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<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>"%@ of %@" = "%1$@ / %2$@";
"%@ %@ has been installed and will be ready to use next time %@ starts! Would you like to relaunch now?" = "%1$@ %2$@ on asennettu ja on valmiina k<00>ytt<00><00>n seuraavan kerran kun %3$@ k<00>ynnistet<00><00>n! Haluatko k<00>ynnist<00><00> ohjelman uudelleen?";
"%@ %@ is currently the newest version available." = "%1$@ %2$@ on uusin saatavilla oleva versio.";
"%@ %@ is currently the newest version available.\n(You are currently running version %@.)" = "%1$@ %2$@ on uusin saatavilla oleva versio.\n(You are currently running version %3$@.)";
/* Description text for SUUpdateAlert when the update is downloadable. */
"%@ %@ is now available--you have %@. Would you like to download it now?" = "%1$@ %2$@ on nyt saatavilla (sinulla on %3$@). Haluatko ladata sen nyt?";
/* Description text for SUUpdateAlert when the update informational with no download. */
"%@ %@ is now available--you have %@. Would you like to learn more about this update on the web?" = "%1$@ %2$@ is now available--you have %3$@. Would you like to learn more about this update on the web?";
"%@ does not have permission to write to the application's directory! Are you running off a disk image? If not, ask your system administrator for help." = "K<00>ytt<00>j<00>ll<00> %@ ei ole oikeuksia ohjelman kansioon! Ajatko ohjelmaa levytiedostosta? Jos et, kysy apua j<00>rjestelm<00>n yll<00>pit<00>j<00>lt<00>.";
"A new version of %@ has been installed!" = "Uusi versio ohjelmasta %@ on asennettu!";
"A new version of %@ is available!" = "Uusi versio ohjelmasta %@ on saatavilla!";
"An error occurred during installation. Please try again later." = "Asennuksen yhteydess<00> tapahtui virhe. Yrit<00> my<00>hemmin uudelleen.";
"An error occurred in retrieving update information. Please try again later." = "P<00>ivitystietojen haussa tapahtui virhe. Yrit<00> my<00>hemmin uudelleen.";
"An error occurred while extracting the archive. Please try again later." = "Pakkauksen purkamisen yhteydess<00> tapahtui virhe. Yrit<00> my<00>hemmin uudelleen.";
"An error occurred while trying to download the file. Please try again later." = "Tiedoston haussa tapahtui virhe. Yrit<00> my<00>hemmin uudelleen.";
"An update is already in progress!" = "P<00>ivitys on jo menossa!";
"Cancel" = "Kumoa";
"Cancel Update" = "Peruuta p<00>ivitykset";
"Check for updates on startup?" = "Tarkista p<00>ivityksi<00> k<00>ynnistyksen yhteydess<00>?";
"Checking for updates..." = "Tarkistetaan p<00>ivityksi<00>& ";
"Downloading update..." = "Haen p<00>ivityst<00>& ";
"Extracting update..." = "Puran p<00>ivityst<00>& ";
"Install and Relaunch" = "Asenna ja k<00>ynnist<00> ohjelma uudelleen";
"Installing update..." = "Asennan p<00>ivityksen& ";
"No" = "Ei";
"OK" = "OK";
"Ready to Install" = "Valmiina asentamaan";
"Update Error!" = "Virhe p<00>ivityksess<00>!";
"Updating %@" = "P<00>ivit<00>n %@";
"Would you like %@ to check for updates on startup? If not, you can initiate the check manually from the application menu." = "Haluatko tarkistaa p<00>ivitykset ohjelmaan %@ k<00>ynnistyksen yhteydess<00>? Jos et, voit k<00>ynnnist<00><00> tarkistuksen k<00>sin ohjelmavalikosta.";
"Yes" = "Kyll<00>";
"You're up-to-date!" = "Sinulla on viimeisin versio!";