1AB005707C4 /* Musepack.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = Musepack.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/Musepack/Musepack.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17C808A70C3BD1BA005707C4 /* Shorten.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = Shorten.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/Shorten/Shorten.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17C808B00C3BD1C5005707C4 /* TagLib.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = TagLib.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/TagLib/TagLib.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
17C808B70C3BD1D2005707C4 /* VorbisPlugin.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = VorbisPlugin.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/Vorbis/VorbisPlugin.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17C808C00C3BD1DD005707C4 /* WavPack.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = WavPack.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/WavPack/WavPack.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-10-11 23:11:58 +00:00
17C8F3C80CBED663008D969D /* GME.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = GME.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/GME/GME.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2009-03-07 22:31:57 +00:00
17D1B0FF0F63255200694C57 /* InfoWindowController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = InfoWindowController.h; path = InfoInspector/InfoWindowController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17D1B1000F63255200694C57 /* InfoWindowController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = InfoWindowController.m; path = InfoInspector/InfoWindowController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2009-03-08 01:49:50 +00:00
17D1B25B0F633A4F00694C57 /* PreferencePluginController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = PreferencePluginController.h; path = Preferences/PreferencePluginController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17D1B25C0F633A4F00694C57 /* PreferencePluginController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = PreferencePluginController.m; path = Preferences/PreferencePluginController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17D1B2610F633D2C00694C57 /* PreferencePanePlugin.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = PreferencePanePlugin.h; path = Preferences/PreferencePanePlugin.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-11-24 20:16:27 +00:00
17D1B2760CF8B2830028F5B5 /* cue.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = cue.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17D1B2770CF8B2830028F5B5 /* it.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = it.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17D1B2780CF8B2830028F5B5 /* pls.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = pls.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17D1B2790CF8B2830028F5B5 /* s3m.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = s3m.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17D1B27A0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* song.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = song.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17D1B27B0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* vg.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = vg.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17D1B27C0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* xm.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = xm.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2009-02-22 22:57:02 +00:00
17E0D5E10F520F02005B6FED /* MainWindow.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = MainWindow.h; path = Window/MainWindow.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17E0D5E20F520F02005B6FED /* MainWindow.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = MainWindow.m; path = Window/MainWindow.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17E0D5E30F520F02005B6FED /* MiniWindow.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = MiniWindow.h; path = Window/MiniWindow.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17E0D5E40F520F02005B6FED /* MiniWindow.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = MiniWindow.m; path = Window/MiniWindow.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17E0D5E50F520F02005B6FED /* PositionSlider.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = PositionSlider.h; path = Window/PositionSlider.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17E0D5E60F520F02005B6FED /* PositionSlider.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = PositionSlider.m; path = Window/PositionSlider.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17E0D5E70F520F02005B6FED /* TimeField.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = TimeField.h; path = Window/TimeField.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2021-05-08 22:13:49 +00:00
17E0D5E80F520F02005B6FED /* TimeField.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = TimeField.m; path = Window/TimeField.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2009-02-22 22:57:02 +00:00
17E0D6120F520F87005B6FED /* FontSizetoLineHeightTransformer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = FontSizetoLineHeightTransformer.h; path = Transformers/FontSizetoLineHeightTransformer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17E0D6130F520F87005B6FED /* FontSizetoLineHeightTransformer.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = FontSizetoLineHeightTransformer.m; path = Transformers/FontSizetoLineHeightTransformer.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17E0D6140F520F87005B6FED /* StringToURLTransformer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = StringToURLTransformer.h; path = Transformers/StringToURLTransformer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17E0D6150F520F87005B6FED /* StringToURLTransformer.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = StringToURLTransformer.m; path = Transformers/StringToURLTransformer.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17E0D6180F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeButton.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = VolumeButton.h; path = Window/VolumeButton.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17E0D6190F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeButton.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = VolumeButton.m; path = Window/VolumeButton.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17E0D61A0F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeSlider.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = VolumeSlider.h; path = Window/VolumeSlider.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17E0D61B0F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeSlider.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = VolumeSlider.m; path = Window/VolumeSlider.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
17F3BB830CBC565100864489 /* CueSheet.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = CueSheet.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/CueSheet/CueSheet.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17F5612A0C3BD4DC0019975C /* CogAudio.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = CogAudio.xcodeproj; path = Audio/CogAudio.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2021-01-24 22:01:20 +00:00
17F562260C3BD8FB0019975C /* Preferences.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = Preferences.xcodeproj; path = Preferences/Preferences/Preferences.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2009-03-05 17:03:30 +00:00
17F6C8050F603701000D9DA9 /* PlaybackEventController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = PlaybackEventController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17F6C8060F603701000D9DA9 /* PlaybackEventController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = PlaybackEventController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2009-03-10 04:59:00 +00:00
17FAEBAA0F662985007C8707 /* ToolTipTextField.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ToolTipTextField.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
17FAEBAB0F662985007C8707 /* ToolTipTextField.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = ToolTipTextField.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
29B97316FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* main.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = main.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
29B97324FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* AppKit.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = AppKit.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
29B97325FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Foundation.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = Foundation.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
32CA4F630368D1EE00C91783 /* Cog_Prefix.pch */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Cog_Prefix.pch; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2019-10-02 14:47:02 +00:00
3DDFC2472344EC6B000F1453 /* Shared.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; path = Shared.xcconfig; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55B6287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/AboutWindowController.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
491C55B7287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/Equalizer.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
491C55B8287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/InfoInspector.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
491C55B9287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/MainMenu.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
491C55BA287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/OpenURLPanel.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
491C55BB287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/FileTree.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
491C55BC287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/SpectrumWindow.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
491C55BD287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/SpotlightPanel.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
491C55BE287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/Feedback.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
491C55BF287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.stringsdict; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
491C55C2287AA4B7007D96F5 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
491C55C3287AA4B7007D96F5 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
491C55C4287AA4B7007D96F5 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.html; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/Credits.html; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2008-02-11 07:46:41 +00:00
5604D4590D60349B004F5C5D /* SpotlightWindowController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = SpotlightWindowController.m; path = Spotlight/SpotlightWindowController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
5604D45A0D60349B004F5C5D /* SpotlightWindowController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = SpotlightWindowController.h; path = Spotlight/SpotlightWindowController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2008-02-11 14:10:25 +00:00
5604D4F40D60726E004F5C5D /* SpotlightPlaylistEntry.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = SpotlightPlaylistEntry.h; path = Spotlight/SpotlightPlaylistEntry.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
5604D4F50D60726E004F5C5D /* SpotlightPlaylistEntry.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = SpotlightPlaylistEntry.m; path = Spotlight/SpotlightPlaylistEntry.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2008-02-16 22:59:27 +00:00
563EBE1D0D67987E00E12948 /* SpotlightTransformers.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = SpotlightTransformers.h; path = Spotlight/SpotlightTransformers.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2008-02-13 16:10:59 +00:00
56462EAE0D6341F6000AB68C /* SpotlightTransformers.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = SpotlightTransformers.m; path = Spotlight/SpotlightTransformers.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
56462EB00D634206000AB68C /* SpotlightPlaylistController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = SpotlightPlaylistController.h; path = Spotlight/SpotlightPlaylistController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
56462EB10D634206000AB68C /* SpotlightPlaylistController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = SpotlightPlaylistController.m; path = Spotlight/SpotlightPlaylistController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2008-02-08 00:08:56 +00:00
566D32160D538550004466A5 /* APL.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = APL.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/APL/APL.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2008-02-14 14:07:10 +00:00
56C63D8F0D647DF300EAE25A /* NSComparisonPredicate+CogPredicate.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = "NSComparisonPredicate+CogPredicate.h"; path = "Spotlight/NSComparisonPredicate+CogPredicate.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
56C63D900D647DF300EAE25A /* NSComparisonPredicate+CogPredicate.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = "NSComparisonPredicate+CogPredicate.m"; path = "Spotlight/NSComparisonPredicate+CogPredicate.m"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2008-02-16 13:18:14 +00:00
56DB084A0D6717DC00453B6A /* NSNumber+CogSort.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = "NSNumber+CogSort.h"; path = "Spotlight/NSNumber+CogSort.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
56DB084B0D6717DC00453B6A /* NSNumber+CogSort.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = "NSNumber+CogSort.m"; path = "Spotlight/NSNumber+CogSort.m"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
56DB08530D67185300453B6A /* NSArray+CogSort.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = "NSArray+CogSort.h"; path = "Spotlight/NSArray+CogSort.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
56DB08540D67185300453B6A /* NSArray+CogSort.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = "NSArray+CogSort.m"; path = "Spotlight/NSArray+CogSort.m"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2021-12-31 09:16:44 +00:00
83059634277F011100EBFAAE /* File_Extractor.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = File_Extractor.xcodeproj; path = Frameworks/File_Extractor/File_Extractor.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-20 10:35:29 +00:00
8307D30C28606148000FF8EB /* SandboxBroker.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SandboxBroker.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8307D30D28606148000FF8EB /* SandboxBroker.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = SandboxBroker.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-02-13 19:05:32 +00:00
830C37A027B95E3000E02BB0 /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/Equalizer.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
830C37A327B95EB300E02BB0 /* EqualizerWindowController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = EqualizerWindowController.h; path = Equalizer/EqualizerWindowController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
830C37A427B95EB300E02BB0 /* EqualizerWindowController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = EqualizerWindowController.m; path = Equalizer/EqualizerWindowController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-02-13 20:15:27 +00:00
830C37F127B9956C00E02BB0 /* analyzer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = analyzer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
830C37F227B9956C00E02BB0 /* analyzer.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = analyzer.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-01-27 09:31:50 +00:00
8314A46527A28C28000EBE7E /* equalizerTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = equalizerTemplate.pdf; path = Images/equalizerTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2014-12-08 06:26:31 +00:00
8314D63B1A354DFE00EEE8E6 /* sidplay.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = sidplay.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/sidplay/sidplay.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-05-22 07:03:52 +00:00
8316B3922839FFD5004CC392 /* Scenes.scnassets */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.scnassets; path = Scenes.scnassets; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-02-20 09:53:25 +00:00
831B99BE27C23E88005A969B /* Cog.sdef */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; path = Cog.sdef; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-05-23 00:24:35 +00:00
83229C9C283B0095004626A8 /* SpectrumWindowController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SpectrumWindowController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83229C9D283B0095004626A8 /* SpectrumWindowController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = SpectrumWindowController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-24 21:40:44 +00:00
83256B672866617F0036D9C0 /* libmpg123.0.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libmpg123.0.dylib; path = ThirdParty/mpg123/lib/libmpg123.0.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
Decoders: Implemented Organya decoder
Based on the C++11 code by Joel Yliluoma / bisqwit, which in turn is
based on information from NX-Engine. I have also taken the liberty of
bundling the required wavetable bank and PixTone drums. Contrary to the
documentation provided with the code, my version of dou_1006.zip, as
downloaded over a decade ago, had the wavetable bank at offset 635,816
bytes into the file, not 1,115,748 bytes. Possibly a difference of
having applied the translation patch? My copy is the original version,
so I had to use a real resource parser to locate the waveforms.
The player will obey the configured sample rate, loop count, and fade
time for synthesizers, and also obey Repeat One to play indefinitely.
The code should be quite robust to minor abuses, though I can't imagine
how well it would hold up to random bad files, other than playing
outright garbage.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-12-04 11:09:52 +00:00
8327DB8F293C923500CD0580 /* Organya.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = Organya.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/Organya/Organya.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-01-25 04:01:22 +00:00
832923AE279FAC400048201E /* Cog.q1.json */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.json; path = Cog.q1.json; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-09 04:32:52 +00:00
832CFC4E2851AA1A002AC26F /* NSView+Visibility.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = "NSView+Visibility.m"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
832CFC532851AA37002AC26F /* NSView+Visibility.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "NSView+Visibility.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-18 05:14:32 +00:00
832CFC542851AA8B002AC26F /* SpectrumViewCG.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SpectrumViewCG.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
832CFC552851AA8B002AC26F /* SpectrumViewCG.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = SpectrumViewCG.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
2022-02-22 05:52:09 +00:00
833D0C2027C4ABA00060E16A /* ScriptAdditions.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ScriptAdditions.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
833D0C2427C4ABB80060E16A /* ScriptAdditions.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = ScriptAdditions.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
833F681E1CDBCAA700AFB9F0 /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2016-05-05 20:05:39 +00:00
833F681F1CDBCAA800AFB9F0 /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
833F68251CDBCAA800AFB9F0 /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.html; name = es; path = es.lproj/Credits.html; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-01-03 09:51:53 +00:00
83489C4E2782F2DF00BDCEA2 /* libvgmPlayer.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = libvgmPlayer.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/libvgmPlayer/libvgmPlayer.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-02-10 07:12:17 +00:00
8349270127B4EFFC0009AB2B /* duplicateItemsTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = duplicateItemsTemplate.pdf; path = Images/duplicateItemsTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8349270B27B4EFFC0009AB2B /* deadItemsTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = deadItemsTemplate.pdf; path = Images/deadItemsTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-07-10 22:14:47 +00:00
834A42C4287B01B600EB9D9B /* AudioChunk.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = AudioChunk.h; path = Audio/Chain/AudioChunk.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
[Job Queue] Overhauled long action handling
Long actions, such as file opening, playlist loading, metadata loading
and refreshing, etc, are now handled through NSProgress. Additionally,
a new status bar change displays the progress of the task instead of
the total duration of the playlist. Finally, app quit is blocked by a
running task, and if the app is quit while a task is running, it will
be delayed until the task completes, at which time the app will
terminate cleanly.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-06-15 08:01:45 +00:00
834B05E82859C006000B7DC0 /* TotalTimeTransformer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = TotalTimeTransformer.h; path = Transformers/TotalTimeTransformer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
834B05E92859C006000B7DC0 /* TotalTimeTransformer.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = TotalTimeTransformer.m; path = Transformers/TotalTimeTransformer.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2013-10-09 23:14:23 +00:00
8355D6B4180612F300D05687 /* NSData+MD5.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "NSData+MD5.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8355D6B5180612F300D05687 /* NSData+MD5.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = "NSData+MD5.m"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8355D6B7180613FB00D05687 /* Security.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = Security.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
2013-10-04 15:14:22 +00:00
8359FF2C17FEF35C0060F3ED /* ArchiveSource.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = ArchiveSource.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/ArchiveSource/ArchiveSource.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-01-17 14:37:38 +00:00
835A8FC627957310005B3C39 /* json.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = json.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835A8FC827957310005B3C39 /* json.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = json.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2019-07-02 23:37:17 +00:00
