
548 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Ported from NSFPlay 2.3 to VGMPlay (including C++ -> C conversion)
// by Valley Bell on 26 September 2013
#include <stdlib.h> // for rand()
2016-07-02 09:57:36 +00:00
#include <string.h> // for memset()
#include <stddef.h> // for NULL
#include <math.h> // for exp()
#include "mamedef.h"
#include "../stdbool.h"
#include "np_nes_fds.h"
#define DEFAULT_CLOCK 1789772.0
#define DEFAULT_RATE 44100
//const int RC_BITS = 12;
#define RC_BITS 12
// 8 bit approximation of master volume
#define MASTER_VOL (2.4 * 1223.0) // max FDS vol vs max APU square (arbitrarily 1223)
#define MAX_OUT (32.0 * 63.0) // value that should map to master vol
static const INT32 MASTER[4] = {
(INT32)((MASTER_VOL / MAX_OUT) * 256.0 * 2.0f / 2.0f),
(INT32)((MASTER_VOL / MAX_OUT) * 256.0 * 2.0f / 3.0f),
(INT32)((MASTER_VOL / MAX_OUT) * 256.0 * 2.0f / 4.0f),
(INT32)((MASTER_VOL / MAX_OUT) * 256.0 * 2.0f / 5.0f) };
// Although they were pretty much removed from any sound core in NSFPlay 2.3,
// I find this counter structure very useful.
#define COUNTER_SHIFT 24
typedef struct _Counter Counter;
struct _Counter
double ratio;
UINT32 val, step;
#define COUNTER_setcycle(cntr, s) (cntr).step = (UINT32)((cntr).ratio / (s + 1))
#define COUNTER_iup(cntr) (cntr).val += (cntr).step
#define COUNTER_value(cntr) ((cntr).val >> COUNTER_SHIFT)
#define COUNTER_init(cntr, clk, rate) \
{ \
(cntr).ratio = (1 << COUNTER_SHIFT) * (1.0 * clk / rate); \
(cntr).step = (UINT32)((cntr).ratio + 0.5); \
(cntr).val = 0; \
typedef struct _NES_FDS NES_FDS;
struct _NES_FDS
double rate, clock;
int mask;
INT32 sm[2]; // stereo mix
INT32 fout; // current output
int option[OPT_END];
bool master_io;
UINT8 master_vol;
UINT32 last_freq; // for trackinfo
UINT32 last_vol; // for trackinfo
// two wavetables
//const enum { TMOD=0, TWAV=1 };
INT32 wave[2][64];
UINT32 freq[2];
UINT32 phase[2];
bool wav_write;
bool wav_halt;
bool env_halt;
bool mod_halt;
UINT32 mod_pos;
UINT32 mod_write_pos;
// two ramp envelopes
//const enum { EMOD=0, EVOL=1 };
bool env_mode[2];
bool env_disable[2];
UINT32 env_timer[2];
UINT32 env_speed[2];
UINT32 env_out[2];
UINT32 master_env_speed;
// 1-pole RC lowpass filter
INT32 rc_accum;
INT32 rc_k;
INT32 rc_l;
Counter tick_count;
UINT32 tick_last;
void* NES_FDS_Create(int clock, int rate)
NES_FDS* fds;
fds = (NES_FDS*)malloc(sizeof(NES_FDS));
if (fds == NULL)
return NULL;
memset(fds, 0x00, sizeof(NES_FDS));
fds->option[OPT_CUTOFF] = 2000;
fds->option[OPT_4085_RESET] = 0;
fds->option[OPT_WRITE_PROTECT] = 0; // not used here, see nsfplay.cpp
fds->rc_k = 0;
fds->rc_l = (1<<RC_BITS);
NES_FDS_SetClock(fds, clock);
NES_FDS_SetRate(fds, rate);
fds->sm[0] = 128;
fds->sm[1] = 128;
return fds;
void NES_FDS_Destroy(void* chip)
void NES_FDS_SetMask(void* chip, int m)
NES_FDS* fds = (NES_FDS*)chip;
fds->mask = m&1;
void NES_FDS_SetStereoMix(void* chip, int trk, INT16 mixl, INT16 mixr)
NES_FDS* fds = (NES_FDS*)chip;
if (trk < 0) return;
if (trk > 1) return;
fds->sm[0] = mixl;
fds->sm[1] = mixr;
void NES_FDS_SetClock(void* chip, double c)
