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// **** WAVPACK **** //
// Hybrid Lossless Wavefile Compressor //
// Copyright (c) 1998 - 2013 Conifer Software. //
// All Rights Reserved. //
// Distributed under the BSD Software License (see license.txt) //
// unpack3_seek.c
// This module provides seeking support for WavPack files prior to version 4.0.
#ifndef NO_SEEKING
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "wavpack_local.h"
#include "unpack3.h"
static void *unpack_restore (WavpackStream3 *wps, void *source, int keep_resources);
static void bs_restore3 (Bitstream3 *bs);
// This is an extension for WavpackSeekSample (). Note that because WavPack
// files created prior to version 4.0 are not inherently seekable, this
// function could take a long time if a forward seek is requested to an
// area that has not been played (or seeked through) yet.
int seek_sample3 (WavpackContext *wpc, uint32_t desired_index)
int points_index = desired_index / (((uint32_t) wpc->total_samples >> 8) + 1);
WavpackStream3 *wps = (WavpackStream3 *) wpc->stream3;
if (desired_index >= wpc->total_samples)
return FALSE;
while (points_index)
if (wps->index_points [points_index].saved &&
wps->index_points [points_index].sample_index <= desired_index)
if (wps->index_points [points_index].saved)
if (wps->index_points [points_index].sample_index > wps->sample_index ||
wps->sample_index > desired_index) {
wps->sample_index = wps->index_points [points_index].sample_index;
unpack_restore (wps, wps->unpack_data + points_index * wps->unpack_size, TRUE);
if (desired_index > wps->sample_index) {
int32_t *buffer = (int32_t *) malloc (1024 * (wps->wphdr.flags & MONO_FLAG ? 4 : 8));
uint32_t samples_to_skip = desired_index - wps->sample_index;
while (1) {
if (samples_to_skip > 1024) {
if (unpack_samples3 (wpc, buffer, 1024) == 1024)
samples_to_skip -= 1024;
else {
samples_to_skip -= unpack_samples3 (wpc, buffer, samples_to_skip);
free (buffer);
if (samples_to_skip)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// This function restores the unpacking context from the specified pointer
// and returns the updated pointer. After this call, unpack_samples() will
// continue where it left off immediately before unpack_save() was called.
// If the WavPack files and bitstreams might have been closed and reopened,
// then the "keep_resources" flag should be set to avoid using the "old"
// resources that were originally saved (and are probably now invalid).
static void *unpack_restore (WavpackStream3 *wps, void *source, int keep_resources)
int flags = wps->wphdr.flags, tcount;
struct decorr_pass *dpp;
FILE *temp_file;
unsigned char *temp_buf;
unpack_init3 (wps);
temp_file = wps->wvbits.id;
temp_buf = wps->wvbits.buf;
RESTORE (wps->wvbits, source);
if (keep_resources) {
wps->wvbits.id = temp_file;
wps->wvbits.ptr += temp_buf - wps->wvbits.buf;
wps->wvbits.end += temp_buf - wps->wvbits.buf;
wps->wvbits.buf = temp_buf;
bs_restore3 (&wps->wvbits);
if (flags & WVC_FLAG) {
temp_file = wps->wvcbits.id;
temp_buf = wps->wvcbits.buf;
RESTORE (wps->wvcbits, source);
if (keep_resources) {
wps->wvcbits.id = temp_file;
wps->wvcbits.ptr += temp_buf - wps->wvcbits.buf;
wps->wvcbits.end += temp_buf - wps->wvcbits.buf;
wps->wvcbits.buf = temp_buf;
bs_restore3 (&wps->wvcbits);
if (wps->wphdr.version == 3) {
if (wps->wphdr.bits) {
RESTORE (wps->w4, source);
else {
RESTORE (wps->w1, source);
RESTORE (wps->w3, source);
RESTORE (wps->dc.crc, source);
RESTORE (wps->w2, source);
if (wps->wphdr.bits) {
RESTORE (wps->dc.error, source);
else {
RESTORE (wps->dc.sum_level, source);
RESTORE (wps->dc.left_level, source);
RESTORE (wps->dc.right_level, source);
RESTORE (wps->dc.diff_level, source);
if (flags & OVER_20) {
RESTORE (wps->dc.last_extra_bits, source);
RESTORE (wps->dc.extra_bits_count, source);
if (!(flags & EXTREME_DECORR)) {
RESTORE (wps->dc.sample, source);
RESTORE (wps->dc.weight, source);
if (flags & (HIGH_FLAG | NEW_HIGH_FLAG))
for (tcount = wps->num_terms, dpp = wps->decorr_passes; tcount--; dpp++) {
if (dpp->term > 0) {
int count = dpp->term;
int index = wps->dc.m;
RESTORE (dpp->weight_A, source);
while (count--) {
RESTORE (dpp->samples_A [index], source);
index = (index + 1) & (MAX_TERM - 1);
if (!(flags & MONO_FLAG)) {
count = dpp->term;
index = wps->dc.m;
RESTORE (dpp->weight_B, source);
while (count--) {
RESTORE (dpp->samples_B [index], source);
index = (index + 1) & (MAX_TERM - 1);
else {
RESTORE (dpp->weight_A, source);
RESTORE (dpp->weight_B, source);
RESTORE (dpp->samples_A [0], source);
RESTORE (dpp->samples_B [0], source);
return source;
// This function is called after a call to unpack_restore() has restored
// the BitStream structure to a previous state and causes any required data
// to be read from the file. This function is NOT supported for overlapped
// operation.
static void bs_restore3 (Bitstream3 *bs)
uint32_t bytes_to_read = (uint32_t)(bs->end - bs->ptr - 1), bytes_read;
bs->reader->set_pos_abs (bs->id, bs->fpos - bytes_to_read);
if (bytes_to_read > 0) {
bytes_read = bs->reader->read_bytes (bs->id, bs->ptr + 1, bytes_to_read);
if (bytes_to_read != bytes_read)
bs->end = bs->ptr + 1 + bytes_read;