835C888B22CC1881001B4B3F /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.html; name = en; path = en.lproj/Credits.html; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835C888C22CC1882001B4B3F /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835C888D22CC1882001B4B3F /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-01-22 05:49:17 +00:00
835F00B4279BD1CD00055FCF /* SecondsFormatter.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SecondsFormatter.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835F00B8279BD1CD00055FCF /* SecondsFormatter.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = SecondsFormatter.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
835FAC6727BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aomdx.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = aomdx.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC6827BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aom_frame_buffer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = aom_frame_buffer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC6927BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aom_encoder.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = aom_encoder.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC6A27BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aom_integer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = aom_integer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC6B27BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aom.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = aom.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC6C27BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aom_external_partition.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = aom_external_partition.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC6D27BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aom_image.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = aom_image.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC6E27BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aom_codec.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = aom_codec.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC6F27BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aom_decoder.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = aom_decoder.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC7027BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aomcx.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = aomcx.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC7227BCDF2A00BA8562 /* avif.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = avif.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC7427BCDF2A00BA8562 /* AVIFDecoder.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AVIFDecoder.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC7527BCDF2A00BA8562 /* AVIFDecoder.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = AVIFDecoder.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC7C27BCDF5B00BA8562 /* libaom.a */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = archive.ar; name = libaom.a; path = ThirdParty/avif/lib/libaom.a; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
835FAC7D27BCDF5B00BA8562 /* libavif.a */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = archive.ar; name = libavif.a; path = ThirdParty/avif/lib/libavif.a; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2013-09-30 10:36:30 +00:00
8360EF0017F92B23005208A4 /* HighlyComplete.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = HighlyComplete.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/HighlyComplete/HighlyComplete.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2013-10-11 19:02:05 +00:00
836D28A618086386005B7299 /* MiniModeMenuTitleTransformer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = MiniModeMenuTitleTransformer.h; path = Window/MiniModeMenuTitleTransformer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
836D28A718086386005B7299 /* MiniModeMenuTitleTransformer.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = MiniModeMenuTitleTransformer.m; path = Window/MiniModeMenuTitleTransformer.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-02-15 08:26:55 +00:00
836EF0C427BB919300BF35B2 /* libogg.0.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libogg.0.dylib; path = ThirdParty/ogg/lib/libogg.0.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
836EF0C527BB91AB00BF35B2 /* libvorbis.0.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libvorbis.0.dylib; path = ThirdParty/vorbis/lib/libvorbis.0.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
836EF0C627BB91AB00BF35B2 /* libvorbisfile.3.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libvorbisfile.3.dylib; path = ThirdParty/vorbis/lib/libvorbisfile.3.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-07-13 06:03:07 +00:00
836EF0C727BB91BC00BF35B2 /* libFLAC.12.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libFLAC.12.dylib; path = ThirdParty/flac/lib/libFLAC.12.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-02-15 08:26:55 +00:00
836EF0CC27BB94E100BF35B2 /* libopus.0.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libopus.0.dylib; path = ThirdParty/opus/lib/libopus.0.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
836EF0CD27BB94F100BF35B2 /* libopusfile.0.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libopusfile.0.dylib; path = ThirdParty/opusfile/lib/libopusfile.0.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
836F461D28207F43005B9B87 /* Plaque.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = Plaque.png; path = Images/Plaque.png; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
836F462228207F55005B9B87 /* PlayNormal.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = PlayNormal.png; path = Images/PlayNormal.png; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
836F462428207FA4005B9B87 /* PlayColorful.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = PlayColorful.png; path = Images/PlayColorful.png; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
836F462528207FA4005B9B87 /* PauseColorful.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = PauseColorful.png; path = Images/PauseColorful.png; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
836F462628207FA4005B9B87 /* StopColorful.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = StopColorful.png; path = Images/StopColorful.png; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
836F462728207FA4005B9B87 /* PauseNormal.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = PauseNormal.png; path = Images/PauseNormal.png; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
836F462828207FA4005B9B87 /* StopNormal.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = StopNormal.png; path = Images/StopNormal.png; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2014-02-26 07:50:54 +00:00
836F6B2518BDB80D0095E648 /* vgmstream.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = vgmstream.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/vgmstream/vgmstream.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2013-10-29 22:51:55 +00:00
836FB5421820538700B3AD2D /* Hively.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = Hively.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/Hively/Hively.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2021-12-24 09:01:21 +00:00
8370D739277419D200245CE0 /* SQLiteStore.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SQLiteStore.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8370D73C277419F700245CE0 /* SQLiteStore.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = SQLiteStore.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8370D73E2775AE1300245CE0 /* libsqlite3.tbd */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "sourcecode.text-based-dylib-definition"; name = libsqlite3.tbd; path = usr/lib/libsqlite3.tbd; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
2022-02-25 01:48:10 +00:00
8372C92A27C785BD00E250C9 /* MAD.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = MAD.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/MAD/MAD.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
8375B05117FFEA400092A79F /* OpusPlugin.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = OpusPlugin.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/Opus/OpusPlugin.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-18 05:14:32 +00:00
8377C66127B8CF6300E8BC0F /* SpectrumViewSK.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = SpectrumViewSK.m; path = Visualization/SpectrumViewSK.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8377C66227B8CF6300E8BC0F /* SpectrumViewSK.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = SpectrumViewSK.h; path = Visualization/SpectrumViewSK.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-02-13 07:04:03 +00:00
8377C66427B8CF7A00E8BC0F /* VisualizationController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = VisualizationController.h; path = Audio/Visualization/VisualizationController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-02-13 09:32:26 +00:00
8377C6B727B900F000E8BC0F /* SpectrumItem.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = SpectrumItem.h; path = Visualization/SpectrumItem.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8377C6B827B900F000E8BC0F /* SpectrumItem.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = SpectrumItem.m; path = Visualization/SpectrumItem.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-16 14:14:33 +00:00
837DC92A285B05710005C58A /* CoreData.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = CoreData.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
837DC930285B3F790005C58A /* DataModel.xcdatamodel */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.xcdatamodel; path = DataModel.xcdatamodel; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-02-23 07:10:02 +00:00
8381A09027C5F72F00A1C530 /* SHA256Digest.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SHA256Digest.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8381A09127C5F72F00A1C530 /* SHA256Digest.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = SHA256Digest.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2013-10-11 12:03:55 +00:00
8384912518080F2D00E7332D /* Logging.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Logging.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384913D18083E4E00E7332D /* filetype.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = filetype.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384914318083EAB00E7332D /* infoTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = infoTemplate.pdf; path = Images/infoTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384914418083EAB00E7332D /* missingArt@2x.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = "missingArt@2x.png"; path = "Images/missingArt@2x.png"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384914518083EAB00E7332D /* navigatorTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = navigatorTemplate.pdf; path = Images/navigatorTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384914618083EAB00E7332D /* nextTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = nextTemplate.pdf; path = Images/nextTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384914818083EAB00E7332D /* pauseTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = pauseTemplate.pdf; path = Images/pauseTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384914A18083EAB00E7332D /* playTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = playTemplate.pdf; path = Images/playTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384914B18083EAB00E7332D /* previousTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = previousTemplate.pdf; path = Images/previousTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384914C18083EAB00E7332D /* randomizeTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = randomizeTemplate.pdf; path = Images/randomizeTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384914D18083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeAlbumTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = repeatModeAlbumTemplate.pdf; path = Images/repeatModeAlbumTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384914E18083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeAllTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = repeatModeAllTemplate.pdf; path = Images/repeatModeAllTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384914F18083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeOffTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = repeatModeOffTemplate.pdf; path = Images/repeatModeOffTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384915018083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeOneTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = repeatModeOneTemplate.pdf; path = Images/repeatModeOneTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384915118083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleAlbumTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = shuffleAlbumTemplate.pdf; path = Images/shuffleAlbumTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384915218083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleOffTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = shuffleOffTemplate.pdf; path = Images/shuffleOffTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384915318083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleOnTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = shuffleOnTemplate.pdf; path = Images/shuffleOnTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384915618083EAB00E7332D /* stopTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = stopTemplate.pdf; path = Images/stopTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384915718083EAB00E7332D /* volume1Template.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = volume1Template.pdf; path = Images/volume1Template.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8384915818083EAB00E7332D /* volume3Template.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = volume3Template.pdf; path = Images/volume3Template.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2019-10-10 22:47:46 +00:00
83859520234FEB35004E9946 /* Cog.entitlements */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.entitlements; path = Cog.entitlements; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2020-11-23 02:16:34 +00:00
838F84FF25687C5C00C3E614 /* Cog-Bridging-Header.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "Cog-Bridging-Header.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-22 01:00:30 +00:00
838F851D256B4E5E00C3E614 /* Sparkle.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = Sparkle.framework; path = ThirdParty/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-28 11:26:55 +00:00
83922FB6286B1AA900A0B039 /* WebKit.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = WebKit.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
2022-07-01 07:38:25 +00:00
839614A1286ED97200D3EEDB /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/AboutWindowController.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
839614A4286ED98600D3EEDB /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/AboutWindowController.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
839614A6286ED98800D3EEDB /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/AboutWindowController.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
839614A8286EDA0400D3EEDB /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/Equalizer.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
839614AA286EDA0600D3EEDB /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/Equalizer.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
839614AC286EDA5C00D3EEDB /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/SpectrumWindow.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
839614AF286EDA6800D3EEDB /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/SpectrumWindow.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
839614B1286EDA6E00D3EEDB /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/SpectrumWindow.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
83978E28285C5C0A0076ED21 /* GoogleService-Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = "GoogleService-Info.plist"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-02-17 05:38:43 +00:00
83988F0C27BE0A5900A0E89A /* RedundantPlaylistDataStore.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RedundantPlaylistDataStore.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83988F0D27BE0A5900A0E89A /* RedundantPlaylistDataStore.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = RedundantPlaylistDataStore.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2013-10-09 15:45:16 +00:00
8399D4E01805A55000B503B1 /* XmlContainer.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = XmlContainer.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8399D4E11805A55000B503B1 /* XmlContainer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XmlContainer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-30 07:28:03 +00:00
839B837E286D7F8D00F529EE /* NumberHertzToStringTransformer.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; name = NumberHertzToStringTransformer.swift; path = Transformers/NumberHertzToStringTransformer.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2021-11-21 08:16:16 +00:00
839DA7CB274A2D4C001B18E5 /* NSDictionary+Merge.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "NSDictionary+Merge.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
839DA7CE274A2D4C001B18E5 /* NSDictionary+Merge.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = "NSDictionary+Merge.m"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-24 07:29:50 +00:00
839E3B53286595D700880EA2 /* GeneralPane.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = GeneralPane.h; path = Preferences/Preferences/GeneralPane.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-07-09 09:30:52 +00:00
839E56F12879625100DFB5F4 /* SADIE_D02-96000.mhr */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = "SADIE_D02-96000.mhr"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-05-22 22:26:27 +00:00
83A3B72F283AE6AA00CC6593 /* ColorToValueTransformer.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = ColorToValueTransformer.m; path = Preferences/Preferences/ColorToValueTransformer.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83A3B733283AE6AA00CC6593 /* ColorToValueTransformer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = ColorToValueTransformer.h; path = Preferences/Preferences/ColorToValueTransformer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-01-24 12:26:20 +00:00
83AA7D00279EBC8200087AA4 /* libavcodec.59.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libavcodec.59.dylib; path = ThirdParty/ffmpeg/lib/libavcodec.59.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83AA7D01279EBC8200087AA4 /* libswresample.4.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libswresample.4.dylib; path = ThirdParty/ffmpeg/lib/libswresample.4.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83AA7D02279EBC8200087AA4 /* libavutil.57.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libavutil.57.dylib; path = ThirdParty/ffmpeg/lib/libavutil.57.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83AA7D03279EBC8300087AA4 /* libavformat.59.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libavformat.59.dylib; path = ThirdParty/ffmpeg/lib/libavformat.59.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2019-11-14 03:13:59 +00:00
83AB9031237CEFD300A433D5 /* MediaPlayer.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = MediaPlayer.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/MediaPlayer.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
2013-10-15 14:49:53 +00:00
83B0669C180D5668008E3612 /* MIDI.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = MIDI.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/MIDI/MIDI.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-01-13 12:11:38 +00:00
83B72E2A279044F6006007A3 /* libfdk-aac.2.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = "libfdk-aac.2.dylib"; path = "ThirdParty/fdk-aac/lib/libfdk-aac.2.dylib"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AB020E4C87100631CD4 /* DualWindow.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = DualWindow.m; path = Window/DualWindow.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5AB120E4C87100631CD4 /* DualWindow.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = DualWindow.h; path = Window/DualWindow.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5AB420E4C91100631CD4 /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/InfoInspector.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5AB520E4C91200631CD4 /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/MainMenu.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5AB620E4C91300631CD4 /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/OpenURLPanel.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
83BC5AB720E4C91400631CD4 /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/FileTree.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AB820E4C91400631CD4 /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/SpotlightPanel.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5AB920E4C91500631CD4 /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/Feedback.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5AC620E4D04600631CD4 /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/MainMenu.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5AC820E4D05A00631CD4 /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/MainMenu.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5ACA20E4D07200631CD4 /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/InfoInspector.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5ACC20E4D07700631CD4 /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/InfoInspector.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5ACE20E4D09700631CD4 /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/OpenURLPanel.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5AD020E4D09800631CD4 /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/OpenURLPanel.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
83BC5AD220E4D0B400631CD4 /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/FileTree.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5AD420E4D0B600631CD4 /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/FileTree.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AD620E4D0D800631CD4 /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/SpotlightPanel.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5AD820E4D0D900631CD4 /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/SpotlightPanel.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5ADA20E4D0E900631CD4 /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/Feedback.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83BC5ADC20E4D0EC00631CD4 /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/Feedback.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2020-06-30 08:04:55 +00:00