NES_FDS* fds = (NES_FDS*)chip;
fds->clock = c;
void NES_FDS_SetRate(void* chip, double r)
NES_FDS* fds = (NES_FDS*)chip;
double cutoff, leak;
fds->rate = r;
COUNTER_init(fds->tick_count, fds->clock, fds->rate);
fds->tick_last = 0;
// configure lowpass filter
cutoff = (double)fds->option[OPT_CUTOFF];
leak = 0.0;
if (cutoff > 0)
leak = exp(-2.0 * 3.14159 * cutoff / fds->rate);
fds->rc_k = (INT32)(leak * (double)(1<<RC_BITS));
fds->rc_l = (1<<RC_BITS) - fds->rc_k;
void NES_FDS_SetOption(void* chip, int id, int val)
NES_FDS* fds = (NES_FDS*)chip;
if(id<OPT_END) fds->option[id] = val;
// update cutoff immediately
if (id == OPT_CUTOFF) NES_FDS_SetRate(fds, fds->rate);
void NES_FDS_Reset(void* chip)
NES_FDS* fds = (NES_FDS*)chip;
int i;
fds->master_io = true;
fds->master_vol = 0;
fds->last_freq = 0;
fds->last_vol = 0;
fds->rc_accum = 0;
for (i=0; i<2; ++i)
memset(fds->wave[i], 0, sizeof(fds->wave[i]));
fds->freq[i] = 0;
fds->phase[i] = 0;
fds->wav_write = false;
fds->wav_halt = true;
fds->env_halt = true;
fds->mod_halt = true;
fds->mod_pos = 0;
fds->mod_write_pos = 0;
for (i=0; i<2; ++i)
fds->env_mode[i] = false;
fds->env_disable[i] = true;
fds->env_timer[i] = 0;
fds->env_speed[i] = 0;
fds->env_out[i] = 0;
fds->master_env_speed = 0xFF;
// NOTE: the FDS BIOS reset only does the following related to audio:
// $4023 = $00
// $4023 = $83 enables master_io
// $4080 = $80 output volume = 0, envelope disabled
// $408A = $FF master envelope speed set to slowest
NES_FDS_Write(fds, 0x4023, 0x00);
NES_FDS_Write(fds, 0x4023, 0x83);
NES_FDS_Write(fds, 0x4080, 0x80);
NES_FDS_Write(fds, 0x408A, 0xFF);
// reset other stuff
NES_FDS_Write(fds, 0x4082, 0x00); // wav freq 0
NES_FDS_Write(fds, 0x4083, 0x80); // wav disable
NES_FDS_Write(fds, 0x4084, 0x80); // mod strength 0
NES_FDS_Write(fds, 0x4085, 0x00); // mod position 0
NES_FDS_Write(fds, 0x4086, 0x00); // mod freq 0
NES_FDS_Write(fds, 0x4087, 0x80); // mod disable
NES_FDS_Write(fds, 0x4089, 0x00); // wav write disable, max global volume}
static void Tick(NES_FDS* fds, UINT32 clocks)
INT32 vol_out;
// clock envelopes
if (!fds->env_halt && !fds->wav_halt && (fds->master_env_speed != 0))
int i;
for (i=0; i<2; ++i)
if (!fds->env_disable[i])
UINT32 period;
fds->env_timer[i] += clocks;
period = ((fds->env_speed[i]+1) * fds->master_env_speed) << 3;
while (fds->env_timer[i] >= period)
// clock the envelope
if (fds->env_mode[i])
if (fds->env_out[i] < 32) ++fds->env_out[i];
if (fds->env_out[i] > 0 ) --fds->env_out[i];
fds->env_timer[i] -= period;
// clock the mod table
if (!fds->mod_halt)
UINT32 start_pos, end_pos, p;
// advance phase, adjust for modulator
start_pos = fds->phase[TMOD] >> 16;
fds->phase[TMOD] += (clocks * fds->freq[TMOD]);
end_pos = fds->phase[TMOD] >> 16;
// wrap the phase to the 64-step table (+ 16 bit accumulator)
fds->phase[TMOD] = fds->phase[TMOD] & 0x3FFFFF;
// execute all clocked steps
for (p = start_pos; p < end_pos; ++p)
INT32 wv = fds->wave[TMOD][p & 0x3F];
if (wv == 4) // 4 resets mod position
fds->mod_pos = 0;
