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// Loads NSF file and emulates CPU and RAM, no sound chips
// Game_Music_Emu $vers
#ifndef NSF_IMPL_H
#define NSF_IMPL_H
#include "Gme_Loader.h"
#include "Nes_Cpu.h"
#include "Rom_Data.h"
#include "Nes_Apu.h"
// NSF file header
struct nsf_header_t
typedef unsigned char byte;
enum { size = 0x80 };
char tag [ 5];
byte vers;
byte track_count;
byte first_track;
byte load_addr [ 2];
byte init_addr [ 2];
byte play_addr [ 2];
char game [32]; // NOT null-terminated if 32 chars in length
char author [32];
char copyright [32];
byte ntsc_speed [ 2];
byte banks [ 8];
byte pal_speed [ 2];
byte speed_flags;
byte chip_flags;
byte unused [ 4];
// Sound chip masks
enum {
vrc6_mask = 1 << 0,
vrc7_mask = 1 << 1,
fds_mask = 1 << 2,
mmc5_mask = 1 << 3,
namco_mask = 1 << 4,
fme7_mask = 1 << 5,
all_mask = (1 << 6) - 1
// True if header has proper NSF file signature
bool valid_tag() const;
// True if file supports only PAL speed
bool pal_only() const { return (speed_flags & 3) == 1; }
// Clocks per second
double clock_rate() const;
// Clocks between calls to play routine
int play_period() const;
/* Loads NSF file into memory, then emulates CPU, RAM, and ROM.
Non-memory accesses are routed through cpu_read() and cpu_write(). */
class Nsf_Impl : public Gme_Loader {
// Sound chip
Nes_Apu* nes_apu() { return &apu; }
// Starts track, where 0 is the first
virtual blargg_err_t start_track( int );
// Emulates to at least time t, then begins new time frame at
// time t. Might emulate a few clocks extra, so after returning,
// time() may not be zero.
typedef int time_t; // clock count
virtual void end_frame( time_t n );
// Finer control
// Header for currently loaded file
typedef nsf_header_t header_t;
header_t const& header() const { return header_; }
// Sets clocks between calls to play routine to p + 1/2 clock
void set_play_period( int p ) { play_period = p; }
// Time play routine will next be called
time_t play_time() const { return next_play; }
// Emulates to at least time t. Might emulate a few clocks extra.
virtual void run_until( time_t t );
// Time emulated to
time_t time() const { return cpu.time(); }
void enable_w4011_(bool enable = true) { enable_w4011 = enable; }
Rom_Data const& rom_() const { return rom; }
// Nsf_Core use
typedef int addr_t;
// Called for unmapped accesses. Default just prints info if debugging.
virtual void unmapped_write( addr_t, int data );
virtual int unmapped_read( addr_t );
// Override in derived class
// Bank writes and RAM at 0-$7FF and $6000-$7FFF are handled internally
virtual int cpu_read( addr_t a ) { return unmapped_read( a ); }
virtual void cpu_write( addr_t a, int data ){ unmapped_write( a, data ); }
// Reads byte as CPU would when executing code. Only works for RAM/ROM,
// NOT I/O like sound chips.
int read_code( addr_t addr ) const;
// Debugger services
enum { mem_size = 0x10000 };
// CPU sits here when waiting for next call to play routine
enum { idle_addr = 0x5FF6 };
Nes_Cpu cpu;
// Runs CPU to at least time t and returns false, or returns true
// if it encounters illegal instruction (halt).
virtual bool run_cpu_until( time_t t );
// CPU calls through to these to access memory (except instructions)
int read_mem( addr_t );
void write_mem( addr_t, int );
// Address of play routine
addr_t play_addr() const { return get_addr( header_.play_addr ); }
// Same as run_until, except emulation stops for any event (routine returned,
// play routine called, illegal instruction).
void run_once( time_t );
// Make a note of event
virtual void special_event( const char str [] );
// Implementation
virtual blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& );
virtual void unload();
enum { low_ram_size = 0x800 };
enum { fdsram_size = 0x6000 };
enum { sram_size = 0x2000 };
enum { unmapped_size= Nes_Cpu::page_size + 8 };
enum { fds_banks = 2 };
enum { bank_count = fds_banks + 8 };
enum { banks_addr = idle_addr };
enum { sram_addr = 0x6000 };
blargg_vector<byte> high_ram;
Rom_Data rom;
// Play routine timing
time_t next_play;
time_t play_period;
int play_extra;
int play_delay;
bool enable_w4011;
Nes_Cpu::registers_t saved_state; // of interrupted init routine
// Large objects after others
header_t header_;
Nes_Apu apu;
byte low_ram [low_ram_size];
// Larger RAM areas allocated separately
enum { fdsram_offset = sram_size + unmapped_size };
byte* sram() { return high_ram.begin(); }
byte* unmapped_code() { return &high_ram [sram_size]; }
byte* fdsram() { return &high_ram [fdsram_offset]; }
int fds_enabled() const { return header_.chip_flags & header_t::fds_mask; }
void map_memory();
void write_bank( int index, int data );
void jsr_then_stop( byte const addr [] );
void push_byte( int );
static addr_t get_addr( byte const [] );
static int pcm_read( void*, int );