83D0380E24A40DF2004CF90F /* CogAssets.xcassets */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder.assetcatalog; path = CogAssets.xcassets; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-07-13 10:42:08 +00:00
83D2E23D287ED5ED00DD441F /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.stringsdict; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2018-01-27 23:08:06 +00:00
83D3C5FC201C674D005564CB /* AdPlug.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = AdPlug.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/AdPlug/AdPlug.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2013-10-11 19:02:05 +00:00
83E5E54A18087CA5001F3284 /* miniModeOffTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = miniModeOffTemplate.pdf; path = Images/miniModeOffTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83E5E54B18087CA5001F3284 /* miniModeOnTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = miniModeOnTemplate.pdf; path = Images/miniModeOnTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2018-01-05 02:00:39 +00:00
83E5EFAC1FFEF78100659F0F /* OpenMPT.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = OpenMPT.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/OpenMPT/OpenMPT.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-01-21 07:53:45 +00:00
83ED3AC7279A91C000904199 /* hdcdLogoTemplate.pdf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.pdf; name = hdcdLogoTemplate.pdf; path = Images/hdcdLogoTemplate.pdf; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-07-11 21:40:32 +00:00
83F0E6A3287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/AboutWindowController.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83F0E6A4287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/Equalizer.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83F0E6A5287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/InfoInspector.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83F0E6A6287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/MainMenu.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83F0E6A7287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/OpenURLPanel.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83F0E6A8287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/FileTree.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83F0E6A9287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/SpectrumWindow.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83F0E6AA287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/SpotlightPanel.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83F0E6AB287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/Feedback.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-07-11 22:03:19 +00:00
83F0E8AD287CD48800D84594 /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83F0E8B1287CD50700D84594 /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83F0E8B2287CD52500D84594 /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.html; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/Credits.html; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2022-10-28 06:06:02 +00:00
83F7AAD7290B682400951B61 /* IIAM.bin */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = archive.macbinary; path = IIAM.bin; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
83F7AAD8290B682400951B61 /* scpipe */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.executable"; path = scpipe; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2015-02-09 02:15:02 +00:00
83F9D7F11A884B44007ABEC2 /* SilenceDecoder.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = SilenceDecoder.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/SilenceDecoder/SilenceDecoder.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
8D1107310486CEB800E47090 /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2006-09-04 18:06:23 +00:00
8E07AB760AAC930B00A4B32F /* PreferencesController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = PreferencesController.h; path = Preferences/PreferencesController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8E07AB770AAC930B00A4B32F /* PreferencesController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = PreferencesController.m; path = Preferences/PreferencesController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
8E75752B09F31D5A0080F1EE /* DNDArrayController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DNDArrayController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8E75752C09F31D5A0080F1EE /* DNDArrayController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = DNDArrayController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8E75752D09F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = PlaylistController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8E75752E09F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = PlaylistController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8E75752F09F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistEntry.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = PlaylistEntry.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8E75753009F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistEntry.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = PlaylistEntry.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8E75753109F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = PlaylistView.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8E75753209F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistView.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = PlaylistView.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8E75753309F31D5A0080F1EE /* Shuffle.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Shuffle.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8E75753409F31D5A0080F1EE /* Shuffle.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = Shuffle.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
8E8D40820CBB036600135C1B /* M3u.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = M3u.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/M3u/M3u.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8E8D41C20CBB0DA000135C1B /* Pls.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = Pls.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/Pls/Pls.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2007-03-14 02:28:30 +00:00
8E9A30130BA792DC0091081B /* NSFileHandle+CreateFile.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "NSFileHandle+CreateFile.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8E9A30140BA792DC0091081B /* NSFileHandle+CreateFile.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = "NSFileHandle+CreateFile.m"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2013-10-07 17:33:35 +00:00
B09E94300D747F7B0064F138 /* FFMPEG.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = FFMPEG.xcodeproj; path = Plugins/FFMPEG/FFMPEG.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
ED69CBB825BE328C0090B90D /* MASShortcut.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = MASShortcut.xcodeproj; path = Frameworks/shpakovski/MASShortcut/MASShortcut.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
ED69CF0925BE74BB0090B90D /* Shortcuts.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = Shortcuts.h; path = Preferences/Shortcuts.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2021-01-06 22:56:04 +00:00
EDAAA41E25A665C000731773 /* PositionSliderToolbarItem.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; name = PositionSliderToolbarItem.swift; path = Window/PositionSliderToolbarItem.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2009-08-16 16:49:34 +00:00
F6F96718102C709000D2C9B4 /* NSString+FinderCompare.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = "NSString+FinderCompare.m"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
F6F9671A102C70C800D2C9B4 /* NSString+FinderCompare.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "NSString+FinderCompare.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
/* End PBXFileReference section */
/* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */
8D11072E0486CEB800E47090 /* Frameworks */ = {
isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
2021-12-24 09:01:21 +00:00
8370D73F2775AE1300245CE0 /* libsqlite3.tbd in Frameworks */,
2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
ED69CBC725BE32C00090B90D /* MASShortcut.framework in Frameworks */,
2013-10-09 23:14:23 +00:00
8355D6B8180613FB00D05687 /* Security.framework in Frameworks */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
8D11072F0486CEB800E47090 /* Cocoa.framework in Frameworks */,
2022-06-24 21:40:44 +00:00
83256B68286661FC0036D9C0 /* libmpg123.0.dylib in Frameworks */,
2007-02-20 01:40:32 +00:00
17BB5CED0B8A86010009ACB1 /* AudioToolbox.framework in Frameworks */,
2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
835FAC7F27BCDF5B00BA8562 /* libavif.a in Frameworks */,
2022-06-28 11:26:55 +00:00
83922FBA286B1AA900A0B039 /* WebKit.framework in Frameworks */,
2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
835FAC7E27BCDF5B00BA8562 /* libaom.a in Frameworks */,
2022-06-16 14:14:33 +00:00
837DC92B285B05710005C58A /* CoreData.framework in Frameworks */,
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
83978E26285C596F0076ED21 /* FirebaseAnalytics in Frameworks */,
2007-02-20 01:40:32 +00:00
17BB5CF90B8A86350009ACB1 /* AudioUnit.framework in Frameworks */,
17BB5CFA0B8A86350009ACB1 /* CoreAudio.framework in Frameworks */,
2022-06-22 01:00:30 +00:00
838F851E256B4E5E00C3E614 /* Sparkle.framework in Frameworks */,
2007-02-20 01:40:32 +00:00
17BB5CFB0B8A86350009ACB1 /* CoreAudioKit.framework in Frameworks */,
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
83978E16285C58190076ED21 /* FirebaseCrashlytics in Frameworks */,
2007-02-20 01:40:32 +00:00
17BB5EA60B8A87850009ACB1 /* IOKit.framework in Frameworks */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
/* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */
/* Begin PBXGroup section */
2008-11-21 15:14:23 +00:00
07D973050ED1E8F200E7602E /* ID3TagEditor */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
07D971E40ED1DAA800E7602E /* TagEditorController.h */,
07D971E50ED1DAA800E7602E /* TagEditorController.m */,
name = ID3TagEditor;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
080E96DDFE201D6D7F000001 /* Classes */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
2022-01-22 05:49:17 +00:00
835F00B3279BD1CD00055FCF /* Formatters */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
177042960B8BC53600B86321 /* Application */,
2009-02-22 22:57:02 +00:00
17E0D5D20F520E75005B6FED /* Window */,
2022-02-13 07:04:03 +00:00
8377C66027B8CF2300E8BC0F /* Visualization */,
2008-02-22 03:09:03 +00:00
8E75752A09F31D5A0080F1EE /* Playlist */,
2006-09-04 18:06:23 +00:00
8E07AAEA0AAC90DC00A4B32F /* Preferences */,
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
17DDF6400E0CB6F100A2E4AD /* FileTree */,
2022-02-13 19:05:32 +00:00
830C37A227B95E6000E02BB0 /* Equalizer */,
2009-03-07 22:31:57 +00:00
17D1B0FE0F63252900694C57 /* InfoInspector */,
2008-02-22 03:09:03 +00:00
569C52C50D5F2BD500BDBDC9 /* Spotlight */,
2009-02-22 22:57:02 +00:00
17E0D5F60F520F42005B6FED /* Transformers */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
177EC0110B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* Utils */,
2008-02-22 03:09:03 +00:00
177EBF770B8BC2A70000BC8C /* ThirdParty */,
2008-11-21 15:14:23 +00:00
07D973050ED1E8F200E7602E /* ID3TagEditor */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
name = Classes;
sourceTree = "<group>";
1058C7A0FEA54F0111CA2CBB /* Linked Frameworks */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
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2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
ED69CBB825BE328C0090B90D /* MASShortcut.xcodeproj */,
2022-06-22 01:00:30 +00:00
838F851D256B4E5E00C3E614 /* Sparkle.framework */,
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17F5612A0C3BD4DC0019975C /* CogAudio.xcodeproj */,
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
1058C7A1FEA54F0111CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
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1058C7A2FEA54F0111CA2CBB /* Other Frameworks */ = {
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2022-06-24 21:40:44 +00:00
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2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
835FAC7C27BCDF5B00BA8562 /* libaom.a */,
835FAC7D27BCDF5B00BA8562 /* libavif.a */,
2022-02-15 08:26:55 +00:00
836EF0CD27BB94F100BF35B2 /* libopusfile.0.dylib */,
836EF0CC27BB94E100BF35B2 /* libopus.0.dylib */,
2022-07-13 06:03:07 +00:00
836EF0C727BB91BC00BF35B2 /* libFLAC.12.dylib */,
2022-02-15 08:26:55 +00:00
836EF0C527BB91AB00BF35B2 /* libvorbis.0.dylib */,
836EF0C627BB91AB00BF35B2 /* libvorbisfile.3.dylib */,
836EF0C427BB919300BF35B2 /* libogg.0.dylib */,
2022-01-13 12:11:38 +00:00
83B72E2A279044F6006007A3 /* libfdk-aac.2.dylib */,
2022-01-24 12:26:20 +00:00
83AA7D00279EBC8200087AA4 /* libavcodec.59.dylib */,
83AA7D03279EBC8300087AA4 /* libavformat.59.dylib */,
83AA7D02279EBC8200087AA4 /* libavutil.57.dylib */,
83AA7D01279EBC8200087AA4 /* libswresample.4.dylib */,
2021-12-31 09:16:44 +00:00
83059634277F011100EBFAAE /* File_Extractor.xcodeproj */,
2007-02-20 01:40:32 +00:00
17BB5EA50B8A87850009ACB1 /* IOKit.framework */,
17BB5CF60B8A86350009ACB1 /* AudioUnit.framework */,
17BB5CF70B8A86350009ACB1 /* CoreAudio.framework */,
17BB5CF80B8A86350009ACB1 /* CoreAudioKit.framework */,
17BB5CEC0B8A86010009ACB1 /* AudioToolbox.framework */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
29B97324FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* AppKit.framework */,
29B97325FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Foundation.framework */,
name = "Other Frameworks";
sourceTree = "<group>";
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
177042960B8BC53600B86321 /* Application */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
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177042970B8BC53600B86321 /* AppController.h */,
177042980B8BC53600B86321 /* AppController.m */,
177042990B8BC53600B86321 /* PlaybackController.h */,
1770429A0B8BC53600B86321 /* PlaybackController.m */,
2007-10-03 22:26:39 +00:00
1791FF8D0CB43A2C0070BC5C /* MediaKeysApplication.h */,
1791FF8E0CB43A2C0070BC5C /* MediaKeysApplication.m */,
2009-02-28 23:54:36 +00:00
171EFE8A0F59FEAE000ADC42 /* DockIconController.h */,
171EFE8B0F59FEAE000ADC42 /* DockIconController.m */,
2009-03-05 17:03:30 +00:00
17F6C8050F603701000D9DA9 /* PlaybackEventController.h */,
17F6C8060F603701000D9DA9 /* PlaybackEventController.m */,
2022-02-22 05:52:09 +00:00
833D0C2027C4ABA00060E16A /* ScriptAdditions.h */,
833D0C2427C4ABB80060E16A /* ScriptAdditions.m */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
path = Application;
sourceTree = "<group>";
177EBF770B8BC2A70000BC8C /* ThirdParty */ = {
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2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
835FAC6427BCDF2900BA8562 /* avif */,
2022-01-17 14:37:38 +00:00
835A8FC527957310005B3C39 /* json */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
177EBF850B8BC2A70000BC8C /* ImageTextCell */,
2007-05-26 14:43:31 +00:00
179790DD0C087AB7001D6996 /* OpenURLPanel */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
path = ThirdParty;
sourceTree = "<group>";
177EBF850B8BC2A70000BC8C /* ImageTextCell */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
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177EBF860B8BC2A70000BC8C /* ImageTextCell.h */,
177EBF870B8BC2A70000BC8C /* ImageTextCell.m */,
path = ImageTextCell;
sourceTree = "<group>";
177EC0110B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* Utils */ = {
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2022-07-10 22:14:47 +00:00
834A42C4287B01B600EB9D9B /* AudioChunk.h */,
2013-10-11 12:03:55 +00:00
8384912518080F2D00E7332D /* Logging.h */,
2021-11-21 08:16:16 +00:00
07E18DF10D62B38400BB0E11 /* NSArray+ShuffleUtils.h */,
07E18DF20D62B38400BB0E11 /* NSArray+ShuffleUtils.m */,
8355D6B4180612F300D05687 /* NSData+MD5.h */,
8355D6B5180612F300D05687 /* NSData+MD5.m */,
839DA7CB274A2D4C001B18E5 /* NSDictionary+Merge.h */,
839DA7CE274A2D4C001B18E5 /* NSDictionary+Merge.m */,
8E9A30130BA792DC0091081B /* NSFileHandle+CreateFile.h */,
8E9A30140BA792DC0091081B /* NSFileHandle+CreateFile.m */,
2009-03-07 21:31:44 +00:00
172A12A70F59AF8A0078EF0C /* NSString+CogSort.h */,
172A12A80F59AF8A0078EF0C /* NSString+CogSort.m */,
2009-08-16 16:49:34 +00:00
F6F9671A102C70C800D2C9B4 /* NSString+FinderCompare.h */,
F6F96718102C709000D2C9B4 /* NSString+FinderCompare.m */,
2022-06-09 04:32:52 +00:00
832CFC532851AA37002AC26F /* NSView+Visibility.h */,
832CFC4E2851AA1A002AC26F /* NSView+Visibility.m */,
83988F0C27BE0A5900A0E89A /* RedundantPlaylistDataStore.h */,
83988F0D27BE0A5900A0E89A /* RedundantPlaylistDataStore.m */,
8381A09027C5F72F00A1C530 /* SHA256Digest.h */,
8381A09127C5F72F00A1C530 /* SHA256Digest.m */,
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
178456100F631E31007E8021 /* SideViewController.h */,
178456110F631E31007E8021 /* SideViewController.m */,
2022-06-09 04:32:52 +00:00
8370D739277419D200245CE0 /* SQLiteStore.h */,
8370D73C277419F700245CE0 /* SQLiteStore.m */,
2009-03-10 04:59:00 +00:00
17FAEBAA0F662985007C8707 /* ToolTipTextField.h */,
17FAEBAB0F662985007C8707 /* ToolTipTextField.m */,
2021-11-21 08:16:16 +00:00
177EC01A0B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingCell.h */,
177EC01B0B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingCell.m */,
177EC01C0B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingSlider.h */,
177EC01D0B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingSlider.m */,
2022-06-20 10:35:29 +00:00
8307D30C28606148000FF8EB /* SandboxBroker.h */,
8307D30D28606148000FF8EB /* SandboxBroker.m */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
path = Utils;
sourceTree = "<group>";
177EC02D0B8BC2E60000BC8C /* Images */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
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2022-06-21 01:58:22 +00:00
0A9CEA082861506A00E47168 /* AboutCog.jp2 */,
2022-02-10 07:12:17 +00:00
8349270B27B4EFFC0009AB2B /* deadItemsTemplate.pdf */,
8349270127B4EFFC0009AB2B /* duplicateItemsTemplate.pdf */,
2022-01-27 09:31:50 +00:00
8314A46527A28C28000EBE7E /* equalizerTemplate.pdf */,
2022-01-21 07:53:45 +00:00
83ED3AC7279A91C000904199 /* hdcdLogoTemplate.pdf */,
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
8384914318083EAB00E7332D /* infoTemplate.pdf */,
2013-10-11 19:02:05 +00:00
83E5E54A18087CA5001F3284 /* miniModeOffTemplate.pdf */,
83E5E54B18087CA5001F3284 /* miniModeOnTemplate.pdf */,
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
1778D3AF0F645A190037E7A0 /* missingArt.png */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384914418083EAB00E7332D /* missingArt@2x.png */,
8384914518083EAB00E7332D /* navigatorTemplate.pdf */,
8384914618083EAB00E7332D /* nextTemplate.pdf */,
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
836F462528207FA4005B9B87 /* PauseColorful.png */,
836F462728207FA4005B9B87 /* PauseNormal.png */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384914818083EAB00E7332D /* pauseTemplate.pdf */,
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
836F461D28207F43005B9B87 /* Plaque.png */,
836F462428207FA4005B9B87 /* PlayColorful.png */,
836F462228207F55005B9B87 /* PlayNormal.png */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384914A18083EAB00E7332D /* playTemplate.pdf */,
8384914B18083EAB00E7332D /* previousTemplate.pdf */,
8384914C18083EAB00E7332D /* randomizeTemplate.pdf */,
8384914D18083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeAlbumTemplate.pdf */,
8384914E18083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeAllTemplate.pdf */,
8384914F18083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeOffTemplate.pdf */,
8384915018083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeOneTemplate.pdf */,
8384915118083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleAlbumTemplate.pdf */,
8384915218083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleOffTemplate.pdf */,
8384915318083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleOnTemplate.pdf */,
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
836F462628207FA4005B9B87 /* StopColorful.png */,
836F462828207FA4005B9B87 /* StopNormal.png */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384915618083EAB00E7332D /* stopTemplate.pdf */,
8384915718083EAB00E7332D /* volume1Template.pdf */,
8384915818083EAB00E7332D /* volume3Template.pdf */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
name = Images;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2007-05-26 14:43:31 +00:00
179790DD0C087AB7001D6996 /* OpenURLPanel */ = {
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179790DE0C087AB7001D6996 /* OpenURLPanel.h */,
179790DF0C087AB7001D6996 /* OpenURLPanel.m */,
path = OpenURLPanel;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
17B619FF0B909ED400BC003F /* PlugIns */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
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2018-01-27 23:08:06 +00:00
83D3C5FC201C674D005564CB /* AdPlug.xcodeproj */,
2008-02-08 00:08:56 +00:00
566D32160D538550004466A5 /* APL.xcodeproj */,
2021-02-26 12:17:01 +00:00
8359FF2C17FEF35C0060F3ED /* ArchiveSource.xcodeproj */,
17C808660C3BD0F8005707C4 /* CoreAudio.xcodeproj */,
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
17F3BB830CBC565100864489 /* CueSheet.xcodeproj */,
2021-02-26 12:17:01 +00:00
B09E94300D747F7B0064F138 /* FFMPEG.xcodeproj */,
17C808710C3BD167005707C4 /* FileSource.xcodeproj */,
17C8087A0C3BD173005707C4 /* Flac.xcodeproj */,
17C8F3C80CBED663008D969D /* GME.xcodeproj */,
8360EF0017F92B23005208A4 /* HighlyComplete.xcodeproj */,
836FB5421820538700B3AD2D /* Hively.xcodeproj */,
17C808830C3BD181005707C4 /* HTTPSource.xcodeproj */,
2022-01-03 09:51:53 +00:00
83489C4E2782F2DF00BDCEA2 /* libvgmPlayer.xcodeproj */,
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
8E8D40820CBB036600135C1B /* M3u.xcodeproj */,
2022-02-25 01:48:10 +00:00
8372C92A27C785BD00E250C9 /* MAD.xcodeproj */,
2021-02-26 12:17:01 +00:00
83B0669C180D5668008E3612 /* MIDI.xcodeproj */,
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17C8089E0C3BD1AB005707C4 /* Musepack.xcodeproj */,
2021-02-26 12:17:01 +00:00
83E5EFAC1FFEF78100659F0F /* OpenMPT.xcodeproj */,
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
8375B05117FFEA400092A79F /* OpusPlugin.xcodeproj */,
Decoders: Implemented Organya decoder
Based on the C++11 code by Joel Yliluoma / bisqwit, which in turn is
based on information from NX-Engine. I have also taken the liberty of
bundling the required wavetable bank and PixTone drums. Contrary to the
documentation provided with the code, my version of dou_1006.zip, as
downloaded over a decade ago, had the wavetable bank at offset 635,816
bytes into the file, not 1,115,748 bytes. Possibly a difference of
having applied the translation patch? My copy is the original version,
so I had to use a real resource parser to locate the waveforms.