static const INT32 BIAS[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 0, -4, -2, -1 };
fds->mod_pos += BIAS[wv];
fds->mod_pos &= 0x7F; // 7-bit clamp
// clock the wav table
if (!fds->wav_halt)
INT32 mod, f;
// complex mod calculation
mod = 0;
if (fds->env_out[EMOD] != 0) // skip if modulator off
// convert mod_pos to 7-bit signed
INT32 pos = (fds->mod_pos < 64) ? fds->mod_pos : (fds->mod_pos-128);
// multiply pos by gain,
// shift off 4 bits but with odd "rounding" behaviour
INT32 temp = pos * fds->env_out[EMOD];
INT32 rem = temp & 0x0F;
temp >>= 4;
if ((rem > 0) && ((temp & 0x80) == 0))
if (pos < 0) temp -= 1;
else temp += 2;
// wrap if range is exceeded
while (temp >= 192) temp -= 256;
while (temp < -64) temp += 256;
// multiply result by pitch,
// shift off 6 bits, round to nearest
temp = fds->freq[TWAV] * temp;
rem = temp & 0x3F;
temp >>= 6;
if (rem >= 32) temp += 1;
mod = temp;
// advance wavetable position
f = fds->freq[TWAV] + mod;
fds->phase[TWAV] = fds->phase[TWAV] + (clocks * f);
fds->phase[TWAV] = fds->phase[TWAV] & 0x3FFFFF; // wrap
// store for trackinfo
fds->last_freq = f;
// output volume caps at 32
vol_out = fds->env_out[EVOL];
if (vol_out > 32) vol_out = 32;
// final output
if (!fds->wav_write)
fds->fout = fds->wave[TWAV][(fds->phase[TWAV]>>16)&0x3F] * vol_out;
// NOTE: during wav_halt, the unit still outputs (at phase 0)
// and volume can affect it if the first sample is nonzero.
// haven't worked out 100% of the conditions for volume to
// effect (vol envelope does not seem to run, but am unsure)
// but this implementation is very close to correct
// store for trackinfo
fds->last_vol = vol_out;
UINT32 NES_FDS_Render(void* chip, INT32 b[2])
NES_FDS* fds = (NES_FDS*)chip;
/* // 8 bit approximation of master volume
static const double MASTER_VOL = 2.4 * 1223.0; // max FDS vol vs max APU square (arbitrarily 1223)
static const double MAX_OUT = 32.0f * 63.0f; // value that should map to master vol
static const INT32 MASTER[4] = {
(INT32)((MASTER_VOL / MAX_OUT) * 256.0 * 2.0f / 2.0f),
(INT32)((MASTER_VOL / MAX_OUT) * 256.0 * 2.0f / 3.0f),
(INT32)((MASTER_VOL / MAX_OUT) * 256.0 * 2.0f / 4.0f),
(INT32)((MASTER_VOL / MAX_OUT) * 256.0 * 2.0f / 5.0f) };*/
UINT32 clocks;
INT32 v, rc_out, m;
clocks = (COUNTER_value(fds->tick_count) - fds->tick_last) & 0xFF;
Tick(fds, clocks);
fds->tick_last = COUNTER_value(fds->tick_count);
v = fds->fout * MASTER[fds->master_vol] >> 8;
// lowpass RC filter
rc_out = ((fds->rc_accum * fds->rc_k) + (v * fds->rc_l)) >> RC_BITS;
fds->rc_accum = rc_out;
v = rc_out;
// output mix
m = fds->mask ? 0 : v;
b[0] = (m * fds->sm[0]) >> (7-2);
b[1] = (m * fds->sm[1]) >> (7-2);
return 2;
bool NES_FDS_Write(void* chip, UINT32 adr, UINT32 val)
NES_FDS* fds = (NES_FDS*)chip;
// $4023 master I/O enable/disable
if (adr == 0x4023)
fds->master_io = ((val & 2) != 0);
return true;
if (!fds->master_io)
return false;
if (adr < 0x4040 || adr > 0x408A)
return false;
if (adr < 0x4080) // $4040-407F wave table write
if (fds->wav_write)
fds->wave[TWAV][adr - 0x4040] = val & 0x3F;
return true;
switch (adr & 0x00FF)
