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\f0\b\fs24 \cf0 Sparkle Updater
\f1\b0 \
Release Notes\
Version 1.1\
\ls1\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Optimized framework size: now only 1.4mb with all localizations and 384kb with only English.\
{\listtext \'a5 }Added a new SUStatusChecker class for programmatically determining if a new version is available (see the docs); thanks, Evan Schoenberg!\
{\listtext \'a5 }Added support for apps using SIGCHLD; thanks, Augie Fackler!\
{\listtext \'a5 }Added a zh_CN update from JT Lee\
{\listtext \'a5 }Added a Polish update from Piotr Chylinski\
{\listtext \'a5 }Fixed DMG support for images with /Applications symlinks.\
{\listtext \'a5 }Fixed a really stupid interval-checking bug that could cause repeated hits to the appcast.\
{\listtext \'a5 }Fixed a bug where the check interval would be inconsistent if a value of 0 was stored in the user defaults.\
\cf0 \
Version 1.0\
\ls2\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Additions:\
\ls3\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added real version comparison courtesy Kevin Ballard: Sparkle now knows that 0.89 < 1.0a3 < 1.0.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added many localizations courtesy David Kocher's localization team.\
\ls4\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added a much better installation mechanism courtesy Allan Odgaard.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added a user agent string to the RSS fetch request.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added support for CFBundleShortVersionString in addition to CFBundleVersion, and support for a sparkle:shortVersionString attribute on the enclosure.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added support for CFBundleDisplayName if available.\
\ls4\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Changes:\
\ls4\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Automatic updating is now allowed by default, but only if DSA signing is on.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Pressing Escape or closing the update alert now reminds the user later.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Now when there's a stored check interval, Sparkle doesn't check immediately on startup the first time the app is launched because the user hasn't consented to it yet.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }The update alert now remembers its size and floats.\
\ls4\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Bug Fixes:\
\ls4\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fixed installation of DMGs with multiple files enclosed.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fixed a nasty memory leak.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fixed a bug wherein having no value for allowing automatic updates would display a checkbox for the updates but would not honor it.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fixed a bug in zip extraction that occurred in Panther.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fixed release notes caching.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fixed a bug wherein Sparkle refused to authenticate the installation if the user had cancelled authentication previously in that session.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fixed a weird bug that would cause a second help menu to appear on first launch.\
\ls5\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fixed a bug that could occur when changing the scheduled check interval.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fixed a bug wherein the host app could crash if the user clicked Remind Me Later before the release notes finished loading.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fixed a bug wherein the behavior was undefined if the user manually initiated a check when an automatic one was already taking place.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fixed wrapping on the description field in the update alert.\
\cf0 \
Version 1.0 (beta 3):\
\ls6\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Fixed a
\f2\i nasty
\f1\i0 crasher that occurred often when the user was not connected to the internet.\
\cf0 \
Version 1.0 (beta 2):\
\ls7\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Major Improvements:\
\ls7\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fully automatic updating! (see the Documentation: this is beta and off by default)\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added support for DSA signatures (see the Documentation).\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added support for MD5 sum verification.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added Security.framework-based authentication for installing to privileged directories.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Huge refactoring of the codebase: there's now a Sparkle Xcode project, Sparkle is now a framework, and everything is modular / abstracted. And no more code-generated interface.\
\ls7\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Minor Improvements:\
\ls7\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext \uc0\u8259 }A SUUpdaterWillRestartNotification is sent out before restarting now.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added key equivalents to alert panel buttons.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Error handling is much prettier now: technical messages are not presented to the user anymore.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }There's now a test app for developers to see what Sparkle's like before using it.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Wrote new, pretty, extremely thorough documentation.\
\ls7\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Bug Fixes:\
\ls7\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Relaunch behavior is much improved and shouldn't fail in huge apps anymore.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fixed a bug wherein a failing tar command could crash the host app.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Sparkle now looks at InfoPlist.strings in addition to Info.plist.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Fixed some stupid typos.\
\cf0 \
Version 1.0 (beta 1):\
\ls8\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Major New Features:\
\ls8\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Sparkle now supports scheduled periodic updates\'d1read the Readme for information on how to use it.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Sparkle now supports WebKit-based release notes (for CSS and full HTML), which it displays in the main update alert, not a separate panel. The Readme has much more information. Sparkle will, of course, fall back on NSTextView if the host app does not include WebKit.\
\ls8\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Minor New Features:\
\ls8\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added support for .zip update archives.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added support for .dmg update archives.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Implemented Remind Me Later to replace simple update cancellation.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Implemented Skip This Version functionality.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added support for multiple feeds via the user defaults SUFeedURL key taking precedent over the one in Info.plist.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Added support for Sparkle's custom XML namespace, which is optional but may prove useful. See the Readme for more information.\
\ls8\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Bug Fixes:\
\ls8\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Sparkle will no longer enter an inconsistent state if the user tries to update again while one is already in progress.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Sparkle now uses CFBundleName to determine the application's name instead of the app's filename.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Sparkle no longer crashes if the user cancels during extraction.\
{\listtext \uc0\u8259 }Lots of code refactoring.\
\cf0 \
Version 0.1:\
\ls9\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Initial Release\