The player will obey the configured sample rate, loop count, and fade
time for synthesizers, and also obey Repeat One to play indefinitely.
The code should be quite robust to minor abuses, though I can't imagine
how well it would hold up to random bad files, other than playing
outright garbage.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-12-04 11:09:52 +00:00
8327DB8F293C923500CD0580 /* Organya.xcodeproj */,
2021-02-26 12:17:01 +00:00
8E8D41C20CBB0DA000135C1B /* Pls.xcodeproj */,
17C808A70C3BD1BA005707C4 /* Shorten.xcodeproj */,
2014-12-08 06:26:31 +00:00
8314D63B1A354DFE00EEE8E6 /* sidplay.xcodeproj */,
2015-02-09 02:15:02 +00:00
83F9D7F11A884B44007ABEC2 /* SilenceDecoder.xcodeproj */,
2021-02-26 12:17:01 +00:00
17C808B00C3BD1C5005707C4 /* TagLib.xcodeproj */,
836F6B2518BDB80D0095E648 /* vgmstream.xcodeproj */,
17C808B70C3BD1D2005707C4 /* VorbisPlugin.xcodeproj */,
17C808C00C3BD1DD005707C4 /* WavPack.xcodeproj */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
name = PlugIns;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17C808720C3BD167005707C4 /* Products */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
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17C808790C3BD167005707C4 /* FileSource.bundle */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
17C808840C3BD181005707C4 /* Products */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
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17C8088B0C3BD181005707C4 /* HTTPSource.bundle */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
17C8089F0C3BD1AB005707C4 /* Products */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
17C808A60C3BD1AB005707C4 /* Musepack.bundle */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
17C809DF0C3BD46D005707C4 /* Products */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
17C809E30C3BD46D005707C4 /* CoreAudio.bundle */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2007-10-11 23:11:58 +00:00
17C8F3C90CBED663008D969D /* Products */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
17C8F3CD0CBED663008D969D /* GME.bundle */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2009-03-07 22:31:57 +00:00
17D1B0FE0F63252900694C57 /* InfoInspector */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
17D1B0FF0F63255200694C57 /* InfoWindowController.h */,
17D1B1000F63255200694C57 /* InfoWindowController.m */,
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
1778D3C80F645BF00037E7A0 /* MissingAlbumArtTransformer.h */,
1778D3C90F645BF00037E7A0 /* MissingAlbumArtTransformer.m */,
2009-03-07 22:31:57 +00:00
name = InfoInspector;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
17DDF6400E0CB6F100A2E4AD /* FileTree */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
1784560D0F631E24007E8021 /* FileTreeViewController.h */,
1784560E0F631E24007E8021 /* FileTreeViewController.m */,
179D03140E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeController.h */,
179D03150E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeController.m */,
173855FD0E0CC81F00488CD4 /* FileTreeOutlineView.h */,
173855FE0E0CC81F00488CD4 /* FileTreeOutlineView.m */,
179D03120E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeDataSource.h */,
179D03130E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeDataSource.m */,
179D03080E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainedNode.h */,
179D03090E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainedNode.m */,
179D030A0E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainerNode.h */,
179D030B0E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainerNode.m */,
179D030C0E0CB2500064A77A /* DirectoryNode.h */,
179D030D0E0CB2500064A77A /* DirectoryNode.m */,
179D030E0E0CB2500064A77A /* FileIconCell.h */,
179D030F0E0CB2500064A77A /* FileIconCell.m */,
179D03100E0CB2500064A77A /* FileNode.h */,
179D03110E0CB2500064A77A /* FileNode.m */,
179D03180E0CB2500064A77A /* PathNode.h */,
179D03190E0CB2500064A77A /* PathNode.m */,
179D031A0E0CB2500064A77A /* PathWatcher.h */,
179D031B0E0CB2500064A77A /* PathWatcher.m */,
179D031C0E0CB2500064A77A /* SmartFolderNode.h */,
179D031D0E0CB2500064A77A /* SmartFolderNode.m */,
name = FileTree;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2009-02-22 22:57:02 +00:00
17E0D5D20F520E75005B6FED /* Window */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AB120E4C87100631CD4 /* DualWindow.h */,
83BC5AB020E4C87100631CD4 /* DualWindow.m */,
2021-01-06 22:56:04 +00:00
17E0D5E10F520F02005B6FED /* MainWindow.h */,
17E0D5E20F520F02005B6FED /* MainWindow.m */,
2013-10-11 19:02:05 +00:00
836D28A618086386005B7299 /* MiniModeMenuTitleTransformer.h */,
836D28A718086386005B7299 /* MiniModeMenuTitleTransformer.m */,
2021-01-06 22:56:04 +00:00
17E0D5E30F520F02005B6FED /* MiniWindow.h */,
17E0D5E40F520F02005B6FED /* MiniWindow.m */,
2009-02-28 21:13:06 +00:00
1752C36A0F59E00100F85F28 /* PlaybackButtons.h */,
1752C36B0F59E00100F85F28 /* PlaybackButtons.m */,
2021-01-06 22:56:04 +00:00
17E0D5E50F520F02005B6FED /* PositionSlider.h */,
17E0D5E60F520F02005B6FED /* PositionSlider.m */,
EDAAA41E25A665C000731773 /* PositionSliderToolbarItem.swift */,
2009-02-28 06:40:50 +00:00
172A12310F5911D20078EF0C /* RepeatTransformers.h */,
172A12320F5911D20078EF0C /* RepeatTransformers.m */,
2021-01-06 22:56:04 +00:00
172A123A0F5912AE0078EF0C /* ShuffleTransformers.h */,
172A123B0F5912AE0078EF0C /* ShuffleTransformers.m */,
17E0D5E70F520F02005B6FED /* TimeField.h */,
17E0D5E80F520F02005B6FED /* TimeField.m */,
2009-02-22 22:57:02 +00:00
17E0D6180F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeButton.h */,
17E0D6190F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeButton.m */,
17E0D61A0F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeSlider.h */,
17E0D61B0F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeSlider.m */,
2022-06-21 01:58:22 +00:00
0A9CEA012861501700E47168 /* AboutWindowController.swift */,
0A9CEA0A286152DF00E47168 /* DraggableView.swift */,
2009-02-22 22:57:02 +00:00
name = Window;
sourceTree = "<group>";
17E0D5F60F520F42005B6FED /* Transformers */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
2022-05-22 22:26:27 +00:00
83A3B733283AE6AA00CC6593 /* ColorToValueTransformer.h */,
83A3B72F283AE6AA00CC6593 /* ColorToValueTransformer.m */,
2009-02-22 22:57:02 +00:00
17E0D6120F520F87005B6FED /* FontSizetoLineHeightTransformer.h */,
17E0D6130F520F87005B6FED /* FontSizetoLineHeightTransformer.m */,
17E0D6140F520F87005B6FED /* StringToURLTransformer.h */,
17E0D6150F520F87005B6FED /* StringToURLTransformer.m */,
2020-11-23 02:16:34 +00:00
838F84FF25687C5C00C3E614 /* Cog-Bridging-Header.h */,
[Job Queue] Overhauled long action handling
Long actions, such as file opening, playlist loading, metadata loading
and refreshing, etc, are now handled through NSProgress. Additionally,
a new status bar change displays the progress of the task instead of
the total duration of the playlist. Finally, app quit is blocked by a
running task, and if the app is quit while a task is running, it will
be delayed until the task completes, at which time the app will
terminate cleanly.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-06-15 08:01:45 +00:00
834B05E82859C006000B7DC0 /* TotalTimeTransformer.h */,
834B05E92859C006000B7DC0 /* TotalTimeTransformer.m */,
2022-06-30 07:28:03 +00:00
839B837E286D7F8D00F529EE /* NumberHertzToStringTransformer.swift */,
2009-02-22 22:57:02 +00:00
name = Transformers;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
17F3BB840CBC565100864489 /* Products */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
17F3BB880CBC565100864489 /* CueSheet.bundle */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17F5612B0C3BD4DC0019975C /* Products */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
17F561330C3BD4DC0019975C /* CogAudio.framework */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
17F562270C3BD8FB0019975C /* Products */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
2021-01-24 22:01:20 +00:00
17F5622E0C3BD8FB0019975C /* Preferences.preferencePane */,
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
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2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
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2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
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2022-07-01 17:54:39 +00:00
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2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
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2020-06-30 08:04:55 +00:00
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2019-10-10 22:47:46 +00:00
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2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
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29B97315FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Other Sources */,
29B97317FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Resources */,
29B97323FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Frameworks */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
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2019-10-02 14:47:02 +00:00
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2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
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2022-10-28 06:06:02 +00:00
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2022-07-09 09:30:52 +00:00
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2022-06-16 14:14:33 +00:00
837DC92F285B3F790005C58A /* DataModel.xcdatamodeld */,
2022-05-22 07:03:52 +00:00
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2006-09-04 18:06:23 +00:00
8E07AD280AAC9BE600A4B32F /* Preference Panes */,
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
8E75758E09F31D800080F1EE /* Icons */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
177EC02D0B8BC2E60000BC8C /* Images */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
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089C165CFE840E0CC02AAC07 /* InfoPlist.strings */,
2006-09-04 18:06:23 +00:00
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2022-01-25 04:01:22 +00:00
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2022-02-20 09:53:25 +00:00
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2022-07-01 07:38:25 +00:00
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2022-02-13 19:05:32 +00:00
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2009-03-07 22:31:57 +00:00
17D1B0D00F6320EA00694C57 /* InfoInspector.xib */,
2008-02-11 00:52:07 +00:00
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17342ABD0D5FD36400E8D854 /* OpenURLPanel.xib */,
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
17211A7C0D68B7C500911CA9 /* FileTree.xib */,
2022-07-01 07:38:25 +00:00
839614AB286EDA5C00D3EEDB /* SpectrumWindow.xib */,
2009-03-07 21:38:25 +00:00
178456C00F6320B5007E8021 /* SpotlightPanel.xib */,
2007-06-03 14:58:54 +00:00
17E41E060C130DFF00AC744D /* Credits.html */,
2009-03-07 23:08:43 +00:00
17D1B1DA0F6330D400694C57 /* Feedback.xib */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
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29B97323FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Frameworks */ = {
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2022-06-28 11:26:55 +00:00
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2022-06-16 14:14:33 +00:00
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2021-12-24 09:01:21 +00:00
8370D73E2775AE1300245CE0 /* libsqlite3.tbd */,
2019-11-14 03:13:59 +00:00
83AB9031237CEFD300A433D5 /* MediaPlayer.framework */,
2013-10-09 23:14:23 +00:00
8355D6B7180613FB00D05687 /* Security.framework */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
1058C7A0FEA54F0111CA2CBB /* Linked Frameworks */,
1058C7A2FEA54F0111CA2CBB /* Other Frameworks */,
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2019-10-02 14:47:02 +00:00
3DDFC2452344EC6A000F1453 /* Xcode-config */ = {
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2008-02-08 00:08:56 +00:00
566D32170D538550004466A5 /* Products */ = {
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2008-02-10 13:48:55 +00:00
569C52C50D5F2BD500BDBDC9 /* Spotlight */ = {
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2008-02-16 13:05:30 +00:00
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2008-02-13 16:10:59 +00:00
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56462EB10D634206000AB68C /* SpotlightPlaylistController.m */,
2008-02-16 22:59:27 +00:00
563EBE1D0D67987E00E12948 /* SpotlightTransformers.h */,
2008-02-13 16:10:59 +00:00
56462EAE0D6341F6000AB68C /* SpotlightTransformers.m */,
2008-02-11 07:46:41 +00:00
5604D45A0D60349B004F5C5D /* SpotlightWindowController.h */,
2008-02-16 14:48:54 +00:00
5604D4590D60349B004F5C5D /* SpotlightWindowController.m */,
2008-02-11 14:10:25 +00:00
5604D4F40D60726E004F5C5D /* SpotlightPlaylistEntry.h */,
5604D4F50D60726E004F5C5D /* SpotlightPlaylistEntry.m */,
2008-02-16 13:05:30 +00:00
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56DB08340D67166000453B6A /* Categories */ = {
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2008-02-16 13:18:14 +00:00
56DB08530D67185300453B6A /* NSArray+CogSort.h */,
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2008-02-14 14:07:10 +00:00
56C63D8F0D647DF300EAE25A /* NSComparisonPredicate+CogPredicate.h */,
56C63D900D647DF300EAE25A /* NSComparisonPredicate+CogPredicate.m */,
2008-02-16 13:18:14 +00:00
56DB084A0D6717DC00453B6A /* NSNumber+CogSort.h */,
56DB084B0D6717DC00453B6A /* NSNumber+CogSort.m */,
2008-02-10 13:48:55 +00:00
2008-02-16 13:05:30 +00:00
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2008-02-10 13:48:55 +00:00
sourceTree = "<group>";
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
8301F93720E4EEF70017B2DC /* Products */ = {
2014-12-08 06:26:31 +00:00
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
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2014-12-08 06:26:31 +00:00
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sourceTree = "<group>";
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
8303A30020E4E3D000951EF8 /* Products */ = {
2013-10-04 15:14:22 +00:00
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
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2013-10-04 15:14:22 +00:00
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
8303A30220E4E3D000951EF8 /* Products */ = {
2013-09-30 10:36:30 +00:00
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
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2013-09-30 10:36:30 +00:00
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
8303A30520E4E3D000951EF8 /* Products */ = {
2014-02-26 07:50:54 +00:00
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
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2014-02-26 07:50:54 +00:00
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2021-12-31 09:16:44 +00:00
83059635277F011100EBFAAE /* Products */ = {
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
830B62AF20E4EF89004A74B2 /* Products */ = {
2013-10-29 22:51:55 +00:00
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
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2022-02-13 19:05:32 +00:00
830C37A227B95E6000E02BB0 /* Equalizer */ = {
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830C37A327B95EB300E02BB0 /* EqualizerWindowController.h */,
830C37A427B95EB300E02BB0 /* EqualizerWindowController.m */,
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2022-02-13 20:15:27 +00:00
830C37EF27B9956C00E02BB0 /* ThirdParty */ = {
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830C37F027B9956C00E02BB0 /* deadbeef */,
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830C37F027B9956C00E02BB0 /* deadbeef */ = {
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830C37F127B9956C00E02BB0 /* analyzer.h */,
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
8314D63C1A354DFE00EEE8E6 /* Products */ = {
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8314D6411A354DFF00EEE8E6 /* sidplay.bundle */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
Decoders: Implemented Organya decoder
Based on the C++11 code by Joel Yliluoma / bisqwit, which in turn is
based on information from NX-Engine. I have also taken the liberty of
bundling the required wavetable bank and PixTone drums. Contrary to the
documentation provided with the code, my version of dou_1006.zip, as
downloaded over a decade ago, had the wavetable bank at offset 635,816
bytes into the file, not 1,115,748 bytes. Possibly a difference of
having applied the translation patch? My copy is the original version,
so I had to use a real resource parser to locate the waveforms.
The player will obey the configured sample rate, loop count, and fade
time for synthesizers, and also obey Repeat One to play indefinitely.