case 0x80: // $4080 volume envelope
fds->env_disable[EVOL] = ((val & 0x80) != 0);
fds->env_mode[EVOL] = ((val & 0x40) != 0);
fds->env_timer[EVOL] = 0;
fds->env_speed[EVOL] = val & 0x3F;
if (fds->env_disable[EVOL])
fds->env_out[EVOL] = fds->env_speed[EVOL];
return true;
case 0x81: // $4081 ---
return false;
case 0x82: // $4082 wave frequency low
fds->freq[TWAV] = (fds->freq[TWAV] & 0xF00) | val;
return true;
case 0x83: // $4083 wave frequency high / enables
fds->freq[TWAV] = (fds->freq[TWAV] & 0x0FF) | ((val & 0x0F) << 8);
fds->wav_halt = ((val & 0x80) != 0);
fds->env_halt = ((val & 0x40) != 0);
if (fds->wav_halt)
fds->phase[TWAV] = 0;
if (fds->env_halt)
fds->env_timer[EMOD] = 0;
fds->env_timer[EVOL] = 0;
return true;
case 0x84: // $4084 mod envelope
fds->env_disable[EMOD] = ((val & 0x80) != 0);
fds->env_mode[EMOD] = ((val & 0x40) != 0);
fds->env_timer[EMOD] = 0;
fds->env_speed[EMOD] = val & 0x3F;
if (fds->env_disable[EMOD])
fds->env_out[EMOD] = fds->env_speed[EMOD];
return true;
case 0x85: // $4085 mod position
fds->mod_pos = val & 0x7F;
// not hardware accurate., but prevents detune due to cycle inaccuracies
// (notably in Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa)
if (fds->option[OPT_4085_RESET])
fds->phase[TMOD] = fds->mod_write_pos << 16;
return true;
case 0x86: // $4086 mod frequency low
fds->freq[TMOD] = (fds->freq[TMOD] & 0xF00) | val;
return true;
case 0x87: // $4087 mod frequency high / enable
fds->freq[TMOD] = (fds->freq[TMOD] & 0x0FF) | ((val & 0x0F) << 8);
fds->mod_halt = ((val & 0x80) != 0);
if (fds->mod_halt)
fds->phase[TMOD] = fds->phase[TMOD] & 0x3F0000; // reset accumulator phase
return true;
case 0x88: // $4088 mod table write
if (fds->mod_halt)
// writes to current playback position (there is no direct way to set phase)
fds->wave[TMOD][(fds->phase[TMOD] >> 16) & 0x3F] = val & 0x7F;
fds->phase[TMOD] = (fds->phase[TMOD] + 0x010000) & 0x3FFFFF;
fds->wave[TMOD][(fds->phase[TMOD] >> 16) & 0x3F] = val & 0x7F;
fds->phase[TMOD] = (fds->phase[TMOD] + 0x010000) & 0x3FFFFF;
fds->mod_write_pos = fds->phase[TMOD] >> 16; // used by OPT_4085_RESET
return true;
case 0x89: // $4089 wave write enable, master volume
fds->wav_write = ((val & 0x80) != 0);
fds->master_vol = val & 0x03;
return true;
case 0x8A: // $408A envelope speed
fds->master_env_speed = val;
// haven't tested whether this register resets phase on hardware,
// but this ensures my inplementation won't spam envelope clocks
// if this value suddenly goes low.
fds->env_timer[EMOD] = 0;
fds->env_timer[EVOL] = 0;
return true;
return false;
return false;
bool NES_FDS_Read(void* chip, UINT32 adr, UINT32* val)
NES_FDS* fds = (NES_FDS*)chip;
if (adr >= 0x4040 && adr < 0x407F)
// TODO: if wav_write is not enabled, the
// read address may not be reliable? need
// to test this on hardware.
*val = fds->wave[TWAV][adr - 0x4040];
return true;
if (adr == 0x4090) // $4090 read volume envelope
*val = fds->env_out[EVOL] | 0x40;
return true;
if (adr == 0x4092) // $4092 read mod envelope
*val = fds->env_out[EMOD] | 0x40;
return true;
return false;