The code should be quite robust to minor abuses, though I can't imagine
how well it would hold up to random bad files, other than playing
outright garbage.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-12-04 11:09:52 +00:00
8327DB90293C923500CD0580 /* Products */ = {
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
834068A720E4E40200A01561 /* Products */ = {
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834068BD20E4E40200A01561 /* WavPack.bundle */,
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2022-01-03 09:51:53 +00:00
83489C4F2782F2DF00BDCEA2 /* Products */ = {
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
8359FF2D17FEF35C0060F3ED /* Products */ = {
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8359FF3117FEF35D0060F3ED /* ArchiveSource.bundle */,
name = Products;
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2022-01-17 14:37:38 +00:00
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2022-01-22 05:49:17 +00:00
835F00B3279BD1CD00055FCF /* Formatters */ = {
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835F00B4279BD1CD00055FCF /* SecondsFormatter.h */,
835F00B8279BD1CD00055FCF /* SecondsFormatter.m */,
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2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
835FAC6427BCDF2900BA8562 /* avif */ = {
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835FAC6627BCDF2900BA8562 /* aom */,
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835FAC6A27BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aom_integer.h */,
835FAC6B27BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aom.h */,
835FAC6C27BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aom_external_partition.h */,
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835FAC6E27BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aom_codec.h */,
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835FAC7027BCDF2A00BA8562 /* aomcx.h */,
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835FAC7127BCDF2A00BA8562 /* avif */ = {
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835FAC7227BCDF2A00BA8562 /* avif.h */,
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835FAC7427BCDF2A00BA8562 /* AVIFDecoder.h */,
835FAC7527BCDF2A00BA8562 /* AVIFDecoder.m */,
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sourceTree = "<group>";
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
8360EF0117F92B23005208A4 /* Products */ = {
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8360EF0517F92B24005208A4 /* HighlyComplete.bundle */,
2013-10-29 22:51:55 +00:00
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
836FB5431820538700B3AD2D /* Products */ = {
2013-10-05 09:01:33 +00:00
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
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2013-10-05 09:01:33 +00:00
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2022-02-25 01:48:10 +00:00
8372C92B27C785BD00E250C9 /* Products */ = {
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8372C93027C785BE00E250C9 /* MAD.bundle */,
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2022-02-13 07:04:03 +00:00
8377C66027B8CF2300E8BC0F /* Visualization */ = {
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2022-02-13 20:15:27 +00:00
830C37EF27B9956C00E02BB0 /* ThirdParty */,
2022-02-13 07:04:03 +00:00
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2022-06-18 05:14:32 +00:00
8377C66227B8CF6300E8BC0F /* SpectrumViewSK.h */,
8377C66127B8CF6300E8BC0F /* SpectrumViewSK.m */,
832CFC542851AA8B002AC26F /* SpectrumViewCG.h */,
832CFC552851AA8B002AC26F /* SpectrumViewCG.m */,
2022-02-13 09:32:26 +00:00
8377C6B727B900F000E8BC0F /* SpectrumItem.h */,
8377C6B827B900F000E8BC0F /* SpectrumItem.m */,
2022-05-23 00:24:35 +00:00
83229C9C283B0095004626A8 /* SpectrumWindowController.h */,
83229C9D283B0095004626A8 /* SpectrumWindowController.m */,
2022-02-13 07:04:03 +00:00
name = Visualization;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2018-01-05 02:00:39 +00:00
83B0669D180D5668008E3612 /* Products */ = {
2013-10-22 17:03:18 +00:00
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2018-01-05 02:00:39 +00:00
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2013-10-22 17:03:18 +00:00
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sourceTree = "<group>";
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BB13AE20E4E38E00723731 /* Products */ = {
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83BB13C220E4E38E00723731 /* vgmstream.bundle */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
83CA5AF820E4E394003E463A /* Products */ = {
2018-01-27 23:08:06 +00:00
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83CA5B0020E4E395003E463A /* OpenMPT.bundle */,
2018-01-27 23:08:06 +00:00
name = Products;
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83CA5AFA20E4E394003E463A /* Products */ = {
2013-10-15 14:49:53 +00:00
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83CA5B0320E4E395003E463A /* Shorten.bundle */,
2013-10-15 14:49:53 +00:00
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sourceTree = "<group>";
2015-02-09 02:15:02 +00:00
83F9D7F21A884B44007ABEC2 /* Products */ = {
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83F9D7F61A884B46007ABEC2 /* SilenceDecoder.bundle */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2006-09-04 18:06:23 +00:00
8E07AAEA0AAC90DC00A4B32F /* Preferences */ = {
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2022-06-24 07:29:50 +00:00
839E3B53286595D700880EA2 /* GeneralPane.h */,
2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
ED69CF0925BE74BB0090B90D /* Shortcuts.h */,
2009-03-08 01:49:50 +00:00
17D1B2610F633D2C00694C57 /* PreferencePanePlugin.h */,
17D1B25B0F633A4F00694C57 /* PreferencePluginController.h */,
17D1B25C0F633A4F00694C57 /* PreferencePluginController.m */,
2006-09-04 18:06:23 +00:00
8E07AB760AAC930B00A4B32F /* PreferencesController.h */,
8E07AB770AAC930B00A4B32F /* PreferencesController.m */,
2009-03-08 02:38:25 +00:00
171CB3DA0F63670D0047EF0A /* PreferencesWindow.h */,
171CB3DB0F63670D0047EF0A /* PreferencesWindow.m */,
2006-09-04 18:06:23 +00:00
name = Preferences;
sourceTree = "<group>";
8E07AD280AAC9BE600A4B32F /* Preference Panes */ = {
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2021-01-24 22:01:20 +00:00
17F562260C3BD8FB0019975C /* Preferences.xcodeproj */,
2006-09-04 18:06:23 +00:00
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2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
8E75752A09F31D5A0080F1EE /* Playlist */ = {
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
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2013-10-09 15:45:16 +00:00
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8399D4E11805A55000B503B1 /* XmlContainer.h */,
2008-02-19 03:39:43 +00:00
8E75752D09F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistController.h */,
8E75752E09F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistController.m */,
8E75753109F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistView.h */,
8E75753209F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistView.m */,
2007-03-09 01:16:06 +00:00
1755E1F60BA0D2B600CA3560 /* PlaylistLoader.h */,
1755E1F70BA0D2B600CA3560 /* PlaylistLoader.m */,
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
8E75752B09F31D5A0080F1EE /* DNDArrayController.h */,
8E75752C09F31D5A0080F1EE /* DNDArrayController.m */,
8E75752F09F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistEntry.h */,
8E75753009F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistEntry.m */,
8E75753309F31D5A0080F1EE /* Shuffle.h */,
8E75753409F31D5A0080F1EE /* Shuffle.m */,
2008-02-22 02:19:46 +00:00
170B55920D6E5E7B006B9E92 /* StatusImageTransformer.h */,
170B55930D6E5E7B006B9E92 /* StatusImageTransformer.m */,
2008-03-08 23:57:54 +00:00
17249F0D0D82E17700F33392 /* ToggleQueueTitleTransformer.h */,
17249F0E0D82E17700F33392 /* ToggleQueueTitleTransformer.m */,
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
path = Playlist;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
sourceTree = "<group>";
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
8E75758E09F31D800080F1EE /* Icons */ = {
2006-01-20 15:22:03 +00:00
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2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
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2007-11-24 20:16:27 +00:00
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17D1B2770CF8B2830028F5B5 /* it.icns */,
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17D1B27B0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* vg.icns */,
17D1B27C0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* xm.icns */,
2007-05-28 15:09:19 +00:00
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17818A8F0C0B27AC001C4916 /* ape.icns */,
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17818A910C0B27AC001C4916 /* mpc.icns */,
17818A920C0B27AC001C4916 /* shn.icns */,
17818A930C0B27AC001C4916 /* wav.icns */,
17818A940C0B27AC001C4916 /* wv.icns */,
2007-05-27 14:04:42 +00:00
171B57D90C091F2B00F6AFAF /* flac.icns */,
171B57DA0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* m4a.icns */,
171B57DB0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* mp3.icns */,
171B57DC0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* ogg.icns */,
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
path = Icons;
2006-01-20 15:22:03 +00:00
sourceTree = "<group>";
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
8E8D40830CBB036600135C1B /* Products */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
8E8D40870CBB036600135C1B /* M3u.bundle */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
8E8D41C30CBB0DA000135C1B /* Products */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
8E8D41C70CBB0DA000135C1B /* Pls.bundle */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2008-02-26 20:53:18 +00:00
B09E94310D747F7B0064F138 /* Products */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
2013-10-07 17:33:35 +00:00
B09E94350D747F7B0064F138 /* FFMPEG.bundle */,
2008-02-26 20:53:18 +00:00
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
ED69CBB925BE328C0090B90D /* Products */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
ED69CBBF25BE328C0090B90D /* MASShortcut.framework */,
ED69CBC125BE328C0090B90D /* MASShortcutTests.xctest */,
ED69CBC325BE328C0090B90D /* Demo.app */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
/* End PBXGroup section */
/* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */
8D1107260486CEB800E47090 /* Cog */ = {
isa = PBXNativeTarget;
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
buildConfigurationList = C01FCF4A08A954540054247B /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Cog" */;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
buildPhases = (
2022-06-27 05:08:42 +00:00
8384911C1807E9ED00E7332D /* Run version generator script */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
8D11072C0486CEB800E47090 /* Sources */,
8D11072E0486CEB800E47090 /* Frameworks */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
8D1107290486CEB800E47090 /* Resources */,
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
8E757AEC09F3265E0080F1EE /* CopyFiles */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
177FD1000B90CB570011C3B5 /* CopyFiles */,
2008-11-21 15:14:23 +00:00
07DFC3930ECDF80100DA400D /* CopyFiles */,
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
83978E27285C5A4C0076ED21 /* Run Crashlytics symbol upload */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
buildRules = (
dependencies = (
Decoders: Implemented Organya decoder
Based on the C++11 code by Joel Yliluoma / bisqwit, which in turn is
based on information from NX-Engine. I have also taken the liberty of
bundling the required wavetable bank and PixTone drums. Contrary to the
documentation provided with the code, my version of dou_1006.zip, as
downloaded over a decade ago, had the wavetable bank at offset 635,816
bytes into the file, not 1,115,748 bytes. Possibly a difference of
having applied the translation patch? My copy is the original version,
so I had to use a real resource parser to locate the waveforms.
The player will obey the configured sample rate, loop count, and fade
time for synthesizers, and also obey Repeat One to play indefinitely.
The code should be quite robust to minor abuses, though I can't imagine
how well it would hold up to random bad files, other than playing
outright garbage.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-12-04 11:09:52 +00:00
8327DBA8293CAD0A00CD0580 /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2022-02-25 01:48:10 +00:00
8372C93C27C7893100E250C9 /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2022-01-03 09:51:53 +00:00
83489C6A2782F76900BDCEA2 /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
ED69CBC625BE32B40090B90D /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
834D793E20E4EFD200C4A5CC /* PBXTargetDependency */,
834D793020E4EFCC00C4A5CC /* PBXTargetDependency */,
834F7F4220E4E4CD00228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */,
834F7F3E20E4E4C600228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */,
834F7F3C20E4E4C200228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */,
834F7F3A20E4E4BD00228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */,
834F7F3620E4E4B400228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */,
834F7F3420E4E4B000228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */,
834F7F1F20E4E4AA00228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2015-02-09 02:15:02 +00:00
83F9D8061A884C33007ABEC2 /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2014-12-08 06:26:31 +00:00
836F5BEE1A3579F5002730CC /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2013-10-29 22:51:55 +00:00
836FB5A618206F1500B3AD2D /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2013-10-15 14:49:53 +00:00
83B06703180D5776008E3612 /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2013-10-05 09:01:33 +00:00
8375B36217FFEF010092A79F /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2013-10-02 21:59:22 +00:00
83BCB8DD17FC96FC00760340 /* PBXTargetDependency */,
83BCB8D917FC96F800760340 /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17C8097E0C3BD1F5005707C4 /* PBXTargetDependency */,
17C809860C3BD1F5005707C4 /* PBXTargetDependency */,
17C809880C3BD1F5005707C4 /* PBXTargetDependency */,
17C809E50C3BD47C005707C4 /* PBXTargetDependency */,
17F5613F0C3BD4E90019975C /* PBXTargetDependency */,
17F5623B0C3BD9280019975C /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
8E8D40930CBB03AF00135C1B /* PBXTargetDependency */,
8E8D41CC0CBB0DD200135C1B /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
17F3BB8B0CBC566200864489 /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2007-10-11 23:11:58 +00:00
17C8F44C0CBEDD37008D969D /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2008-02-08 00:08:56 +00:00
17643CBC0D5BD44900F0A9FE /* PBXTargetDependency */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
name = Cog;
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
packageProductDependencies = (
83978E15285C58190076ED21 /* FirebaseCrashlytics */,
83978E25285C596F0076ED21 /* FirebaseAnalytics */,
2022-06-22 03:07:53 +00:00
productInstallPath = /Applications;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
productName = Cog;
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
productReference = 1770424E0B8BC41800B86321 /* Cog.app */;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
productType = "com.apple.product-type.application";
/* End PBXNativeTarget section */
/* Begin PBXProject section */
29B97313FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Project object */ = {
isa = PBXProject;
2013-09-28 03:24:23 +00:00
attributes = {
2022-06-08 01:56:11 +00:00
LastUpgradeCheck = 1400;
2016-09-02 01:50:33 +00:00
TargetAttributes = {
8D1107260486CEB800E47090 = {
2022-05-22 23:10:51 +00:00
DevelopmentTeam = "";
2020-11-23 02:16:34 +00:00
LastSwiftMigration = 1220;
2019-10-05 07:12:36 +00:00
ProvisioningStyle = Automatic;
2016-09-02 01:50:33 +00:00
2013-09-28 03:24:23 +00:00
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
buildConfigurationList = C01FCF4E08A954540054247B /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "Cog" */;
2013-10-02 21:59:22 +00:00
compatibilityVersion = "Xcode 3.2";
2019-07-02 23:37:17 +00:00
developmentRegion = en;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
hasScannedForEncodings = 1;
2007-06-03 14:30:27 +00:00
knownRegions = (
2007-10-13 08:43:37 +00:00
2016-05-05 20:05:39 +00:00
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
2019-07-02 23:37:17 +00:00
2022-07-11 21:40:32 +00:00
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
2007-06-03 14:30:27 +00:00
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
mainGroup = 29B97314FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Cog */;
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
packageReferences = (
83978E14285C58190076ED21 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "firebase-ios-sdk" */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
projectDirPath = "";
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
projectReferences = (
2018-01-27 23:08:06 +00:00
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
ProductGroup = 8303A30020E4E3D000951EF8 /* Products */;
2018-01-27 23:08:06 +00:00
ProjectRef = 83D3C5FC201C674D005564CB /* AdPlug.xcodeproj */;
2007-10-20 16:18:44 +00:00
2008-02-08 00:08:56 +00:00
ProductGroup = 566D32170D538550004466A5 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 566D32160D538550004466A5 /* APL.xcodeproj */;
2007-10-20 16:18:44 +00:00
2013-10-04 15:14:22 +00:00
ProductGroup = 8359FF2D17FEF35C0060F3ED /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 8359FF2C17FEF35C0060F3ED /* ArchiveSource.xcodeproj */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
ProductGroup = 17F5612B0C3BD4DC0019975C /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 17F5612A0C3BD4DC0019975C /* CogAudio.xcodeproj */;
ProductGroup = 17C809DF0C3BD46D005707C4 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 17C808660C3BD0F8005707C4 /* CoreAudio.xcodeproj */;
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
ProductGroup = 17F3BB840CBC565100864489 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 17F3BB830CBC565100864489 /* CueSheet.xcodeproj */;
2013-10-07 23:15:15 +00:00
ProductGroup = B09E94310D747F7B0064F138 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = B09E94300D747F7B0064F138 /* FFMPEG.xcodeproj */;
2021-12-31 09:16:44 +00:00
ProductGroup = 83059635277F011100EBFAAE /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 83059634277F011100EBFAAE /* File_Extractor.xcodeproj */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
ProductGroup = 17C808720C3BD167005707C4 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 17C808710C3BD167005707C4 /* FileSource.xcodeproj */;
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
ProductGroup = 8303A30220E4E3D000951EF8 /* Products */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
ProjectRef = 17C8087A0C3BD173005707C4 /* Flac.xcodeproj */;
2007-10-11 23:11:58 +00:00
ProductGroup = 17C8F3C90CBED663008D969D /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 17C8F3C80CBED663008D969D /* GME.xcodeproj */;
2013-09-30 10:36:30 +00:00
ProductGroup = 8360EF0117F92B23005208A4 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 8360EF0017F92B23005208A4 /* HighlyComplete.xcodeproj */;
2013-10-29 22:51:55 +00:00
ProductGroup = 836FB5431820538700B3AD2D /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 836FB5421820538700B3AD2D /* Hively.xcodeproj */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
ProductGroup = 17C808840C3BD181005707C4 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 17C808830C3BD181005707C4 /* HTTPSource.xcodeproj */;
2022-01-03 09:51:53 +00:00
ProductGroup = 83489C4F2782F2DF00BDCEA2 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 83489C4E2782F2DF00BDCEA2 /* libvgmPlayer.xcodeproj */;
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
ProductGroup = 8E8D40830CBB036600135C1B /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 8E8D40820CBB036600135C1B /* M3u.xcodeproj */;
2022-02-25 01:48:10 +00:00
ProductGroup = 8372C92B27C785BD00E250C9 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 8372C92A27C785BD00E250C9 /* MAD.xcodeproj */;
2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
ProductGroup = ED69CBB925BE328C0090B90D /* Products */;
ProjectRef = ED69CBB825BE328C0090B90D /* MASShortcut.xcodeproj */;
2013-10-15 14:49:53 +00:00
ProductGroup = 83B0669D180D5668008E3612 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 83B0669C180D5668008E3612 /* MIDI.xcodeproj */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
ProductGroup = 17C8089F0C3BD1AB005707C4 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 17C8089E0C3BD1AB005707C4 /* Musepack.xcodeproj */;
2013-10-05 09:01:33 +00:00
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
ProductGroup = 83CA5AF820E4E394003E463A /* Products */;
2018-01-05 02:00:39 +00:00
ProjectRef = 83E5EFAC1FFEF78100659F0F /* OpenMPT.xcodeproj */;
2013-10-05 09:01:33 +00:00
2013-10-22 17:03:18 +00:00
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
ProductGroup = 830B62AF20E4EF89004A74B2 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 8375B05117FFEA400092A79F /* OpusPlugin.xcodeproj */;
2013-10-22 17:03:18 +00:00
Decoders: Implemented Organya decoder
Based on the C++11 code by Joel Yliluoma / bisqwit, which in turn is
based on information from NX-Engine. I have also taken the liberty of
bundling the required wavetable bank and PixTone drums. Contrary to the
documentation provided with the code, my version of dou_1006.zip, as
downloaded over a decade ago, had the wavetable bank at offset 635,816
bytes into the file, not 1,115,748 bytes. Possibly a difference of
having applied the translation patch? My copy is the original version,
so I had to use a real resource parser to locate the waveforms.
The player will obey the configured sample rate, loop count, and fade
time for synthesizers, and also obey Repeat One to play indefinitely.
The code should be quite robust to minor abuses, though I can't imagine
how well it would hold up to random bad files, other than playing
outright garbage.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-12-04 11:09:52 +00:00
ProductGroup = 8327DB90293C923500CD0580 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 8327DB8F293C923500CD0580 /* Organya.xcodeproj */;
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
ProductGroup = 8E8D41C30CBB0DA000135C1B /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 8E8D41C20CBB0DA000135C1B /* Pls.xcodeproj */;
2021-01-24 22:25:56 +00:00
ProductGroup = 17F562270C3BD8FB0019975C /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 17F562260C3BD8FB0019975C /* Preferences.xcodeproj */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
ProductGroup = 83CA5AFA20E4E394003E463A /* Products */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
ProjectRef = 17C808A70C3BD1BA005707C4 /* Shorten.xcodeproj */;
2014-12-08 06:26:31 +00:00
ProductGroup = 8314D63C1A354DFE00EEE8E6 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 8314D63B1A354DFE00EEE8E6 /* sidplay.xcodeproj */;
2015-02-09 02:15:02 +00:00
ProductGroup = 83F9D7F21A884B44007ABEC2 /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 83F9D7F11A884B44007ABEC2 /* SilenceDecoder.xcodeproj */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
ProductGroup = 8303A30520E4E3D000951EF8 /* Products */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
ProjectRef = 17C808B00C3BD1C5005707C4 /* TagLib.xcodeproj */;
2014-02-26 07:50:54 +00:00
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
ProductGroup = 83BB13AE20E4E38E00723731 /* Products */;
2014-02-26 07:50:54 +00:00
ProjectRef = 836F6B2518BDB80D0095E648 /* vgmstream.xcodeproj */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
ProductGroup = 8301F93720E4EEF70017B2DC /* Products */;
ProjectRef = 17C808B70C3BD1D2005707C4 /* VorbisPlugin.xcodeproj */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
ProductGroup = 834068A720E4E40200A01561 /* Products */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
ProjectRef = 17C808C00C3BD1DD005707C4 /* WavPack.xcodeproj */;
2007-10-27 09:08:08 +00:00
projectRoot = "";
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
targets = (
8D1107260486CEB800E47090 /* Cog */,
/* End PBXProject section */
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
/* Begin PBXReferenceProxy section */
17C808790C3BD167005707C4 /* FileSource.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = FileSource.bundle;
remoteRef = 17C808780C3BD167005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
17C8088B0C3BD181005707C4 /* HTTPSource.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = HTTPSource.bundle;
remoteRef = 17C8088A0C3BD181005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
17C808A60C3BD1AB005707C4 /* Musepack.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = Musepack.bundle;
remoteRef = 17C808A50C3BD1AB005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
17C809E30C3BD46D005707C4 /* CoreAudio.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = CoreAudio.bundle;
remoteRef = 17C809E20C3BD46D005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2007-10-11 23:11:58 +00:00
17C8F3CD0CBED663008D969D /* GME.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = GME.bundle;
remoteRef = 17C8F3CC0CBED663008D969D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
17F3BB880CBC565100864489 /* CueSheet.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = CueSheet.bundle;
remoteRef = 17F3BB870CBC565100864489 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17F561330C3BD4DC0019975C /* CogAudio.framework */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.framework;
path = CogAudio.framework;
remoteRef = 17F561320C3BD4DC0019975C /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2021-01-24 22:01:20 +00:00
17F5622E0C3BD8FB0019975C /* Preferences.preferencePane */ = {
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
2021-01-24 22:01:20 +00:00
path = Preferences.preferencePane;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
remoteRef = 17F5622D0C3BD8FB0019975C /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2008-02-08 00:08:56 +00:00
566D321B0D538550004466A5 /* APL.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = APL.bundle;
remoteRef = 566D321A0D538550004466A5 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
8301F94520E4EEF70017B2DC /* VorbisPlugin.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = VorbisPlugin.bundle;
remoteRef = 8301F94420E4EEF70017B2DC /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
8303A30920E4E3D000951EF8 /* AdPlug.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = AdPlug.bundle;
remoteRef = 8303A30820E4E3D000951EF8 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
8303A30C20E4E3D000951EF8 /* Flac.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = Flac.bundle;
remoteRef = 8303A30B20E4E3D000951EF8 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
8303A31C20E4E3D000951EF8 /* TagLib.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = TagLib.bundle;
remoteRef = 8303A31B20E4E3D000951EF8 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2021-12-31 09:16:44 +00:00
83059639277F011100EBFAAE /* File_Extractor.framework */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.framework;
path = File_Extractor.framework;
remoteRef = 83059638277F011100EBFAAE /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
830B62B320E4EF89004A74B2 /* OpusPlugin.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = OpusPlugin.bundle;
remoteRef = 830B62B220E4EF89004A74B2 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2014-12-08 06:26:31 +00:00
8314D6411A354DFF00EEE8E6 /* sidplay.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = sidplay.bundle;
remoteRef = 8314D6401A354DFF00EEE8E6 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
Decoders: Implemented Organya decoder
Based on the C++11 code by Joel Yliluoma / bisqwit, which in turn is
based on information from NX-Engine. I have also taken the liberty of
bundling the required wavetable bank and PixTone drums. Contrary to the
documentation provided with the code, my version of dou_1006.zip, as
downloaded over a decade ago, had the wavetable bank at offset 635,816
bytes into the file, not 1,115,748 bytes. Possibly a difference of
having applied the translation patch? My copy is the original version,
so I had to use a real resource parser to locate the waveforms.
The player will obey the configured sample rate, loop count, and fade
time for synthesizers, and also obey Repeat One to play indefinitely.
The code should be quite robust to minor abuses, though I can't imagine
how well it would hold up to random bad files, other than playing
outright garbage.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-12-04 11:09:52 +00:00
8327DB94293C923500CD0580 /* Organya.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = Organya.bundle;
remoteRef = 8327DB93293C923500CD0580 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
834068BD20E4E40200A01561 /* WavPack.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = WavPack.bundle;
remoteRef = 834068BC20E4E40200A01561 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2022-01-03 09:51:53 +00:00
83489C542782F2DF00BDCEA2 /* libvgmPlayer.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = libvgmPlayer.bundle;
remoteRef = 83489C532782F2DF00BDCEA2 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2013-10-04 15:14:22 +00:00
8359FF3117FEF35D0060F3ED /* ArchiveSource.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = ArchiveSource.bundle;
remoteRef = 8359FF3017FEF35D0060F3ED /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2013-09-30 10:36:30 +00:00
8360EF0517F92B24005208A4 /* HighlyComplete.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = HighlyComplete.bundle;
remoteRef = 8360EF0417F92B24005208A4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2013-10-29 22:51:55 +00:00
836FB5471820538800B3AD2D /* Hively.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = Hively.bundle;
remoteRef = 836FB5461820538800B3AD2D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2022-02-25 01:48:10 +00:00
8372C93027C785BE00E250C9 /* MAD.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = MAD.bundle;
remoteRef = 8372C92F27C785BE00E250C9 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2018-01-05 02:00:39 +00:00
83B066A1180D5669008E3612 /* MIDI.bundle */ = {
2014-07-03 06:05:25 +00:00
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
2018-01-05 02:00:39 +00:00
path = MIDI.bundle;
remoteRef = 83B066A0180D5669008E3612 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2014-07-03 06:05:25 +00:00
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BB13C220E4E38E00723731 /* vgmstream.bundle */ = {
2018-01-27 23:08:06 +00:00
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
path = vgmstream.bundle;
remoteRef = 83BB13C120E4E38E00723731 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2018-01-27 23:08:06 +00:00
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83CA5B0020E4E395003E463A /* OpenMPT.bundle */ = {
2013-10-22 17:03:18 +00:00
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
2018-01-05 02:00:39 +00:00
path = OpenMPT.bundle;
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
remoteRef = 83CA5AFF20E4E395003E463A /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
83CA5B0320E4E395003E463A /* Shorten.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = Shorten.bundle;
remoteRef = 83CA5B0220E4E395003E463A /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2013-10-15 14:49:53 +00:00
2015-02-09 02:15:02 +00:00
83F9D7F61A884B46007ABEC2 /* SilenceDecoder.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = SilenceDecoder.bundle;
remoteRef = 83F9D7F51A884B46007ABEC2 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
8E8D40870CBB036600135C1B /* M3u.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = M3u.bundle;
remoteRef = 8E8D40860CBB036600135C1B /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
8E8D41C70CBB0DA000135C1B /* Pls.bundle */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = Pls.bundle;
remoteRef = 8E8D41C60CBB0DA000135C1B /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2013-10-07 17:33:35 +00:00
B09E94350D747F7B0064F138 /* FFMPEG.bundle */ = {
2008-02-26 20:53:18 +00:00
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
2013-10-07 17:33:35 +00:00
path = FFMPEG.bundle;
2008-02-26 20:53:18 +00:00
remoteRef = B09E94340D747F7B0064F138 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
ED69CBBF25BE328C0090B90D /* MASShortcut.framework */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.framework;
path = MASShortcut.framework;
remoteRef = ED69CBBE25BE328C0090B90D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
ED69CBC125BE328C0090B90D /* MASShortcutTests.xctest */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.cfbundle;
path = MASShortcutTests.xctest;
remoteRef = ED69CBC025BE328C0090B90D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
ED69CBC325BE328C0090B90D /* Demo.app */ = {
isa = PBXReferenceProxy;
fileType = wrapper.application;
path = Demo.app;
remoteRef = ED69CBC225BE328C0090B90D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
/* End PBXReferenceProxy section */
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
/* Begin PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */
8D1107290486CEB800E47090 /* Resources */ = {
isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
836F462C28207FA4005B9B87 /* PauseNormal.png in Resources */,
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AC420E4CE9000631CD4 /* Feedback.xib in Resources */,
83BC5AC320E4CE8D00631CD4 /* SpotlightPanel.xib in Resources */,
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
83BC5AC220E4CE8A00631CD4 /* FileTree.xib in Resources */,
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AC120E4CE8700631CD4 /* OpenURLPanel.xib in Resources */,
2022-07-01 17:54:39 +00:00
0A1B412C286F6301008A6A44 /* Localizable.stringsdict in Resources */,
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AC020E4CE7D00631CD4 /* MainMenu.xib in Resources */,
83BC5ABF20E4CE7A00631CD4 /* InfoInspector.xib in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384915B18083EAB00E7332D /* navigatorTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2022-02-10 07:12:17 +00:00
8349270C27B4EFFC0009AB2B /* duplicateItemsTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384916218083EAB00E7332D /* randomizeTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
8D11072B0486CEB800E47090 /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */,
2022-02-10 07:12:17 +00:00
8349270D27B4EFFC0009AB2B /* deadItemsTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2007-06-03 14:58:54 +00:00
17E41E070C130DFF00AC744D /* Credits.html in Resources */,
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
836F462B28207FA4005B9B87 /* StopColorful.png in Resources */,
2022-01-27 09:31:50 +00:00
8314A46F27A28C29000EBE7E /* equalizerTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2022-05-22 07:03:52 +00:00
8316B3932839FFD5004CC392 /* Scenes.scnassets in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384916618083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeOneTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
8E7575DB09F31E930080F1EE /* Localizable.strings in Resources */,
2013-10-11 19:02:05 +00:00
83E5E54C18087CA5001F3284 /* miniModeOffTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384916418083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeAllTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
8384916E18083EAB00E7332D /* volume3Template.pdf in Resources */,
8384915C18083EAB00E7332D /* nextTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2022-07-01 07:38:25 +00:00
839614A2286ED97200D3EEDB /* AboutWindowController.xib in Resources */,
839614AD286EDA5C00D3EEDB /* SpectrumWindow.xib in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384916018083EAB00E7332D /* playTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
8384915E18083EAB00E7332D /* pauseTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
8384916D18083EAB00E7332D /* volume1Template.pdf in Resources */,
2007-05-27 14:04:42 +00:00
171B57DD0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* flac.icns in Resources */,
171B57DE0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* m4a.icns in Resources */,
2022-07-09 09:30:52 +00:00
839E56F52879625100DFB5F4 /* SADIE_D02-96000.mhr in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384916C18083EAB00E7332D /* stopTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2022-02-13 19:05:32 +00:00
830C37A127B95E3000E02BB0 /* Equalizer.xib in Resources */,
2007-05-27 14:04:42 +00:00
171B57DF0C091F2B00F6AFAF /* mp3.icns in Resources */,
171B57E00C091F2B00F6AFAF /* ogg.icns in Resources */,
2007-05-28 15:09:19 +00:00
17818A950C0B27AC001C4916 /* aiff.icns in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384916818083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleOffTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
836F462128207F43005B9B87 /* Plaque.png in Resources */,
2007-05-28 15:09:19 +00:00
17818A960C0B27AC001C4916 /* ape.icns in Resources */,
17818A970C0B27AC001C4916 /* m3u.icns in Resources */,
17818A980C0B27AC001C4916 /* mpc.icns in Resources */,
2013-10-11 19:02:05 +00:00
83E5E54D18087CA5001F3284 /* miniModeOnTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2007-05-28 15:09:19 +00:00
17818A990C0B27AC001C4916 /* shn.icns in Resources */,
17818A9A0C0B27AC001C4916 /* wav.icns in Resources */,
17818A9B0C0B27AC001C4916 /* wv.icns in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384916518083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeOffTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2007-11-24 20:16:27 +00:00
17D1B27D0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* cue.icns in Resources */,
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
836F462D28207FA4005B9B87 /* StopNormal.png in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384915A18083EAB00E7332D /* missingArt@2x.png in Resources */,
2007-11-24 20:16:27 +00:00
17D1B27E0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* it.icns in Resources */,
2020-06-30 08:04:55 +00:00
83D0380F24A40DFB004CF90F /* CogAssets.xcassets in Resources */,
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
836F462928207FA4005B9B87 /* PlayColorful.png in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384914018083E4E00E7332D /* filetype.icns in Resources */,
8384916918083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleOnTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2007-11-24 20:16:27 +00:00
17D1B27F0CF8B2830028F5B5 /* pls.icns in Resources */,
17D1B2800CF8B2830028F5B5 /* s3m.icns in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384916718083EAB00E7332D /* shuffleAlbumTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2007-11-24 20:16:27 +00:00
17D1B2810CF8B2830028F5B5 /* song.icns in Resources */,
2022-10-28 06:06:02 +00:00
83F7AADA290B682400951B61 /* scpipe in Resources */,
83F7AADE290B8DDF00951B61 /* IIAM.bin in Resources */,
2022-02-20 09:53:25 +00:00
831B99BF27C23E88005A969B /* Cog.sdef in Resources */,
2022-01-25 04:01:22 +00:00
832923AF279FAC400048201E /* Cog.q1.json in Resources */,
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
836F462A28207FA4005B9B87 /* PauseColorful.png in Resources */,
2007-11-24 20:16:27 +00:00
17D1B2820CF8B2830028F5B5 /* vg.icns in Resources */,
17D1B2830CF8B2830028F5B5 /* xm.icns in Resources */,
2022-01-21 07:53:45 +00:00
83ED3AD1279A91C000904199 /* hdcdLogoTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
836F462328207F55005B9B87 /* PlayNormal.png in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384916318083EAB00E7332D /* repeatModeAlbumTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2022-06-21 01:58:22 +00:00
0A9CEA092861506A00E47168 /* AboutCog.jp2 in Resources */,
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
83978E29285C5C0A0076ED21 /* GoogleService-Info.plist in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384916118083EAB00E7332D /* previousTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
1778D3B00F645A190037E7A0 /* missingArt.png in Resources */,
2013-10-11 14:16:47 +00:00
8384915918083EAB00E7332D /* infoTemplate.pdf in Resources */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
/* End PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */
2013-10-11 08:31:13 +00:00
/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
8384911C1807E9ED00E7332D /* Run version generator script */ = {
2022-06-10 01:58:42 +00:00
isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
2022-06-10 01:58:42 +00:00
files = (
2022-06-27 05:08:42 +00:00
inputFileListPaths = (
2022-06-10 01:58:42 +00:00
inputPaths = (
2022-06-27 05:08:42 +00:00
2022-06-10 01:58:42 +00:00
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
name = "Run version generator script";
2022-06-10 01:58:42 +00:00
outputPaths = (
2022-06-27 05:08:42 +00:00
2022-06-10 01:58:42 +00:00
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/sh;
shellScript = "\"${PROJECT_DIR}/Scripts/genversion.sh\"\n";
2022-06-10 01:58:42 +00:00
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
83978E27285C5A4C0076ED21 /* Run Crashlytics symbol upload */ = {
2013-10-11 08:31:13 +00:00
isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
buildActionMask = 12;
2013-10-11 08:31:13 +00:00
files = (
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
inputFileListPaths = (
2013-10-11 08:31:13 +00:00
inputPaths = (
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
name = "Run Crashlytics symbol upload";
outputFileListPaths = (
2013-10-11 08:31:13 +00:00
outputPaths = (
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
2013-10-13 00:53:59 +00:00
shellPath = /bin/sh;
2022-07-06 10:37:52 +00:00
shellScript = "if [[ \"${CONFIGURATION}\" = \"Release\" ]] || [[ \"${CONFIGURATION}\" = \"Adhoc\" ]]; then\n echo \"Uploading dSYMs...\"\n find \"${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}\" -name \"*.dSYM\" -print0 | xargs -0 -I \\{\\} \"${BUILD_DIR%/Build/*}/SourcePackages/checkouts/firebase-ios-sdk/Crashlytics/upload-symbols\" -gsp \"${SRCROOT}/GoogleService-Info.plist\" -p mac \\{\\}\nelse\n echo \"Skip dSYMs upload\"\nfi\n\nexit 0\n";
2013-10-11 08:31:13 +00:00
/* End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
/* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */
8D11072C0486CEB800E47090 /* Sources */ = {
isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
2022-05-22 22:26:27 +00:00
83A3B734283AE89000CC6593 /* ColorToValueTransformer.m in Sources */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
8D11072D0486CEB800E47090 /* main.m in Sources */,
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
8E75757109F31D5A0080F1EE /* DNDArrayController.m in Sources */,
8E75757209F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistController.m in Sources */,
8E75757309F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistEntry.m in Sources */,
8E75757409F31D5A0080F1EE /* PlaylistView.m in Sources */,
8E75757509F31D5A0080F1EE /* Shuffle.m in Sources */,
2006-09-04 18:06:23 +00:00
8E07AB790AAC930B00A4B32F /* PreferencesController.m in Sources */,
2022-02-13 09:32:26 +00:00
8377C6B927B900F000E8BC0F /* SpectrumItem.m in Sources */,
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
177EBFA70B8BC2A70000BC8C /* ImageTextCell.m in Sources */,
177EC0270B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingCell.m in Sources */,
177EC0290B8BC2CF0000BC8C /* TrackingSlider.m in Sources */,
1770429C0B8BC53600B86321 /* AppController.m in Sources */,
1770429E0B8BC53600B86321 /* PlaybackController.m in Sources */,
2013-10-09 23:14:23 +00:00
8355D6B6180612F300D05687 /* NSData+MD5.m in Sources */,
2022-06-18 05:14:32 +00:00
8377C66327B8CF6300E8BC0F /* SpectrumViewSK.m in Sources */,
2007-03-09 01:16:06 +00:00
1755E1F90BA0D2B600CA3560 /* PlaylistLoader.m in Sources */,
2007-03-14 02:28:30 +00:00
8E9A30160BA792DC0091081B /* NSFileHandle+CreateFile.m in Sources */,
2007-05-26 14:43:31 +00:00
179790E10C087AB7001D6996 /* OpenURLPanel.m in Sources */,
2022-06-16 14:14:33 +00:00
837DC931285B3F790005C58A /* DataModel.xcdatamodeld in Sources */,
2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
835FAC7927BCDF2A00BA8562 /* AVIFDecoder.m in Sources */,
2021-01-06 21:49:14 +00:00
EDAAA41F25A665C000731773 /* PositionSliderToolbarItem.swift in Sources */,
2007-10-03 22:26:39 +00:00
1791FF900CB43A2C0070BC5C /* MediaKeysApplication.m in Sources */,
2008-02-11 07:46:41 +00:00
5604D45B0D60349B004F5C5D /* SpotlightWindowController.m in Sources */,
2022-06-21 01:58:22 +00:00
0A9CEA032861501700E47168 /* AboutWindowController.swift in Sources */,
2008-02-11 14:10:25 +00:00
5604D4F60D60726E004F5C5D /* SpotlightPlaylistEntry.m in Sources */,
2008-02-13 16:10:59 +00:00
56462EAF0D6341F6000AB68C /* SpotlightTransformers.m in Sources */,
2022-02-13 19:05:32 +00:00
830C37A527B95EB300E02BB0 /* EqualizerWindowController.m in Sources */,
2022-06-18 05:14:32 +00:00
832CFC562851AA8B002AC26F /* SpectrumViewCG.m in Sources */,
2008-02-13 16:10:59 +00:00
56462EB20D634206000AB68C /* SpotlightPlaylistController.m in Sources */,
2008-02-16 02:46:19 +00:00
07E18DF30D62B38400BB0E11 /* NSArray+ShuffleUtils.m in Sources */,
2008-02-14 14:07:10 +00:00
56C63D910D647DF300EAE25A /* NSComparisonPredicate+CogPredicate.m in Sources */,
2008-02-16 13:18:14 +00:00
56DB084C0D6717DC00453B6A /* NSNumber+CogSort.m in Sources */,
56DB08550D67185300453B6A /* NSArray+CogSort.m in Sources */,
2008-02-22 02:19:46 +00:00
170B55940D6E5E7B006B9E92 /* StatusImageTransformer.m in Sources */,
2022-02-13 20:15:27 +00:00
830C37FC27B9956C00E02BB0 /* analyzer.c in Sources */,
2008-03-08 23:57:54 +00:00
17249F0F0D82E17700F33392 /* ToggleQueueTitleTransformer.m in Sources */,
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
179D031E0E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainedNode.m in Sources */,
179D031F0E0CB2500064A77A /* ContainerNode.m in Sources */,
[Job Queue] Overhauled long action handling
Long actions, such as file opening, playlist loading, metadata loading
and refreshing, etc, are now handled through NSProgress. Additionally,
a new status bar change displays the progress of the task instead of
the total duration of the playlist. Finally, app quit is blocked by a
running task, and if the app is quit while a task is running, it will
be delayed until the task completes, at which time the app will
terminate cleanly.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-06-15 08:01:45 +00:00
834B05EA2859C006000B7DC0 /* TotalTimeTransformer.m in Sources */,
2021-11-21 08:16:16 +00:00
839DA7CF274A2D4C001B18E5 /* NSDictionary+Merge.m in Sources */,
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
179D03200E0CB2500064A77A /* DirectoryNode.m in Sources */,
179D03210E0CB2500064A77A /* FileIconCell.m in Sources */,
179D03220E0CB2500064A77A /* FileNode.m in Sources */,
2022-06-21 01:58:22 +00:00
0A9CEA0B286152DF00E47168 /* DraggableView.swift in Sources */,
2022-02-17 05:38:43 +00:00
83988F0E27BE0A5900A0E89A /* RedundantPlaylistDataStore.m in Sources */,
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
179D03230E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeDataSource.m in Sources */,
179D03240E0CB2500064A77A /* FileTreeController.m in Sources */,
2021-12-24 09:01:21 +00:00
8370D73D277419F700245CE0 /* SQLiteStore.m in Sources */,
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
179D03260E0CB2500064A77A /* PathNode.m in Sources */,
179D03270E0CB2500064A77A /* PathWatcher.m in Sources */,
179D03280E0CB2500064A77A /* SmartFolderNode.m in Sources */,
2022-02-23 07:10:02 +00:00
8381A09227C5F72F00A1C530 /* SHA256Digest.m in Sources */,
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
173855FF0E0CC81F00488CD4 /* FileTreeOutlineView.m in Sources */,
2008-11-21 15:14:23 +00:00
07D971E60ED1DAA800E7602E /* TagEditorController.m in Sources */,
2009-02-22 22:57:02 +00:00
17E0D5EA0F520F02005B6FED /* MainWindow.m in Sources */,
2013-10-11 19:02:05 +00:00
836D28A818086386005B7299 /* MiniModeMenuTitleTransformer.m in Sources */,
2022-02-22 05:52:09 +00:00
833D0C2527C4ABB80060E16A /* ScriptAdditions.m in Sources */,
2009-02-22 22:57:02 +00:00
17E0D5EB0F520F02005B6FED /* MiniWindow.m in Sources */,
17E0D5EC0F520F02005B6FED /* PositionSlider.m in Sources */,
17E0D5ED0F520F02005B6FED /* TimeField.m in Sources */,
17E0D6160F520F87005B6FED /* FontSizetoLineHeightTransformer.m in Sources */,
17E0D6170F520F87005B6FED /* StringToURLTransformer.m in Sources */,
2022-06-30 07:28:03 +00:00
839B837F286D7F8D00F529EE /* NumberHertzToStringTransformer.swift in Sources */,
2009-02-22 22:57:02 +00:00
17E0D61C0F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeButton.m in Sources */,
17E0D61D0F520F9F005B6FED /* VolumeSlider.m in Sources */,
2009-02-28 06:40:50 +00:00
172A12330F5911D20078EF0C /* RepeatTransformers.m in Sources */,
172A123C0F5912AE0078EF0C /* ShuffleTransformers.m in Sources */,
2009-02-28 17:45:08 +00:00
172A12A90F59AF8A0078EF0C /* NSString+CogSort.m in Sources */,
2009-02-28 21:13:06 +00:00
1752C36C0F59E00100F85F28 /* PlaybackButtons.m in Sources */,
2009-02-28 23:54:36 +00:00
171EFE8C0F59FEAE000ADC42 /* DockIconController.m in Sources */,
2009-03-05 17:03:30 +00:00
17F6C8070F603701000D9DA9 /* PlaybackEventController.m in Sources */,
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AB220E4C87100631CD4 /* DualWindow.m in Sources */,
2022-06-20 10:35:29 +00:00
8307D30E28606148000FF8EB /* SandboxBroker.m in Sources */,
2022-05-23 00:24:35 +00:00
83229C9F283B0095004626A8 /* SpectrumWindowController.m in Sources */,
2022-01-22 05:49:17 +00:00
835F00BB279BD1CD00055FCF /* SecondsFormatter.m in Sources */,
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
1784560F0F631E24007E8021 /* FileTreeViewController.m in Sources */,
178456120F631E31007E8021 /* SideViewController.m in Sources */,
2009-03-07 22:31:57 +00:00
17D1B1010F63255200694C57 /* InfoWindowController.m in Sources */,
2022-01-17 14:37:38 +00:00
835A8FD327957310005B3C39 /* json.c in Sources */,
2009-03-08 01:49:50 +00:00
17D1B25D0F633A4F00694C57 /* PreferencePluginController.m in Sources */,
2009-03-08 02:38:25 +00:00
171CB3DC0F63670D0047EF0A /* PreferencesWindow.m in Sources */,
2022-06-09 04:32:52 +00:00
832CFC4F2851AA1A002AC26F /* NSView+Visibility.m in Sources */,
2009-03-08 20:04:09 +00:00
1778D3CA0F645BF00037E7A0 /* MissingAlbumArtTransformer.m in Sources */,
2013-10-09 15:45:16 +00:00
8399D4E21805A55000B503B1 /* XmlContainer.m in Sources */,
2009-03-10 04:59:00 +00:00
17FAEBAC0F662985007C8707 /* ToolTipTextField.m in Sources */,
2009-08-16 16:49:34 +00:00
F6F96719102C709000D2C9B4 /* NSString+FinderCompare.m in Sources */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
/* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
/* Begin PBXTargetDependency section */
2008-02-08 00:08:56 +00:00
17643CBC0D5BD44900F0A9FE /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
2007-10-20 16:18:44 +00:00
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = "APL Plugin";
2008-02-08 00:08:56 +00:00
targetProxy = 17643CBB0D5BD44900F0A9FE /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2007-10-20 16:18:44 +00:00
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17C8097E0C3BD1F5005707C4 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = Musepack;
targetProxy = 17C8097D0C3BD1F5005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
17C809860C3BD1F5005707C4 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = FileSource;
targetProxy = 17C809850C3BD1F5005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
17C809880C3BD1F5005707C4 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = HTTPSource;
targetProxy = 17C809870C3BD1F5005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
17C809E50C3BD47C005707C4 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = CoreAudio;
targetProxy = 17C809E40C3BD47C005707C4 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2007-10-11 23:11:58 +00:00
17C8F44C0CBEDD37008D969D /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = "GME Plugin";
targetProxy = 17C8F44B0CBEDD37008D969D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2007-10-10 01:59:25 +00:00
17F3BB8B0CBC566200864489 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = CueSheet;
targetProxy = 17F3BB8A0CBC566200864489 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
17F5613F0C3BD4E90019975C /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = CogAudio;
targetProxy = 17F5613E0C3BD4E90019975C /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
17F5623B0C3BD9280019975C /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
2021-01-24 22:01:20 +00:00
name = Preferences;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
targetProxy = 17F5623A0C3BD9280019975C /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
Decoders: Implemented Organya decoder
Based on the C++11 code by Joel Yliluoma / bisqwit, which in turn is
based on information from NX-Engine. I have also taken the liberty of
bundling the required wavetable bank and PixTone drums. Contrary to the
documentation provided with the code, my version of dou_1006.zip, as
downloaded over a decade ago, had the wavetable bank at offset 635,816
bytes into the file, not 1,115,748 bytes. Possibly a difference of
having applied the translation patch? My copy is the original version,
so I had to use a real resource parser to locate the waveforms.
The player will obey the configured sample rate, loop count, and fade
time for synthesizers, and also obey Repeat One to play indefinitely.
The code should be quite robust to minor abuses, though I can't imagine
how well it would hold up to random bad files, other than playing
outright garbage.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>
2022-12-04 11:09:52 +00:00
8327DBA8293CAD0A00CD0580 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = Organya;
targetProxy = 8327DBA7293CAD0A00CD0580 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2022-01-03 09:51:53 +00:00
83489C6A2782F76900BDCEA2 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = "libvgmPlayer Plugin";
targetProxy = 83489C692782F76900BDCEA2 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
834D793020E4EFCC00C4A5CC /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = "VorbisPlugin Plugin";
targetProxy = 834D792F20E4EFCC00C4A5CC /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
834D793E20E4EFD200C4A5CC /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = OpusPlugin;
targetProxy = 834D793D20E4EFD200C4A5CC /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
834F7F1F20E4E4AA00228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = AdPlugPlugin;
targetProxy = 834F7F1E20E4E4AA00228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
834F7F3420E4E4B000228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = OpenMPTPlugin;
targetProxy = 834F7F3320E4E4B000228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
834F7F3620E4E4B400228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = "WavPackPlugin Plugin";
targetProxy = 834F7F3520E4E4B400228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
834F7F3A20E4E4BD00228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = "TagLibPlugin Plugin";
targetProxy = 834F7F3920E4E4BD00228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
834F7F3C20E4E4C200228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = "Shorten Plugin";
targetProxy = 834F7F3B20E4E4C200228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
834F7F3E20E4E4C600228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = "Flac Plugin";
targetProxy = 834F7F3D20E4E4C600228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
834F7F4220E4E4CD00228DAB /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = "vgmstream Plugin";
targetProxy = 834F7F4120E4E4CD00228DAB /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2014-12-08 06:26:31 +00:00
836F5BEE1A3579F5002730CC /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = sidplay;
targetProxy = 836F5BED1A3579F5002730CC /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2013-10-29 22:51:55 +00:00
836FB5A618206F1500B3AD2D /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = Hively;
targetProxy = 836FB5A518206F1500B3AD2D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2022-02-25 01:48:10 +00:00
8372C93C27C7893100E250C9 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = MAD;
targetProxy = 8372C93B27C7893100E250C9 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2013-10-05 09:01:33 +00:00
8375B36217FFEF010092A79F /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = ArchiveSource;
targetProxy = 8375B36117FFEF010092A79F /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2013-10-15 14:49:53 +00:00
83B06703180D5776008E3612 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = MIDI;
targetProxy = 83B06702180D5776008E3612 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2013-10-02 21:59:22 +00:00
83BCB8D917FC96F800760340 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = HighlyComplete;
targetProxy = 83BCB8D817FC96F800760340 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
83BCB8DD17FC96FC00760340 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
2013-10-07 17:33:35 +00:00
name = "FFMPEG Plugin";
2013-10-02 21:59:22 +00:00
targetProxy = 83BCB8DC17FC96FC00760340 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2015-02-09 02:15:02 +00:00
83F9D8061A884C33007ABEC2 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = SilenceDecoder;
targetProxy = 83F9D8051A884C33007ABEC2 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2007-10-09 01:20:46 +00:00
8E8D40930CBB03AF00135C1B /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = M3u;
targetProxy = 8E8D40920CBB03AF00135C1B /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
8E8D41CC0CBB0DD200135C1B /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = Pls;
targetProxy = 8E8D41CB0CBB0DD200135C1B /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
ED69CBC625BE32B40090B90D /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
isa = PBXTargetDependency;
name = MASShortcut;
targetProxy = ED69CBC525BE32B40090B90D /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;
2007-07-04 14:46:33 +00:00
/* End PBXTargetDependency section */
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
/* Begin PBXVariantGroup section */
089C165CFE840E0CC02AAC07 /* InfoPlist.strings */ = {
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2016-05-05 20:05:39 +00:00
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2019-07-02 23:37:17 +00:00
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2022-07-11 22:03:19 +00:00
83F0E8AD287CD48800D84594 /* pl */,
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55C2287AA4B7007D96F5 /* ru */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
name = InfoPlist.strings;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2022-07-01 17:54:39 +00:00
0A1B412E286F6301008A6A44 /* Localizable.stringsdict */ = {
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0A1B412D286F6301008A6A44 /* es */,
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2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55BF287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */,
2022-07-13 10:42:08 +00:00
83D2E23D287ED5ED00DD441F /* pl */,
2022-07-01 17:54:39 +00:00
name = Localizable.stringsdict;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
17211A7C0D68B7C500911CA9 /* FileTree.xib */ = {
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83BC5AB720E4C91400631CD4 /* Base */,
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2022-07-11 21:40:32 +00:00
83F0E6A8287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */,
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55BB287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */,
2022-06-30 23:57:51 +00:00
name = FileTree.xib;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2008-02-11 00:52:07 +00:00
17342A980D5FD20B00E8D854 /* MainMenu.xib */ = {
2007-05-26 14:43:31 +00:00
isa = PBXVariantGroup;
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AB520E4C91200631CD4 /* Base */,
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2022-07-11 21:40:32 +00:00
83F0E6A6287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */,
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55B9287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */,
2007-05-26 14:43:31 +00:00
2008-02-11 00:52:07 +00:00
name = MainMenu.xib;
sourceTree = "<group>";
17342ABD0D5FD36400E8D854 /* OpenURLPanel.xib */ = {
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AB620E4C91300631CD4 /* Base */,
83BC5ACE20E4D09700631CD4 /* es */,
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2022-07-11 21:40:32 +00:00
83F0E6A7287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */,
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55BA287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */,
2008-02-11 00:52:07 +00:00
name = OpenURLPanel.xib;
2007-05-26 14:43:31 +00:00
sourceTree = "<group>";
2009-03-07 21:38:25 +00:00
178456C00F6320B5007E8021 /* SpotlightPanel.xib */ = {
isa = PBXVariantGroup;
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AB820E4C91400631CD4 /* Base */,
83BC5AD620E4D0D800631CD4 /* es */,
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2022-07-11 21:40:32 +00:00
83F0E6AA287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */,
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55BD287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */,
2009-03-07 21:38:25 +00:00
name = SpotlightPanel.xib;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2009-03-07 22:31:57 +00:00
17D1B0D00F6320EA00694C57 /* InfoInspector.xib */ = {
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2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AB420E4C91100631CD4 /* Base */,
83BC5ACA20E4D07200631CD4 /* es */,
83BC5ACC20E4D07700631CD4 /* en */,
2022-07-11 21:40:32 +00:00
83F0E6A5287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */,
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55B8287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */,
2009-03-07 22:31:57 +00:00
name = InfoInspector.xib;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2009-03-07 23:08:43 +00:00
17D1B1DA0F6330D400694C57 /* Feedback.xib */ = {
isa = PBXVariantGroup;
children = (
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
83BC5AB920E4C91500631CD4 /* Base */,
83BC5ADA20E4D0E900631CD4 /* en */,
83BC5ADC20E4D0EC00631CD4 /* es */,
2022-07-11 21:40:32 +00:00
83F0E6AB287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */,
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55BE287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */,
2009-03-07 23:08:43 +00:00
name = Feedback.xib;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2007-06-03 14:58:54 +00:00
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2016-05-05 20:05:39 +00:00
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2019-07-02 23:37:17 +00:00
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2022-07-11 22:03:19 +00:00
83F0E8B2287CD52500D84594 /* pl */,
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55C4287AA4B7007D96F5 /* ru */,
2007-06-03 14:58:54 +00:00
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sourceTree = "<group>";
2022-02-13 19:05:32 +00:00
830C379F27B95E3000E02BB0 /* Equalizer.xib */ = {
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2022-07-01 07:38:25 +00:00
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2022-07-11 21:40:32 +00:00
83F0E6A4287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */,
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55B7287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */,
2022-02-13 19:05:32 +00:00
name = Equalizer.xib;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2022-07-01 07:38:25 +00:00
839614A0286ED97200D3EEDB /* AboutWindowController.xib */ = {
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2022-07-11 21:40:32 +00:00
83F0E6A3287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */,
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55B6287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */,
2022-07-01 07:38:25 +00:00
name = AboutWindowController.xib;
sourceTree = "<group>";
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2022-07-11 21:40:32 +00:00
83F0E6A9287CAB3800D84594 /* pl */,
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55BC287AA4B6007D96F5 /* ru */,
2022-07-01 07:38:25 +00:00
name = SpectrumWindow.xib;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
8E7575D909F31E930080F1EE /* Localizable.strings */ = {
2005-07-11 20:22:53 +00:00
isa = PBXVariantGroup;
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2016-05-05 20:05:39 +00:00
833F681F1CDBCAA800AFB9F0 /* es */,
2019-07-02 23:37:17 +00:00
835C888D22CC1882001B4B3F /* en */,
2022-07-11 22:03:19 +00:00
83F0E8B1287CD50700D84594 /* pl */,
2022-07-10 08:21:21 +00:00
491C55C3287AA4B7007D96F5 /* ru */,
2005-07-11 20:22:53 +00:00
name = Localizable.strings;
sourceTree = "<group>";
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
/* End PBXVariantGroup section */
/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
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2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
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2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
2020-06-30 08:04:55 +00:00
2019-10-10 22:47:46 +00:00
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2020-12-22 10:11:50 +00:00
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2013-10-02 21:59:22 +00:00
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2022-06-08 01:56:11 +00:00
2019-10-05 07:12:36 +00:00
2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2007-02-26 05:07:18 +00:00
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
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2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
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2022-11-05 07:47:53 +00:00
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2022-06-22 03:07:53 +00:00
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2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
2022-06-24 21:40:44 +00:00
2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
2022-06-23 05:54:32 +00:00
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2022-07-25 00:50:28 +00:00
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2022-07-25 00:50:28 +00:00
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2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2019-11-15 03:16:43 +00:00
2020-03-21 08:51:35 +00:00
2013-09-28 03:24:23 +00:00
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2019-10-05 07:12:36 +00:00
2015-11-13 05:31:10 +00:00
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2020-11-23 02:16:34 +00:00
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2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
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2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
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2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
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2022-05-02 21:35:09 +00:00
2020-06-30 08:04:55 +00:00
2019-10-10 22:47:46 +00:00
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2020-12-22 10:11:50 +00:00
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2013-10-02 21:59:22 +00:00
2022-06-08 01:56:11 +00:00
2019-10-05 07:12:36 +00:00
2021-01-25 02:44:17 +00:00
2007-02-26 05:07:18 +00:00
2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
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2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
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2022-11-05 07:47:53 +00:00
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2022-06-22 03:07:53 +00:00
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2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
2022-06-24 21:40:44 +00:00
2022-02-16 09:52:51 +00:00
2022-06-23 05:54:32 +00:00
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2022-07-25 00:50:28 +00:00
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2022-07-25 00:50:28 +00:00
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2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2019-11-15 03:16:43 +00:00
2020-03-21 08:51:35 +00:00
2013-09-28 03:24:23 +00:00
2007-02-24 20:36:27 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2019-10-05 07:12:36 +00:00
2015-11-13 05:31:10 +00:00
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2020-11-23 02:16:34 +00:00
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2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
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2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
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2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
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2019-10-02 14:47:02 +00:00
baseConfigurationReference = 3DDFC2472344EC6B000F1453 /* Shared.xcconfig */;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
buildSettings = {
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2022-07-10 22:07:39 +00:00
2016-05-05 20:05:39 +00:00
2017-09-26 23:12:14 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2017-09-26 23:12:14 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2018-06-04 07:13:55 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2016-11-04 05:42:10 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2017-09-26 23:12:14 +00:00
2018-06-04 07:13:55 +00:00
2017-09-26 23:12:14 +00:00
2021-04-30 01:16:24 +00:00
2017-09-26 23:12:14 +00:00
2016-11-04 05:42:10 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2022-06-08 01:56:11 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2013-10-18 06:39:26 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2022-06-23 05:54:32 +00:00
2013-10-02 21:59:22 +00:00
SDKROOT = macosx;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
name = Debug;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
C01FCF5008A954540054247B /* Release */ = {
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
2019-10-02 14:47:02 +00:00
baseConfigurationReference = 3DDFC2472344EC6B000F1453 /* Shared.xcconfig */;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
buildSettings = {
2018-06-28 10:59:59 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2022-07-10 22:07:39 +00:00
2016-05-05 20:05:39 +00:00
2017-09-26 23:12:14 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2017-09-26 23:12:14 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2018-06-04 07:13:55 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2016-11-04 05:42:10 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2017-09-26 23:12:14 +00:00
2018-06-04 07:13:55 +00:00
2017-09-26 23:12:14 +00:00
2021-04-30 01:16:24 +00:00
2017-09-26 23:12:14 +00:00
2016-11-04 05:42:10 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2022-06-08 01:56:11 +00:00
2013-10-10 11:41:25 +00:00
DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym";
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
2016-06-30 05:10:29 +00:00
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
2022-06-23 05:54:32 +00:00
2013-10-02 21:59:22 +00:00
SDKROOT = macosx;
2021-04-30 01:16:24 +00:00
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
name = Release;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */
/* Begin XCConfigurationList section */
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
C01FCF4A08A954540054247B /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Cog" */ = {
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
isa = XCConfigurationList;
buildConfigurations = (
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
C01FCF4B08A954540054247B /* Debug */,
C01FCF4C08A954540054247B /* Release */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
defaultConfigurationName = Release;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
C01FCF4E08A954540054247B /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "Cog" */ = {
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
isa = XCConfigurationList;
buildConfigurations = (
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
C01FCF4F08A954540054247B /* Debug */,
C01FCF5008A954540054247B /* Release */,
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;
2006-04-17 02:18:09 +00:00
defaultConfigurationName = Release;
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
/* End XCConfigurationList section */
2022-06-16 14:14:33 +00:00
2022-06-17 07:11:48 +00:00
/* Begin XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference section */
83978E14285C58190076ED21 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "firebase-ios-sdk" */ = {
isa = XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference;
repositoryURL = "https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk";
requirement = {
kind = upToNextMajorVersion;
minimumVersion = 9.0.0;
/* End XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference section */
/* Begin XCSwiftPackageProductDependency section */
83978E15285C58190076ED21 /* FirebaseCrashlytics */ = {
isa = XCSwiftPackageProductDependency;
package = 83978E14285C58190076ED21 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "firebase-ios-sdk" */;
productName = FirebaseCrashlytics;
83978E25285C596F0076ED21 /* FirebaseAnalytics */ = {
isa = XCSwiftPackageProductDependency;
package = 83978E14285C58190076ED21 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "firebase-ios-sdk" */;
productName = FirebaseAnalytics;
/* End XCSwiftPackageProductDependency section */
2022-06-16 14:14:33 +00:00
/* Begin XCVersionGroup section */
837DC92F285B3F790005C58A /* DataModel.xcdatamodeld */ = {
isa = XCVersionGroup;
children = (
837DC930285B3F790005C58A /* DataModel.xcdatamodel */,
currentVersion = 837DC930285B3F790005C58A /* DataModel.xcdatamodel */;
path = DataModel.xcdatamodeld;
sourceTree = "<group>";
versionGroupType = wrapper.xcdatamodel;
/* End XCVersionGroup section */
2005-06-07 19:31:12 +00:00
rootObject = 29B97313FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Project object */;